Resolution 240-1990 Community Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 240 -1990 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO APPROVE THE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY POLICIES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the Monroe County Public Library Policies, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the official policies of the Monroe County Library System as adopted by the Library Board on March 27, 1990. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this Iff-It day of --f1rr-i I ,1990, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ok;/ihk:kml: (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk .L2I~~,J,~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. /./ B l! }. UWOJ 30~NOW )W'! ~lJ ,~ ~fV' 0 6S: L" LZ &N 06. OtjO::Ucl ~Oj 0311~ The following policies were revised by the Library Board on December 12, 1989 and adopted on March 27, 1990. On ~~,J 19 I 1990, the Board of County Commissioners ~esolution No.-'~~-J9t~making these the official policies of the Monroe County Public Library System. t!l-lmQ.!?.!:. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4. c:;- ._1. /;:.1 . 7. 8. et. 10. 11 . 1 ...., 13. 14. 1 C::. ,_I. 16. 17. 18. 1 'i. 2() . 21. 2~2 . 23. _..I.B.~.'=.S..nJ;;!..!::.._n.!; o.!:tIs.N T S ~i~!.!2..:,;L?_<;..t Legal Establ ishment of Library Board Location of Library Board Meeting Library Board Meeting Proceedings Schedul ing of Agenda Items Acceptance of Gifts and Donations Gift Materials Receipt Form Materials Selection Complaints About Library Materials Request for Reconsideration of Library Rules Governing the Use of the Library Schedule of Fines/Fees Display Facil ities Appl ication for Use of Display Facil ities Use of Conference and Multi-Purpose Rooms and AV Equipment Appl icatlon for Use of Conference Room Use of Record Player Audio-Visual Materials AV RegIstration Forms Florida History Department Photographs Unattended Children Communltv Resource Programs Fr i ends Gt~oups Collecting/SellIng Activities - t -. bFGA~~SYA~t~ISH~ENT OF LI~RARY BOARD MONROE COUNT Y COPE. AR T I q.::-.~__LLL~'=JJ::~B.B_F.rL.B [II{ I SQ.R Y E.!QAR_D* SEC. 10-.38. Declaration of legislative intent. It is hereby declared that the purpose and intent of the board of county commissioners through this article is to create and establsh a I ibrary advisory board for the purpose of obtaining the benefits of accurate, comprehensive information, advice and counsel concerning all matters relating to publ ic 1 ibraries. This article shall not be construed as delegatIng to such advisory board or its members any power or authority of a governmental, legislative or administrative nature. Ord. No. 6-1981, s 1) . Sec. 10-39. Creation. There is hereby created and established in Monroe County, Florida, an advisory board to be known as the Monroe County Library Advisory Board (Ord. No. 6-1981, s2) *Editor's note-Sections 1-6 of Ord. No. 6-1981, adopted June 16, 1981, filed with the secretary of state June 26, 1981, have been included as ch. 10, art III, S5 10-38-10-43. Supp. No. ; ,",:. _. WNB.PE C.QlJN T Y .ElJ.~.'==.I.!.;:.._.bJ~.fi AF{y'. F' ';1'==1 C Y b.QrAT I G.N OF _L !.~B.AFU BOAR};!.....Jj~.!;::T1J:.!~~~ 1. An annual meeting of the Monroe County Library Board will be held each year. 2. Two meetings each year will be held at each of the branch I ibraries; that is two meetings at the Key Largo Branch, two meetings at the Islamorada Branch and two meetings at the Marathon Branch -- and that will be consistant with thE.' goal of Sec. 10-42, II Organization, Duorum and 11eet i ngs II o.f art i c I ('2 I I I. .. L i bt~at~y Adv i sory Board", Monr'oe County Code, wh i ch <,:;t.at. es : II . . . . . . . Th E.~ i:~d vi sory Headquartet~s Library, but branches as appropriate to uppet~ ke.ys resident.s....... Board wi I I meet norma I I y ~it thf? shoul d schedul e meet. ings at the provide an input for middle and 3. That the dat.es set for these meetings are at the discretion of the Monroe County Library Board. 'j ,-' t10NB.9E COUNT Y PUBL I C L IJtRAR Y E:.Q.b-J..h..:t bJ...~.E:.B.f~..t._..~.Q.B.6J:I.......t!.~~J:.J..N.G........f:E;.Q'!:';J;:~..t;.b!I.N~2.~ 1. Proceedings of the board will be electronically taped, such recorded tapes to be retained for four (4) years from date of meeting. 2. Requests for information about 1 ibrary operations originating from a board member, will be compl ied with by urnishing such information to the board members as a group rather than to individual members. 4 MONROE COUNII PL!~tbJ C-1- I_BRAR Y E.Q.L! C ):~ ~G.!jJ~;:_Q U L ~._N_G......_Q.f.....___B_y..~.NJ~.A.......IIg.t1.~ A request to appear on the agenda of a 1 ibrary board meeting must be rece i ved at the headquarter'.:; 1 i br'ary at 1 east one week prior to the scheduled meeting date. <= .-' MONROE COUJ:lT Y PUBL I C I,... I BRAFi: Y E~d.b. I C X. f.i.~ C E E1.8H.!;.t:_._ 0 F__ G I ':':[ S _ (41::1 D DO N A T I [I NS 1. Gift 1 ibrary items will be accepted if there is no condition imposed on their use, location, rebinding, or disposal. 2. If a donor wishes to place any restriction on <:1_ gift, all detai.' s about the gift and the restrictions Ii'Ji 11 be referred to the Library Board for a decision on acceptance at the next regularly scheduled board meeting following knowledge of donation. 6 !::10.!::!RO~ COldNT Y ..f'UBL I C -'=..H~..8AR.r_......~.ISI.f;M ~..!...ET_..M.f.lI.fi:..BJ..B..'==.!2...._R.~(::.~..!..E:L...t::.QBJj_ Materials offered to the System as gifts must meet the System's selection standards and needs before these materials will be added to the collections. Gifts wlll be accepted with the understanding that the System has the right to dispose of the gifts in any way the System sees fit. F<:ECE I VED OF: Nf~t-1E ---..-.--------------...--...--..-....-........-....--...-....-.......................... ADDRESS -.-----.---....-...--.....-.............---.--.....--...-.-.........-..----.- PHONE -.-. ---...--.------.--- books ln condition ma g a z i n es i n ....................._.........._........._...__.__..___ con d i t i on pa.perbacks in condition ..............................................................-......................... ...............-----------..-.........--. records in condition other in condition ---.--.--......---..-...-.......--.-.........-...-....--.--.-- Your generosity and thoughtfulness in making this donation to the community through the Library is greatly appreciated ---.------------ Date F<:eceived by .. Title "7 t19Nf.~:_OE._Q]ld.[~1_:L_f~LJBL. I C ..1:..LBF3f)f.~.L E.QJ,..;;..I C X_ M A I~.B.IAL.l;L!2_t;bJ;:.hT19J~ The Monroe County Publ ic Library System has a general pol icy based on certain principals, by which it IS gUIded in selecting materials. B_~_~~r;'-Q!l~..!JLLL.!..t y.:..... f q.L..:.~)e I ~~:;..:tJO~h The end responsibil ity for all materials selected rests in the Director, who operates within the framework of pol icies determined by the L.ibrary Board. The Director delegates responsibll ity for selection of books and other materials to deSIgnated, traIned and qual ified persons. The staff makes skilled use of selection aIds: 11 pr-'Cj.ff.?c.;;'31ona.1 jour'nz,l s; 2} CUI"T'(;?nt qener-al 11st.o3; and 3) speCIal blbl iographIes for reference books, subject areas, and forms of materials. While reviews are a major source of Information about the new books and materials. the critical opinions of reviewers are compared against each other and evaluated in the I ight of publ ic 1 ibrary standards, professional selection prinCIples, and the holdinqs of the 1 itwat-y systE!ffi. All staff members, as well as the general publ ie, may f'-ecommend matet-.U\l::; to be con~.;;idered for pUt-ch.="se. ?~l recommendations are channeled through regular processes and considered in the I ight of regular selection pol icies. 1:;;~II era LJ::.9_U. c ~ Within budgetarv and space restrictions the I ibrary is committed to provide a collection which spans most areas of knowledge and to gIve fee access to this material to the total communIty we serve. The collection shall be characterized by breadth, since it represents most areas of knowledge; depth, in those areas in which particular emphasis IS necessary to serve the needs of the communitv. In selecting materials for the collection, the Library takes Into account the content at the present collection, special interest collections, the structure of the I ibrary system, and the materIals collection of other educational Institutions. Selection of materials wil I vary according to the functIon and location of speCific agencies. The pol icy recognizes the importance of sharing resources. With a ... 7 :p2 well-developed main collection, a unIon catalog! frequent del iveries among units, and the use of developIng technologIeS, dupl ication of less-used and speciollzed materials will be minimIzed. The pol icy IS a broad-based one, reflecting the full spectrum of users served by the Library. The best-seller devotee, the information seeker, the recreational reader, the serious researcher, the handicapped patron, the school-age Child~ and the non-reader should all be represented in the variety of materials selected. Needs should be met with materIals as varied in format as audio tapes, film-strips. video-cassettes, microfiche, comic books, 16mm films, records, and large print materials. Newspapers, paperbacks, magazines, pamphlets, and other developing types of materials are acquired and made accessible as they are judged suitable, meaningful and relevant to the community. To build collections of merit and slgnltlcance, materials will be conSIdered according to objective guidel ines. All acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the fol lowing standards: 8. 7. 10, 1 . Suitabll ity of phYSIcal form for 1 ibrary use. SuitabilIty of subject and style for intended aud i o:::'n c: E' . Present and potential relevance to community needs. Approprlatness and effectiveness of medium to contE~rlt . Insight into human and social conditIons. Importance as a document of the times. Relation to existing collection and other material or s;;ubJE'ct. Reputation and/or significance of author. Sk i 11 , competence <JJ1d pUf'POS1? of author'. Attention of critics, reviewers and publ ic. r, L .. 'J ....,) . 4 . t;;- '...' . 6. 7. l!p(? .....91_ L i Q.C.i~x:Y.~.tL:\ t er.'_~ a 1 .EL_.~.!l..ctJ?_u t_9_F-l i 1},t?S . The 1 ibrary recognizes that many matertals are controversial and that a specifIC item may offend some patrons. Selections will not be made on the baSIS of any anticipated approva 1 or d i sapprov21.1 , but so leI y on the mer its of the work in relation to the building of the collection and to serving the needs and interest of the community. If a 1 ibrary patron has a complaint about specific 1 ibrary materials, he/she should request a coPy of the procedures for reconsideration of 1 ibrarv material. 7:p:3 RS a publ ic institution bound by the Constitutional provision of freedom of speech and of the press, the library IS not permitted to represent the bel iefs of one group or person to the detriment of the bel iefs of any other group or persons In the community. The Library endeavors to provide free access to all points of view on issues, within the I imits of its financial resources and physical space. The Library subscribes to the Library 8ill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association on January 23, 1980. Append: Library 8ill of Rights. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and no material will be sequestered except for the purpose of protecting it from injury or theft. Reaffirming the Librarv's concern for readers' rights of privacy. the Library will not disclose to anvone the names of, or other information regarding readers. and will not identify materials called for or examined bv them. ~-~-~l1_Jj:..~..t._!...::.~r.}_.._.}!.l.__$!:?J_.!.~:.r;_t.t9..r.}...~.. Since the Library is I imited in its selection of materials bv its financial resources, available space, and community needs, certain 1 imitations are necessary. Some of the resources of other community agencies are not dupl icated in the Library's collection. In the field of reI igion, a representative collection of the bel ief and practices of the world's principle faiths and religions is maintained. Purely devotional material IS appropriate for church and home I ibraries and is not selected by the library. Only very general works of community interest and use are selected in the fields of law and medicine. The Library acknowledges a particular interest in local and state history. It wil I therefore take a broad view 0+ works by and about Florida authors as well as general works relating to the state of Florida, whether or not such materials meet the standards of selection in other respects. However, the Library is not under any obI igation to add to ItS collection everything about Florida or produced by authors, printers or publ ishers with Florida connections, if It does not seem in the publ ic interest to do so. 7:p4 given time In their development. The Library is deeply committed to the conviction that a publ ic 1 ibrary should provide all children with the freedom to select books and materials without being 1 iimited to an artificial grouping by age or grade level. Segregation of children's use rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of adult mdter'ials will not be inhibited by the possibil ity th-::"It material may come into the possession of children. S ('2 c.Y.:..t~ e tg_.J~..li..Ld.. e '!_t?-...._ The Library selects materials to serve students but does not dupl Jcate material which should be provided by school 1 ibraries. Textbooks are purchased only when they provide the best coverage of a subject and are useful to the general publ ic. They will not be dupl icated to satisfy the demands of a specIfic school course. The Library assumes its responsibil ity to be that of providing books which will l11'~oaden the student's intel"(.;?st in a particul ,:'\i" ~;ubject that may stem from the use of a text book, rather than in providing the textbook itself. G i i..i._f"!i:\ t _~ i..~..L'?~ This 1 ibrary system welcomes the donation of books and other library materials from individuals, corporations, and other sources. Such gifts are accepted only with the understand- ing that they may be retained, relocated, or dIscarded at the discretion of the Book Selection Committee. Such gifts cannot be given special housing but will be integrated with the general 1 ibrary collection. Materials may not be accepted if the donor insists that it be retained In a certain outlet or that its use be restricted in any way until cleared through Headquarters Library. The same standards of selection are appl ied to gifts as to materials purchased from Library funds. Replacement and dupl icate copies are added to the collection if needed. The costs of processing and the availabil ity of shelving space are also factors in determining the acceptance of gifts. Gifts which do not meet the Library's standards will be placed in the Friends of the Library book sale. Unneeded dupl icated copies may be placed in the book sale or given to another 1 ibrary. The Library does not provide evaluations of gifts for tax deduction or other purposes. Choice of memorial books or recordings may be left to the library staff, or the donor may indicate a particular book or subject desired. Often the Library selects a book which wi 1 I ref 1 ect the spec i a 1 i ntet~ests of the person be i ng commemorated. 7 :p~; Memorial books are sheved with the regular collection, according to subject classification, so that they will be available and useful to persons seeking books on a particular subject. Book plates will be placed in each book if requested by the donor. Br:...L..J~.9J.~g~.!: i 0 [L~ Any offering to the Librar'y of nonl ibrary mat€'21-'ial , such as framed art, sculptures, etc., will be approved by the Art Selection Committee prior to acceptance. This committee will consist of a trustee or trustees, the Library Director, and appointed authorities in the field of art. Both original works of art and reproductions may be chosen. Care will be used to select items of special interest to the community. The fol lowing general criteria will be taken into account in the selE'ction of a.ll items of this t.yp,?: 1. Artistic merit of the original work of art. 2. Artistic repLltation of tt'8 ar~tist. 3. Importance of the artist historically, or in the contemporary or local scene. 4. The contribution the item will make to the institution. 5. The suitabil it.y of the item for general viewing. Generally only one permanent display of art in each 1 ibrary. Temporary collections will the same criteria as permanent collections. \1', ill be housed be subject to Wit h d raw a 1 0 f Mot er:LCLt2L.ir-o ('[1-..J... i. b r~ a.J::'.:Y C cu.~_CJ:i~:!.l~.. Outdated, seldom used, or shabby items remaining in the collectIon can weaken a 1 ibrary as surely as insufficient acquisitions. In time such materials characterizes the world collection, overshadowing newer and more useful purchases. Weeding the book collectIon and selection of books for discard is the responsibil ity of the Director, who may delegate responsibil ity to Department Heads. Continuous appraisal of the book collection, the pamphlet files, the periodical files, and audio-visual materials is essentail and os important as their intiial selection for the 1 ibrary. systematic and regular attention to keeping the library collection vital and currently useful will result in effective service and a high qual ity collection. Annual withdrawals from I ibrary collections meeting minimum standards should average at least 5 percent of the total collection. Periodic weeding will also be necessary to maintain qual ity in those collections not meeting minimum standards in quantity. 7:p6 In general, the same cr'iteria appl y to weeding as ar"e used in the selection of new materials and are based on the following considerations: 1. Materials which contain outdated or inaccurate information. 2. Superceded editions. 3. Worn or badly marked items. 4. Seldom used titles. 5. {-"lvailabil ity of the mat€c?ria1 in Main library. Weeding of the Reference Collection is done on a continuing basis by professional members of the staff. As new editions are received, old books are either stored or discarded unless they are useful for circulation. These items are reviewed by the Director before being put into the collection. E':"'@1.~_c;;_~m~nJ..~. The Library will not automatically replace all materials withdrawn because of loss, damage, or wear. The same criteria that apply in original selection will apply to replacement with particular attention given to the f 0 1 1 O~J i n g : 1. Continued value of the particular title. 2. Demand for the specific title. 3. Extent of adequate coverage of the field in the existing collection. 4. Avai 1 abi 1 ity of net'IJer or better iTl<.":1terlal in the .field. 5. Number of copies held. 6. Availabil ity of the item in another format. 8 MOIiROE COUN.IL P.!) BL I i2-1::.l.E!.f;..AR 1.. POL.l~ y !~JJ.!::ll::.'=BJJj.I!;LB.~_Q!d.L.J.:.1..~B.AR Y 1'1 A T E~IAL S 1. All complainants will be allowed to voice their opinions verbally, but before any action concerning the questionable matet~ial is taken, .;::" written, .specific t~eport must be prepared by complainant which will be presented to the Library Board at their next regularly scheduled meeting following the complaint, for disposition. 2~ All complainants will be notified when the board meeting will be held to act on his report so that he may attend. 9 ttD.!~BD ~_..~Q.~}J:::!.:L.L....f~.!Jt.::~~I.!;.....J-::..L~B.Ag.:c f.;.f:;.g1JJ,;Jn~_f.:gE...J:;;_~.G..QJ~.~JJ;;~~ItELIIJJ.t.t...QE_..J"J..f.!.B..8BL_t!.A.I.sBJ._6..b.fi Tl t., e Book Pet"' i od i ca 1 Other (4uthor Pub 1 i sher-. Fi:e que s tin i t i at ed b y ___________..._....._______.__.__.____...__...__._____.___...___._.._._ Address City .____.._...__._...... S tat e .................._...__..................l i p ..._..._.._..._..........._._....F' h 0 n e _......_.._.........__...... Do you represent: __._._....._........._....__.._.......... y oUt~se 1 f _....._...._............_...An () t"' g ani z at i on ( name) ........_.._...._....._...._..__..... ___.___.... ............_............._......._.._..._......Dt h er Grou p ( name) _____..........._......._.__.___..._._._______..__ 1. To what in the work do you object? (Please be specific. C i t e p age s) .._._..........._.....__._...__._._....._.........._...__........_................_.__...._._..........................._.._.........._..............__................_..._.._...__......._....._._......_......_..... ~ . Did you read the en t ire ~mt"'k? ...._..................._..._.....J!J h 8. t. par t s? _................................... 3. What do you feel might be the result of reading this W Cl r ~:: "} ...................__......................_.._..._.............__.._.........................._........_............._.................._..........._............._.......__......_......._........._.........._................._............._.._._...._ 4. FClr what age group would you recClmmend this work? c::- .._1 . What do you bel ieve is the theme of this work? 6. Are you aware of judgments of this work by 1 iterary c t~ i tic s? _.._...._...._..._....__..__._...._...__.._____..___._.___.__.___..._____.._.___________.__._._... 7. What would you 1 ike your 1 ibrary/school to do about this wor'k .? ___..._._Do not assign/lend it to my child. ..._........._._........__...........Retur-.n it to the staf f .5e 1 ect ion comm i t teet department for reevaluation. _..............._._............._...........D the r . E ~{ p 1 a i n ........._..._..._..._........_........._..............................._.........................................._........................_........._._...._......_..._.......__........ In its place, what wClrk wCluld you recommend that would convey as valuable a picture and perspective of the subject treateclr:., S i gnc\ture Date 10 MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY E.Q.bl C Y fi.'l~.::.f.~.~~... /:;LQ.Y..sB.t!.Ir~L..It!E _i-:l.~_QE.._I...HE L ~.~!.tt:l..~l. While in the bUilding, please do not: --ENTER WITHOUT SHIRT AND SHOES OR IN BATHING ATTIRE ........SMOKE --BRING FOOD OR BEVERAGE -.'-SLEEP --LOITER OR SOLICIT .--BRING PETf3 --HARASS PATRONS OR LIBRARY PERSONNEL --BE DRUNK OR DISORDERLY --LEAVE PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN UN{:iTTENDED --PLACE FEET ON TABLES OR CHA I F:~3 --BRING BED ROLLS, BACK PACKS OR PARCELS The violation of anyone of these rules may subject the individu.i:3.1 (s) invol \led to exclusion from the I ibrary premises. 1 1 ijQNE:.q.s._J~;_O UN T Y f..:.~:d!~!-. I C _bJJH=\;t,B_t E:P~JJLt ~ C H EJ.!.!J'-=:_~_J.J. F J:::..l.t3-F: ~if:l:L__f..It':!.~~~i.Lf.~t.J::';~~. OVERDUE F I t.,jES : CHILDREN ?:lDUL TS . ()~; per da.y with mc:-l.:.:: i mum fine of $-'.) .00 .....} . 10 per.' day with ma:-: i mum f ine of $:5 .00 Fine appl ies to books, magazines, records and cassettes. The FEE charged when you loose or damage I ibrary materials to the e:-:tent that they can no I onget~ be used is a "repl ac:e-.- ment" fee. Th is fee cover-.s not on I y the curr~ent purchase price of the same or similar items, but also our library pt~ocessing cost. REPLACEMENT FEES: The following fees will be charged for lost or damaged materials in addition to a $3.00 processing fee. CHILDREN'S BOOKS. ...... ......... .13.50 ADULT F I CT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 .00 ADULT NONFICTION.. ............... .25.00 AUDIO CASSETTES...................12.95 In DED Cf~SSET.lES................... 29 .9!'5 ALL RECORDS....... ................11.00 Other material at FAIR MARKET VALUE MISCELLANEOUS FEES: Material returned withoLlt a DATE-[IUE CARD...... .... .25 REPLACEMENT FEE FOR A LOST OR STOLEN LIBRARY CARD.Sl.00 .]LJlJ . . . ::;0 F--EE .for-" t~eqLle'5t to RESER\.jE a bOf.Jk......... a . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .2!:=5 FEE for obtaining book through Interl ibrary Loan....... '"-,1::' . "'::'._1 One FREE "look --up" f or~ a FORGOTTEN CAF:D, thereaf ter . . . . .2:5 FEE CARDS for NON-RESIDENTS.......$15.00 annually 1 :'? tjQNE.:.Q.~~_._~::.(J..I.).r:!.~r:.!....._E.I;:-l.Pl:::.I.I~.:......L:.L1~E:flf.~: Y L:.Q1:1Lt ...J;t I ~f::.L.0._L..Fh~~l.LI.J:1... E S The Monroe County Library provides display facil ities whenever possIble. These facl1 itles consIst of locked glass display cases, I imited bulletin board space, and limited wall space. The Library provides disolay space as a means of attractIng communit attention and promoting the Library, its materials, collectIons and services. Groups, organizations, assemblIes, col lectors, special ists, institutIons, industrIes and Individuals may use these f<.':\ell iti(es few dlSpl ays of educatiollal . cuI tur.al , Ot- rec rea. t ion coil in t t~r'E'S t . f.kH-JE."vet-', u ~;f.~ of t h t~~"e f 2l.C i 1 it i E-'S does not Implv lIbrary endorsement of the display or the aims, pol icies or activIties of the sponsoring agent. All Inhibitors must complete an Appl iC2l.tion for the use of Library Display Facil ities for approval by Branch Managers. FIRST PRIORITY FOR USE OF MONROE COUNTY LIBRARY FACILITIES IS RESERVED FOR THUSE DISPLAYS SPONSORED OR CO-SPONSORED BY THE LIBf':ARY. 1. DISPLAY POLICY. Displays are required to be previewed by the Branch Manager or a designated representative before acceptance of display. Artwork and collections must reflect original ity, a finished, professional qual ity and be In verv good condition. Items suitable for hangIng must be outfitted WIth the proper hardware and weIght les5 than 3u pounds. (i .E'., t\'JO dimen~~IOni:;i.1 ar't shoul d be c:.tLwdll y framed with hooks and wires attached. _. PRICES. NO SALE PRICES MAY BE VISIBLE WITH THE OBJECTS DISPLAYED. f-1i i::;;1: of pF~t".::;;Dn:::: p.':<.r-.ticip<~.tin9 ill thE" di<.:;pl.::.~.v, and their loc2l.1 phone numbers, may be made available to inquiring patrons. PrIces are not quoted verbally, and under no cIrcumstances is monev to be accepted bv the staff for the sale ot anv dISplay Item. :3 . I hISL.lh:{.\NI.:;C . 1+ in <.:;ur'an c:: E! is d f:.~S i r"E-!d, It: mu <; t bE' obtained bv the indIvidual or group responsible for a given display. The LIbrary will not provide 1 iabil ity coverage of anv kInd --- Including fire, theft, or vandal ism except in those rare Instances where the Library may itself sol icit Dr sponsor a di::;;play. 12:p2 4. TRANSPORTATION. Individuals or the official representatives of the displaying groups are responsible for transporting the dIsplay, arranging it, and removing it at the end of its alloted schedule. IndIvidual items within a dlsplay may not be withdrawn prior to the conclusion and removal of the entire display without permissIon of the Branch Manager. S. RESPONSIBILITY. The Library shall not be held responsible for loss or damage to exhibits, special equipment, or any other materials owned by an individual or group and dlsplaved in the Library. 6, GLASS CASES. Materials are dIsplayed in the glass cases for one month. The glass cases must be reserved in advance and the exact dates assigned adhered to without exception. 7. AGREEMENf. Individuals Oi~ the official representatives of the dIsplaying group will sign a statement indicating theIr understanding of the above and their concurrence with it. The Branch Manager will sign the agreement for approval of the display on behalf of the Library. 8. TIME LIMIT. Without authorization from the Library Director, the ordinary display will not be accepted for less than thirty calendar days nor more than ninety calendar days. 9. AUTHORITY. The Branch Manager or a dlslgnated representativE has the authority to accept or reject a display based on the stated pol icy. Appeals to the decision must be made in wr1ting to the Library D1rector. POSTERS AND FLIERS Those I ibraries where there is space available are encouraged to have a I ibrary bulletin board and a community bulletin board where anything of community interest may be displayed for a period not to exceed one month. If space 1S not available for a community bulletin board, 1 ibrary material wi] I have first priority. Commercial advertisements are not accepted for the bulletin boards. The Library does understand that for some community actIvities such as recreational programs or adult educational programs a fee is reqUIred. The Library will post these Items if they meet the other requirements. All ltems for the bulletin board must be approved by the Branch ~ 12:p3 Manager. Items posted for other than 1 ibrary events will be of a maximum size, usually no larger than 8" :-: 14" (1 egal size sheet) . Fliers and/or posters from recognized educational facilIties will be accepted and displayed as space is available. Display of fl iers or posters on the Community Bulletin Board does not imply 1 ibrary endorsement of the aims, policies, or activities of the display or the sponsoring .agent. The Library Bulletin Board will only be used to display or advertise those items sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library. II. DISPLAY PROCEDURES 1. Branch Manager or designee provides appl ication for items items fall ing within the Monroe County display pol ICY. 2. Appl ication should be filed one month in advance of installation of display or as early as schedul ing requires, not exzceeding one year in advance. 3. Appl icant fills out form completely. Branch staff approves and files. The Branch Manager or designee will keep the file of appl ication forms for two years on display, SIX months on posters. A calendar will be maintained showing advance bookings of displays at a glance. 1" ....} t!.ONB_Q_~~_ C!.J1!.r~LL.E!L~~b.J.J;:;___'=JJU3.B.BI. Appl ication for the Use of Display Facil ities This certifies that I have read and understand the EXHIBIT AND DISPLAY POLICY for the Monroe County Library System. In signing this agreement I consent to honor all sections of the pol icy. EXHIBITOR/ORGANIZATION FOR INDIVIDUr::~L: ADD R E SS _____.__.__._...__..._____._.__...._.._.__.__.__.______.._____._.._.p HON E FOR SPONSORING GROUP: PRESIDENT OF ORGANIZATION CONTf-)CT PEI::::SDN ~:jDDRESS PHONE -_._...._------_._-_...~.._..._._.._._.....-..........._.._--.......-..-.................-............. I NSTALLAT I DI\I D{~TE_......______T I i"1E.____.....__D I Si"1ANTL I NG DATE D I SPI....{.) Y r'::f:jSE I N ______..__...__._..._.__..._____..______..____ DE PA R T ME N T WALL SPACE (SQUARE FODTAGE) NUMBEFt: OF PIECES OTHER INFORMATION In consideration of the opportunity afforded to participate in the display exhibit function of the Monroe County Library System; and in recognition of the possible damage or loss which may occur to any exhibit which I may display in the library~ I hereby knowingly, freely, and voluntarily waive any right or cause of action, of any kind whatsoever, arising as a result of damage or theft from which any 1 iabil ity mayor could accrue to the Monroe County library System or their agents individually. S I GNf-HURE [----.------..---.-. ----------_......._....._----~ ~ONROE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM USE ONLY Hp proved b ~..f ._....._....._____.____..__....___..._._______ Dat e _...____ ______..._......_.._.___ Dep a r' t mt:"?n t .______._._....______._...._.___.___._.__.__._..___ --..-.---.------..------.------...---.---..--- 1.4 MONROE CQ!,JNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY POL!CY USE OF CONFERENCE AND MULTI-PURPOSE ROOMS AND AV EQUIPMENT Use of Library facil ities is 1 imited to programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library, with the exception of public meetings held by groups headquartered in Monroe County for meetings ~-Jhich ar'e civic, cul tur'al , and/or. educat.ional in nature. Such use does not imply Library endorsement of t.he aims, pol icies or activities of any group. Appl ications for the use of all meeting rooms will be made with the Branch or Headquarters Library concerned. However, final authority for use of space will rest with the Library Director. The following regulat.ions apply to all programs scheduled in L i t.Jrary f ac i 1 it i as: 1. All programs must be open to the publ ic as space permits. No admission fee may be charged and no collections may be taken or sales made. Library facil ities shall not be used for personal or private profit, aggrandizement, or advertising. 2. In case of exhibits, the Library shall not be held responsible for loss or damage, and any insurance arrangements will be THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EXHIBITOR. Exhibitors will be required to sign waiver forms and follow Display Pol icy. 3. Sponsor may be required to execute a hold-harmless agreement and/or furnish appropriate insurance naming Monroe County as addit.ional insur'ed for cert.ain t.ypes of progr'ams, in comp'l iance with the "Use of County Proper'ty" pol icy and procedures. 4. Library meet.ing rooms shall not be used for meetings which involve or advance partisan pol itics or sectarian/ denominational reI igion. 5. Refreshments may be served only by permission and special arrangement. 6. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any program or exhibit when necessary. 7. All materials to be distributed during programs must be cleared through the Library. ,~ 14:p2 8. Library meeting rooms shall be vacated five (5) minutes prior to Library closing unless prior arrangements have been made with the Branch Manager. A Library staff member or registered volunteer must be present at meetings held when the Library is closed. 9. Maintenace employees are not available to organizations at any time. After consultation with the Library employee in charge of meeting room arrangements, organizations using the meeting room are responsible for arrangement of all furniture before their meeting. Special equipment such as extension cords, etc. are to be furnished by the Qt~ganization . 10. Meeting rooms may be booked for one calendar year only. Booking for the following year may be made on or after October 15th. Rooms are booked on a first come/first served basis. 11. The audio-visual equipment owned by the Monroe County Publ ic Library may be used within the 1 ibrary facil ities for Library sponsored programs, but may not be loaned to leave the facil ities. THIS ORGANIZATION AGREES TO ABIDE BY THE ABOVE REGULATIONS GOVERNING USE OF LIBRARY MEETING ROOMS. Signature Phone: Home Title Business Organization name and address '.. 15 APPLICATION/REQUEST FOR USE OF MULTI-PURPOSE OR CONFERENCE ROOMS OF THE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM Appl ication form must be completed before any program will be scheduled. Please print or type. Room Requested Location Name of Organization Dates requested Hours Topic, Purpose & Type of Program or Exhibit Approximate Length Equipment Needed: (please describe physical set-up for room In space provided below) Film Projector Lectern Microphone Table(s) ChaIrs (number) 81 ide Projector Other Organization Representative Address Phones (AM) (PM) THIS ORGANIZATION AGREES TO ABIDE BY THE ATTACHED REGULATIONS GOVERNING USE OF THE FACILITY. Signature Title Date PHYSICAL SET-UP DESCRIPTION: 16 t'JONRQ..E;_..rJJJl..NI.L..EU~.b::...I..~~BReBJ.. eOL,.lC,[ ~S~_Qf... R!;COF~!L....E:Uj YEF.: 1. A 45 minute time 1 imit is set for anyone patron in a given day. ~. A patron having used the record player for the specified time may not return later to again use the mc:\ch i ne . 3 This pol icy will permit more patrons to enjoy the fine musical recordings offered by the Library. 17 ~!)-'~!l~J2~_.~;g!:l.!:::!T.t_E.wrib:..I c._....b:J_f.l.r.~.8E:..Y. E:JJ.bJJ~.r BlLI;~J.QYJ:(~~WBJ=-...tI.fU::J; H .LB.!::. S t:j...U!L ,~r::,-~;L..I::_LLI!l5.?_:tr.::j.fL~ The collection of 16mm films and 35mm filmstrips is open to al I groups except publ ic schools. Materials are loaned free of charge to non-profit organizations in Monroe County holding a val id Monroe County PubliC Library System Adult bOf"'f"'owef"" s c21.rd. To help in the selection of 16mm films, the Audiovisual Department has copies of an annotated film catalog containing all the films in the Headquarters Library collection. Your approved library card also permits you to use the large State of Florida Film Collection. Catalogs are available at the Audiovisual desk. We recommend State film orders be placed three months in advance of your program date. The Audiovisual Department also maintains a collection of catalogs from several rental companies. To check out films or filmstrips. borrowers must first read the Audiovisual Pol icy and complete a registration form. At least 24 hours must be allowed for the processing of the form. When approved, the borrower's c2rd will be stamped AV-O indicating organization el igibil ity. ThiS card accompanied by one additional form of identification showing borrower's name and address must be presented when borrowing AudiOVisual materials. Films will be circulated a maximum of 24 hours. Three films or one hour of Viewing material may be borrowed at a time. Films must be borrowed from and returned to the Audiovisual desk at the Headquarters Library or to the Library Branch from which they were borrowed. These items must not be deposited in the book drop as the borrower will be responsible for any damage which may occur. Reservations on films are required. They may be reserved as far in advance as one program season, the season running from October through September. Films wi1 1 be reserved for the pick-up and show date and returned the following day before closing. In case of Saturday, films wil I be returned by noon the follOWing Monday. Reservations may be taken over the telephone at the Headquarters Library for those With approved Audiovisual library cards. Please notify the Audiovisual Department of cancellations as soon as possible. 17:p2 Admission fees video showing, purposes. All are not permitted at any film, filmstrip or nor may they be used for fundraising copyrIght laws must be strictly observed. The 1 ibrary's materials must be shown on a machine that is clean and In good repair. The machine must be operated by a trained person. The AudIovisual Department staff is available to instruct you or your staff in the proper use of Audiovisual equipment. Audiovisual materials will not be loaned to borrowers who have outstandIng overdue materials and/or damage fees. The Audiovisual Department reserves the right to suspend borrower's privileges at any time. The Audiovisual Department will handle all repairs to materIals. At no time should the borrower attempt to repair damage to materials. Do not apply tape, pins, paper cl ips, Jlue or staples to materials. 2. Damage to 16mm films WIll be assessed according to replacement costs. b. Damage to 35mm fIlmstrips IS assessed according to replacement costs. c. Replacement of leader, .50 Should a film be lost or destroyed, the replacement cost will be charged. To insure the widest possible use o~ materials by our patrons, fines wi! 1 be enforced at .50 per hour per item. Branch 1 ibraries abide by the same pol icy. A film report form accompanYing the film or films must be fIlled out by the borrower. lhe report indicates the number of times a film was shown, the number of Viewers, the general reaction to the film, and any damage. Previewing of the films and fIlmstrips may be done by making an apPoIntment through the Headquarters Library AudiOVisual Department. In addItion to the materIals above, the Audiovisual Department has a 16mm film projector, 35 mm 51 ide/film- strip projector, and an opaque projector. This Audiovisual equipment does not circulate. However, it may be used WIthin the facil ities for 1 ibrarv sponsored programs. 17:p3 ~J_g.~Q.-":'L~\!::~g_...."!)!-:!.t R video borrower must be at least 18 years old, a resident of Monroe County, and holder of a current, val id, Monroe County Library card in good standing for three (3) months. The borrower must also have a signed borrower's agreement on file. Fee card holders are not e1 igible for AV cards. Apply for video privileges at the library's Audiovisual Desk, presenting your library card and a positive identificaation. There is a 2 day waiting period for pt-ivi1eges. Video cassettes may not be reserved in advance. These circulate only on a first come, first served hasIs. A maximum of two (2) video cassettes may be checked out on any one 1 ibrarv card. Cassettes circulate on the following schedule: E:_i."~~l.:.::.:_\)j::i...._h'EcY_ Monday Tuesd::<y Wec.1ne':::.c!<,. y Thut~s(1.av Fridav ~~Jc.iturda,! [-i.@.tY.r.::.Q_...P.<?.-2~ Wednesday bv 4:30 PM Thursday by 4:30 PM Friday by 4:30 PM Saturday bv 4:30 PM Monday by 4:30 PM Mondav by 4:30 PM lhe 1 oan.-per i od may not be ex tended ~.nd no ma ter' i ~J s may be renewed. One (1) video cassette of an instructional checked out for the extended period of one flcit:.ure mc'y be ( 1) ,'\lF~f.?k. The person picking up the VIdeo materials must present his or her own 1 Ibrary card and have a signed video borrower's agreement on file. No one mav present someone else's card for borrOWing privi1edges. All video materials must be borrowed from and returned to the LIbrary Branch from which they were borrowed. Do not r-'et.LWTt v.ideo'.::; throuh th€.? bc'okdF'Op~S. Doinc.J -':0-;0 vd 11 F'8sul t In the forfeiture of borrowing privileges. FInes are assessed for overdue video materials as follows: :L?~5~\Q_p..f: r dAY..._(2!::::.-~~nY__ni~.ct_g..L_.~__~__jl..t~:_.._i;~~~."! S 1::1 t.ts?_ IndiVIduals refusing to pay fines forfeit audiovisual borrowing privileges. Individuals with repeatod overdues \'J i 1.1 Z~ 1 '=,0 f IJr'f E' i t Llorr'ow i n9 pF'i vi.' E~ge<:;:, . 17:p4 BF.'::LjL~Q All video cassettes must be rewound and in their original containers on return. There will be a $1.00 Charge for each returned cassette that has net been rewound. P.B..l:':tf}J2g_~ Borrowers are held responsible for the safe return of video materials and for the cost of repair or replacement, should the cassette be lost or damaged. No cassette may be copied. Each cassette will be checked on return for evidence of tampering. Evidence of tampering will result in the forfeiture of VIdeo borrowing priviledges. CQPY)UGf::!.I LAl'J All of the video cassettes in the 1 ibrary's circulating collection are protected by the copyrIght laws of the United States and must be strictly observed. The cassettes are 3vailable for private home use only unless otherwise noted. !;J:~nf~ Tempet~c~tLtr'0:;: Opt imum is 6<5 to f30 dE"~cJr"C7!e5: F. can reach more than 100 degrees when closed heat can warp the case and shrink the tape. h'E1mC-?mbet-' car's up . E:-: cess i ve Humiditv: Moisture can affect the cassette's oxide and form o grease-l ike coating, which may stop the tape and possibly damage your machine. Dust and Static Electricity: Both are found in carpets. keep cassettes off the floor to avoid getting dust and dirt i. n your m'::'Ich i ne. Magnetic Fields: These are found in stereo speakers, television sets and vacum cleaners and can erase tapes. Don't store them near these areas. Storage: Cassettes should always be stored upright, vertically, never horizontally, to avoid distortion of the c a :.:s.e . 1. El 8'::1-. F(l;.n.I.~.:i:r..fi.8.r.I.QIJ.__..I::.Qetl.~2 iW-.U BOI.~row(=,r'.:::; n,;lmp F:'holfp No. Dr..gClfi i z at 1 em F'f:!t-.~:.CHI .\. n Ch€:l.rq(" Organization address f'r..ClJ E'C t ion 1 s;; t ;, I h,,~ve r"('?:'~cj tht:> j'1onr'ClE! County {:ludiovisUCl.l Po: iev. and ,;''1.gt-'pe to accept the resPolfsibil itv for films borrowed and/or equ i pm€::nt t.('3E!c.i." ...-..-....-----.......,.,..-......-...-..-.-..".-....."-..,,...-..-.-.....--.-...-.-.-......-....-..----.-..--...-....--..... Signature of Borrower VIDED iW NC:J . DATE OF APPLICATION_ I have read and agree to thE- t-.ul E'S S€:>t forth in the Audio- vi <:,;u€:l.l Fol icy Ni:.ime bi:t-eet .",dcJr'i2ss Mail1ng addre Signature bus 1. ness €~dd F~EFEF:ENCES Home phonE'..._......_. Bu::.:;. ldenti-f ication tvpe3nd numb 1. the underSigned, agree to return tne Audiovisual materials promptly, to pay any fines or damage fees incurred, ,,'nd undet'-st2.nd that I c.~.m t~E.~sponsjtjl e for any items checked out under mv name. ~.:31gni:.'\ture ._..,-.__._'.~-_.,..__.._.._~....... -.--..-..-_._._..__.._.... ..... ...........__m....__.__..___._~_..._._ 19 r'l 0 t'ifiO..f- co J-J"!J Y Pll.~LJ.!;_..b--I..~B A B_I'- f:.9L I.s;:C FLOR I Df.i H I STORY J'EPARTl"t~NT PHOT.Ql;LRAF'HS A basic purpose of the use of the Monroe County Library Florida History Department's holdings must be to promote an appreciation of our heritage. Such use must be in good taf5te and in the manner wh ich wi 11 incI""'ease r<.,,-ther than lessen the publ ic's respect for the Library. The following are conditions for reproductIon and pub! ications of photographs from the Library's collection, which also covers visual arts materials in the archival collection. 1. Patrons are not permitted to borrow originals from the collectIon.:::;. .....' ..:.. .. The Library reserves the following a. to receive at no charge a copy WhICh the reproduction appears. b. to 1 imit or restrict the use thought to be rare, unpub! ished, or under restrictions Imposed by 1""' i g h t 5 : of the pub] ication in of photographs known or protected by copyright, a donol". :]. The L i brar'y does not. all 0\.'1 copy negat j ves to be made 01""' sold from the collection. 4. Exclusive rights for the use of photographs are not given. Per'm i S5 i on i 5 grc.inted .f 01" <3 one...t i me use on 1 y. If photographs are to be used subsequently for any purpose other that that originally designated, written permission is reqUIred for additional usage. 5. The Monroe County Publ ic Library is not responsible for the Improper or illegal use of photographs provided to the u~:;.er . 6. Proper credit to the Monroe County Publ ic Library and photographer must accompany the pub! ished photograph. Accurate captions are also essential. 7. Reproductions made by a lab to fill an order for a patron cannot be returned for credit except when the reproduction was of poor qual ity due to lab error. Then the lab is responsible for producing a make-over. 19:p2 8. Each order must specify how the photograph is to be used: e.g., in newspaper articles, books, etc. Payment will be made by the patron to the lab for reproductions of the Library's file negatives. If new negative or sl ide is to be made, that charge will be added to the patron's cost, and the negative will be retained by the Monroe County Public Library. Out of town requests will be prepaid including postage and handl ing fees. Out of town requests for information requiring photocopies will be prepaid at the rate of .25 per copy plus postage. ..;::() MO N.t3 o~;..._.GQ.l.JN.I.L E~w.n_l",J..~ _lJJ~E.t~Fi1 t.Q'- L~~J_ lJ..1::! A TIJiL~nJ;j:L_.~_t1Jl:::_Q.B-E;;H In order to prevent undue disruption of normal 1 ibrary activities, and in order to also provide for the general welfare of all persons using the lIbrary, and in order to provide for the general safety of children using the Monroe County Publ Ie Library, the following rules and regulations shall be and are made a matter of pol icy at the Monroe County Publ ic Library. 1. {-)ll chi 1 dr.'en ag€.~ five or" voun<:';H2r" shall, c1t <:<11 timE's, be attended and adequately supervised bv a responsIble person, e.g. 3n adult or a mature adolescent. Ii <:< ChIld is left unattended, the Children's Room staff oerson should try to Identify and locate the parents or responsible adults. a. When the parent IS located, explain FIrmly the LIbrarv pol icy on unattended children. b. If the par'f:?nt I~:;:. not found In the bU.i 1 dIng, 2. Children's Room staff member should stay WIth the child until the parent can be located. r If the parents have not been located within an hour, or l'~ t.r-,el i tJr'c:wv I <S c 1 0::, i nq, the el11 I CI'.'f2rl 's r':;:oom members shall call the pol ice. d. Under no CIrcumstance sha1 I a staff member take the ChIld out of the building. ~. Children who exceed -five years in age, bt..lt who are less than eIght years In age may be left unattended for up to onE'--hc:l.'1 + hour' irl thE:"" 1 ibr'ar'y, p~-:cept durin'.] sch(?dul ed I ibrary programs, at which time, that person responsible for the supervision of said child or children may elect to be absent for the duration of the program. If that person who is respon~ible for the superviSIon of saId child or children intends to leave the bUIlding while their child remains at the I ibrary, then that person shall leave word at the Clr'culatio!i desk ar-"E?a c:l.S to thE'lt". \^./hereabouts. However, persons responsible for children who have special problems, related to physlcal or mental abil ity, disruptive behaVior, emotIonal problems. lack of adequate attention span, Incomplete social skills, etc., shall remain WIth their children at all tImes, and the above mentioned exception or absence during supervised lIbrary programs shall not apply to these chIldren. 2():p2 3. Children from the age of eight and older may use the library unattended, subject, of course to other rules and regulations promulgated by the Monroe County Publ ic Library concerning behavior, conduct and demeanor. DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR 1. Children who are being disruptive will be asked by staff to correct their behavior. ,. If the parents refuse or are unable to control the chile, the family will be asked to leave. 3. If the child is unattended and parent cannot be located within the building the staff member will attempt to contact the parent. 4. An older unattended child will be told he/she is causing a dIsturbance and thIS is a warning. The neyt time he/she will be asked to leave. 5. If the disruptive behavior continues, tell the youngster to leave. Follow through to insure that he/she does leave the building. The Monroe County Publ ic Library assumes no responsibil ity for children left unattended on 1 ibrary premises. 21 ~lQtm.Q.E.._1.~_m..l1:JII_ F' l..l.~:.h::JJ~_...!:::..L~Ef~.fLt E~J'=-IJ2.I !;J)/VIt:!.!J!:iLI.LJ::E ~.b!8IJ:= P RO.!2.8.Bt1S 1. Community Resource Programs, individual or group, must be presented in writing to the Director, When plans, mode ot implementation and publ icity ideas are final ized, the Director will then submit the program for Board approval. Board of Trustee approval connotes a Library sponsored pr'o'=Ir~am . 2. CoolmLlnity Resources wishing to generate LIbrarv of\iented programs shal] be solely responsible for providing all funds and suppl ies necessary to the programs satisfactory completIon. 3. The Director shall be responsible to the Board of Trustees for Community Resource programs or events to be sponsored by the Library, only after above approval, In writing, has been presented to the concerned Community F<esoLwc e . 22 '101'.!f:m!;.. C oUNJ:1.._f.WJ~.bLG._ L I .Bri' AF\: r E:.Id.\:..:_L C Y f:.~.I~.liP ~) ..1'HQ\:!f:5-. Concerned cItizens who are members of the Friends of the LIbrary System provide invaluable assistance with public relations, fundraising, advocacy, and cultural programs. Their interest. volunteer tIme and support contrIbute SIgnificantly to responsive public service and lIbrary development for the people of Monroe County. Friends of the Library System are non-profit groups organized on the local I ibrarv level and governed according to specific organIzational by-laws. Local Friends groups represent their communities and the entire Monroe County Library System by serving as support groups to the Library Trustees, Library DIrector, and Branch Managers. As representatIves of the Monroe County Library System, all Friends actiVIties should be in accordance with the pol icies and procedures of the llbrarv system, and follow local, state, and national publIc I ibrary laws. Activities should also conform to any state regulations administered through the DIvision of Library and Information Services, Florida Department of State. The Library Director or deSIgnee should be Informed in advance of plans and activities of local Friends groups. In order to coordinate Friends activities, assist and advise individual Friends organizations, promote cooperation and maintai~ communication, at least one joint meetIng of trustees and local Friends groups shall be held annually. 'v.... ";:...J !:'IO~.8..PJ;_h_Q1!!.fTY ..PU~.!- ~~_U..BRA8.!.. E:9.bJ.1::1_ ~OLb.~~ TJJ~!@'L?s.L'-=J--':::.@'._ AC;.TLYLL!~~.. No employee of the Monroe County Pub] ic Library while on official duty or 1 ibrary premises shall engage in collectIng or sell ing activities for non-l ibrary related organizations.