5th Amendment 02/21/2007 DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: March 2,2007 TO: Suzanne A. Hutton County Attorney ATTN: Kathy Peters Executive Assistant Pamela G. Hanc~ Deputy Clerk FROM' At the February 21,2007, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the Fourth and Fifth Amended Settlement Agreements in Richard M Osborne & Conch Contrada LC v. Monroe County & Joe Paskalik, CA K OJ-J08 granting another one-year deferral of the proposed development through the end of ROGO Year 1 (July 14, 2007 to July 13, 2008). Enclosed are two duplicate originals of each of the above-mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: Finance File./" IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH ruDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RICHARD M. OSBORNE, as Trustee; and CONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a Florida Limit<ed Liability Company, Plaintiffi'Petitioners, Case No. CA-K-OI-I08 v. MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida; and JOSEPH P ASKALIK, in his official capacity as Building Official, Defendant/Respondents / FIFTH AMENDED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AS TO CONCH CONTRADA L.C. Plaintiff CONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a Florida Limited Liability Company ("Conch Contrada"), and Defendants, MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("Monroe County"), and JOSEPH P ASKALIK, in his official capacity as Building Official ("Paskalik"), (collectively, the "Parties"), previously resolved their differences which gave rise to the above-styled action, wherein the parties agreed to settle the matter between them upon the terms and conditions recited in: a. The Settlement Agreement dated July 17, 2002, hereinafter "Original Settlement Agreement," attached hereto as Exhibit "A". b. The Amended Settlement Agreement dated March 19, 2003, attached hereto as Exhibit "B". c. The Second Amended Settlement Agreement (Osborne) dated May 16, 2006 attached as Exhibit "C". .., I d. The Third Amended Settlement Agreement as to Conch Contrada, L. C. dated May 16,2006 attached as Exhibit "0". 1. The parties hereby agree to amend the Third Amended Settlement Agreement as follows: a. Paragraph La. (paragraph 5 of original Settlement Agreement) is hereby amended to read: 1. a. Conch Contrada agrees to submit an application for Amended Conditional Use Order that reflects the intended change in use, should Conch Contrada decide to develop the subject property with an alternative use(s). Upon approval of the Amended Conditional Use Order by the Planning Director, and in accordance with the development orders referred to in Paragraph 2 of the Original Settlement Agreement, Monroe County agrees to process promptly upon submittal the application for building permit by Conch Contrada or its assigns for construction of one 7,500 square foot restaurant, or as an alternative, a 7,500 square foot medium-intensity, mixed use, retail and/or office/professional use facility in ROGO Year 16 (July 14, 2007 - July 13, 2008). b. Paragraph 3. is hereby amended to read: 3. Plaintiff Conch Contrada, in cooperation with Monroe County, will prepare and submit to the Court pleadings or notice required to address the Fifth Amended Settlement Agreement. Conch Contrada shall pay any costs incurred as a result of filing this Fifth Amended Settlement Agreement and any associated pleadings or notices with the exception that each party shall bear its own attorney's fees. 2 c. Paragraph 4 is hereby amended to read: 4. All parties acknowledge that the original Settlement Agreement was entered into for the purpose of settling pending litigation and that this Fifth Amended Settlement Agreement does not constitute an admission or evidence that any actions of Monroe County or its employees that Plaintiffs complain of were unlawful, unconstitutional or deprived Plaintiffs or any others of any rights or property. d. Paragraph 5 is hereby amended to read: 5. All other terms of the original Settlement Agreement dated July 17, 2002 and the (first) Amended Settlement Agreement, the Second Amended Settlement Agreement and the Third Amended Settlement Agreement (Conch Contrada) shall remain in full force and effect. e. Paragraph 6 is hereby amended to read: 6. This Fifth Amended Agreement shall not be valid and binding upon the parties until approved by the Court and incorporated into a Fifth Amended Final Judgment entered by the Court in these proceedings. f Paragraph 7. is hereby amended to read: 7. Until this Fifth Amended Settlement Agreement has been approved by the Court pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the original Settlement Agreement and Judgment previously entered, and any subsequent approved amendments or modifications shall remain in full force and effect. 3 A D CLE B~~./{~ 'Deputy Clerk - Ut1;4"~ Signature ofWttness \,. ~/;'I' Ilnl2fPJ4!:D Printed Name of Witness BOARD O. '. C miNTY COMMI. :iSlO RS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORID By4/1~"-4- ;{Q J (Z~.~ v Mayor/Chairperson MONROE COUNTY ATTOBNEY OVED AS T M" MONROE COUNTY BUILDING OFFICIAL BY:~~~ Joseph Paskalik CONCH CONTRADA, L.C. By: <::fA ~ ~ "A.J~ Libb evor ::J: ....... = -" C) 0 = :z ;t> ..... r- :::o(""')z :x ;TJ co -. """ C) ('11 r- =< :;;0 ::>: I -q o. ~ C:l C)(""): N :;~ ~::U?;, -0 ::..-:J --1\:,' . ::J: crt :-<:-:l?r C"J ""T1 .;.> ~ 0 f- e, ;7<J )> Cq 0 t::l c.n 4 EXHIBIT "A" IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIlE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RICHARD M. OSBORNE, as TI'UItoe; and CONCH CONTRADA, L.C.. a Florida Limited Liability Company, f'lai ntitrsll'etitioners, Case No. CAK.'()I.I08 v. . . . , . <':\ ""'1 '" <- ,'; c- ," J '" "" .- !'::-) :"-J -", 7";1 =..: ',1 J;'" .~ ;,) '.. :'.1) ... '.i:..J MONROB COUNTY. a political subdivision of the Slate of Florida; and JOSEPH PA!~KAIlK. in his official capacity as Building Official. ~-; . . .:-, Uefendantl Respondenb. I ,- " .l> Pi SETtLEMENT AGREEMENf ~'Iainlilfs RICHARD M. OSBORNE, as Trustee ("Osborne"), and CONCH CONTRAOA, I..C., a Florida Limited .Liability Company ("Conch Contrada"). and Defendants, MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivisioo of the Slatl: of Florida C'Monre'e County'), and JOSEPH PASKALlK, in his official capacity as Building (llTlCia! ("Paskalik"), baving amicably resolved their differences which gave rise 10 this action, hereby cgrec 10 seul" this matter between them upon the following terms and conditions: I. As to Osbome. Monroe County agRXl$: a) that. a Major Conditional Use to conSlrw:.t a 35.200 sq. ft. mini-storage warehouse: has been approved, with conditions, by Monroe Counly Planning Commission on January 27, 1997, under Resolution No. PJ-97. l"CC(,rded at O. R. Book 1446, pages 2205 - 2207; b) that a variance with regard to off- streel pIIrking, reducing the nwnber of Rlquired parking spaces from 3.0 to 2.5 per 1,000 EXHIBrr I fj '\\i> . , ; ..... " l'd ~ 9SZ _ ~~ ~1""""""" wnH~ Wb"IrIIA ;'J1I/1III?-t;ltI_= -..". 5<1. n. or tloor area for the proposed mini-storage warehouse was granted by the Monroe County IPlanning CommisSion on January 17, 1997, under lesolution No. P2-97: and, c) that both development olders are pnIlICndy VB1.icl and ill full force ud effa;t. 2. As to Conch Conttada,L.C., Monroe County agrees: a) that a Minor Condititllllll Use Development Older No. 5-99 to construct one 1.500 square tOot rcSlllulUnt, to relocate an cxiJIing sCWllle treatment liicility, and to locate a shared drivewa:r, W8II approved, with conditions, by the Planning Difector of Monroe County on AuguS! 4, 21100. recorded in OR Book 1654. JllIIiles 1591-1595; mut. b) that this development order is p_t1y valid and in full force and effect. ~i. Notwilhatanding anything in uy of the ~velol'ment o~ !eferred to in paragraphs I or 2. above (IIIICI, specifically Condition No. I in Conditional Use Development Order No. 5-99), or any other provision of the Comprehensive Plan or Ordinances of Monroe County. no building pannit shaI1 be dCllied to either Osborne or Conc:h C:::ontrada, L.C.. on tbe basis of Monroe County's regulations !elating to non. l'esidentiial raw of growth or the adoPlion (or lack of adoption) of a non!esldClltia1 permit allocatiCln system or its equivalent, including, but not limited to, the !egulations set forth in Monl'QC County Comprehensive Plan Policillll 101.3.1 througb 10\.3.5, and Monroe County Ordinance No. 032-2001. 4. In ac:cordanee with the development nrders referred to in paragraph I, above. Monroe County agrees to proocss promptly upon submittal Osborne's application for building permit for construction of a 35,200 sq. ft. mini-storage WllfIlhouse in ROOO Year 12 (July 14. 2003,tbrough July 13,20(4). 2 <:'d _ _. <;CIlF ~ ~T--"" wn>I.. ~II~ ~"'-"'I-a " .1. In acoordan<:e with the development order referred to iil paragraph 2, shove, Monroe County agrees to process promptly Upon. submitllll Conch Contr8da's applicaUon for building permit for CQl\StruCtioll of Ollll 7,500 square foot restaurant. to relocate an existing sewagc treabnent facility, and lo locate a shared driYllWllY, in ROOO Year II (July 14,2002, through July 13.2003), 6. Except as cxprcllSly provided herein, Osborne and Conch Conlrada, L.e., Monroe County and PaskaIik, "''\live any daim that IlBCh usertlld or wax capable of llSsertilli~ in this cause and each shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs of litis proccc:ding. In pru1icular. and without limitation, Osborne and Conch Contrada, L.C., on behalf ~,f themselves. their Inc:mbers, bcncfidarlcs and any olhera claiming by or through Ibeln, waive all o1aims for damages and compensation for denial of due process and inverse condemnation (also referred to lIS lqJulatol)' or temponil}' laking) arising ti:om the County's actions and regulations prior lo the date of this Settlement Agreement. 7. The Plaintiffs Osborne and Conch Cootrada, L.e. will prepare and aubmit to the Court a "Notice of Voluntary DilImissal With Prejudicc" of their present claims against the Defendants. 8. All panies acknowledge that litis agreement is ",.tc.ed inlo for the purpose of settling pcndill& litigation and docs nol constitute an admission or evidence that any actions of Monroe CountY or ita employees that Plaintiffs complain of \W:I'll unlawful, unconstitutional or deprived Plaintiffs or any others of any rights y. '/ '. kaiL".... Witne5l1 /1 ? . ,./~ ~,' .('1 1.I,;I,I"",;" '.0..;1"1'" ~Il~,~.. ..... .~' _.~... (Print "lame of Witness) Charles' y" l:('.oy, Mayor of Monroe COUIIty Dated 0'"7-/7~()~ J E'd El'J9E '3BZ _ ~"IH :"11 ~ ..n>f~ WWC;1 ~1It ~....cl'lI_R (j::jL l;{.D /AL.' /)I<-){; If:.... (;?rr~) Wi~ .' , . 7 if 'dol ;ts _ ~'.'."'- I 'r; r- (Print Name of Witness) 1\ ucJu:\;.{:t iLKl.l.l'I'-; WJtncss. ' , ll\ldl~lh:'::.. N\C.h.ut~__ (print Nlunc of Witness) V'd ~ scpll Paskalik, as Building Official FOI Mooroc County Dated 7-1/r #- Dated ,>-.:IJ.Il~ ; ~~~JG' ~h . L.C, Dated . ,,' -l~ 4 ~ gsz _ ~~ ~l""A"l.l"""''' IAfW:OIIt:: '7nlnI7_~1 ~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RICHARD M. OSBORNE, as Trustee; and CONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a Florida Limited Liability Company, Plaintift1Petitioners, Case No. CA-K-QI-108 v. MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida; and JOSEPH PASKALIK. in bis official capacity as JBuilding Official, DefendantlRespondents I AMENDED SRTIT.RMENT AORRRMF.NT PlaiJ1tiffs RICHARD M. OSBORNE, as Trustee ("Osborne"), and CONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a Florida Limited Liability Company ("Conch Contrllda"), and Defendants, MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("Monroe COWltyU), and JOSEPH P ASKALlK, in his official capacity as Building Official ("Paskalik"), pllilviously resolved their differences which gave rise to the above-styled action, wherein the parties agreed to settle the DIIItter between them upon the tmnS and conditions recited in the Settlement Agreement dated July 17, 2002, hereinafter "Original Settlement Agreement," attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 1. The major conlJitional use granted to Osborne to constrUCt a 35,200 square foot mini-storage warehouse with 84 parking spaces plus 4 handicap spaces during ROGO Year 12, through the Original Settlement Agreement, shall be amended to allow an alternate use con sisting of construction of 25,120 square foot credit union, banking or financial institution office facility requiring 74 parking spaces, plus 4 handicap parking spaces during ROOO Ye1ll14. EXHIBIT 18-- 2. Notwithstanding anything in any of the development orders referred to in the Original Settlement AgreemCDt, or any o1her pl'9vision of the Comprehensive Plan or OMinances of Monroe County, no building permit shall be denied to Osborne on the basis of Monroe County's regulations relating to non-residential rate of growth or the adoption (or lack of adoption) of a nonresidential pennit allocation system or its equivalent, including, but not limited to, the ~ons set forth in Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Policies 101.3.1 through 101.3.5, and Monroe CoWlty Ordinance No. 032-2001. 3. In accordance with the development orders referred to in paragraph I of the original Settlement Agreement, Monroe County agrees to process promptly upon submittal the application for building pennit by Osborne or his assip for CODStrul:tion of mini-storage warehouse per the Origlna1 Settlement Agreement during ROOO Year 12 or the alternative 25,120 sq. ft. credit union, banking or financial institution office facility in ROOO Year 14 (July 14,2005. through July 13, 2006). 4. Except as expressly provided herein, Osborne and Monroe County and Paska1ik, waive any claim that each asserted or was capable of asserting in this cause and each shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs of this proc-';ng. In particular, and without limitation, Osborne, on behalf of i1llelf. their heirs. lIUCC18SDr8, beneficiaries and any others claiming by or through them, waive all claims for damages and compensation for denia1 of due process and inverse condemnation (also referred to as regulatory or temporary taking) arising from the County's actions and regulations prior to the cIate of this AWe'lded Settlement Agreement. 5. PlaintiffOsbome, in cooperation with Monroe County, will prepare and submit to the Court pleadings or notice required to ad~ the Amended Settlement Agreement. 6. All parties acknowledge that the Original Settlement A'greement was entered into for the purpose of settling pending litigation IIld that this Amended Settlement Agreement does not constitute an admission or evidence that any actions of Monroe County or its employees that Plaintiffs Complain of were unlawful, unconstitutional or deprived Plaintiffs or any others of any rights or property. 7. All other terms of the Original Settlement Agreement dated July 17, 2002, shall remain in full force and effect. 8. A County Code Enforcement lien currently encumbers the property. This lien will be addressed in a separate agreement between Osbome and the County. 9. This Amended Agreement shall not be valid and binding upon the parties until approved by the Court and incorporated into an Amended Final JudlJlllCnt entered by the Court in these proceedings. 10. Until this Amended Settlement Agreement has been approved by the Court pursuant to paragraph 9 ebove, the Original Settlement Agreement and Judgment previously entered and unmodified shall remain in full force and effect. ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHtPE 'C' ."" CLERK: t ~~//: \ ~~ . By: 0.. Deputy Clerk Dated ----12 3 . I 9 ." ,S ~~~ Printed Name of Witliea BOARD OF COUN1Y COMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1Y By:~{~;, ;'1 :JiL6) DUie S r, Mayor By: RICHARD. ~ OSBORNE~ Trustee By:~~ illS -.I~"".. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTII JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RICHARD M. OS80BNE, as Trustee; and CONCH CONnAnA, L.C., a Florida Umited Liability CompImy, Plaintift'lPetiOllllfll, Case No. CA-K..oI-I08 v. MONROE COUNTY, a political tUbdMaioa. oftbe State ofFloridB; and JOSEPH PASKALIK, in his ofllclal CIpICity as Building 0fIlciaI, Defendant/R.espondents I SECOND AMRNDED SBTTI .F.MRN'T AC'dtRF.MF.N'I' Plaintifti RICHARD M. OSBORNE, as Ttuatee ("Osborne"), and CONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a FIoJida Limited Liability Company ("Conch Contrada"), and Deftlndants, MONROE COUNTY, a politicallUbdiYiaion of the State of Florida ("Monroe Cowtty"), and JOSEPH P ASKALDC, in his ot1kiaI capacity as Building 0ftlciaI ("PaskaIik"), preWlusIy resolved their diffinncea which gave rUe to the above-styIed action, wherein the parties agreed to settle the matter between them upon the terms and conditiOllJ recited in tile Settlement Agreement dated July 17, 2002. hereinafter "Original Settlement Agreement." attached hereto as Exhibit U A'. On March 19, 2003, the Board of County COIIIIIIissionen of Monroe Couoty approved the AmeDded Sett1cm.It Asreement, beni.nafter"Amendad Settlement Aareemem" attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Thll parties agree to BD*Id tile (1IDIIDied) &ettlement 881_t as tODows: 1. The Keys Federal Credit Union, as successor in interest to Osborne, has received through the Amended Settlement ~d MIjor ConditioDaI UlIe Approval to EXHIBIT I(L.- construct a 25,120 square foot credit union, banking or financial institution office liIciIity requiring 74 parkins spec:es plus 4 handicap parkins spec:es during ROGO Y_lS. 2. Notwitbstl....iIIg anytbUIg in any of the dewlopment orders ..d'iated to in the Original or Amended Settlement Asreement, or any other provision of the ComprebeDsive Plan or Or<li..._ of Monroe County, no building pernBt shall be denied to Osborne on the bois of Monroe County's regulations relating to non- residential rate of srowth or the adopcion (or lack of adoptiOll) of a IIOIII'elIident permit allocation system or ita equivalent, including, but not 1imited to, the reguIationa set tbrth in Monroe County ComprebeoIive Plan Policies 101.3.1 through 101.3.5, sod Monroe County Ordinanoe No. 032-2001. 3. In aeeordance with the developmenl orders .odb...d to in paragraph I of the Original Settlement Agreement, Monroe County asr- to process promptly upon IUbmittaI the applic:ltion fur building permit by Osborne or his IIIisns fur construction of mini-storage warehouse per the Original Settlement Agreement duriDgROGO Year 12 or the alternative 25,120 aq. ft. credit mOll, banking or financial institution office facility in ROOO Y_lS (July 14, 2006, through July 13, 2007). 4. Except 88 expressly provided herein, Osborne sod Monroe County sod PaskaIik, waive any claim that eadt auerted or wu capBble of asserting in this cause and each shall bear ita own attoroey's fees sod costs of this proceeding. In particular, and without IimitlItion, Oabome, on behalf ofit8el( their heir&, IIl1CCes8Of8, beneficiaries aDd any others claiming by or through them, waive an claims for d8lllllgll5 and compensation for denial of due process and inverse condemnaIion (also referred to as regulatory or temporary taking) .arising rrOO'l the County's actions and regulations prior to the date of this AInended Settlement Agreemmt. S. plaintilf Osborne, in cooptll1Ition with Monroe County, will prepare and submit to the Court p\eAtlit1glI or ootiee required to address the AmmIded Settlement Agreement. 6. All parties aclrnowledge that the 0rigjnaI Settlement Agreement was entered into for the purpose of settIin8 pending litigation and that this Amended Settlement Agt -.t does not constitute an admission or evidenee that lIIIY adions of Monroe County or its employees that PlaintiftS Complain ofwere ~ .. $ ::: So: UIlCOIIIlitutional or deprived PIaintil'fs or any otI1ers of any rigbts or ~ ~ (")''- ~ AU other terms of the Original Settlement AgreeIIIent dated July 17, 2oliia@n 1!!'! "". --' .... ~(;"). ... . . full "---- and Jr..~ -<..,"'" .... ~m ~~ ~ ~~ ~ .- c;> CO ,.., ~ This Secood Amended Asr-nem 1IhaII11Ot be vaJid and binding upon til" putiea 7. 8. until approved by the Court and incorporated into an Amended Fmal Judgment entered by the Court in these pr.,.,..,di.,gs. 9. Until this Second Amended Settlmnent Agreement has been approved by the Court ." __ .. pursuant to Paragraph 8 above, the 0rigina1 ~ Agreement and Judgment ~,~;-;'~'::;OL~'-,.__ - "i~:;~'>~~;t!J,mously entered and unmodi6ecl shall remain in full Coree and effect. i..../.~~_ ,,' J. I~\.'i ":J.- .\"'.. ' -;-;': .'~~.;.'. ..... :;i~~. .... BOARD OF COUNTY ", _",~ '.- ." ..' OFMONROEC Bjj~Ju..~ Deputy Cferk By: SIONERS -t1 ~ CI ..." o ::0 ::0 '" (") o ~ ~~~~ . tgnatureofWttness ~~sh"~ Printed Name ofWItIIeSS MONROE COUNfY BtJlLDING omCIAL By: ~!r;,al ~~4JJ . 10seph p.oInolilc KEYS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION as SUccelIlIOr 8Dd Interest to RICHARD OSBORNE ~~ COUNTY ATTORNEY FO . LL GER. JR Di!l.~"~'!!-'f r-U'F' ATTOfINEY . IN THE CIR.CUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RICHARD M OSBORNE. as Trustee; and CONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a Florida Limited Liability Company, Plaintift7PetitiODel'S, CaseNo. CA-K-OI-I08 v. MONROE. COUNTY, a politK:al 8UbdiviIioI1 of the Stele of Florida; and JOSEPH PASKALIK, in his official capIICity III BuikIing Official, Oe&mdantIRespondents I TI:IDW! AMENDED !U'lTTr RMRN'I' A{".RRRMRN'I' AS TO CONCH CONTRADA. L C P1aintitfCONCH CONTRADA, L.C., a Florida Limited LiabiHty Company ("Conch Contrada"), and DefelIdantJ, MONROE COUNTY, a poInlcallllbdiYillion of the State ofFlorlda ("Monroe County"), and JOSEPH P ASKALIK, in his official capacity as Building Oftlcial ("Paakalik"), (col1ectMly, the "Parties"), previously resolved their ~ which gave rise to the above-styled action, wherein the parties agreed to settle the lJIlItter between them upon the terms and conditions recited in JlIII1I8I1Iphs 2, 3, and 5 in the Settlement Asreement dated July 11, 2002, herclnafter "Original Settl~ A8feement, " attached hereto as Exhibit . A'. The Settlement Agreemant was previoosly amended to provide for a clumge in the conditional use and to elrtend lthe time period for buildiug permit application and construction of the approved conditional Ulle. I. The perIies lIgIW to aIIMIId the (second) Amencled Settlement AaI_....4 as follows: a. Paragraph 5 is amended to now read: EXHIBIT I D Conch ContrlIda agrees to submit an app1ication for Amended CoDditiooal UIIIl Order that reflects the intended c:hanae in use, should Conch Contrada deeide to develop the subject property with an aItemative Ule(1). Upon approval of the Amended Conditional UIIIl Order by the P1anniog Director, and in accordance with the development orders ret1l.Jed to in Paragraph 2 of the OrisinaJ Seltlement AlP eement, Momoe County agrees to proeeIS promptly upon submittal the application for building permit by Conch Contrada or iU Uligns for COIIItTUdion of one 7,SOO IqIllll1l foot restaurant, or II an ahemative, a 7,SOO square foot medium-intenlity, mixed use, retail and/or offic:e(professionaJ UIIIl fitciHty in ROGO r_lS (July 14, 2006 - July 13. 2007). 2. The parties further agreed that no provision in thil ~ IhaIl exempt P1aintiff Conch Contrada LC fiom any requirementl impoled by statute and/or ordinance to connect to a central eewase Iystem when one becomeI "available" II that term il defined by IWute and/or ordinance. 3. Plaintiff Conch Contrada, in cooperation with Monroe COUIlty, wiD prepare and submit to the Court pleadings or notice required to addreu the Amended SettIemeot Agrwment. Conch Contrada IhaIl pay any com incurred II a remit of filing thil Second Amended Sett1ement Agreanent and any UIOCiated pIM<li._ or notices with the exception that each party IhaIl bear ill own attorney'l mes. 4. All parties acknowledge that the originaJ asr-nent was entered into for the purpollll of IeltIins peoding litigation and that thiI Second Amended Settlement Ajjreement does not COIIItitute an admillion or evidence that any actiOlll of Monroe County or ita emp\oyeeI that PIain1:ifti Complaio. of were unlawful, unconstitutionll1 or deprived PIaintiftls or any others of lilY rigbta or property. 5. AU other terms of the SlIttIement Agreemlll1t dated July 17, 2002, and the(fim) Amended Settlement agreement which was approved by the Board on or about May 21, 2003, and the Second Amended Settlemlll1t AgreamllI1t which was approved by the Board on or about JII1U8J}' 19, 2005, especially as it pertains to Conch Contrada, L.C., 1ba11 remain in full force and effect. 6. This Ameoded Agreemlll1t shall not be valid IIId binding upon the parties until approved by the Court IIId incorporated into a Third Amended Final Judgment 7. entered by the Court in these proceedings. ~ ~ <:I It Until this Third Amended Sett\ement Agl___ has been approved ~~ ~r-~ :z: pursuant to the precedinlJ paragnlPh, the Original SettllllDllllt Agrllelne@ ~ ~ ~?i5~ Judgment previously llI1tered, and any lIlJbsequlll1t approved ~g!,;:: .. . '- -." ~~ r- rr: )> modifications shall remain in full force and etrect BOARD OF CO MMlSSlONERS Charles McCoy, Monroe County ".3..0," MONROE COUNTY BLDG. OFFICIAL ByS2~edd/ - ::K V1 a \G ..., ;= IT! o ." C) ::a ;0 ,." ,.., o :;u '=' ~~v.<y~S. SignatuJ1l ofWrtiieas - Q "- " Cindy Sawyer Printed Name ofWilDe&S CONCHCONTRAD~ By: ~_..t..& L" Trevor~ J'l~