Resolution 294-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 294_1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS OF M:>NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AN E.M.S. COUNTY GRANr APPLICATION AND RELATED RB;:JUEST FOR GRANT DISTRIBUTION 'ID THE DEPARl'MENI' OF HEALTH AND REHABITATIVE SERVICES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: 1. The Chairman is hereby authorized to execute an E.M.S. County Grant Application and related Request for Grant Distribution to the Departrrent of Health and Rehabilitative Services of the State of Florida, copies of same being attached hereto. 2. The monies from the E.M.S. County Grant will improve and expand the County's pre-hospital E.M.S. system. 3. The grant monies will not be used to supplant existing County E.M.S. budget allocations. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Corrmissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~~1f.1 day of ~, A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY cav1MISSIONERS' OF~~ BY: --- MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) ATTEST: ~1~~j;/! CLERK / I Appro~. ed.lP . to form........ .a.n. d legal #f cr' ncy.,.... (I ' I' .----- By : ' ,- County Attorney's Office " ~1 REQUEST FOR COUNTY GRANT DISTRIBUTION (ADVANCE PAYMENT) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) GRANT PROGRAM FOR COUNTIES In accordance with the provisions of section 401.113 (2)(a), F.S" thc undersigncd hereby requests an EMS county grant distribution (advance payment) for the improvcment and expansion of prehospital EMS, Payment To: Monroe County Board of County Conmissioners NaoH.: of lkl.\rd of COl1lHY Commis"iolH.'rs (r~l\'t..c) 5192 Overseas Hiqhway Address Marathon, (Cit\) FL 33050 IZipl (Sute) Federal Tax ID Number of countv: 59-6000-749 Total Requested County Grant Amount: $ 96,017.30 Authorizing County Officia~ C~. . SIGNATURE: Datc: lW} "54 t91lJ Printed Name: John Stornont Title: Nayor SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR GRANT APPLICATION AND RESOLUTION TO: Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services EMS County Grants 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 For U,e Onlv bv Department or Health and Rehabilitative Service,. ()ffiCt, of Enll.'rgt'I1(Y l\1cdiral S<'r\'it.-<...s Amount: $ Grant Number: Approved By: Date: Signature, State EMS GraIlt Otli<-cr Title: 27 ",<.t.". (,. 7. Work Pkm :Vork objectivcs arc spccific quantifiable statcmcnts idcntil)ring thc intendcd outcome of activities and SCf\'ICCS. Work actions arc thc activitics and scrviccs that cnable completion of thc specific objcctives. Timc framcs arc the lih1its within which the objcctives and actions will bc started and completed, and should bc stated as the number of wccks or months aftcr thc grant bcgins. M<:asurahlc Objecti\'l:s Actions Time frames Upgrade of emergency services carmunications system fran low-band frequencies to available high or ultra-high frequencies with associated and necessary improvements. 8. P1"Oposed Expenditure Plan: Prcpare a linc itcm budgct, Identity all cxpenditurcs to be purchased with EMS grant monies. The county is not eligible fIX morc fi.ll1ding than thc amount allocated. Any costs above thc allocated amount arc the rcsponsibility of the county. Use gencric words for all equipment, espccially com- munications equipmcnt. Contact your assign cd statc EMS Grant Officer if assistancc is needed. Grantee/Recipienr of Line Item Line Item Unit Price QUilnrin' Total Cost Not yet available Amount of Total to bc paid by: $ FY 1989-90 Grant $ Previous Grant Balance FY $ Earned Intercst from FY $ Other (Spccity: Total $ 96,017.30 Attach additional pages if necessary for items 7 and 8. HRS Form 1684, JUL, 89 (Obsoletes prcvious cditions which may not bc used.) 24 ~ - (.: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 1989 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION 1, Buard of County C'ommiJsionen (GrallUC) IdmtzjiclltioJl: (Legal Nalll,c) , Namc of County: Monroe. County Board of _~9_unty_ C~~~:none~s_ _____.____ Busincss Addrcss: _ 51 ~~Qver~eas Hig!Iw9Y_ __ .____n ___________.___ .____..._____ Ma:!;'atl)oI1Lfloriqa_330_5Q_ _ ___._ __._____________.___.________ 2. CfJ1ijieatio1l-' I, the undersigncd authorizing otlicial (If thc prcvlously namcd countv, certi~' that to thc hest of my knowledge and belief all intiJrll1ation and dat,l containcd in this EMS Countv Grant Applicltion and its attachments arc truc .1I1d correct_ 1\ty signature acknmdedges and ensures that I havc read, understood, and will comply fully WIth Appendix D of the state's EMS grant booklet titled, florida Emergmcy Medical Scrvice~ Grant Program tix Counties. IW;9. Acccptance of the gram terms and conditions is acknowledgcd by the grantec whcn hll1ds arc drawn or other- wise ohtained from the grant payment system. Stornont Title: Mayor Signature: . . Datc Signed: ~~ ~~ "'0 (AuthOrized COUll'" Offieia)) -------u 3. AuthoriZt'd Cmua.:! J>crJrm: Pcrson designatcd authoritv and rcsponsibility to provide the department with rcports and documcntation on all activities, services. and expenditures which invokc this grant. Name: Francis M::>rris Title: ENS Director Business Address: 5192 OVerseas Hiqhwa..YL-Marathon, F1. 33050 Telephone: (-.-3.Q.5 ..1A.J::Q6li_ SunCom: 472-9155 -1. Communications Aplmwa1: All grant applications which involve communications equipment and/or ser- vices, in total or part, will be reviewed by the state Lkpartment ofGmeral Services, Division ofCommunica- tions (Div Comm). Div Comm will then send to the applicant a written conceptual review concerning the communications request and recommend any changes necessary to comply with Federal Communications Commission rules and/or the Florida EMS Communications Plan. With this initial approval, the applicant may then proceed with the proposed project but prior to any purchase commitment, copies of the purchase documents must be t<)rwarded to Div Comm t<)r review and issuance of final written approval. 5. County's Federal Tax ldmtification NumbCl': 59-6000-749 6. Resolution: Attach a resolution trom the Board of County Commissioners certi~'ing the monies trom the EMS County Grant will improve and expand the county's pn:hospiral EMS system and that the grant monies will not be used to supplant existing county EMS budget allocations. 23 . ~,' .:-"'.: .