Resolution 223-1990 ..,- RESOLUTION NO. 223-1990 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS. WHEREAS, it is necessary xor the Board ox County Commissioners ox Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transxers set up in the Monroe County Budget xor xiscal year 1989-1990 and to create new items under said budget, now, therexore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transxers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget xor the xiscal year 1989-1990 in the amounts hereinaxter set xorth be transxerred to and xrom the xollowing accounts. Transxer xrom PROMOTIONAL Item #116-200-559-470, RESERVES FOR PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING The sum ox $ 5,000.00 Into PROMOTIONAL Item #116-200-559-500 FISH ADV BD SPONSOR KIT Transxer xrom EVENTS Item #111-300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum ox $ 13,400.00 Into EVENTS Item #111-300-559-504 DOLPHIN DERBY Transxer xrom EVENTS Item #108-300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum ox $ 4,400.00 Into EVENTS Item #108-300-559-423 UNDERWATER MUSIC FESTIVAL 3: ~ --rl 0 ! Z "Tl ,~- ::J ;B -:1 I -' .l::>- ., -0 -, W ') 0 -' '0 ~ -. -' Transxer xrom EVENTS Item #111-300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum ox $ 34,825.00 Into EVENTS Item #111-300-559-421 UNDERWATER PHOTO CONTEST Transxer xrom EVENTS Item #108-300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum ox $ 8,175.00 Into EVENTS Item #108-300-559-421 UNDERWATER PHOTO CONTEST Transxer xrom PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING Item #121-505-559-990, PROMO & ADVER. RESERVES, 3RD The sum ox $ 19,170.00 Into PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING Item #121-505-559-427 AFRICAN QUEEN Transfer from BRICKS AND MORTAR Item #119-503-559-990, BRICKS & MORTAR RESERVES, 3RD CENT The sum of $ 70,000.00 Into BRICKS AND MORTAR Item #119-503-559-428 CRANE POINT HAMMOCK CHILDREN'S MUSEUM WHEREAS all budget transfer amounts have been approved by the appropriate District Advisory Committee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds heretofore set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ,:! 6th day of mQrG.A A. D. 19 t14 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ok-~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN BY: (SEAL) ATTEST: DAlYNX ~ KOT l:.T AG ~ E, Clerk '-I6?.L .Pr?fl.. J-j' ~.~ CLERK APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR J)OJ\&~ \-\ :~ ADMINISTRATIVE ECTOR 4PPROVED Asro'O{J;,' "~'VDL l'c:rl""-",.'''.' '"". , '. ..! ", ". ' ,.:}' -...-- -. Attarn(Yy"$ O:'[/t:.'