Resolution 243-1990 -' Pl.anning Department RESOLUTION NO. 243-1990 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOlnfDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 59, LITTLE TORCH KEY PART OF. GOVERNMENT LOT. 2 ::r:o . -0 :::0 N -..J ..." r- r"T1 CJ ..." o :::0 :::0 I'Tl ("') o :::0 [:::J '~ WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Departme~ ()) Report of March 26, 1990, Little Torch Key, Part of Governme~ Lot 2, was zoned (GU) General Use, under the zoning code prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Develop- ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated residential boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpre~ation Nunlber 59 dated March 26, 1990, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged. and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on, the 18th day of April, A.D., 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ok~~ By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -a.L~4.1,f).~ Clerk B'f. MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Robert Herman, Deputy Director for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Robert Stiglitz Little Torch Key, Part of Government Lot 2. DATE: March 26, 1990 MEETING DATE: April 18, 1990 PLANNER: Antonia Gerli BIOLOGIST: Dianna Stevenson Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No____ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action.: Robert Stiglitz is requesting a boundary determination for part of gov- ernment lot 2, located at Little Torch Key. Approximately 1/6 a.cre of a 3 acre parcel of land owned by Mr. Stiglitz is in the Native land use district, and the rest of the parcel is zoned Suburban Residential. Mr. Stiglitz requests that the Native district be changed to Suburban Resi- dential. The planning staff recommends approval. Backqround: The portion of land in question is the only land in this Native land use district. On the south side the land is Suburban residential, to the North is Improved Subdivision, across the street is Improved Subdivision and Suburban Residential. Prior to September 15, 1986, the land was zoned (GU) General Use. The land is low with a saltmarsh containing both black and red man- groves. Buttonwoods are also present. Towards the road is a low ham- mock. Because of the presence of these habitats the land was given the native land use district designation. However; the property complies with the purposes of the Suburban Residential district. Findinqs of Fact: 1. The Native land use area is only 1/6 of an acre and constitutes spot zoning. 2. The rest of the parcel of land is in the Suburban Residential dis- trict. 3. The land in question Residential. complies with the purpose of the Suburban 4. The land will still be preserved in its state whether in the Native or the Suburban residential, because of its wetlands status. 5. The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison are imprecise and are in error as to the location of properties and extend of Native habitats. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: ___Yes~No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable:N.A. Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives:N.A. Attached Documentation: X Yes No 1. Application and proof of payment 2. Photograph of the site. 3. Proposed Boundary map. 4. Land use district map 5. Aerial Map 24th edition 1989 6. Land use district map February 28, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Zoning map Pre-September 1986 8. Staff Report Planner and Biologist APPLICAT!ON _~9R__ ~ USF;_DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT -~-..';;';.\':-t,-~_1 ~G [j L-L"2 PHONE # 97 if - 'J. t, G CI ADDRESS ~J-~-~Lu__l?~.CLk__J~~_ \ ._S_U_'"'cL~ ~ \/- \~,-l /-< (:> J- ,. p.( p.. KEY -L'dl]{-e_ ~'~_LfY L, . k ~CJ MM ~:? OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? ~ tiej j" d e. SUBDIVISION PLAT BOOK ___PAGE .___LOT(S) P~r' O~ Go--il :_ bJ:., d- BLOCK MISC. LOCATION . INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) -- --. ---.---------5--e ~--pn --~----~----_. -'--'---'._-~,-- ---_._._-~~------ REQUEST CHANGE FROM ~/1~ REASON FOR REQUEST: -.Ma-L 1/h'e--- -6-~-"",--_ L \, i .'d u_ Q. c - -----J,~- ---n~J.~4-[' ':) __ TO SR V\dl fi/ A \' :) ~V"\. ~ "- ~C<' I').e:\ J- ------_._----~--_.._---~-----~--- PRESENT LAND/USE: _______ ."";9- -1/ . . - /-.. --1"- - 1- '-Lt!"i-<...-t-~.//--.-n-_- M~ eJ-f'.. //J ~/ . ') / 1-/ c-_ - -._- ',_. -----------.-.-. DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: --. ----- .. -----------_. --'.'- --. ~--_.._--_. --- .--.. ..------------------ SIGNATURE_~_~ n Fee paidJ..d"SQ___ n ~" ~~ .y--. DATE ('. - (e :) (-' ~ I . J 1 J t \S:;Cf I :, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monroe County, Florida N'! 4 G 2 8 9 5 I, :". . o FFI CE 0 F ------------'--;......~-L-L.:...L....________:_~_t_-~-----m--mmmm----- -__m'__________F LORIO AI J : . / . " REeE IV ED fro m. ---- -- uu____ - - ---- -- - ___u__ -- -- 00 --- -- ---- --- - -- - ---_,_ _ _ __ __ __ u __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ ____ Date __ _.-- ~ _ __:_ ~-t- __L_ __... _ _" _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ 1 9 oo' __h (I .' IL' f t ' , : ,- . f /)L r) '( FOR: --- .....y..~~L -.....:... :.,.:....L_j~__ -m.:..-F..:- -- - -- _ -_ __~.t_~_) u --_ ~-_.~ -___ _ __ ~ _.~_~~..I.... __:.._~_ m __ _ $ _~:.. __!_.:_ __ ~_ .:_ __u _ _ __ __ __m_uu_ ___ ~,. I .' ______L_L_,+L_~!L :..._:"'1. LU1~_ .J__LL1.. _ ~~ m __ __ m_ _ m_ u _ _ ___ _ __ ____ _ _ u __ __ __ __ __ 00 _____ _ moo_ $ __m _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ m ___ __ __ __ ___m_ _ 00 ---..-----------------..-----" ---- ---- - ------ ----- - ----- - - - - -- --- - u -- --- -_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _____ _ __ __ __ _____ _ __ __ __ _u_ ________ $ _________ __ __ u___ __u___ _ ______ _ _ u_ ___ ------ ______.L_,~__._~_.:__ ___m_____ ___u_u ____ __u ____ __ 0 FFIC ER By -m---m-___..__:~_.::__L_L___"__~'____mu_______u TOTAL f~ . 'i.' .'~;/ .r ~ , , f,. l i $ :::::: ::::::: :'::::::: ::::: :::::::: :::::: ,"-,'J , t"- t en ~ t c=I ...u ~l:it r- N C,Q r- ~ ... i , It I d I 3 i Ip J .;:.:.. ' ,I . ('c 'It' ..' 11'(..... '" ,.. r",-. ...... ,-'\ \ I ~ I "'''' I" III r ,,,,,.~ ..... .. '.:-e' , ? .: I ,;C"";./ r' ~ ~ ~ ~LUU0 1PnUli1JI?n'ufruurni~ "1w_.. ....... ......... ,.., ...~... .,......... ......i/ ..",-.... ,,., ...," ~~~.....: ,.,..........",~. ......~~.,.. ..1 .'* ....,... , 'W .....,...d... ,....f..... ........ ,~ .... I'.... ...,.........' ~ .............:_,. ,"~",...... ,."', ,.,'.._.,...,...,....~ ,.... .... 1'-.".'" ...',.. .f. ...,...,... ...f .,......., "., ......... ................l .... ...I..~.....I~"',/oo~"__ ,....- .1Jutl,. I hi.. 14th '::', ,." .:. '1 tllIY 0/ Hay .J. D. 1.?S6 --, ROBERT STIGLITZ and IWTRICIA STIGLITZ, hh wife, f.bnroc Florillll . 11/ II,,' t't 1/1 " I!I of . party of th~ fir,t part, ""tI SIII/e 0/ UIII' R08ERT STIG1.ITZ. L. 0;, c. ~ w cr c:c: c: ~ Q Lo.l .... &A: , of the COllnty nl Monroe 0,,,1 Slut. 01 Florida, parlfJ til thII 'tJe01fd, part, Bttntssrth. UuU th. ,aid party 01 1M fin' pari, 10,. and U. coIIIUleratio1t 01 IM.UM 01 TEM ($10.00) AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS......1JoUan, u. Iwuatl paUl by t1uJ ,ald parig 01 1M 'tJCOM pan, 1M ~"'p4 U'hil~olll htJ1'e1Jy acknoU1l- _~, Iuu nmiltJd, ~ltHu,.tl and quitcuumtJfl. tutd by tM.tt p1'e'."" doe, 1'emUtJ. ~ . tutd quitclaim ruato th. mltl parlfJ 01 1M 'tJCO"d pan till th. rith'. 'Uk, inl4J1'e" cltUm GIld tkma.ntl whiM th. ,ald party 01 tu /I,.,' pari ha, I" a"d to 1M 10lWwinl tUlcribtJd 10' , pi<<>>., _or[JtJl'CtJl 01 land, ,U'UlI. ll/i", and Hi"l u. u,. COWl'" 01 Monroe SI4U 0/ FIorUlG. 10 wU.. . SEE ATrNJIED roR 'LEGAL DESCUPTI~ '" t') M 0. .. r;. ~ ~ ., .. ~ . is .:;i....,.: 1C:2:~' .",~ ;::.r!lS !dj ~i, mn lInut nub tn lInlb 1M 1tUM. 101.11aR II1UA aU GIld rilap,liJr 1M. appUP'UltGltu, 'M~Wlto NIo1ttual 0,. u. a"vwU. ap~rla.lItu.l. antl aU 1M ..taU. . "IAI. UtU. Uau~" GM cltUm U1hahHU." 01 1M ,ald, po.rlJ/ 01 '^" /lI'" pari, ftt/u,. u. Ita.w 01' <<iuMv. to 1M 0,,1v profH" IU., NlUjU antl HMo/ol 1M ,ald, par'" 01 1M 'tJCOItG ptri Ju .ttntsa-JllJtrtpf. -UU,a.ld party of 1M fin' pGrl Mu MMualo ,., hlI AMcJ antl ,<<11 u.. dAv elM r<<u' fin' abow wrUU:t, - ...... ... 1IrI"'!"l' to - ......h .' ffl ~t4rnc . . PAlRlClA ' &.~~ 11. ~M~~ &tau of JrlOribU.} . "- (; '. (l1JUldJl IIf KMOB J 1IrnIII (lrrttft TIuJ' 01t thh Jail p."oraoU" OP1*I'" b.lor. m., 011 olJl.tUr dlllll GlltAorl:ctJd to od"umd.r ootM olld toIctJ aobowltJdlm.n", PATRICIA STIGLITZ to m. WtJll k1touna to b. th. p."OIl ducrlbtJd (,..~~"W}HJ,.e.uCllttJd tM 'w:tolnl lllltrllm.n' olld ahe aclmo':f'l~f.ftC.~~l..' m. tluJ' 5 U.Cllted th. 10m. Ir..JII olld volllnt4rUlllo"J.Jijt' PII~.)~nlll upru,ed. .lhItM mil Itolld olld olftclol ,eGl 0' .. "C'.. \~oIAt.l.>' .... ~, . ~!-N. COII"t, 01 Monroe , olld 8tG".! 9r. 7J~G,. ;~,; /..,.,,- dOli 01 '-(J! IC-~ .I. D. 11/86 . ~",o 1I r> ~\G/ . : . J4J .___ ~ ~ ACXNOWLEDCHENT\l........POSERs~~:E\lT STICLITZ ,NXo. ',.'. . ..:., "~.ty "*It STAIr Of" 'lllt.._ IS OM THE ......... 1/ CommUl.w" J..'~".' .,. ,.. '. r ., ";f;"~ I HEREBY CERTIFY. that on thh dAY penol'ally app.ar.d berore ... an officer duly authori&ed to ad.ini.ter o.th. and take acknowledgment., ROBERT STICLITZ. to me w.ll known to b. the per.on d..crib.d 1n .nd who .x.cuted the for..01n, in.trument .nd he .cknowleda.d b.for. .. that h. .x.cuted the .... fr.ely .nd volunt.rily for the purpo... th.r.in .xpr....d. \,- 'i :i <- ........ ~ r-- ..#" ('o.J ~ Ln r- en C) ...u ~lii STATE OF FLORIDA .s: COUNTY OF HONROE I ,"ji ." ,.: I' . ". 4,.. , . WITNESS .y h.nd .nd official .eal at J ?J 41;' Monroe. .nd Stat. of Florid.. this .~ ~,.,. b d.y of r- C"oI t.o r- ('I") ... "' c~..loa explr... .U" ,*rc ."" or 'lMfDI .. COIIISlIO. U'. Jun '.INt ....0 ..... IU(..... liS. ... '.;' !.~ '. -I . 4 }'f' ~ '-~ " .~:,,,,,:,,, ..'*";~~. . ,"\1 "-t'\..~\. ."':: , "'\..~ . . '.""<; ...... _"4 . " ~~~,.. ""," ~fi ..... , -".. ~-. 'I', ." ~D' '':'~~. .. , .A..,,,......~ I' . ./ "". t. C'\ ~ 1 - = Q I '37627 ~rt 0 9 7 5 r~jf I 2. ~ B llwt part of C.overm....'nt I.ot 2, St'l.t ion ~I, Tm.n,.;hip tlt> South, Rmlgl' 29 East, desl.:r i 1x.'lI t->y mctl'''; and hound,.; a,.; fo 110\0;,.;: Conmcncing on the East line of Oversea,.; lIi~h"a)' at the intersect ion of said Highway aOO the South Line of Goven1/llCnt Lot 2, Sect ion 21. Township 66 South, Range 29 East; thence Northerly on East Line of said Highway 1050 feet to the Point of Beginning, and the Southwest corner; thence Northerly on East Line of Overseas IHghway 250 feet to Northwest corner; thence due East to Ocean inlet Northeast corner; thence Southerly Z50 feet parallel wi th East line of said Highway to Southeast comer; thence due West to Point of BcgiMina Southwest comer. AND ColIIncncing at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way line of Old State IIighway No. 4A lUld the South line of Govermcnt Lot 2, Section 21, T.665., R.29E., bear North 04- 40' 05" West along said Easterly right of way line of Old State IIlRhway No. 4A for a distance of 850 feet to the point of begiMing of die parcel of land hereinafter described; f~ said point of begiMing continue bearing Northwesterly along the Easterly right-of-way line of Old State Highway No. 4A for a distance of 200 feet to a point; thence bear East for a distance of 310 feet, more or less, to a point on the shoreline of Pine Oumnel; thence meander the shoreline of Pine Oulnncl in a Southeasterly direction to a point which is 199.94 feet, measured ,t right angles to the preceding course; thence bear West for a distance of 425 feet, more or less, back to the point of begiMing. learmIfod '" Offlc/el a-rda IooIr '" Mo".... eGO,""" P!o<I.h O......l"ti ".~ifl.!'t . .....' ;-...~.HACE .. I. .., ..," ~ou,., I 1 I I - - - - - - - - - --\: 'R I ~ I I ~ . 1 I I I I I I I .. I I I I ..J SR I! ---L '\ . , PWIUllnt to Section '.5-24(a)(2)(h) ot the Monroe eo.....y Code. the boundarle. of the Land o.e Dlatrlc t. Map are Interpreted to be N located a. Indicated above and briefly delcrlbed U: 1 Delete Boundary line to include the Native Area in to the Suburban Residential district. DlrKtor, Growth Management Sh..t# 370 KeyLittle Torch Oat. BOCC A..olutlon 1"- 200' ._------~ , . R N I 1"=200.1 ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ----, /~ ~i..:h.' . '.. "!!! ",,/ I I - _.~ - -- - - ---- NA \ ----~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I .J Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Ja....ary 19,1988 PII nel or Sheet # ,;)-' 7 c /"; / / r-/., -L Applicant: . ",:Y"{-"/'- ,) / /U/~ '> / ,.~ ,.. // / .7"'- . "/ Key' .', l"r/ .. . _.. . /" . --i--...' - , ...- ./ ..',/ c /7 ~ File # IS Mile Marker: -7 ,""') ~:- (',' I 1-"100' f _.._.,.!::--._.--..~ ~ ",- Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. .( 71>: Edition, 19, \"(. Pllnel or "'.1# Appllc.nt: /~( t<c" I'~ Key: /~ -.1~i,.; '>Ic.,~ (. /) - ---... L/ - , 'y. FII. # -.-.- . 'j .. / ,:..;/ ,'.' 2- /'...{'J / ,~) .., ''<.. r Mil. "'r.r: - .......-- ~ - . --------.--- \ :- C:~ , .....j \ . \ I \ ,\___' I" i \ } \ \ \ \ \ -~\ .!.S~_. \ \ . \ I NA\ I I S R '--\ ,\ \ NA /------ " \ \ \ I IS , I ~-'~ ,------ ,\ ...... I SR " ) \ \ t \ 1..\\' \ _, i.,,- '\ l.., \ \ I ) I , '- "~ ( ~, -~ \ \ \ '\ \~ -\ \ (11'r11!' I \ \ ' '\. ~ \\ \ S R ',,,, ~ ~, 'i \ -~--- ,\ \ ~ ~('I) 1\ \ ------N I \\ '\ ~ \ Land Use District Maps · Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# /~' , Flle# I 1.~600' I ::~:'C;~~. y, ci: .~ ._ u_'" ... -..__ N @ Mile Marker: ., -.--.--..-..--.--.<.-->..,........,,,..,, ~ .....~ ,...~.... .. ~._-- -. - . "I " ~ ~ po z z .l.L._ .. J ,. ~ ~ ,........... OC IJ5".-;/ f~' , q,.\ ...- . -"l t" >> '1 .. ~.... '... '" '.' 11 \ ~ .a~ ~1 \, ----, " ..---->- '//' . .. 1~1..o'SEIl-I!) f O~/." " J~. ./ :l , r-----=-:: - _. - , i.. P F~RO \ \ ~21' .'2..1 \ o~ ~ .-i "1 o < " c. '- -,t)f'4 <:.., ''t.4 '~4' --- ~"\ , "0 Q ~ 'fU~~ -1 '") _ .... II ~- l~~~ \ H4N5 \ ."'IN Go' ...r L '\ ~ oJ? NO-!{r/ - I.~~""C \ \ ,-,n .." 'f,l~ \ ~:z.S' _~ .!;J!tP;;:'~p\ .-1 r ",I ~ II I N" N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 I 1"=200' ~ Panel or Sheet# ,,-~I Applicant:, , Key: ~./, . "',c.) Flle# Mile Marker: Jill! ' MEMORANDUM TO: Ty Symroski, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Antonia Gerli, Planner Dianna Stevenson, Biologist ,DATE : March 5, 1990 REF: Boundary Determination for Robert Stiglitz, Little Torch Key, part of government lot 2, S 21, T 66S, 29E. R I) INTRODUCTION Robert Stigli tz is requesting a boundary determination for a part of government lot 2, Section 21, Township 66S, Range 29E, located on Little Torch Key. II) PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Approximately 1/6 acre of a 3 acre parcel of land owned by Mr. Stigli tz is in the Native land use di strict. The rest of the parcel is zoned Suburban Residential. On one side the land is Suburban Residential, on the other side the land is Improved Subdivision. Across the street the land is both Improved Subdi- vision and Suburban Residential. III) STAFF REVIEW Prior to September 15, 1986, the land was zoned General Uses (GU) . The land is low, with a salt marsh containing both black and red mangroves. Buttonwoods are also present. Towards the road is a low hammock. Because of the presence of these habitats the land was given the native land use district designation. The land however, complies with the purposes of the suburban residential district where natural and developed open space cre- ate an environment defined by plants, spaces and over-water views. The following findings were made during review: 1) The Native land use area is only 1/6 of an acre. 2) The rest of the parcel of land owned by Mr. Stiglitz is in the Suburban Residential district. 3) The land in question complies with the purpose of the Subur- ban residential district. 4) The land will still be preserved in its natural state wheth- er in the native or the suburban residential district be- cause of its wetlands status. IV) RECOMMENDATION Mr. Stiglitz request that the native area be changed to suburban residential. The planning staff and the biologist agree wi th Mr. Stiglitz's request. . cc: file 2