Resolution 325-1990 c:. N 0:_ ~ ,-- "" (. L a..... c. \.() N = ::::l -;J -, -, --. 0 ~,,-,- P' L'.- '--.ol Harry L. Sawyer Supervisor of Elections RESOLUTION NO. 325 -1990 A~ESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR RESTRICTED PARKING ON ELECTION DAYS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE 2100 BLOCK OF FLAGLER AVENUE, KEY WEST, WHICH IS DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF AND RUNNING ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE KEY WEST HIGH SCHOOL PROPERTY FROM DUNCOMBY STREET TO THE EXIT OF THE TEACHERS PARKING LOT. ... WHEREAS, under Florida Statute 316.006(3), the County has original jurisdiction to regulate parking by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners in parking areas located on property owned by the County, and WHEREAS, Flagler Avenue is a County road, and WHEREAS, there is congested traffic in front of the Key West High School in the 2100 block of Flagler Avenue on election days, and WHEREAS, restricted parking would alleviate the parking problem, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that: 1. A restricted parking zone is hereby designated on the South side of the 2100 block of Flagler Avenue, Key West, which is directly in front of and running along the entire length of the Key West High School property from Duncomby Street to the exit of the teachers parking lot. 2. This restricted parking zone is for election days only from seven (7) a.m. to seven (7) p.m. 3. This restricted parking zone is designated as a restricted parking area for voters of precinct two. 4. This restricted parking zone may be enforced by the Key West Policy Department and the Monroe County Sheriff's Department. 5. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Key West Police Chief and the Monroe County Sheriff. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~dfj, day of ,hule.. , A.D. 1990. (Seal) Attest: DANNX L. ~OLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY'ok~ MAYbR/CHAIRMAN A/lIIROVED AS TO FON/v' AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY -~