Resolution 340-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 340 - 1990 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the Municipal Service District Fund #104 of Monroe County Budget for fiscal year 1990 to account for unanticipated funds received from Interest Income, now, therefore, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUIft'I' COIIIUSSIODRS OF MORROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Municipal Service District Fund #104 of Monroe County Budget for fi~cal year 1990, be and the same is hereby increased by the sum of $1,227.00 as follows: Revenues: 104-000000-361103-0 Interest Income $ 1,227.00 Total Revenue $ 1,227.00 ---------- ---------- ~ropria.ciolls : 104-097703-534990-0 Refund of Prior Year Interest $ 1,227.00 Total Appropriations $ 1,227.00 ---------- ---------- BE .'.:T E'L"R'I'RER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Boa~d, upon the receipt of the above unanticipated funds, is hereby author~zed and directed to place funds in said items, as se'::' fort:h above. PASSED AND ADO~~D by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11th dc({ of Ju:_y, A.D. 1990. BO~ Mg~~Y COMM1SSWIIERS ByO~~IDA Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk M~~?tIPL 0\ ~ 0 = r- N ;;S --- -_." 0 .~- --. fJ' 0 [;._- ::E: APPROVED AS 70 PORM A:'V~ dON S{~~~}~/EIV~l'~" ' _ _ c\ )\!\\"..~." "~. ."_~.'.' .)d.L\.>___~ ~v }, '-'....... . "., <l'~' --:A';:.-";~r';'~-,. (,flire< , ~-