Resolution 043-2007 OMB Schedule Item .sumber II 043 - 2007 Resolution No. A RESoLuTION COI\'CERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers in the \1onro'~ County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2007, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COrNTY COM:vIISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that there shall be transfers of amounts previously set up in the Monroe County Hudget for the Fiscal Year 2007 as, hereinafter set forth to and nrom the following accounts: Fund #501 Worker's Compensation From: 501-5100-5130-1000-85539-590990 Cost Center # 85539 Reserves 501 For the Amount: $37,828.00 To: 501-5800-5810-1000-86551-590910 Cos, Center # 86551 Budgeted Transfers 501 Other Uses Transfers Fund #502 Group Insurance From: 502-5100-5130-1000-85540-590990 Cost Center # 85540 Reserves 502 For the Amount: $68,642.00 To: 502-5800-5810-1000-86552-590910 Cost Center # 86552 Budgeted Transfers 502 Other Uses Transfers Fund #503 Risk Management From: 503-5100-5130-1000-85541-590990 Cost Center # 85541 Reserves 503 For the Amount: $61,661.00 To: 503-5800-5810-1000-86520-59091 0 Cost Center # 86520 Budgeted Transfers 503 Other Uses Transfers Fund #102 Road and Bridge From: 102-5100-5190-1013-23512-560640 Cost Ceoter # 23512 Vehicle Replacement 102 For lhe Amount: $189,643.00 To: 102-5800-5810-1000-86501-590910 Cos, Center # 86501 Budgeted Transfers 102 Capital Outlay-Equipment Transfers Fund #304 One Cent Infrastructure Surtax From: 304-51 00-5130-1 000-85532-590990 Cost Center # 85532 Resenes 304 For the Amount: $2,172,00 To: 304-5800-581 0-1000-86502-5?091 0 Cost Center # 86502 Budgeted Transfers 304 Other Uses Transfer.; Item 11 tmfr for tost allocation Fund #504 Fleet Management From: 504-5100-5130-1000-85542-590990 Cost Center # 85542 Resenes 504 For the Amount: $81,293.00 To: 504-5800-5810-1000-86507-590910 Cost Cen ter # 86507 Budgeted Transfers 504 Other Uses Transfers Fund #504 Fleet Management From: 504-5100-5190-1013-23519-560640 Cost Center # 23519 Vehicle Replacement 504 For the Amoont: $36,254.00 . To: 504-5800-5810-1000-86507-590910 Cost Center # 86507 Budgeted Transfers 504 Capital Outlay-Equipment Transfers Fuud #404 Key West tntl. Airport From: 404-5100-5130-1000-85536-590990 Cost Center # 85536 Reserves 404 For the Amount: $77,949.00 To: 404-5800-5810-1000-86505-590910 Cost Center # 86505 Budgeted Transfers 404 Other Uses Transfers BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board. upon receipt of the above. is hereby authorized and directed to make nccess'ary changes of said items, as set forth abovt:. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board beld on the 21st day of February, AD 2007. Mayor Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy _Yes__ --YefL_ -Yes Yes-- Ye&- BOARD OF COUNTY COM\1ISSrONERS OFM~Tn~A By: ~ :J: ,..., co '",..1 0 0 = z )> ..... r-- :::0(,"'")::= ::II: .."'l > or~.-; :::0 " rr! ::::c -<. I _ell!: C'">" r- a 00' \.0 "~ ~ ?~?;. -u ;"'J -{c,,!" :x \Ti ~-i= n :'" :P- c:> .--- C) ::u )> ", CJ 0 \1ayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. (:h"'~ "'.c.. Item 1 ] lmfr for ~:ost allocation MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~~tS.T~RM: CYNTHIA L. ALl ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date 6 -;- 08 . ;;,00-:"