Resolution 246-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 246-1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE TRAUMA CARE AGREEMENT WITH KEYS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, INC. D/B/A MARINERS HOSPITAL (THE DISTRICT HOSPITAL) CONCERNING EMERGENCY TRAUMA-RELATED HEALTH CARE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a trauma care agreement with Keys Hospital Foundation, Inc. d/b/a Mariners Hospital, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning emergency trauma-related health care. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of April, A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA cftt..~ BY:- MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ f!4./).t!. CLERK APPR01ffl3'E. 1. FORM AND LE A 'U le/ENer. BY Attorney's Office V'Z: [d or tidlJ 06. OCJOJ3Cj dO.::l 031/.:j . / 'r' ,,/ TRAUMA CARE AGREEIvIENT WHEREAS, the Board of County COlnmissioncrs of Monroe County has, by Ordinance No. 008-1988 (amended by Ordinances 041-1988 and 052-1988) created the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District for the purposes of providing certain health and trauma care, and, " HHEREAS, aforesaid Ordinance provides for the designation of "the District Hospital" for the purposes of receiving funds from the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, which was accomplished by Board of County Commissioner's Resolution No. 298-1989, and \VHEREAS, aforesaid Ordinance provides that fund.s may be paid, as aid for off-setting costs of pre-transport treatment, if unassumable by the patient, to the District Hospital for pre- transport hospital and physician care, if necessary, prior to transfer to medical institutions outside of Monroe County, and \'IHER.EI~S, upon recommendation of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District Advisory Board, the Board of County Commissioners, sitting as the governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District has recommended to the governing body the need and desirability to enter into this agreement with Keys Hospital Foundation, Inc., DBA Mariners Hospital for ordinanced purposes, therefore, The following Trauma Care Agreement is entered into between the Board of County COIT~issioners, acting as the governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District and Keys Hospital Foundation, Inc., DBA Mariners Hospital: Section 1. Purpose The purpose of this agreement is to formalize , an arrangement whereby the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District will reimburse Mariners Hospital for patients receiving pre-transport treatment and physician care, if necessary, prior to transfer of trauma-related injury patients to medical institutions outside of Monroe County, if cost of 2 .// ./ sucn care is_ unassumable by the patient, and as qualified elsewhere within this agreement. section 2. Provisions a) Mariners Hospital agrees to treat patients, in its F~ergency Room, who qualify for pre-transport treatment prior to transfer to medical institutions outside of I'1onroe County, and who are being handled under other provisions of th~ Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District as to criteria in place with accepting institutions outside of Monroe County. Such criteria shall be, at a minimum: 1) Trauma Score 12, coma score 10, or evidence of shock at the scene \.Jith systolic BP 90 or below. 2) Or that the tra.uma victim has experienced amputat.ion proxi.mal to the hand or foot. 3) Or any other tralli~a triage as may be required in trauma transport protocols. 4) And that a Certificate of Eligibility has been signed by one of the designated Trauma Transport Officers. Such care offered by Mariners Hospital shall be to assure stabilization and other advanced trauma life support (ATLS) actions sufficient to enable transportation to other institutions outside of Monroe County for additional treatment for such trauma-related injury "'Thich cannot be provided by Mariners Hospital. As part of such emergency room treatment, coordination shall be made by Mariners Hospital Emergency Room physician by verbal review of the nature of the injuries of each patient with the emergency room physicians and trauma surgeons of the receiving hospital. Mariners Hospital further agrees to transfer 3 complete medical records, to include emergency room report, with the patient when transferred to institutions outside of Monroe County. Mariners Hospital shall also obtain the signature of an authorized paramedic, acting on behalf of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, on a Certification of Eligibility form to accompany the patient. b) Mariners Hospital agr~es to bill any insurance carrier which such trauma-injury related patients may have, and to bill such trauma-related injury patients themselves for all balances not covered by insurance. c) Mariners Hospi tal agrees to bill Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District for such trauma- related injury patients who are not covered by any insurance carriers and have no means of paying for their pre-transport trauma-related injury care at Mariners Hospital, including but not limited to Emergency Room fees, ancillary fees to include but not be limited to laboratory fees, X-ray fees, Respiratory therapy fees, etc. d) For those patients listed in c) above, the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District agrees to pay 80% of such patient's accrued charges and Mariners Hospital to absorb the remaining 20% of such patient's accrued charges. e) Mariners Hospital agrees to accept the assignment of Medicare and Medicaid patients as payment in full. f) Mariners Hospital agrees to allow the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District to send a designated individual representing the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District to audit any bills which are presented for payment. g) Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District agrees to pay Mariners Hospital within thirty (30) days 4 / ,/ /' ./". . v~ ~~ceipt of bill from Mariners HospitaL LUr any qualifying patien.t, not awaiting Medicaid eligibility. h) The Board of County Commissioners, acting' as governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, to aid in the effectiveness of and as requirement for evaluation of this agreement, shall require the Medical Director of any Monroe County Emergency Services District involved to implement criteria and protocols included herein regarding patients transported to Mariners Hospital under this agreement from within the geographic area of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, which shall include reporting of patient on-scene score report, Air-Rescue One or land transport report, disposition of patient and follow-up of hospital treatment logs and reports, to the County Administrator and the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District for statistical and effectiveness d~terminations. i) The Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District and Mariners Hospital and its medical staff and administration agree to participate in a Utilization Review in order to determine any disputed medical or social needs of the patient, to be able to effectively utilize available resources under this agreement. Section 3 Termination a) Either party may terminate this agreement, wi th or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. b} In the event that a thirty (30) day termination notice is invoked by either party, or other termination, all obligations incurred on the part of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, under the terms of this agreement, or under any amendments thereto, prior to the date of 5 // " .. 'r. . ....',.'" , ',', ".~ nnination, shall be fulfilled as pc e terms of this agreement, and as it may be amended. " IN \vIl'NESS \'Il-IEHEOF, the parties be 1m... have caused this i1uthorizcd, aqrecmcnt to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly (SEAL) Attest: Clerk Witnesses BOARD OF COUN1~ CO~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNryy, FLORID~ , BY t<layor /Chairman Date KEYS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, INC. DBA& MARINERS HOSPITAL By Title ~ ,I' Date I, ~ ' i. ~. -..-------- 6 . ~ll1i~;~ FORM , AN((UCC/fNCY. BY Att"'f1f'v's C,"