Resolution 153-2007 Petitioner Key Haven Estates, Ltd. RESOLUTION NO. 153 - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A PORTION OF KEY HA VEN BOULEVARD ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF KEY HAVEN (RACOON KEY), PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 46, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND AS DEPICTED IN THE SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEY DRAWING NO. 05-520 AS UPDATED 2/12/07. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board considered the argument of all parties present wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirement of Fla. Stat. Sees. 336.09 and 336.10; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: Being a portion of Key Haven Boulevard, according to the plat of Key Haven (Racoon Key), Plat Book 4, Page 46, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and as depicted in the Special Purpose Survey Drawing No. 05-520 as updated 2/12/07: "From the intersection of the centerline of us. Highway No.1 and the westerly abutment of the Boca Chica Viaduct go S 80 '51 '47" Walong the centerline of us. Highway No.1 a distance of 3604.95 feet; thence N 05 '20 '37" E a distance of 206.56 fret to a point in the northerly right of way line of us. Highway No. 1 and the Point of Beginning; thence continue N 05 '20 '37" E a distance of 761.08 fret to a point on a curve with radius of 263.27 feet and a central angle of 04 '46'26"; thence northeasterly along said curve a distance of 30.54 fret; thence N 84 '39 '23" Wa distance of 10.83 fret to a point on a curve with radius of 50.00 feet and a central angle of 41 '15 '08"; thence northwesterly along said curve a distance of 36. 00 feet to a point on a curve with radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 26'06'27"; thence northwesterly along said curve a distance of 11.39 feet to a point on a curve with radius of 213.27 fret and a central angle of 13 '04 '04"; thence southwesterly along said curve a distance of 48.64 feet; thence S 05 '20 '37" Wa distance of 773.99 fret; thence N 80'51'47" E a distance of 51. 64 fret back to the Point of Beginning. Parcel contains 40,156 square feet or 0.92 acres, more or less. " (Copy Attached as Exhibit "A 'j PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting ofthe Board on the 18th day of April, 2007. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI<irn~ ~ OF M<J.,NROE COUNT~ORIDA~n.~; ~-;()I ~r::.~:. By '1&1/ c,n~. Mayor Mario DiGennaro \::;:::.~ <d-\ c:,'__. ...<-,: I 41 c.;-:' I fi, );;... MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY AcrRm~S-f, Ftt1L lfYNTHIA L. HALL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date f- '3 - o:r eo ?:l N U1 ~ <2 U1 CSl ""I' ;== ,.., ::J .." o c.J -;r) ,:1 () CJ -:,; 'C., KEY HAVEN EST A TES OVERALL 4 N ~" ,,+ ,,+ " ,," .,. ~ J- ... "l 1.0. . 01. o( o~ 5. i'I.80'51 '41"(. ~t.'1 NO. 1 ~/;; ~.~ 5) 8~ l~,.."I"'O!' ~ "',z l- R/f/) SHEET 1 CJf 2 u. s. Key Hoven Estates Key Hoven, Key West FL. 33040 SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEY "9. .. 05-520 FREDERICK H. HILDEBRANDT ENGINEER PlANNER SlJR\4EYOR Scale 1 ... 12 AoDd ,... No. 1521 K 0-. I, CM.C Oat. 12 19 05 file ,.... z....,., AMd e.. MWSlONI /IMI)/OIC .MlIlmCld ./'l:!l/Ot:UpcIat....fOOIldetol 1/30/07: ~ MW 1."2/07; u,--... ~ I..... 3152 Harth.1de Orlw Suite 201 Koy _to A. 3Jo40 (Jo5) 29:3-0488 F... (305) 293-0237 fhlldeblGbe1lttouth.net f:l~\key ~~l ill*" 2 EXHIBIT I ----A- - KEY HA VEN EST A TES LEGAL DESCRIPTION/CERTIFICATION Rood Parcel: Prepared by undersi9ned: From the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 1 and the wester1y abutment of the Boca Chica Viaduct go S 80"51'47" W along the centerline of U.S. Hi\lhway No. 1 a distance of 3604.95 feet; thence N 05-20'37- E (I distance of 206.56 feet to (I point in the northerly fight of way line of U.S. Highway No. 1 ond the Point of B89inning; thence continue N 05'20'3700 E (I distance of 761.08 feet to Q point on a curve with radius of 263.27 feet and a central angle of 04"46'26"i thence northeasterly along said curve 0 distance of 30.54 feet; thence N 8....39'23. W 0 distance of 10.83 feet to 0 point on 0 curve with radius of 50.00 feet and 0 centrol oncJle of 41'15'08-; thence northwesterty along soid curve a distance of 36.00 feet to a point on a cul"Ye with radius of 25.00 feet and 0 central angle of 26'06'27-; thence northwelterly along said cut.,. a elistane. of 11.39 feet to a point on a curve with radius of 213.27 feet and 0 central angle of 1Y04'04-; thence southwesterty along said curve 00 distance of 48.64 feet: thence S 05~20'37. W a distance of 773.99 feet; thence N 80'51'47" E a distance of 51.64 feet back to the Point of Beginning. Parcel contains 40.156 square feet or 0.92 ocres, more or less. 0'0 )W CEllTIf1CATION' I HERESY CERTIFY that thel attached SPCaFIC PfJRPOSF SURl€Y is true and COrrect to th , best of my knowledge and belief; that it meets the minimum technical standards adO~ ~-bY the Aorida Board of Land Surveyors, Chapter 61017-6, Flonda Stotu)1e Section., .027~ and the American Land Title A8IIociotion, and that there Ofe no isibl_ V mente unless shown hereon. ^ ,.1~.1 . FREDERICK H. ~BRAN T Professionol Land Survey<lr No. 2749 Professional Engineer No. 36810 Stale of Florido NOT VAliD UNLESS EMBOSSED WITH RAISED SEAL SHEET 2 OF 2 Key Haven Estates Key Haven, Key West FL. 33040 SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEY ~V.".. 05-520 FREDERICK EHGINEEIl H. HILDEBRANDT PUNIER SUR\'EYIJR Sc~e 1"'. 120' ,-ltif. ~F1oocI P4MI Mo. 1. Ie Date 12/19/05 I file IRood,.. '€ --- ./151Of:.......... _.......... 1/)0/07: ~__ 1/12/0'1'._.__ 0... IJ CJtC __r 3152 North8ide OrNe Suit. 201 Key West. Fl. 33040 (305) 293-0466 Fal(. (305) 293-0237 fhildel>1"'eouth.net c~""J~\-ftL"""'2