Resolution 115-2007 OMB Sc:hcdule Item Number 18 Resolution No. us -2007 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS~ it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Y.... 2007. new therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FWRlDA. that there shall be transfers of anl()unts previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2007 as, hereinafter set forth to and from the following accounts: Fund ##001 General Fund From: 001-7140-62035-SI0120 R..uln S.larles & W.ges Cost Ct:nter #61035 Lrw Library General Fund For tIte Amount: 51,s18.00 To: 001-SI30-85SOCl-590991 C.sh B.I.nce Cost Center il#8S500 Resen" 001 From: 001-5690-6IS25-510120 Regul.r S.I.rles & W.ges Cost Ct'nter #61525 Soc Svc Transportation For tIt. Amount:51,425.00 To: OOt-5130..M~90991 Cash Balance Co.t Cellter #l85S00 Reserves 001 From: 001-51311-05003-510230 Llf. & H..ltb In.ur.nce Cost Center #05003 Technology Replacement For tIt. Amount: 5100,000.00 To: 001-5130-85SOO-S90991 Cub B.lanee Cost C.nter #l85S00 Reserv.. 001 From: 001-S260-IIOOO-SI0\20 Regul.r S.I.rles & W.ges Cost Center N11000 E..ergency Med Air Trans For tbe Amount: 52,352.00 To: 001-5131~590991 Caah B.lane. Co.t C.llter #185500 Reserves 001 From: 001-5220-12001-510120 Cost Center #12001 Fire Academy For the AmouDt:$27,$O.00 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cost Center N8SSOO Reserves 001 Regular Salaries & Wages Cash Balance From: 001-52liO-l3500-510120 Regul.r S.I.ries & Wages Cost CI!oter #13S00 Emergency Management For the Amount: $762.00 To: 001-5I3O-S5500-590991 C..b Bol..e. Cost C.stter #85500 Reserves 001 From: 001-5190-20501-510120 Regolar S.I.rles Cost Center N10501 Facilities Maintenance For tb.l Amount: 5184.00 To: 001-5130-85s00-590991 C.sb B.I..e. Cost Center #85500 Reserves 001 From: 001-57110-6202J-510120 RegurDr S.I.rl.. Cost C.nter 1/62023 Libr.rles Admin Support For tb. Amount: 54,000.00 To: 001-5UO-S5500-590991 Casb B.I.... Cost Ct~Dter #85500 Reserves 001 From: 001-571104;2024-510120 Cost C4~nter #61014 Libraries Key West For tb.e Amount: 53,900.00 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cost CeDter 1#85500 Resenes 001 Item 18 fund OOlltmsfrs to 85500 cash 001 reserves pg 1 Regular Salaries Cash Balanct From: 001-51'10-62028-510120 Cost (;enter #162028 Libraries Isllmonda For die Aalount:$l,OOO.OO To: 001-5l30-85500-590991 Cost COllIer _ Reserv.. 001 Regular Sallries C.sh Bal.... BE IT FURTJIIER RESOLVED BV SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make: necessary changes of said items. as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the: Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of March, AD 2007. Mayor Oi Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy Yes .hs..... .Yea- ~ .Yea- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO E COUNTY, FLORID By: (Seal) ('~fL , .!:>.c Item 18 fund 001 Imsfts 10 85500 cash hal n:serves pg 2 :J: ~ ~ :::0 -:'- (::, ("') =~ : r~r A (")" r c::.-C) " (~~ :-~'J ~O_ ;<~~~_. -;1 r- f~~ -~ ..., = -" = -.. :.- ;1' -0 :::0 CJ I '1 en 'J ~",J -0 ;iJ :x Pl ~ (') c::> en ::'0 \D C)