Resolution 077-2007 OMS Schedule Item Numher 45 Resolution No. 077 . 2007 A RESOLUTION AYJENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 453 .2006 WHEREAS, Resolution Sumber 453-2006. ,heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving unanticipated funds, contains an erroneous information, and \\'HEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors, now therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY, FLORlDA, thaI Resolution No. 453-2006 previollsly set up in the Monroe County Budget for the purpose of receh'ing unanticipated funds in Fiscal Year 2007 contained certain erroneous information and said resolution, passed and adopted on October 18. 2006, is hereby amended: Fund #404 Key West Airport Cost Center #630118 DDE 037-29 Project #GAKA1l5 DDE 037.29 Function#5400 Activity#5420 Official Division#1018 Revenue: 404.630118.33141001' Federal Grants-Transportation $95.000.00 Total Revenue: $95,000.00 -------- --------- Appropriations: 404.630118-530490 Miscellaneous $95.000.00 $95,000.00 Total Appropriations: BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED BY SAID BOARD, Ihal Ihe Clerk of said Board. upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds is h.ereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. -------- -------- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe COllnty. Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21 st day of February. AD 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :~~XORIDA, Mayor/Chairman 3: ...., = C) <::I = -" :z: !:: -.. :x f- :::0("")_,- f:'1 or-:'~ ". rl1x-:: ::u -:; (J. r- I -'1 ('Je-J' \.0 ~, f ;:0 {~:': :.~) -0 :.::; ;~g~; :JI:: ! ,'I - ("j ,., c:; c- o " :t> rq ;:;a N ~:.::; Mayor Di Gennaro Yes Mayor Pro Tern Spehar YeR Commissioner McCoy VP~ Commissioner Neugent YPR Commissioner Murphy VPQ. j}.,- [lem 45 :Intend rcq'U5.~2()()f.lInant 6301 IS gab! 15