Resolution 121-2007 RESOLUTION NO. 121- 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE WRITE-OFF OF A $14,000.00 SHIP SECOND MORTGAGE. WHEREAS, the Monroe County SHIP Program closed a SHIP Second Mortgage in the amount of $14,000.00 on 3/15/95, secured by the property located at 137 Atlantic Ave., Key Largo, Florida; and WHEREAS, the First Mortgagee (Glendale Federal Bank, F.S.B.), filed a foreclosure action in 1998; and WHEREAS, the SHIP Mortgage pOSItIOn was not protected SInce there was not sufficient equity to allow for a recovery; and WHEREAS, the First Mortgagee took title to the property on December 23, 1998. NOWTHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida that the County hereby: Authorizes the write-off of a SHIP Second Mortgage Loan in the amount of $14,000.00 formerly secured by the property located at /37 Atlantic Ave., Key Largo, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board on the 21st day of March, A.D., 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~j(f~ Mayor Mario Di Gennaro Mayor Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Com~jOIl\)fMcCoy C::DrtlRl1SSI0Il~'Murphy l?ommissionet~\;ent \ y~ " :J: t:J o :z: )...... :;:r:J :I:: oo--:-?" rlC:"~ n:''''r-- ~:~::=2:"~ ~2.?Cl;-: - ~~ g ~~,~ r ~, :>> . .Yes- Yes Yes Yes Yes SEAL: -; /, A1,TEST:. '~~NY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk (]:-~~ ~,~ Appw,,'"" W f'e,r!r'~,~a Date: ~~ f) ....., <=> -,., <=> ..... r- ".. "1 " ::J ::u -" I , W (-:, ::u ".. 7) :x P'l <;? n <::) ::'J .r:- a N MONROE COIlN'1'Y OFFICIAL JtECORDS ,'-'''''",' .., FILE # 1 1024. 2 5 BK'1SS~:&. PG'219S RCD Jan 07 DAN 1999 0 Ny L KO,LHAGE 3, 32PH , CLERK DEED DOC s'rAH 01/07/1999 'AH~./J 0.70 -J;:t::: DEP CLK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 9B-2O)451-CA-O~ <::l ~ ::l ~.. ~ c..... -"'n " ~.::t- 0_: _ fTT~.." ~ C"):"'''. I Cl C"";' : -.I c:=::: Zr"';. -tnr- :<:-1,,:: ." ...,;;1> r- G) 1> ,.,., GLENDALE FEDERAL BANK, F.S.B., Plaintiff, vs. ELLEN S. WILKINS; MONROE COUNTY; UNKNOWN TENANT NO.1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO.2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DEFENDANT TO THIS ACTION, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, D1efendants. / CERTIFICATE OF TITLE The undersigned Clerk of the Court certifies that he executed and filed a Certificate of Sale in this action on n~rVMR~R J~J lQQA for the property described herein ilnd that no objections to the !!ale have been filed within the time allowed for filing objections. The following property in Monroe County, Florida: LOT 13, BLOCK 1, HARRIS OCEAN PARK ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, AT PAGE 126, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA -0 :3: ~ UI "-oJ .,,, ::;J ....., C) ~o ~1;) "'1 C> :J :;;} a .,r.. CASE NO. 98-20451-CA-09 was sold to: FEDERAL NATIONAL MO\l-TGAGE ASS9CIATION C/O SMITH & HIATT P;A. whose address is: 2691 EAST OAJI:T~ PARK BLVD SUITE 303 IT LAUDERDALE, FL 33306 9 WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on _ CAN ~n.l1J' /919. t 'I FILE ';L ;L (2) 2 4. 2 5 BKI ;L !S 5 4. PG.2;L 9 9 HONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS " ,-' ", ~ r~:-("'q.':'ln ....- "'.JI'.L) Sg I'iCV 12f,111/: 47 '-:.; L?:" '.I c.'" ... ". I. .: ~. 'y', FlA !(OmWB CoUtlTY OFF'ICIAL RIICORDll FILH '1095371 8K,1547 PGI'11Sf0 Reo Nov 38 1998 11.51AM DANNY L KOLHAGI, CLINK IN THE CIRCUIT COUNTY, FLORIDA. COUR'r FOR ~[ONROI! CIVIl, DIVISION CASE NO. 98-,iQ451-1::A-09 GLENDAL,E F'EDBRAI. BANK, F. S.B., Fllii.ntUf " vs. ELLEN S. WII.KIIlS (SSN: 589-03-63l.!;); MONROE COUNTY; U1iI(NorliN TENANT NO.1; UNKNOWN 'l'ENJINT NO.2; and ALL UNKNOWIl PARTIES CLAIMIIlG IN'T'BRESTS BY, THROUGlL ONDER OR AGJ~INST A lqAMED DEFENDJ~I'l' 'TO THIS ACTION. OR RAVING OR CLJ,IMING TO HAVE JlNY RIClHT. ~rI'nB OR INTERE:ST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESeRIBED, I)e:EE~ndclntB . f 1l,~IIIAIIY D'J:.,u. JDD_IT OIP rOlUlli::LOB'DRR THIS ACTION cam.. before th.. Court up"n pleacli.nSls and proofs submi.t.ted herei.n,the rnotion of the Ple,i.ntHf f"r the entry of " SUlluna:ry Fi.nal J'udgmEmt, and on thEl evidl!nCIB presente:Cl, IT IS ADJUDGED THA.T': 1. 'fhil> Court has jurisdi.cti.on ":E the sub:1 ect matter h'~reof <mdl the parties hereto. The equitieSL of !:his a,:tion are wi.t:h th,~ Pl,.inti.ff. TherE,:Ls due tel thE~ Plaintiff the sumEI of tlr10ney ,as herea.fter SE!1: fc)rth: .. . \ I \ \Jl'tl~. \ I ..J2..K ..If III:ECEIV c... .."1 ";~""ROI~Mi ~Drr"'O Kl\ .' "'''''. ~~~, .,- .-...... }j... Principal balance !IEI of. '1-1-98 .' 79,688.651 ., B. 6.110't interest at. $14.115 per diem from 3-1-98 thru 9 -4, - !18 2,791.80 l:tl~ ::-:1 ~l C. 6.00% interest at $14.0!5 pl!r diem .. t'"' i-' .11 from 9-5-98 thru 1l.-9-!11l 980.10 U1 "'. f-l D. Advance for Insur'ance 7l5.68 I~ 51 ,I E. Tit:Le Sl!ar c h 275.00 \0 "<I UI F. Filing Fee 91. 00 .Jl.l1 ... .......1 G. SE~rv:Lce of Process 142.10 ....f-' H. Defendant Location Search 79.50 1(1 f-l 1. Publication of Notice of Action 114.00 J. At.torney's Fees $ /p~~~. b6 TO'l'AIJ ~ $/~I Wi'. 8..3 2. Plaintiff is ent,itlE~d to ;r:'eco"m:- the attorney:s I :fees slet :forth abov'e ciS cl;)lllpensation :EI;)r the hours reaslonably expendEid as set fc)r1:h in the filed clfficluv:il: . 3 . A lien is he:Ld by thl> Plaint:J.j:f for the total sum spelcifi..c1 in parc'grllplc, 1, plus interellt, llupe:rior in di,rnity to any right, title,. in1:erest, or clai.m 4)f" the Defenda.ntEI u:pc1n the mortgagE!d propert:y herE~in fOl~ecloIH:~:d Bituate, lyi.ng undl being in MonroE' County, Florida" to-.utt: LOT 13, BLOCK 1, HARRIS OCEAN PARK ESTATES, ACCORDI1~G TO THE PIJ\T TH8REOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, AT PAnE 126, OF 'IHE PtlBLIC RECOlUlS OF I~ONROE COtffiTY, FI,ORIIlA 4. If the total "urn clue to the Plaintiff, plua interest (.n l:he unpaid principal at thE! rate prescribed i.n the note a,nd nlOrtgage to date, clOd at. the current: :statutory inter",.t ratE' aft:er the date through which interest is calculclted. in pnragrisph 1 above, ;!Uld all costs of this proceeding ~.nc.."\lrred afte:r the dat:e of thi" .Judgm.ent are not forthwit:h paId, .the Clerk of this Court shall r- -, sell that property at pul:llic sal" _~~'--:, 19~'1l. to the high"st j~L lJ. day the a1: a.m. on bidder or bidder,s for cash at 'che front doo:r of the Monroe Cowley Courthouse, SOO lfhitlehead StreE!t:, Key Wl~st, Florida, 33040. aJoter having first gi.ven notice as re'quir"d by Section 4!L O:l1, Florida Statutes. except the Clerk shall not conduct the sale unless the PlaintifJ: or its rep:cesentatiV'e is preuent to bid. 5. Plaintiff sh<.ll ..dvan"" tlm COEllO of publishing the Notice elf Sale and lIh..11 b" reilnbursed by the Clerk out of th,,, proceeds of the sale if the Plaintiff :Ls n"t the purchasEll- of the property. The purchaser at the E1ale Bha11 pay, in addlt.ion .to the ;a,mount bid, the Cle'rk'EI feE! and dOCl.lmen1:ary st,a'mps to be affixed to the CE!rtificate, of Tilole. 6. The I'l.aintiff may aE,si~rn the Judgment or the bid to a third party ,,1 tho1.1t j~urth,er ordE~r of the Court. 7. If l:he Plaintiff or Plaintiff'" a"Bignee i.s lohe purcha"e,r ..t the ssle. l:h" Clerk shall credit on the, bid of the Plaintiff or Plaintiff's assignee thl~ t()t:al Bum herl!:in :Eound tl:l be due the Plaint iff o:r such portion thereof as may be ne'=essary to p..y fully the bid of the Plaintiff or Plaintiff' s ""si';!,nee. a. On fiHng the Certificate of Title, the Clerk 9h..11 distribute the proceeds of the sale. so far as they alre sufficient, by payIng: A. All of Plaintiff's cost", B. J?la.intiff's attoI:neys'l feles, C. The tot.al sum d4e to Plaintiff tlS St!t for1:h i:!.bt:rve, less lohe iteml~ paid, with interest at the current statutory interest rate from tbe datlO throu!;h which interest is calculated in para,gr..ph 1 at.e've te, the date of the fJall~. Il: the Plaintiff hl9.s tl:> adv'ance money to protect its mOJ:~tguge lien, the Plalntifi: shall certif'y b:y af:fidav'it to the Clerk and th.e am::mnt due to Plaintiff of "'... ,,""" .. t"' 1-'"" UI'" 1-' l~lS> --I \(l ",11I ~ uJ 1-' -l 1-' ~.. ~) ~J .~, Bh~!ll be inc'reasEld by the arnount of such ad""ances without further order of the Court. D. The rem.aining proceeds, it' any, shell. be reteim,d by the Clerk pending fuz.th"" Order of the Court. 9. Upon Hling the Cert i fieate of Sale, t.he IlefEmd,ont:. and all persons el.aiming uncleI' a;r against t:hem since the filI",. of tt.., riot ice of I,i" Pendens !:Ihall bl~ foreclosed of all esta,te c>r clalm in thE! prOpeJ::'1:y, and the purchaser at the sale shall t,e let int:o po"session of the property. Th.. Clerk of the Court is hereby sp,ecifically authClrizE~d to iss\.ll~ a ~iJ:-it of l?oBl:Jel:lsion for the property ~lI'hidh is. t:he subje:ct matter e,f this acti.cm, located at 137 J~tlantic ,Avenue, Tavernier, Florida, 33070-2908, and the Sh.e,riff is here,by authorized t.o serve th.e Wr:Lt forthwith. 10" '1'he Court reta,ins jurisldict:ion 01: thi.s acticln to enter further orders as ,:ire proper including, without limi.tatic,n, deficiency judgm.enl:s. DOli. JIB OJU)&RlIJ) in Chambers at the MClnroe County CouI'thoune. Kiey West, l'leJrida cm --1'11--' 2.,-, 1998. '--~ /~~ _- ,;,f ~~~ ( c::~~ ~-- - l~ CInlui t Judge ../ C01;lies furnished: I?~ ,/~ ALL THOSE ON l'BE J~!'TACHED SERVICE LIST to "'a .. ,~ .... t"" .... .. t.;n 4. f. .. -I Q 10 .., L~ ~ ~J r' -I rl.... \(l W ....-... S.RVJ:ClI r.J:IST (:ASIC 1fO. 18-20451-CA-(19 ""... ....... ....... ....... UJ- .to.... ...1 S \0 ",Ul ~W ....-.1 1-'.... \0 or> Inlen S. Wilkins Last known address: 137 Atlantic Avenue Tavernier, FL 33070 Stuart G.. Schut.r, llsq. :no Fleming Stre"t; Key r~est ,. FL 33040 Unlmown Tenant No. 1 n/k/a Cynthia Pax:ker 13'7 A'tlantic Ayenue Tave:r:nier, FL 3'.3(170 Unknown Tenant No.2 n/k.h Keith Norde 13'1 Atlantic Avenue ~ra'lJ'e:r:nier, F'L 3:3070 Roblert A. Smith, Jr., ESCJ1:.lire Smith &. Hiatt, P.A. J!\ttorneys for PI,dntif! :/691 Bast Oakland Park Boulevard Suite 303 Fort Lauderda.le, Flor:lda .33306 MOIlROB COUlITY OF\lICIAL FIBCOFIDS IIONROE COUN1'Y orFICIA.L RECORDS .21 AprU, 1999 H.evis,ed 10/06/93 ~'ILE '1112124:3 BU 1 5 7:3 PG.1 7 7 5 IlZOlI l~.UOl 7 FL (Convlmtionall S1'llCIJU, ~ DUD ~rHIS INDENTURE, made- this ~... day of ~x. , 1S199, by and betwl:!en FEOEllAt NATIONAL tolORTGAGE Assbct ION, a corpoC'itIi50 organized under and existing pursuant to the laws of the United Statest hereinafter Ccl1~ed GrantoJ:, an<i IIIIT.IIOM' ii, ''l!lNllllt,.. ~~~~' BIS WIn Of 1127. IN 8~ Kt>>Il. 1'L.~d their a"ii;lgns, erelna er called Grc1.ntee --- WITNESSETH, t!"Lat the sailj G:t'antor, for and in considera'tion of the sum of 'tEN and 1)0/100'8 DOL:tARS ($1.tt-"JlQJ in hand paid by GrantE~e cln(j al:her valuable considerations, the receIpr'Whereof is acknowledged, hlHeby grants, bargains and sells t() the a.aid Grantee, forever, the following descrit,ed land in the county o:E _~, Stc:lte of Florida, to-wit: The pC10perty i~ coItl'~only known as 137 .M'LUlTIC AVDItlJ:, 'rAYBJUnD, ''LOIl:tDA 33~'0 and ia morl:! pillrticularly descrlbeC1 in Exhib1t A, attachE!d tlereto iii1'a ma e a part heireo:f" bY' this reference. 'fa HAVE 4\NO TO HOLD the above-described property, with appurtEtnanes, unto the said Grantee, and theiI" assigns, forever, subject to covenants and restric:tions of record, zoning and land use restriction::! imposed by government.al authorities, and matters an accurate survey ~lOuld revl!al, }~D S}~IO GRAN1'Oil. do'es hereby specially warrant thl~ title to said lands and ~,ill defend the same against the lawful claims of any person \~homsoever claiming by, through, or under the said Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF thl;l undE~rsigned Federal National MC1rtgage A~3S0ciaUon has cau="ed these pre~lents to be signed in its name by its undersigned officers, and its corpc)ratl! .seal affixed this 21'" day of -1~~, 1999. I!'IIOI:I\AL MATI N)R'fGAGE JUlSOCtA'%'ION r // "i:ti~\!!cr<'JPY~- V I CORPORi\TE SEAL I By: Attest: TE RCD Apr 30 1999 02.23PM DANNY L KOLHAGE, Cl,ERK 1: hereby certify that on this day before me, an officer jjuly authori~ed in the State and County aforesaid to take ackno...ledg~!ments, persona.:. 1 y appeared t2!tA cL"~ ,and ~ M. ~, ' to. me known and known to be the persons descrI"l5i!Clnand who executed t e oregolng instrument as Vlce President and Assistant SecretarYr respectively, of the corpor-.nion named therein, and severally acknowledged before me that they I!xecuted the same a.9 such officl!rs in the same and on behalf of said corporaticlO. iiitnel!s~ hand and o~~~al seal in the county and State! last ;;;;:.::~~~~ APRITLh1,.1999. F~~ t'C...- instrument was prE!pared by: Office of Re'gional Counsel Notary Public, 'l'EXAS Federal National l~ortqage Assn. My Commission E):pires: 13455 Noel Road, Suite 600 (Seal) ~e'liI>.~ J DaU.., TX 15240-500,' ~..l ==:..r: ....., ..- . MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL :Rl!iCORDS