Resolution 209-1990 Commissioner Michael H. Puto c: ..... 0..: s:? ,~ t"'"'l -' a.. ,- ~ I e::: ... ~ L- L___J ---l ~ - LL RESOLUTION NO. 209-1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF-MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT THE F~Q~IDA LEGISLATURE FULLY FUND AND IMPLEMENT THE ~E. MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1987 IN THE AMOUNT OF ~TY MILLION DOLLARS ($70,000,000) ANNUALLY WHEREAS, good beaches are an important part of the quality of life of Monroe County, providing enormous esthetic and recre- ational benefits for our citizens and their guests; and WHEREAS, good beaches are Florida's number one tourist attraction and are thus vital to the economic well-being of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, beach erosion continues to be a major problem in this state, threatening this vital natural resource; and WHEREAS, the 1987 Legislature enacted the comprehensive Beach Management Act to provide a long-term solution to the erosion problem and recommended that the state should spend at least $35 million annually on beach repair and maintenance; and WHEREAS, during the past three years no funds have been allocated to prepare and implement the beach management plan; and WHEREAS, a blue ribbon Task Force appointed by the Governor and Cabinet has recommended that the state commit a minimum of $70 million each year for beach repair, maintenance and acquisi- tion; and WHEREAS, the beach funding task force has further proposed that money to implement beach management in Florida be derived from the documentary stamp tax on deeds and notes; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Section 1. That this Board urges the Florida Legislature to fully fund and implement the 1987 Florida Beach Management Act, including: 1. Adequate appropriation to the Department of Natural Resources to carry out statewide comprehensive beach management planning. 2. Full implementation of the Task Force recommendations to allocate at least $70 million annually, for beach management, including: a. $35 million for beach repair and maintenance b. $35 million for acquisition of pristine and recreational beaches Section 2. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Tom Gustafson, Speaker of the House; the Honorable Robert B. Crawford, Senate President; the Honorable T. K. Wetherell, Chairman, House Appropriations Committee; the Honorable Alfred J. Lawson, Chairman, Natural Resources Committee; the Honorable Anne Mackenzie, Chairman, Finance & Tax Committee; the Honorable Gwen Margolis, Chairman, Appropriations Committee; the Honorable Tim Deretany, Chairman, Finance and Tax Committee; the Honorable Tom McPherson, Chairman, Natural Resources Committee, the Honorable Larry Plummer, the Honorable Ron Saunders; Stan Tait, President, Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of March, 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M;;kO~ By: Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest:P~ I... ;.KOLHAGE, ~leI'k ~-4&1,j);(' er Ar'~ IlJeDAI TC)AIIM AND LEGAL StJFF1CIENcY. BY