Resolution 257-1990 - <-'. '" -'- " 1/ ( '?) 640029 ~EU I 3 2 PAGE 0 7 5 0 i) , i' RESJLUTION NO. 257_1990 A RESOLUI'ICN OF THE OOARD OF C<:MMISSIONERS OF MCNroE CCXJNTY, FLORIDA CORRECTING RESOLUTICN #182-1990, PERrAINING TO THE APPROVAL OF A FINAL PlAT AND AIJI'HORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE PLAT OF A SUB- DIVISION TO BE RNOm AS SUNRISE ISLE ""T\ ::t l-::; ~ r 0 f"T1 % "1:" :;0 ,-- -, ~ 9"~" :3 ~ ==< I ::) N ./.,) ...~._, N 1'J -0 "'-I ") N ""-, ',-- \.iI ":0 0\ WHEREAS, on March 7, 1990, the Board of County Ccmnissioners passed and adopted Resolution #182-1990, approving the final plat and autb::>rizing the Mayor to execute the plat for a subdivisicn to be known as SUNRISE ISLE, located on a part of government lot 1, section 14, township 66S, range 32E, and part of government lots 1 and 2, section 14, tCMIlship 665, range 32E, :soar KEY, MARATHON, M)NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, z.t.1 52, and; WHEREAS, said Resolution incorrectly stated that the Project was a Major Conditional Use project COllI'rised of six (6) single-family lots; WHEREAS, said Resolution incorrectly stated the legal description of the property; WHEREAS, the Board does desire to correct :Resolution #182-1990, now, therefore; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OOARD OF COUNTY C<:MMISSICNERS OF MJNROE COONTY, FLORIDA that Resolution #182-1990, passed and adopted by the Board on March 7, 1990, is hereby amended to state that: 1. 'Itle project is a Minor Conditional Use Project c:::cnprised of twenty (20) single-family lots; 2. '!be correct legal description is for property located on a part of govermnent lot 1, section 14,township 66S, range 32E, and part of government lots 1 and 2, section 15, township 66S, range 32E, BXII' KEY, MARATHON, MrnroE C<XJNTY,FLORIDA, MM 52, plat in the County Records. 3. ~e ~J~~~2c~erk is a~~j !Jk ~t.Qc1e~ lto fOnlard a copy of this resolution to the Depprtment of Cattnunity Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Conmissioners of M::>nroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of April, 1990, A.D. BOARD OF COONl'Y CG1MISSIONERS :~~ (SEAL) Attest: DANNY 1... KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~,,<f)~ Clerk iI' AND ", (, \ Recorded In Offici~r R,)(',."A~ s.,di in /'J.c'i)f'oe (>!',!i't! F Record T,".,' DP...~;<,:-~.JY' L. J{(';L1-.~t""C:,E Clerk Circuit Court