Resolution 361-1990 ;it, ~- Community Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 361 -1990 ,., r- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPTARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER COUNTY AUTHORITIES. :''\ " ^'" -, 1 :_,) J 1 ') -, ') ,) ',~l BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of pass-through federal funds from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. 2. That Monroe County Extension Services has received preliminary approval for the submission of a grant application to install five (5) pilings with channel markers or shoal warning information for which a grant of $7,819.00 will be sought. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of this application by the proper County Authorities. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 1st day of August , 1990, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~_ (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By %1\ ~ C'ltl\.O-Q',"'\ f ~ rt'~ Attorne 's Office ' . , ' ':::-:..':"S ':=- C,':-C?:Z:::J.\ ~' \1 J3P.:\.""T~~~Jr:l C;? ::t~TUP~\L i<E::SOL"!':C:: ?lo:::-id.:1 SOc,'ci:1g !::1r.rO'ler.iCnt :':-or;r:l:n ?roj~ct ~~nlication ?:::-oject !dentification 1. Ty~es c= ?:::-oj~~~: ~cquis~tion Develo~:nent x Plur.r.i:1::; Launch Site ~ew For Gffice Use Gnly Docking ?aci:ity Expansion Date Received Channel :.!ar:<i:1g x Renovation proj ect NUlnber Ot..>-ter (specify) County 2. Project Title: Installation of Daymarkers at Ramrod Entrance Channel 3. Project Location: Ramrod Key, Fl 4. Brief Description of Project: to install 5 pilings with channel markers or shoal warning information 5. Grant Requested: $ 7,819.00 Source of Other Funds: $ -0- Estimated Total Project Cost $ 7,819.00 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: Key West (if applicable) Liaison Agent : Jeffrey A. Fisher .:;ppointed Representative of Monroe County, Board Name of County of County Commissioners Address: Monroe Cooperative Extension Service PO Box 2545 (5825 Jr. College Rd.) Key West, Fl 33045 Phone No. G~~g~ ~~ /7-Y0 , 7. Signature: ,--- - Date: ~ " .. .3 -: .:~ : ::: 7' - ""'\::' - - "', --'-....--..... :::2 .~~a':~.!..::~;:' ("'~ ~~ \,...... ,'-" -....... ... .. ..I.~1._ '~..'_~ ..... -- - - "... - .- - - .'...:...:.c.. i_ .'.'~':''''; :::::=:''::2.. :::00..-:':'::-; -----~..~M.='}~- ":1--.--..,..., _......:-"_'-..1' -...-....'- - --':1- -.. -:: - """"'I ~ ~ ,-- --- --- "'\ -- j ~ --, ..... .; ..-':..<a..J_ ____ '___... -...::lo."'~~ ---...:::a....,- --~' ---:;-"...-....- 1. ~y~e=s:::.:J -- . - - , _":C2...:... ::: - ~ -:~ - -- -- - . - ------ , -. Total :::.s ~~2.. -:2'~ ~.ooo.oo __....J _.. 3. Type ::----.-~r ___;:-'"-..::1__ :: 2": '22.:: ~:::e:: ~ ( 3 ::. .. =...:=.d :'::.s ~-=--::.3. -:: 2~ :::s-:. :'ac:.li~y ':::2-~ -=.:. ~:.. =.::::. .s ~ec:..::" ~Tc. ;---.; .- - ..- - '-'- :'!e 2.5 t:= 2 . . ~--"'---:::1"" _.;J __..Co ___ C05~ :?.'::C1/ c= ?2e~ Contractor I i tnn '.. $7,470.00 FT::In~ 1;. <::"" .." Newspaper ads Key West Citizen Keynoter Reporter '1:1'{4 ql $106.00 $108.00 Con t ~ "1ce!!c.' 1~~~,-"",. . _'W __ . ~ (:!..a~ :::2.X~-:"::t) $7,818.91- 4. Ty?e ar.d St2.t::s 0:: ~QI""'''''.~~ -::::.~ -::0""--''':';''- -..-""::. ~- - - - -__._ '_..;l :::ase.r:.e~--:s :<22.5 es -- - T'ne : St2.~-":s r();:t~t-'~t1::lrn OK Department of Natural Resources OK 5. ~e~i=ed At~ac~~e~~3 a. vici::.i~:.r :':2.? b. S~~Q -. '-- c.e'.ielo~r.len t pla:l c. copies of ='=C"':':'=2C. ;:e=::-..:. t3 stat~~g ~c~e a=e =ecui=ec e~3~~e~~3 c= leases c= ~~~~e=s d. :::=cof 0:: C-...- ....~//., oc"'.l.' _ '-......... .J.. _ c",.J~e=s:-:i~ 0::- O-~=>- "'--"'-- ---- ~- _ .-J_.... \....J_ 3:" t.e -....-.--.:..._,""",' ..............__........~ e. P=a-ccns~=~c~~o~ ;:2--';-~~1.:=.' - ~ :J -- - - -- - - I . . - . " ce=~.:.=~c2.-:':C~ ( ; ~ -- *UNITS include: 30at Ra~p Floacinq Dock Per:nanent Dock Slips Hoists Rest Rooms Parking- ;',i ace 1":'; a ~.' 5 i ~7 ."15 l ~ a :: ~) C ':l, ~\.:2.;; ~ :1 =" i...~ .. ) Chann~l/' NavaqJtion2~ ~a~kin~3 :J red S~ i. r2 q LVa 'f7 .. C }] ann 21 s [J t i .!. i tic.: 5 ( S e ~v c r I E.I. ~ c == .. ;'/ a t 2 !: " L<lnd :;::::.1. pi r.~1 r1ccess _~oads L i g n t :. r: q C~I~ ~ ~ - t) 3 : - ~,,,\ F1.IJU.ILJ,1 liU,1Tl.VC; lNl'1.'UVL'NL",VT l'!{U(,'U,1N 5 u r !) ! c r.: en t ,1 r'J ;1: . J~ J j C:l n t 7 I. .- '-' !" ::1 1 t i () n " ~. Is the project located at a public park? X NO YES, P.Jrk Name 2. Who administers the site where the project is located:___~g~nty 3. Please attach a to the project. road map and specific directions OK 4. Please specify: Project Senate District 39 Project House District 120 5. If project is Acquisition, please fill in following information: the Nater Total l'.cres to be acquired. acres Land Acres 6. If development, please check work type: Dock Slips Hoists x Nater;vay Signs Channel/Navigational MarkinGs Dredging Navigational Ch~anels Lighting Parking Utilities (Selver, Electric, ;;'ar::er) Boat Ramps Landscaping Rest Rooms 7. Do you wish to apply for a _____yES, in what amount $ partial advance payment? X NO * 8. Please provide your Federal Employer ID Number 596000749 9. Please fill in the attached Inventory Form with informwtion about the site where the project is located. N/A 10. What is your Regional Planning Council number? 11 * This amount shall not exceed the expected c.:1sh needs for the project Ivithin the initial threo months. ^ ~ ..'; ;. : ~ '" . t ~' \) COUl'ITY OF MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF DAYBEACONS TO MARK RAMROD ENTRANCE CHANNEL, RAMROD KEY FLORIDA KEYS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Sealed bids will be received by'the,Board of Councy CommiSSioners, Monroe County, Key Wesc, Florida on opened at a meecing becueen che Councy Accorney, County Adminiscrator, Clerk of Courcs, and Excension Director, or their representatives, for the above referenced projecc. Specifications for installation of Created wood piles complete with U.S. Coast Guard approved Daybeacons, in che locations indicated are in the enclosed macerials. 1. e!bg~~ CA) Pile shall be of timber treated wich chromaCed Copper arsenate (C.C.A.). CB) Pile shall be of timber which will stand the driving for which they are lncended. CC) A straight line drawn from the center of the butc to the center of the cip shall not at any point face further away from center of the pile than a discance equal eo 1% of the length of the pile. CD) Minimum butt diameter = 12" meaSured 3' from end. Minimum tip diamecer ::: 8". CE) Pi Ie sha 11 be dr i von or best inst~llation practices used. 2. !A;;t!gIt!_QE_Pl.~s;2,:" Pi10s to b,~ of sUfficlent lell'llh to prOvide a minimum of four feet penetration into existing sea floo}' and an e I e vat ion 0 f e i 9 h t fee tab 0 v ,,? rn e Cl n h i 9 h W.::l t L: r . The rea }^ e f i \' e piles to install. 3 . 12 !1 Y ~ ~ !1 ~ Q tI ~ .:.. D .::l Y b ,? 2l con s to bee 0 n ~.:; L nJ c t ~ 0 .1 11 de}' L' c t l: d .::l sin d i -==.::l t e c1 on the enc 1 ased SKe Lches. Thl~}'e;1 re two 0.:1 y bO.::ll'c1s per d.:l Y beacon. There are f au r Daybe.::lcon~l to i nst:1l1 .::lnd aile add it i on.:3 1 L1.::l rn i ng daymarker. . _.J .. .. I \, '.-.:.->~' . ~1:~,~ ' , ......'::.;.... . '_v-.; ..",. . ,'a ~~,'; :'.. ~ :."..: ..- . ,'t: ~ .~.. - . . CC) ..::~:.~~:;::~S;..-': . , , :~~~~:~~~~~.~:, .. ..;4~...:'':..;~; ;.' . .~{~lt*;;.:~ ...".~.~~~5 . . ..1~J~~~.;.:,t:l.... ~f~~l;. QgnQ11IIQN~ None ggBIIElg8IlQN: (A) '. '. '. .~;,~;. ( A) Install markers Nos. 3 ~nd S (green squares) as 1/2 - mile normal visibility. (8) Install markers Nos. 1 (green) and 2 (red) according to Coast Guard permit a9 1 mile - nominal. Even numbers are red triangles; odd numbers are green squares. On both day beacons Nos 1 and S. below the numbered dayboards. informational marker to state "One Boat at a Time". Install 1 pile with informational sign "SHOAL" off Spottswood Island, as noted on chart. Bidder will certify in_~b~_Qig that the plans and specifications of the project will comply with the project design criterIa es~ablished by the Department of Natural Resources and WIll. if carried out, result :n completed faCilities incorporating acceptable engIneering design stancaras. which faCIlities will be structuaily sound. safe ana suitable for ~heIr lOC3Glon ~nd Intended use. (8) Bidder must ~lso ~g~~if~_S9~21g~lQD of the proJec~ in accordance with SCA), and in ~ccorGance WIth Coast Guard Requirements ~nd the Coast GUard Permit enclosed. CC) Bidder WIll S~~~lf~-lgS~11gD2 of installed pile by latitUde and longitude upon completion of the work. 6. Bid shall specify number of days requIred to complete actual construction work. The Board of County CommiSSIoners re~,~}-ves th~ rigllt to 3CCcpt or reject any and all bids. IHI bids to remain ';alid fo}' 12\:J ddY,~ ,)r=tl-~l' blG sclc~ctiun hy ~-h,~ Board or County Commission'~rs 01'" unLi 1 CC1llLl'3CL i~J in L2t't'cct .:tll'''lJing fo~ new dates, whichever Comes Sooney. Pc,rrot-mancc Bond Y(~quired in ZlCCoYd.::.ncc with rlol'id.:l SL.:lLULcs Chapter 25S. If YOUY bid or pYOpos<:Il e;-<Ceeds $100,080, it lJill be necessary to post a Perfonndnce Bond. 1 .". .. ~ . Carmander Seventh Coast: Guard District Federal Bldg. 909 S.E. 1st Ave. Miami, FL 33131-3050 Staff SymOOl: (can) Phone: (305) 536-5621 Mr. Jeffrey Fisher M:nroe Board of Camty Canni.ssi~ P. o. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mr. Fisher: 16518/37 Serial: 1265 NOV 1 7 19-$9 .., I am pl~c;;ed to erx::lose the approved Private Aids to Navigatic::n Applicatic::n (00-2554) ~ the establishtEnt of Ramrod Key Olannel Ilaybeacxns 1.,. 2, 3, 5 and Shoal Daybeaccn. These are Class II aids to navigation am. may be diSCX_ut1nued with 30 days notice :to this office. This authorizatic::n is issued UOOer the f~ cx:rxiiticns: (1.) Carp1iance with these cx::n:ii ticns is essential. You ITlUSt not deviate fran the applicatic::n unless a :request for a m:dificaticn is sutmi. tied to arxi 8pprCved by us. Disccnt:inua.rx::e or cha.n]e in cwnership of aids must also l:e 8pprCved by us. TlE est:ablishTent of any lII1penni tted aid or the ~irq of any PEmnitt:ed aid, without the authority and appI:ova.l of this office is a violaticn of 1.4 u. s. c. 83. Violators of this secticn may l:e fined up to $100 per day per lIl1p:mni tted aid. (2) When you have installed the aids, please notify this office so that proper notices to mariners can l:e issued. After your aids mve 1:een installed, they will l:e insI:a:::ted for a::mpliarx::e with 1:.h3 r::ermit. (3) Private aids to navigation must l:e maint:ained in proP2r COIXlitions at all 1::ines. A discrepan::y exists whenever an aid is not as descrit:ed in the approved application. Any disc:reparq in tl-.e oreration of the aid at any ti.rre shall be reported to us by tele~ or otr.er rupid 1lJ2ans of o::mnunicaticn in ' order that notices to mariners may b2 is~'P.d. Discrepan::;ii?.s arc to b3 c:orr:ected at once and we must te notified by teleplXlr1e when you mve dor1e so. Durin;] working murs, please call (305) 536-5621 or 536-5622. (4) Our authority of private aids to n::wigaticn dccs not autlnrizc .:my invasion of private rights, nor grant any e.'{Clusive privileges, nor th2s it obviate the n2CeSsity of cx::mplying Hith uny other fcx1cral, state or lcc.al luws or regulations. (5) 'I'l1e applic:mt ugrccs to save th2 O:x.lSt CU<'1rd h:lnnlc:~~:; wi tll resp_'Ct Lo any q.aim or claims th::1t /lluy rcsul t [rem tm ul1CSCd nog ligcrcc of tl~ maint:enan::B or or:;eration of an aid. . ....,,, .. .1 ~:i i' .' 16518/37 Serial: 1265 ( 6) '!his aut:hori.zation is valid for ~ year fran the date of this letter. If tba aids are I'XJ't established within this t;:erioo, the authorization is revoked, and ycu must resutmi. t your applicatic:n for approval. You are inv.i:t:ed to review a:n:ii.tions 2 and 3 of this aut:hJrizaticn. It must be unde.rstxx:xi that wh=n any aid to navigatic:n is established, whether federal or private, this infonnation is published .i.nna:liatel.yam then carried en future edi tioos of appropriate chart:s and in the Light List. TOOreafter, It1ar'ioors have tOO right to expect the aid to display its advertised signal. Disc:::repanc:,1eg left \lrX:X)L.L~""ted may result in IT'arme casualties am resultant 1:1 tigat::1cn. Sincere1 y, .. :~,~:''''j':-'~~~:' .:',:;::;,::fH.",' ..'...,':,. ." :.:_~ ~~ :..,......~'::. ~ -.' .: ."~;'-":.';'.;..." . . ~ C....~..-P '--i. . S . CAliICXJN Canna.rrler, u. s. Coast Guard Ass't O1i.ef, Aids to Navigaticn Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By directicn of the District Canna.rrler . _ .~:~"~~ ;~c:-'.; \ _ ...., .. Erx::l: (1) Private Aids to Navigaticn Applicaticn (Q;-2554) Copy: Officer-in-<J1arge, Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team Key West Canna.rrler, Coast Guard Group Key West Canna.rrler, u. s. Anny Corps of E'.rgineer District, Jacksonville Florida D9pa.r1:JTent of Natural Re.sources, Tallah.'l.ssee ,. . . '. ...... x~ -- -0 '0 - ... ce ...; 2g. 0:== -v .-. <t:""' ~~ -oJ ;:: Q.C- Q. . <t:to 2:': 0-:;; t=:.i: <t:":::> <:J;:; 53 <t:~ 2"2- O~ '-c (f)~ c:: 0::. <t:~ w.5 .-:: <t:'" >~ -~ ex: .;:: o..~ .:: '-' ~ ti 'U ""' ~ -- za~ ._~..o o~",",:r; I-:-:;Jr- -<~.. . ZJ--> ~::z: I- v .~~~:: ~e;~~ ~Z;"""""I :J :s ~ ~~ .......-_.~ -~-- ~;;; ~.o :I.... ::'X ~-.;. <= - ..,. ;= -6 l- e: ~ I- lit o I- Z o ~ t; ~ 111"- 1-0( ~to 00( - ~ ... ... a: ..: ci ... .... ... lD ci iii ::i or - Q III > W U III a: Z w IlJ ID III ~ J: ~ a: o LL Z o ... et u .J a. a. e:( Q W ... W .J a. ~ o u et VI VI W .J Z :J o W N c: o J: I- :J e:( W 1IJ >- e:( ~ z o .t- c:( u > e:( z o ... o e:( W I- et > Z et ... 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C ~ l'\ r- e..E D ~COT'::' HeAL R"F!::.c::;. -7'C3-Cf- , I i I - 1 I ~ 1. t ~' VI"72 ~LCK?" TO ~~c: . ~ ~/;o/7.' o-~. WITH C. is . 'l'Z'Z. . CHAJ4GtE. --;....~ ~ I ~ ~OR"t7E:~ FR"OM I~/~ TO ill WIDe ,~tY 1 DATE T APPR., DESCRIPTION,. Sy DESIGNED; U.S. COAST GUARD ...)\ I AM'. F L (-). '1 T 1.\ D I ~ T R 1 cr., _ DRAWN; r.,(,c., 17 n T !l: .{. c.. . 7 ~ CH[CKED, REVIEWED r, Y: c r V I L ENGINEERING ~?Ij=-1 N r~ B~rs_D L () r E R.. () L D (:') l' .'1\ (-j R. K ~ G E. ~j [ r~: () L U ~ t ~ [ ;Z I r.. ~ 1/7. /AILE lio/'\lrinL DR '1' VI~IDILI"'r' --.----- -- REVI(WED llY; REVIEWED llY; APPROVED: ,.. ,. '1<1 ) .'\ I { -:: L'L.L"\., ~. \...~)I-..:' \ ~ P F ~ Cli:t1 Of' ,.., ~ 'J'1t C II DRAWING NUMe.a DA~i~6 4- ~ I '4- ! S C ^ [ f, I'l ~ " .. ,I _ ,....., II 1 << 'c rT , .-, , , 't.- .. -" SEVENTH COAST GOARD DISTRICT PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION STANDARDS DAYBEACONS (UNLIGHTED BEACONS) AND LIGHTS (LIGHTED BEACONS) SHAPE: ., -( ~:...-. Dayboards on lights have the same shapes as those on daybeacons. :;-:~ :~. -., Starboard hand dayboards have a triangular shape. Port hand dayboards have a square shape. Safe water dayboards have an octagonal shape. . -.' ,. --:':;.,.~:-' . , .::.:....':. :'... -.... . COLOR OF DAYBOARDS: -~. ~'''.-' Starboard hand, tr~angular dayboards are red. Port hand, square daycoards are green. Safe water, octagonal dayboards are red on the right half and white on the left half. Se~ "RETROREFLECTIVE MATERIALS" for colors of letters and borders. CHARACTERS: See "DIMENSIONS" for the correct size and distance fr-om the base or lower apex of the dayboard. Red starboard hand triangular dayboards have even nu~bers. Green port hand square dayboarcs have odd numbers. Safe water dayboards identification purposes. the same way as numbers. should be centered in the are not numbered but may Letters should be si~ed However letters on safe red, right half. be lettered for and placed in W.:lter dayboards FLUORESCENT and RETROREfLEC~IVE MATERIALS: Fluorescent background Q~terial and rctrorcflective numbers, letters, and borders, a 1 tho u I] hop t ion .'1,. 5 h 0 \J 1 d be used on , day boa r d s . R e t r 0 r e fl e c t i vent ~ be r 5, 1 e t t c r s, " n d l' 0 r d e r s s h ;) u 1 d be the Game color (but a contrasting c1.-lrkcr sh;,de) as the background material; alternatively, numbers and letters may be white. The signal characteristics of paint arc relatively poor, but use of paint is not prohibited. If pnint is used, then nwnbers and letters are white. " ~'.J ~ "- ......, ~. ':~."'''~. ~ : -.:. .:.-..'::~\.3.'t~> '. ~ ._", ~,~.:~-~~~.::.. , -:: ~.~;~: .' ", '.:' - . . ... (Dl~ENSIONS continued) . . STRUCTURES: There are no requirad dimensions, materials, fastenings, or designs for structures supporting dayboards and associated lights. No particular haight above mean high water is mandated. Permittees should insure all aids to navigation are established consistent with prudent, sound engineering practice and the harsh nature of the marine environment. The following sketches are for general reference and should be modified to suit the circumstances. LIGHTING EQUIP~ENT ON LIGHTS (LIGHTED BEACONS) COLOR: Lights on starboard hand lighted beacons are red. Lights on port hand lighted beacons are green. Lights on safe watez beacons are white. LIGHT NOMINAL (VISUAL) RANGE: The minimum visual range of a light is one nautlcal mile. Depending on the circumstances a greater range may be permitted, required, or prohlbited. FLASH CHARACTERISTICS: Red and green flashing lights are laterally sig~ificant and usually flash (light off longer than on) regularly ~ith a . frequency of not more than 30 flashes per minu~c. i;hen special caution is necessary, such as sharp turns, obstructions, wrecks, etc., qUlck flasning lights (60 flashes per minute) may be used. White lights on safe water beacons flash in a Morse Code "A" rhythm (short-long flash). " . .i ~...~... . , Port f If :,,,.' 1-- ........::.~.....~..~.. . .~i':.~~i:t~-..::- .. ~~'~1~~ ~'~e~' --.. ..... - . ~J'''' u ..- ::.~.:~: :~. . .~.:~~ .-......... :-.:.!=::~:-:.:.:. .:;......... ~~.~~.. ,..-. 3' ~I .).- ~ : ...... . .......... ....0 :""~~:I:'i....,~:- ", . ..... ..::~ ::.~'.;...;~. . ,"..t.,':'" . . ,p'. . .):'..~':}.'. PORT AND ST AABOARD MARKERS (nominal range, 1 nmi) 2" GREEN (OPTIONAL RETROREPLECTIVE) BORDER 12" GREEN (OPTIONAL RETROREPLECTIVE) NUMBER Starboard I GREEN (OPTIONAL PLUORESCENT F ILK) 2" RED ~ (OPTIONAL RETROREPLECTIVE) BORDER /.. .:. , .J;~_ -. ~. t. ... _ _ . ~~....~ ;.~~.~ 12" RED ,r '_~~-:::~ (OPTIONAL RETRORE~~~~~~VE)l';12,~~~:7A~_ t I '... ',_', = .-''7., . ft- =--~-~..::;:":.~ ................ /;,::.~~~1;~~--i.:._~, __:.~--:- -.' .' '~:. 10'" RED .u..;t----,~-:..~.3.~~~ L (OPTIONAL FLUORESCENT l-c 4' -J F I LH) j 2" GREEN (OPTIONAL RETROREPLZCTIVE) BORDER (OPTIONAL FLUORESCENT Pl~~) , ,~~" GREEN , (OPTIONAL RETROREPLECTIVE) ~-3'~ ~~UI1BERS . - 2" RED (OPTIONAL RETHOREFLl::CTIVE) ,,' l,\, , ~l BORDEf1 ~l;~ ' II ~.::.... "i~:.'m 12" nED It.<r,>- 'i-\ (OPT I Ot~M.. H ETHon E PL r:CT 1 v u) /.:d-_-,:;_ ~~:~.\~~ NUUDH\S "'t}ti(:t~~~i~~-\~-:.. ~ REO J.~;i;? tfJ);;~'7~:' ~ (OPTlm~~~ ~"~~~~~:~,.~~:." I:LllORESCEHT .. r; - '':'S.. ...... ..','-.,.........' ~ 7" E'lLH) ~1. r_. r.& 4' ~ 'Ill- .For 2 numerals. use 12" nur::bers at 11 height of 12" off base. ~("~-., _..~.......",.. lieI' nil n"':1~,pr<:; "t ~ he;oht of 1?" nff r,,,<;P. .. ;.. . : . . SEVBY~H COAS~ GUARD DIS~RI~ PRIVATE AIDS TO HAVIGATIOH STANDARDS DAYBBACONS (UNLIGHTED BEACOMS) AND LIGHTS (LIGHTED BBACOMS) (R&GOLA~IOH AND IHPORXATIOM 8OPPLEMEM~) SHAPBs . . Regulation and Information dayboards may be..quare or rectangular with the appropriate symbol. However dayboards signifying danger should have a diamond shape. ..t. COLOR OP DAYBOARDS: Regulation and information dayboards are white, lettering is black. and the geometric symbola or borders are orange. CHARACTERS: . Regulation and information dayboarda have orange geometric symbola with the following meanings: Vertical open faced diamond - Danger. "Danget~ may be placed inside the dia~ond with informational wores above and below it. Vertical diamond with a cross centered ~ithin - Ves~el~ excluded from marked area. E~planation may Da p13c~d outside the crossed diamond. Circle - oper~ting reatriction3 (e.g. no wake, ~p2ed limit, etc.). The prim~ry restriction may be placed in th~ circle with explan~tion out~iae. r "" .; See "DIMENSIONS" for the correct Di~e ~nd opacing of symbolo and wording on dayboard9. RETROREFLECTIVE MATERIALS: Retroreflective geometric syrnbol~ 0:::: border::!, .'llthough optional, ghould be used on dayboard5o The ~ignnl characteristicD of paint ~re relatively poor, but use of r~int 13 not prohibitec1. ~ DIHEtlSIOtlS: DAYBOAROS: The minimum accept~ble dimen9ion~ ~rc for ~ no~innl (visual) r~ngc of 1/2 n~utic~1 mile (nmi). ^pplic~ntn may establish larger oizca if they wish. Geometric symboln are centered on dayboardo and nized to come within tuo line widtho (5ee "Geometric Shape Line Hidthn" on next page) of e~ch edg~ of the daybeacon. Optional rctrorcflectivc geometric G~~boln and bordero ~re encouraged. nil oizeo ~rc in inchen. '..; " , . .... ~, .' SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION STANDARDS DAYBEACONS (UNLIGHTED BEACONS) AND LIGHTS (LIGHTED BEACONS) (SPECIAL PURPOSE SUPPLEMENT) SHAPE: Special purpose dayboards have a diamond sha~e. COLOR OF DAYBOARDS: Special purpose dayboards are yellow. See "RETROREFLECTIVE MATERIALS" for colors of letters and - ..::' borders. ., CHARACTERS: Special purpose dayboards are not numbered but may be lettered for identification purposes. Letters should be sized and placed as described for numDers. See "DIMENSIONS" for the correct sIze and distance ~rom the lower apex of the dayboard. RETROREFLECTIVE MATERIALS: Retroreflectlve letters and borders, alt~ough optional, should be used on dayboards. They should be the same color (but a contrasting darker shade) as the background material; letters may be white. ';0'. #., ~ . .." ':', ~ The signal characteristics of r:nt are relatively ~Oor, but use of paint is not prohibited. If paint is used, then letters are black. .. .'. ." o. o If., ENS ION S : DAYBOARDS: The minlffium 3.ccepti1ble dimensions .Jre ~or a nominal '(visual) range of 1/2 nautlc.:ll mile tnmi). Apr'l icants may establish larger sizes if they wlsh. Optiondl retroreflective letters and borders are encour~ged. All sizes a,re in inches. . :1 .. .,. '., , r ~ARNING MARKERS (nominal range. 1 nm1) (OPTIONAL RETROREFLECTIVE) 2- ORANGE BORDER / 3 - BLACK LETTERS t , , 6 - BLACK LETTERS · - L SUBMERGED .r%-.. /-._ tDAr~GER ..p') '\ \.... 3 J t:-~V ,-::..:7:,;' , L- ~ a i~)H" '-: ,:' , .;:'.,./~ ~ 3' S~ACK LETTERS "~ ,,7 v. '~ ~" ~ , ~' _J~- " . ~ /" /'- , "\'''''' ,::l-':" ."'\. ;;r ,~ ~-" r-~ ../.. 7'/ ,\ V / ~ : ,,' ~ . . .. ~ . *The word "OAr/GER" is to be placed on all \"arnin~ dayrnarks, Informational words may be. placed below, or above and below, to suit particular needs, Ex~mples: D A i\l 4' 1,::: :::> ~ 'LIC-..d ROCK r.1;\nlN[ irl '1 1\0 to'.... .- " [u jot. J \Cl ~:: n CONSTnUCTION . ~t .:1