Resolution 481-1990 (,.t:) :3 0 ::r- UJ 0:::: Q <.P LI.. 0 -' <( ~ <.:;I -"- ~. l..L.l e:: .,...J <.:;I I- 0:::: a: 0 :z: ~ a:: :::::> 0:: - 0 0 Q <::> <.:;I _-.i l.L.. C"::> ::.::: l..L.l - ..,-~ 0 ..... ""'- .-J 0 l..L.l c:...:> z <::> 0:::: .-J c:::J <( :z: LI.. 0 0 0 en ::E .. RESOLUTION NO. 481 - 1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CLEAN FLORIDA COMMISSION FOR A LITTER PREVENTION PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER COUNTY AUTHORITIES WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes there is a significant litter problem in the county, and WHEREAS, the Clean Florida Commission has funds available to disburse to local governments to be used to implement litter prevention programs pursuant to F.S. 403-4131, and WHEREAS, the project would incorporate local citizen and county involvement through educational and litter prevention programs, and WHEREAS, Monroe County is eligible for a funding level no greater than $25,000.00, and WHEREAS, these funds require a fifty per cent local cash matching. Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to submit an application for grant funds to the Clean Florida Commission to fund litter prevention programs in Monroe County and for the Mayor to execute all necessary documents in furtherance thereof, and that 2. The matching funds will be provided by Monroe County, and that 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rt!( day of ~ A.D. 1990. ( Seal) DANNY L. E:OMHAGE, Clerk Attest:~ ~ 1'~tt' , . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~OUNTY' FLORIDA BY ~ APPROVED AS TO tORill ANDLEGALSUFR ~NC~ BY P.02 LITTER PReVENTION GRANT APPLICATION CLEAN FLORIDA COMMISSION 'CMM Clte.L'''OI 1/00 ,.,_ 1 .n STATE OF FLORIDA GRANT ASSISTANCE PURSUANT TO r.S. 403.4131, (1988) rhls grant application should be completed In accordance with Rule Chapter 158-1, FlorIda Administrative COde. and 19 also subject to the provisions of Flor:da Statutes 403.4'31 (1988). 1. Name of Applicant Monroe County Municipality X County Non-profit Organization 5825 Jr. College Rd., ~blic Service Building, Wing II. Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040 2, S~reet Address of Applicant 3. Mailing Address (If different) Same .. Federal Employer Identification Number 59-6000749 5, :f this Is a jotnt application. attach a list of all other parties IMlud/ng names, addressee, contact persons and attacn any formal agreements regarding the joil'lt application. It is understood that the applicant Is the lead agency. X This Is not a Joint application. This Is alolnt application; a;; required documentation Is attaChed, 6. Name and Title of AuthorIzed Representative: John C. Stormont Mayor, Board of County Commissioners Name Title Street Address 88820 Overseas Highway Tavernier, Florida 33070 Phone Number (305 ) 852-7175 7. Contact Person (st8ff 8ssigned to hsndle the program on a dally bas/e): Name Deanna Lloyd Title Grants Manager Street Address 5825 Jr. ColleBe Rd., fublic. Servic.e BU1ldin&! Wing II, Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040 Phone Number ('305 ) ,292-4474 8, Estimated population to be served by this grant (include the basis of the estimate, e.g. offIcial Population data, regional population, 8easonal pop....lntlon estlmete, eto.) Residents - 80,500; Seasonal - 59,972 Baete of Eetlmate: 1990 Nonroe County Comprehensive Plan - Statistical Data . ~lonroe County Per Capita Personal Income: $15 .~~j~j ') 9, MedIan Income to be served bv this arillnt. P.03 10. Amount of Gra.,t funding requested 11. MatChing funds committed (Indicated source of matcn and attaCh documentation of match commltmont) $25.000 $25,000 .ClNI c.c-U'CHI tiN ...... * .. a ~ource t..u......~ H........h .s:....... ~.....UL. ~I.lUuO> - I'll"fUtl.,ll;; 0.... :1."0 DI.lU~l;;\,. 12. Proposal NarratIve attached (must follow attached Clean Florida Commission format) ..--!.._ yes no I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the Information contained In this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such Information 1$ true, complete and accurate. I further certify tnat I posIes. the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of this applicant. fa! u~ If 0 Oate Please return this form to: CLEAN FLORIDA COMMISSION ATTN: Executive Director tlOS Suwannee Street, MS-2 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450