Resolution 274-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 274-1990 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO SUBMIT AN ~ APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS TO THE FEDE~r DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT~ UNDER ITS RENTAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM; PRO~ VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ :::3: ~ --- -..I ;;g --" (;.J WHEREAS, there is a great need for decent, affordab~ housing in the County of Monroe, Florida; and WHEREAS, the rehabilitation and physical improvement of existing rental units would help meet this need; and WHEREAS, funds for such rehabilitation and rental hous- ing assistance may be available to the city from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Rerltal Rehabilitation Program, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: Section 1. The County Administrator is hereby author- ized to submit an application for grant funds to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development under its Rental Rehabilitation Program to be administered by the Housing Authority of the County of Monroe, requesting $200,000 rehab- ilitation funds for up to 20 units, said application to comply in all regards with the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Rental Rehabilitation Program rule, 24 "'T1 I rT1 CJ ""'r'-1 ~) "-l""'" , '0 "., ') '" ...J eO CFR Part 511, and to execute and submit all necessary docu- mentation for said application. The County Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said application on behalf of Monroe County Section 2. This Resolution shall go into effect im- mediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signatures of the presiding officer and the Clerk of the Commission. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a meeting held this f7'h day of /11~j , 1990. ok~ JOHN C. STORMONT, MAYOR ATTEST: DANNY 1.. KOLHAGE r'TI_-, , ~.u:.rk ~~1J)~ CLERK AIWIOVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. B FC'ER/l t., ASSISTANC E .---_!' OAr[ $VUloIlnEO 5/18/~JL__ O.H~ AEl;~t~tO ~~ S, ",n Et~~' l.l~~''''D' Sl!'.~ 1\~IUlltallllr< Ill'l'\lIhol , . "-,'l P'U~f'UfjC aHU" o C;onSltuc.I'rm o NOrt,Cnn,I'uCIII'\'" ll- ,,~:,"{H..H:~~()f1 o NO",CO"1truc;tron . O.tE RI!CElv"D IV 'EOElU.~ .(jE~C" !'tds..1 h,!t" 'e' .. S. ,lPl'tlCM,t ,NFO/l,..,.tIOH ltqa' Name County of Monroe O'D~n'18"onal lJ.1'\" Monroe county HOUR_~g Authority Add'SH IQ'." CIIy, COII"I'Y. &,a/oJ ..nrf ~'P codf/' 1 . 0 . Box 2 4 76 Key West, FL 33040 N'~m~ 8"d hzl"D:Io\1'}ro.c- number 0' thlt! ~ttt:liun It'l,. I~O!t('~J,r,~ r(J'v" ';'8" ('~~,'t'!i ~ rOnlllelA-(J Qn m,IIe" "'11""11 HC'JHr H1:: d un, ~., '-"("; (: C. \-).1 ('~ 2 "it u. iaI flrogran 1221 ~ f,~IPI.OY('l'O("" [': ~ i(J Nv.. o ConMu,IIDtl o Rllyl"ll" /, r;.I'f: or APP~IC.I1t; (IlnlM "'nD'''!''',jI'' I"IIn, ,,, b' iiJ '" Sial. H Inrh'IlC",!lrnl SchOl1 , II Coulily 1 SIAl. Cor<I'OII"(IIr<lltlU'/C.ln 0' ~'Oht' LurntnQ G l.Aun'c.pal oJ P"'lle Un'Yl!r,,!V o t o..nthlP k I,.j'iln -r"be l! In 1111' 1111 l Ir<d,y,dual ~ Inl' 'munICI~1 fA P'oltl O'a,r<IU 11011 G Sl.W)(:1I1 0'11"0:.1 ~I Olho. .5~elf,J p~ Ot APPI,:<';I'lIG!' II ReY'~'n". tnlel 100'I)II',alll lell'''st ,,' bll~1I111 0 0 A 1''''',,"ul! A"~'d e Oe<;,tUS A....,. C fnc/eUe Ou/allon .~. 'l(lnt~'n \:'''1'.(;,". Glhe. l"llIcrl~1 .~~[. ~Al ~1.l!5~IC .V~lItR: I, .t_ I. H"I.lE 0' ~tll[~"'L AotNeV: U.S. Departmcn~ of H.U.D. , I. t11;~CRllI"V~ fIlL. 0' "'I'P~tC"""'$ PROJI1Cr. i\8ntai Rehabili tation Program , HUn Admini8tc~ed Non-Formul~ (Small Cities) Runtnl Rehabil.itaLioH Program (RRI-- It. ""'U$ ""I!!Ctl1t1IU PROJECT lel/I's, COlln/.u. Hi/UIS. .,c: J County of Monroe State of Florida I J. PROPOSEO PROJECT' Slo\r1 0'11 EndltlQ 0.111. U, CONO"'H.~IONA~ OISt,RtCTS O~ , Appllcanl 07/01/90 06/30/91 : b P'O/ICI, 1 ') 19 IS UTIM"IEo ~VNOI,.a' . ~'dlt.1 200 , 000 ,. ^l>phc.n1 t '-..----......-..-.--_.-- t. SIlt, t d Loclll S .. Olhllf Proq..m r"comB S v TOTAL S 200~OOO ,liD II. IS 4111111C."O~ SUeJfC' '0 n(VIEW I! It t-ECUlIvl! OADEII 11IlI !'AeCFB' .. YES T~IS pnt!:APptlCAtlnlUl ;~TIOII wr.S MAoe "l,V^ILlle~F. TO THI! STATE e~eCUTIVe ( DE~ I~J72 P~OCE5S FOR !:lE\lIEW ON .00 OA It: 011 b NO [:&I "'~OGI::lAI.4 IS NOT COVEAEO;BV Eo In72 ,Oll o OR PROOI'IIlM HAS NOT BEEN SELI;CH:D By ST/HE ~OR REVIEW ,00 .00 IS IHE I.ICAt-lT DU.INOUEI'II Ot-l At-lv FED~IlA~ D~'H7 ,00 ' O'Yu II 'YII.. .ltach an lII.plan.1I011 t!J of)!) a TyQ'd Name 01 AVlllQII/lld RIlP'Ulin1al,.e _ John C.Stormont ..~ I' fO THe B~ST OF ...." I(W1w~IiOGE .NO BU/H. "LL OAU IN IHIS APPLIC""O" "At.APP~IC"'T10N AilE "W~ M;o ConnfCT. "'Ii r><:;e;ulol,ln H^~ IHH OV~'I AVIHOlltlfO II., THE GOVERMIMG BOO'l' OF TH( ."PI.ICANt liMO p..! .PPI.ICANT WilL COM"!.Y WIIM tHE AnA(;H~D AH' tlCE~ tH( AS515IANI.:E IS AWUOI!D ,.- ...-_....._. '_. ,_..____..'-._.._.______~ __.__.____H________'o._ , e TJ . ,}I-o':l"" ':'v...~. ... Jl ~-l:l')2-_U_IU -- ......_."~---................ ' e DBIP S'onl!d APPROVED AS TO R~ /1 7/90 AND <mAL SUFFllcy. ___ .---.--~~'~I~""~'f -01 ------;nrv J ~6. p, , \ J;'lI~ May~r Au\hori.ud for Local Reptoducliorff