Resolution 120-2007 RESOLUTION NO. 120 2007 A RESOLUnON OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE WRITE-OFF OF A $13,750.00 SHIP SECOND MORTGAGE. WHEREAS, the Monroe County SHIP Program closed a SHIP Second Mortgage in the amount of $13,750.00 on 3/29/96, secured by the property located at 804 Oakland Ave., Key Largo, Florida; and WHEREAS, the First Mortgagee (Nationwide Mortgage Corporation), filed a foreclosure action in 1998; and WHEREAS, the SHIP Mortgage position was not protected SInce there was not sufficient equity to allow for a recovery; and WHEREAS, the First Mortgagee took title to the property on June 25, 1999. NOWTHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida that the County hereby: Authorizes the write-off of a SHIP Second Mortgage Loan in the amount of $13,750.00 formerly secured by the property located at 804 Oakland Ave., Key Largo, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board on the 21st day of March, A.D., 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~Q-~ Mayor Mario Di Gennaro By: Mayor Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Spehar C..()J1111li.s~io. ner McCoy ct)!nnii~~fQn~ Murphy COll'1missia!l.~ugent , ",-', Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N> :r = .." C> 0 = J> ..... ,- z :;;oC"')~~ """ :"71 -0 .::J or"'::. ;:l;l "'A-< I .." ("). r 0 0(")' W :co ~?=Jc": :1>0 ;,0 ;1~?i :x fTl <:? C) -" ,~ 0 Cl ;;0 r rq .r:- <::) J> ;"'.\, SEAL: " .[ .ATTEST: IfA-NNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~<~~f ~ . . ...~-- .~~ Approved as to l~ (j_ic~: Date: ---Lfs!o? ~ . { /"ti eN THE CIRCUIT COUl" OF THE (liTH lUD'IC[AL C[RCUIT. fN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DI1nS[ON CASE NCi: 98.20681..CA..09 ............. ............... FIRST NAnONWIDl'l MORTGAGE COR:POIV\ nON PLAINTIFF :J: \.0." '0 1::;1 '-') Z ;t; c- i- ;Uj~)~:; c:: :'"T1 01......- :z: '=' I"l'?l;-'- N ..." n" to. U1 '-::) C;r). ;0' ~~ ~ ~<.: :=- ';0 -<C?'''' ::I: ,." ;'(-i:':: ,:"") 111e undersigned Clerk of the Court, certifi.. that the Node" ofPulolic: Sale ofth<, lll'llll~id~~ ~ >-["tr- _ 0 Grdm' (,f Final Judgment WIiS pnblisJu:din rhe nm KEY WEST CITIZE~I, a New'\P' lei' circulated "" MONROE ,,", County, Florida, in tbe manner shown by the prQl)f ofpubticB1ion attached, and on _L La1.5;l-B~ , .__. tl", property was off.>red for public sale to tb" bighest and best bidder ~ asl1. Tbe highest and best bid received for the property was I'IRST NA TIONWJDE MORTGAGE CORPORA nON to wl,em Ibe prol'<'I,tl' was sold. The pre<:eed. of the sale are retained for distributioll m an:ncc: with the O~ of Final Judgment WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court ~~~~t:9 ,f/ ,~~ '<~~GE f. ~ : ,~ ~~ijurt ',;. ~"'" " :::/,\'-" L -I'. J.. / '<;:'ij..... t. A ~r!:-.u!:.~ .LlL.~'l- VS. DARRI'llLL L. ROACH NKJA DARREL l. ROACH IF L1Vl!NG. AND If" DEAD, nIE UNKNOWN SIPOUSE, fffilRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNF.ES, LIENORS. CRED:lTOIRS. TRUSTEES AND ALL OTImR PARTIES CLAIM1NG AN n~TEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGATNSTDARRELL L. ROACH AlKJA DAFJU,L L. ROACH; llNKN"OWN SPOUSE OF DARRELL L. ROACH AlKJA DARRI'lL L. ROACH, [I' ANY; MONROE COUNTY, FLOIUDA: ELIZABETH I. BOOMGAAIlD: JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION ._~I~i..._..--. MONROE COmITY OFFICIAL RECORDS -).- 7 E'I'LE t~:1.:3 ~~..::> , .,,:1. ~7:3 BK# ~ 5 8. :3 PG... ~ RCD Jun 25 1999 11:22AM DANNY L ){OLHI~GE, CLERK ~U[FJCATE OF 5AL,E; (SEAL) (). ~() 8yTHE ClER1( CiF,"'1-IE. COURT.. ~_j": NCl~>E-T~EREBY (;IV-E:N 11>1111110 ul'lder.lilgnBd _DANNV;"I." _KOLHAGE.~~ CIs", of the 0i'cuIt C't>Ult,_t)fMor"I"-~ ColJntlr, Florida. witl. on thtt '25th-dly"i; of ,June,t999 at..:11~.,:a;m"l~.,.~...b.U 1 front steps of 1118 ~r1houIo~. ~t RII Coun1~, In lh. Clll"of,I<s1"W.it~~ " Florida. ,Ctff<< 'for""':'8rMt'.llEllt~...t,~t:----- , public eMerY 10 Ihlhlgliostblild<i,'br :~'e ~~":r Wellt Fl. 3~1(J<"O cash. ttHt foUowll1g .dEl&Ctlbed .I)rope~~;~~ 1)' is~tu,a1ed In Monrett COOfll'l'.~ Ron- daL:,ors Ie AND ,;ei:~~k:;C.IFiZ;;~ t ~Y'.'~ j30 HI-LAHIOs.AccOFiDlNG T",.'(i~ OTH!R PLAT THI!REOFAS RE~" ~ CORom IN THE PLAT BClOK 4.,o " ~'T PAGI!.'OFTHE PUBL1CRE~,~~~ COFICISOFIIDNROE~;j::',~ 'LORI'DA FLORIDA ~ ? :".,,:~.~......~ . p..."""1O 1I>e AN,". JUOOMEI'!lllii NIONRO~o Of FORECLOSURE ""IIA1dI"."', ' . CIlII~llsatdCOUrt;lhli~;~gnlm authority persorulllv appeal1'..d Rarldy G, Elrickson, who 011 oath says that ~~~':ii';;;;;;;;~~j~t:~ e Advertising DI''Partmc~t (lfthe Key West Citizen, a daily IleWllpaper published CO~IPORATION ,:,,:;:");Ji;,,"~,", lonroe Counlly Flolida; that the altach,!d copy of advertisernent, bc:iJ~g 21 legal ~~J1:AELLLRoAci(;Ef..A~.~l~.,.~~..;l~'rOf I) /' :/1. .. . , ~ L /J ...lltle _II O1.IIlber:OI\,"'*'!m'.~_ I:::':L:__~~Wl,lJ~~ ~rlln~ {n .10 9B-20681CMlII'.,.':' ;,:.",::.",.:,.::.i:~ , 0 'w...., , ~ .,,.,, OJ _ ill '1" - .--.,= VIITNESlI my heiicf......illIlcld..d~i l;K.._____ --,:>~L __,!: 01 sold Court 1M": ,2~.';~~ ,of, May.,,:.. .. Court, WilS published illl said n.eWSplIlper in the iS8Ue!I of 1l1'JlJ;, . oAN'iivt.<OIi'AGE,:__ do. \ "\--\~~ " , Cleric ,04 "'''::lo:u,t"eou", '" '.Mooroe('.cooly,Fk>r1de L Th W C" . bl'hedoK W 0 'd '.t'" Trudy Havl...rvs tllla! e Key 'estltLllelllS a newspaper pu IS III ey ,est, In SllI ... 011 & 1'~ '1::':'[je?UIY, c.!"'" Floridll, and thut the said newspaper has he~etolore been continuously published June 1 I "III,. "'_."._'rr'u, . '. - ... .=y';;';oG",,';;; 'tounty, Florida eac:h day (except SI~lUrdlIYS) IUld has been entered as ~cond-class mail maller at the post office in Key West, in suid Monroe COUlIlty, FIoridll, for a period of 1 year next preceding the lil15t publication of the alttacill,ed copy of advertisement; nod alliant lurther says that h,e hilS neither paid nor promised any p,ersor~ linn or corporation any discount, rebate, commi:ision or refund l'Or the purpose of securing this adverti:51:ment for publication in the said newspapl:r. I/ltl /71' trtf:-hZ~ ~ Signature of Affi8llt . , Il~~ ,) S_ ""' --- """'" - ..d.., 'r' of L LurtA.. . ''''. JJ.1(~ . ign~lture of NOlary Public ~"'IIIlIIII/f1cl ~...:iJ\RB,,, ~4 ;'I' V~l.' ......:~.." ~~. !!ii, ,,- "~. ~ ~",/' ~~11. .~... lS ",,,,..!J' \,. :: .: . 1):*= ;,tr: ... : i l'b \ 'CClI12SIl$ UI~ ~....t'.,o. :9f:;:t ~1!9" ~'"'l:_..~~.,~# ~ ~.4~~~~dc ~ ~11,v811C s,.,,~i.~,+\i: .'I"'"in,,'\\'\\ Oflflce' 30!!>.294-664:1. Fal>' ~1(7S-2'94-0768 l'ubliSiIed O.ily Key Wesc, Mouroe COUllty, Flowid. 330401 ~'ILE: ,t 1 1:3 1 2 !57 BJK#:l 5 l3: :3 PG~' 1 (2) 7 4 MONROE COlJl~TY OFFICIAL RECORDS Expires 1Q -<JJ 1JJ..;,:j{()~,:- Personally Known __ Producled Identilicatic,n Type ofIdenti6cation I?roduced --------------------------------- IN~ clllromooURT OF THE 161H JlJDlliClAL CIRCUIt,lN" ANl)'FOR MONRO'E COUNlY, FLORIDA .... ... ."...._....~.1.I~m~~~~DIVmION FIRST NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE CORPORATION :~LAIN11FF . i;;" VS. ':--':. :'L \ DARRELL L. ROACH AlKJA DARREL L. ROACH IF LIVIl~G, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES. GRANTEES, ASSIONEES, LlENORS, CREDrrORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL mEER I'All.TIES CLAD.IING AN INTEltEST 18Y, THlWUGH, UNDER. OR AGAINST DI\RRELL L. ROACH AlICJA DARREL L. ROACH; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF' DARRELL L. ROACH AlKJA DARREL L. ROACH, IF ANY; MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ELIZABETH I. BOOMGAARD; 10H1~ DOE AND lANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS n~ POSSES~~~n'TI .~Ib___.' MONROI ICOUN'rY OfrICIAL aDcoaus rILl .1126137 BRU.5 7 B PG:IB.2 2 RCD May 26 1'" '9,f3lK DANNY L KOLBAGD, CLIRK This .1)a.c,~ ill for rcconfbll pu.rpoun Qnly SUMMARY FINAL JUDGMENT IN FORECLOSURE TIllS CAUSE having come to be heard .)11 Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Finalludgment and T'lXation of Attorney Fees ond Costs, and upon the Affidllvits med h....in, and dIll CoUlt being fully advised in the premises, it is h....by ORDBllED: I. PI,Iintift's Motion for Summary Final Judgm.",t is GRANTED. 2. There i. dn. fa the PI"intiffthe following: Principal du,. on the note secured by the Mortgag. lhreolosed berein: :$1OB,485.54 $6,147.52 $1,818.31 $330.68 $76.00 $1,387.79 $135.33 Interest 011 said Note and Mortgage from JUNE I, 1998 to FEBRUARY I, 19'99 Per diem iintereot 0125.61 from FEBRUARY 2,19')9 through APRIL 14, 1999 Late Charges Property Inol>..110ns Ad Valo."m Tillr.es MOl'tgllge [nslJI-anlce Pre!miUmlS COSTS: Filing Fee Service of Proc.ess :$9:1.00 :$307.50 "EC',[IV~{,li> 1"'9 A T -13.~(,.___ '.10 IIW' ~ 1ECl1Rl.. 'p- 0..- ...~~. .. 0.. l'l I" NI I"IIXI ... .., ~, III ~. NeD '11" M ....In aa'" ....... ....'" ...... 108.485.54+ 6.147"52 + 1.B18.31 + 330"68 + 76"00+ 1. 3E17-79 + 1;\5-33+ 118.3131'17 0 93.00 <I- J507'50 + 325"00 + 119.106"67 0 "350"00 + 121h456"67 * ',. ';" . ) . .t~. -" Abstracting $325,00 AllOluey'" fees ba."d uJllOn 9 hours aI: $ 1: 50,00 pel' hour in tho: amount "I': SUBTOTAL $119,106,67 $ ~ 35'Z'. CO TOTAL sAi'} i'S".&i 'J rILl 11126137 BU:L 5"7 El PGII9 24, 3, A lien is held by Plaintiff whose address is 5280 CORPORATE DFUVE, FREDERICK, :MD 20701 forthe toltal of tho: Final Judgment sum llpOcified in tI1"pm:eding paragnq:lh, plus interest thereon. The aforesaid Ii.n of tlte Plaintiff is superior in dignity to any Ii.ght, title, interest or Cl<lim ofthe Defundan:t(s) lUJd all p.rsoWl, finns or cOI'P'orations c10iming 1>)1, tlhrough, or und"r said Deflmdant(s) 01' .my of them and said property will be sold free and delli' of a1:1 dain,,] of said Defendants unles" the Uni"ldl States of America is named herein as" defimdant, said United States of America will be accorded ibl ri;gl1t of rederlll'tion pW'Suant Il, Title 28 U.S,C, Section 2410 (c), The Ii"" encumbers tlte followD'll dl:scribed p,,,?,rty in MONIROE COWlty, Florida, to-wit: LOTS 16 AND 17, BLOCK 3, LARGO HI-LANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED INPLA T BOOK 4 AT PAGE 89 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA Iftlte tOll.1 sum dlle I" the Plaintiff as set forth in Paragraph 2, plulI interest therecn at the statut,,!')' mIA, per year ti'Om and aft,,,, this Judgment and all cost" of thi, Ilroceedinll incurred sub.equlmllO the date of tit" JudglI",nt are not forthwith paid to Plaintiff, the Clerk oflhis Court shalll..lIlh. property ,"'-eribed in Paragraph 3 in aecord3ll1"e with UIE, tenn, ofPlII..graph 6 bereof, Plaintiff shall MV8l1C<' the cost "I' publishing UIE' Notice of Sale and the Cl.rk'" I'll. for makillg the same .nd shaIl be reimbursed therefore by the CI",1< out oftlte procoeds Oftltll sale oflb,e property .:I4:scribed in Paragraph 3 if Plai"tiff shall n"t become th. purch....r of said prop<:rty at the sale, 'n.e G~~fthis Court shaJ. ~,II the property ~scribed in Paragraph 3 al public sale at 11:00 a.m., on the c:l.::; day of _.-.p..!~t.LL 199~, lotb, highest and best bidder or bidders 1'01' c:ash at AT KEY WEST COUR1l!li6USE located al 8E820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, in PLANTATION KEY, Florida, .1' tel' baving fint give" notice as required by S.c:tion 45,031, F'IIJrida Statutes. The CI"rk shall not cClndu-ct the sale unless the Plaintiff or ifs mpJ'1e!lenlative i~; present to bi.d at the sale. Any purchaser other than tlte Plaintiff shaIl pay all service churg.s ""...sed by tlte CI.,ri< of the Circuit Court pursuant to Florida Statut" 28,24 togllther with proper docum,,"tary stamps lto ba affixed to the Certificate ofTit!<,. I'lainti.fIf may be th" budder for, ilnd purclInser of, the property de!lGribed ill Paragraph 3. If Pllaintiff shall be, the purchaser of said prop'OI1y at tbe sale, the Clerk shall credit the bid of PlaDltiffwith the t,Jtal swn found to 1>, due 10 PJaintifffIJr s,uch portion thereof.., may be nec,,,,sary to pay fully the bid of Plaintiff, except that 1he sum mentioned in Paragmph :) of this Judgment must 'bl: paid in cash. If, llubseqllent to the date of Plaiutiff's affidavit of indebtc:dness lmdl prior to tbe sale cIJnt.mpIated in plOl1llgraph 6 hereof, Plaintiff shall be I'equim,d to 'l<lvane" anj' monies 10 pro~'t1 its mOltgage Ii.n, then Plaintifl' or its alloll1t')'s shan so certifY t'D the derk of this c"utl, a"d the amount fIJund due to Pl"intiffshaIl be increased by the amount (lif s'Uch advances without fUrther order of the Court. Upou tit. confinnllti'DIl oflhe sale of the above propel1y, wlwther by the clerk filing tlIe Certificate ofS"I. herein or by order of the Court ruling up,on objections to the salet the Dc:fi:lIldants, 8mi any and all person::; <:laiming by, through, and undl~r theln since tnl: d.ate (Jifthc filing ofthle Notice of Us Pendens, are forever 4. 5, 6. 7, 8,. .-...., 9. burred and foredo,edI of and from all rinht, lith" inter..t, claim or demand of any kind or I1l1ture whatsoev..r in and to the, property h,,,,,ml d"scribed Upon the filing of the: Dmiflcate ofTitll~. thl!! Clerk: ShlilU make dhit:l'll,utiClQ of the proceedll :frOlm. the sale in the following ol'de, IIld in the amo"nts due IlI'i<Ile, each of th,. following subplll'al1l1lp1ll" All coals and "'''pelO'''''' oftlll'.e proceeding, .ubseqUt>l1lt b, the entry o!'th" Sumnuory F'ina11udlllnent of Foreclosore, includin:g tile cost OfPllbli,hillg the Notlce of Sale IIlld th,e Clerk's f.., for makin:8 tile sale, WIl..s Plaintiff, having already paitd for tlle~' two itOlllls of cos~ shall be the purc:h..." at tile ,;ale, the CQ!,t of the State docwllenuary ,tamps aflixed to d,e Certificate of Tille ba."d on the ''''ollnt bid for tilt. property, plus tile costs, if paid by purchase" The totals"m he,..in found to be due to Plaintiff in P....graph 2, plus inb""st Bit the stab.!oll'}' rate per year after th,. da1te he,,,o! The balance of the pmceeds of the sale in exces, of tile Ilmounts paid tmder P,II..graphs 9(u) lIlIId 9(b) shali be rotained by tI1r, Cieri< of this Court pending further order of this Court. Upon tile filing oCtho C.:rtificato ofTith" di. pllrcb...r at the sale, b../he'repre,.ntallive. or .."'igns shall b. lei into possc's"ion of the property fort!twItI!. The Court retains jurisdiction oflrhhl ca.u.SI~ and the parti4~5, to entclr fUl1her orders as are proper, including deficioncy judgments. If Plaintifr is the plllehase. at Ihe sale, Plaintiff, dbei. heinl, "'pre,,,",tlltives, succ....m or assigns, shall be placed in immediate po....sion of the albrede,cribed pmnise" In lite ovenl the Defendants fail to vacate said premises widbinlO days of the date of the foreclO!lllre !l~e as pl'Ovided above, the Cl,erk of the Court is dire<:liOd to issue a writ of possession to the P'laintiff forthwitlt and without the neces.ity of any further orellOr from this Court for the premi.,..located at 8114 OAKWOOD A VENUE, KEY LARGO, FL 33037. 'TIle COlllt finds !bat the nwmber of hour. expended and the hourly rate ch,vged by PI:l.intifl'. counsel.. set forth in Paragraph 2 are reasonable. The CClIUn further finds that there are no reductJlQ'n or enhaJ1cemc:nt facte,., for consideration by th" Calm pursUlllt to Flmida Patient', Corr~lIHliwIj~ill v Row. 472 So. 2d 1145 (Fla. 1985.) n. b. c. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. '!he Mortgage Note II1d Morll!lage, attached to Plaintiff'. complaint 81"0 hereby l"'''llIblish"d. I,UJi)QrlE .,~ in chll1lbors at PLANTATION KIEY, MONR.OECounly, FlcIl'ide, lhisLLdayof.L.,j ',L199!l-. ~t..: 0/ ~~. ~( e,i"k De Furia, Circuit 98-311135 (FNW) Copies lillnisbe<1 tAl: LAW OFFICES OF DA Vill 1. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY mUYE, STE 500 PLANT AnON, F1. 33324 DARRELL L. ROACH A/KiA DARREL L. ROACH 804 OAKWOOD AVENUE KEY LARGO, FL 33037 "'... "'... ...,. "" .. Ul ... fol ...,J (llfol M ...lJl <=>fol .. (II III N...,J IJ1 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA C/O BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 500 WHl'1'EHE.~[JI STREET KEY WEST, fl. 33040 PILI "1 :1 ~~ 15 :1. :3 7 BKtlL57il31 PG'81~!6 JOliN A. JABIW, ESQ. ATTORNEY FOR ELIZABETH I. BOOMGAAJRD 90311 OVERSEASIDGHWAY, SUlTEB TA VERNlER, FL 3:1070 JANE DOE NIKIA SHARON DIEB~JCH 804 OAKWOOD A VENUE KEY LARGO, FL 33037 MOIIROn COUNrY OPPICIAL RICORDS