Resolution 472-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 472 - 1990 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 1990 and to create new items under said budget, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 1990 in the amount, hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL FUND #001 Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #001-920000-584992-0, Reserve for State County Health Care For The Amount of $46,099.70 Into Budgeted Transfers Item #001-910200-581914-0, Transfer to State County Health Care Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #00l-920000-584998-0, Reserve for Indigent Health Care For The Amount of $142,500.00 Into Health Care Responsibility Act Item #001-l80203-561508-0, Inpatient Services Transfer from CCE Item #l8l000-564340-0, Contractual Services For The Amount of $6,807.72 Into Welfare Administration Item #001-180100-564340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #001-920000-584990-0, Contingency For The Amount of $ll,OOO.OO Into Board of County Commissioners Item #001-010000-511110-0, Salaries .. ::c: u::> 0 c::::> -Tt 0 - l> <<:::) , z C":l rn :::o(")~ -' 0 0'-' rnr-< .- .." (")(")r- .- 0 ;;0 O-;x; :::0 c?'o -0 %("), ::3 rn (") -I -I ::::r: 0 :<: 'l> c:..> :::0 -Tt G') .... rn I"") 0 ~ 0 MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT FUND #104 Transfer from Recycling Item #104-097701-534640-0, Capital Outlay For The Amount of $25,468.75 Into Pollution Control Item #104-097600-582733-0, Principal SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT/PLANNING, BUILDING FUND #7l6 Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #7l6-920000-584991-0, Reserve for Legal Fees For The Amount of $l5,636.26 Into Building Item #716-100200-524120-0, Salaries Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #716-920000-584990-0, Contingency For The Amount of $7,198.12 Into Planning Item #7l6-l00l00-5l5l20-0, Salaries Transfe~ from Reserves & Transfers Item #7l6-920000~58499l-0, Reserve for Legal Fees For The Amount of $35,~48.40 Into Planning Item #7l6-100100-5l5l20-0, Salaries Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #7l6-920000-585993-0, Reclassifications For The Amount of $2,lOO.00 Into Planning Item #7l6-l00l00-5l5120-0, Salaries CAPITAL PROJECTS-MISCELLANEOUS FUND #30l Tranfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #30l-920000-584994-0, Contingency For The Amount of $l6,950.30 Into PK State Attorney & Clerks Office Item #30l-700l00-513620-0, Building Construction Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #301-920000-584994-0, Contingency For The Amount of $12,500.00 Into Big Pine Key Recreation Center Item #301-42l00l-572620-0, Development KEY WEST AIRPORT FUND #004 Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #004-920000-585992-0, Salary Adjustment For The Amount of $30,492.00 Into Key West Airport Item #004-240l00-542620-0, Capital Outlay Buildings 1988 BOND ISSUE FUND #203 Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #203-920000-584990-0, Contingency For The Amount of $1,500.00 Into Debt Service Item #203-3l0000-58234l-0, Contractual Services - FNB CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND #303 - 1988 BOND ISSUE Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #303-920000-584990-0, Contingency For The Amount of $55.00 Into 1988 Bond Issue Item #303-501000-513341-0, Contractual Services - FUNB GROUP INSURANCE FUND #502 Tranfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #502-920000-584990-0, Contingency For The Amount of $62,978.39 Into Operating Expenses Item #502-330lll-5903l6-0, Medical Expenses Transfer from Reserves & Transfers Item #502-920000-585991-0, Asserted Claims For The Amount of $l66,000.00 Into Operating Expenses Item #502-330lll-5903l6-0, Medical Expenses BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board, upon the receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1990. BOA~R.D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M ~ 117:;~IDA By Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~: ;fJ~-&~ APPROVED AS TO FOR/ii' AND LEGA SUFFICIENCY. llY