Resolution 384-1990 Community Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 384- 1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATION WITH FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DERELICT VESSEL PROGRAM, AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: l. That said Board has been notified of the availability of funds from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. 2. That the Monroe County Cooperative Extension Service has received preliminary approval for the submission of a grant application to remove selected Derelict Vessels in County waters for which grant of $l95,600.00 maximum. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of this application by the proper County Authorities. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ;gO~ day of ~. , A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By JL~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk ~ (hL)Je. APPROVEDW AO FORM ANDLEG~ F CIENCY. 1<" c: Q C c.' L" o By o N ('I') 0- 'O:;t N t.!:l ::::> c::c Attorney'sOffice ""L ::-;s ~-" C l." C lLJ -l I.&.. .--.J '-'- i"" -:..,.) c."') .""., a:: "-',r :z: L.:) 0 L: ~ OK~Y~lY ~R~~~04~E (305) 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Gene Lytton. District 2 Douglas Jones. District 3 Mike Puto, District 4 MAYOR John Stormont, District 5 Office Of: Monroe Cooperative Extension Service PO Box 2545 Key West, FI 33045 July 26, 1990 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Bill Keenan, Department of Natural Resources From: Jeffrey A. Fisher, Extension Director Subject: Derelict Vessel Grant Application Enclosed is our application and list of prioritized derelict vessels for removal. We used an estimated base cost of removal of SlOO. 00 per linear foot, coupling this with degrees of removal difficulty of 1.0, l.l, 1.25 to correspond to the Sea Grant study reccomendations. You will note that our Grand Total is S 195,600.00. I feel some of our estimates will be high. Also, I am sure we will NOT be able to find or, in some other way, remove a few vessels on the list. Also those bids exceeding our maximum have to be rejected. Thus I believe it would be best to approve "maximum total dollar amount" for Monroe County. As we discover vessels missing, etc. our grand total dwindles. At the end we will be restricted to that maximum amount. If you ask for specific vessels now you can guess that we'll only be able to remove 50-75% of these listed. Let us work it down to your maximum amount as we step through the process. When we get to the bid stage we will be at that amount. Chuck Hamlin, Port and Transit Authority, City of Key West is submitting a package for vessels from Boca Chica Channel Westward. Please advise what the next step would be or if you would like to discuss this matter further feel free to call. Thank you. JAF/gkb a:dvap90 ("--) /. 7--:;~-uu" _/~- - --. ----// '-I Y:::u . I /-." ~ , - ....'t ,- I" ..&....-:-.-:.. . {.-\.-.... / /l ,/' j / ' .30 Form: Application for Derelict Vessel Removal Grant FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Application For Derelict vessel Removal Grant part I 7-19-90 Date Name of Applicant: Monroe County Mailing Address: PO Box 2545 Contact Person: Jeffrey A. Fisher Telephone t (305) 294-4641 x160 Total Amount of Requested Grant Funding: /9 - I I , '''', $ ~ I r;,O U , population: 75.000 No. Registered Vessels: 20.000 *No. Derelict vessels: Rpprox ?~n Projected Completion Date of program. 1994 * Attach a copy of the Florida Marine Patrol Derelict Vessel Report for each vessel to be considered for removal with grant funds. (Copies of these reports may be obtained from the local FMP District Office.) proposed method for ~andling the removal and disposal of the designated Derelict Vessels: D [K1 Use of contractual services:not known-will adverti~e for C'omppriri"., hirl, Specify proposed contractor, if known Use of own resources Part II Designated Derelict Vessels To Be Removed FMP I.D. t of Vessel Length of Vessel Est. Cost per Linear Ft. projected Total Cost of vessel Removal/Disposal Designated Disposal Site (Specify Artificial Reef Site or Landfill Loca tion) 1 2 See prioritized list from. approximately 250 Derelict Vessel's in Monroe County. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 'n e::, F' 3r:-1::: ~:~ey CoJ.ony/CoccJ r~lL(fn C: CI I'll in I...l j'"'; :i. t. ',:/ i"1.3 i b C;t r~ CommLl:', :i. t"-;/ H,;~t'-bcl'- Communi t.}i !..,i<3.I.-bor- Communi t.\i HE:i.rtJOr'- Commun:i, ty Harbor" Co en en L.l nit. '/ j...! ,~:!. r- tl ell.... Comrnull i t '/ 1...!.::?:.I.-bCi!.... ~:~2Y Colony/Cocc) 1-'lLlfD S l..t Ifl in f::! ,.'- ], .;;':";. r'"J d i<: E':; \/ t.:J 1'"' .::\ ::;. ::::. ").... r... f:;:.' ..,.. E: Dot i< E? \i :...1 c~ I'..!::) C) I.... :1 a I"' ,;;\ t h c; r-, Dig F'i.ne E~ Et \/ ':::. :L cj c:.:: Islamoj-ac!a OC2a]-~sid2 Holiday Isle Bavside 1...1 c:r], idE'.")/ I '::::.'1. ;'.:,:~ E~ i:";; .....- , .,' ..~. .:. \..1 '._.. ~~oli(j2Y l'sle n"~~~3i(:~e Hol i. d,;;;..' 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SITE Knockemdown Keys 8ayside Little Torch Key Bayside Boot Key Hc:u'-bOt- Big Pine Key Bayslde Big Pine Key Oceanside Duck Key Oceanside Big Pine Key Oceanside Grassy Key Oceanside Mar0.thon 8i g Pi nE? ~:::ey Bi <;;J Pi rl f2 i<f2Y Vi':\Ci::\ Key PI aITt.,::;1,t ion f:::ev Summer I and i<E:'y Indian Key Little Torch i<E?Y Key Largo for 1990-91 Removal G~ant c,...........-. .~ , ...., ...... , UF ID DNR ID DEGREE OF LOA $ ESTIMATE NUMBER NUMBER DIFFICU~TY TO REMOVE ___M_..__ _.__......__._....... ._.._._._.._........ :1.66 '-:.' ..' 1:.7 .' :..~, '--' :I. " :~::':-,:; 167 :' ,~.; '.-' t " ()() 1:30 "7(::>-:; ..' '._J._, 1" 00 224 ::3:32 1.00 234, ::3,'1-4 1. II ()() r-,'7C::- ...::.....:,...J ~:3.(j.5 j, .. ()() :~3~7 8.!1-'7 1." no :::~:.(;.j f3~51 1" 0(:' '3f.::,L]. :!. " ()Ci ::':?/:j. :::~ ,~S ~3 :!. " (){) f:~'7E: :1. :; .! c.! '....' '..~' .,:.. .L n ()() '-::1:::: '...J :'.,:.. :J. .. ()() ::~;l~. ',-;i ( )( ) :L \I ()() -T , '.::'{:J C?()J 1. " :!. ,:) :+0 '''./() ;::3 1. " ()() , , .J. ,~:~ c:; 1 :1. l " ()() ":"1:::' ...:;,...1 ...- ..... ..... -.. ....._~ ..... ............. .....-. .... ..' 1=.' :::)'.,,! E~!I :t :?5 ., (J() 19 1 " r:.;'()()" ::)() :35 3 :1 ~5(}() .. ()c) 22 2 ~r ::00. 00 l t::, 1 ~! .:S()i) " ()c) ......-:r .~...:' ~ ~ f-' (-, (-, (') .....:1 '._' '_' 'w' 01 'w' '_' ::?;5 :::, 5()() Il ::)() :? 'I ~3()() n ()(j :~:: ~l .{I. () ()" :) () :2 ti :'2C)() 11 Oi) . .'-1 ::::::' :::3~5();, ()() :::;~ ~;()()" ()() ::::; ~l .\:1- ()~) " () () ~:. ~ I::'J()().. (je) i!':1 .q.(){) " ()() 1. , {~J()()" c)() ::::: ~l ~5 () ()" () (j ..~ "_. ..... hh' ..... ..... ~.. ._.. ..._ ._. .._ ..._ ......._.............._....._m................ :!. c.;> ~.:.:.:.; 'I (:: I:) (:'" () () Derelict vessels always exist in the Florida Keys due to the continuous boater involvement. The Keys will always have derelict vessels. Some pose a navigation problem while some represent an environmental and/or an aesthetic degradation. Few would actually threaten public health. We have enclosed lists for which we have DV Reports from the Florida Marine Patrol. We have 239 DV reports. In the 1989-90 grant we are removing approximately 35 vessels. Thus there are approximately 200 old DV reports that you have from last year. Very few of the vessels on the lists would be suitable for artificial reef construction. They are all relatively small and made of either wood or fiberglass. Cost of removal is another difficult subject. a bid, we cannot really know the cost. We cannot I et contracts, and then wai t unti I the grant is current estimate is $100.00 per linear foot. Until we have ask for bids, approved. Our Al so, since indi vidual I y as disposal, and (4) proposal. Our proposal. the rules require that each DV be treated to (1) permitting, (2) legal removal, (3) documentation, we cannot submit a "blanket" grant application is in essence a vessel-by-vessel We anticipate the DNR approving a sum of money. We will work the prioritized list enclosed and reduce the number of Derelict Vessels as we move through the process. .' Monroe County will write and advertise the job specifications, let contracts for dollar amounts on a case-by-case basis, monitor the disposal in the landfill, and make payment to the contractor. It is understood that reimbursement follows from the DNR. This represents our second year of what should prove 4-5 year process. The vessels on this list represent some hazard as noted on the Florida Marine Patrol Derelict reports. to be a form of Vessel a:dvap90