Resolution 623-1990 FILED FO? RECORD Planning Department '90 DEe Y Arl 1 17 RESOLUTION NO. 623-1990 OAt< ',L,;')LIL~GE CL\. CIR. C~~SOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE I',".':'.: Crlur'!T.~~PRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR '. v i" ,\, '- v 1\ I'J:q' .... 'LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 57-A, PLANTATION BEACH SUBDIVISION, LOT 18, BLOCK 10. WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department report of October 31, 1990, Lot 18, Block 10, Plantation Beach Subdivision, was zoned BU-1 and RU-1 under the zoning code prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated commer- cial boundary but instead also included the RU-1 portion as SC; WHEREAS, this problem was brought to the attention of the current Planning Director who agrees that the Boundary Line should more properly have followed the previously determined Boundary, in that the area zoned lBU-1" should have changed to "SC" and the area zoned "RU-1" should have changed to "IS-M" to more properly reflect the existing community character; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 57-A dated Octo- ber 31, 1990, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3 (m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Flor~da Department o~ communi ty Affairs. (r'onfirm Boundary Interpretation No. 57-A) PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 14th day of November, A.D., 1990 BOAR~OF OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO ~ORIDA BY 4~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest :DAImY L. X:OWAGE, perk ~ -,fJ~1JjL c;Kerk . <~~---. '" ,$ i- APP~ICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Planning Department PHONE # 852-3298 ADDRESS 88800 Overseas Highway, Rt. 3 Tavernier, Florida 33070 KEY Plantation MM 88 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Plantation Beach PLAT BOOK PAGE BLOCK 10 LOT(S) Pgftlot 18 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) IS-M SC REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: TO Property zoned SC at time of adoption of Land Use Plan; Property was changed to IS-M without knowledge of owner. OWner did not receive notification. PRESENT LAND USE: Property is presently being used as a single family residence DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: Property owner did not receive notification of proposed Map Amendment, certified mail returned undelivered. Boundary line was placed in error SIGNATURE DATE Fee paid STAFF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 15, 1986 ZONING: BU-l, Light Business District E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: (SC) Suburban Commercial F. ACTION ON "E" IF ANY: G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: (SC) Suburban Commercial H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 19867 X YES NO. DETAILS: Amendment 310, SC to IS-M, Adopted June 27, 1988 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: To relocate boundary line so as to return the southerly one hundered feet of lot 18 to the original SC designation. 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Property zoned SC on official Pattison Maps. 2. Zoning changed to IS-M by Map Amendment 4. Boundar~ was olaced in error STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNER ~~~' BIOLOGIST DATE 1I/1/'1P DATE " " " " " " " , , , , ,6GE I I t I I /" I I , I " , , , , , ,,\ , " \ ,," \ <""\ \ \\\ \ " " " " " " " " " " " " " "... " ... " " " '" '" " ... ... ... ... ... , ... ... S IS-M .- , ./ /\ ./" \ - ~ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N Land Use District Maps ~ Monroe County, Florida .. JanJary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# Ib1? Flle# !j 7 Applicant: '? L..-A-~N\ N-6t .V~PA~'/M~"- Key: 'VL-A-N-""NlLOH- Mile Marker: 9.>93 I 1"=200' I "- "- "- "- , , , , , , , WCHQR,tGE ~\ '" --~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ~ I I I I I ;'" I I , I " \ \ \ \ \ '" \ " <,,"\ '\ \ " " " " "- "- " "- " " " " " S IS-M '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" " " " " " " " ... ... " , , '" A '" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I / Pw...nt to Section 1.5-24Ca)(2)Ch) of the MoIIro. County eo_, tha boundarla. of tha Land U.a DI.trlct Map ara Intarpratad to ba locatad a. Indlcatad above and briefly de.crlbad u: N 1 Director, Growth Man~amant Shaat # ~') Kay rp ~A-N-l1fli.,v,J. Data BOCC Ra.olutlon '..200' -- N I 1-.800' f . ,.1 ---.'-....",..".,.' '" Aerial Maps, Il.4onroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. ~'171; Edltlon,19 Panel or Sheetill cr.3 Flle4t...)1 Appllc.nt: -Ph///l;f/;'l Oez:ctR/'?P;1- / 4nt~ ) ~I b:zZ: / L ./ J:' Key: --r-:.a/? trYJ Mile Mar"r: ? ~. ~'_.T'~'~"'_._"__":""''''''' c,iI '/0# ~ N .,- ,~ / / , . ~ _/ / , ~, , , ,.--........ .,..~ '-)C. ,:. <~> / ~" Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,19'86 Panel or 5h~et# ~L( t 0&: File # J- Applicant: W# / e Key: ?~/}-!b. 77ffYJ Mile Marker: @ I 1"= 600' I "--',-~"---'-- .___.."....-.<!""_~~u.~_.,_~' _ ____ J,._....-e~....~ ~~ ~ _.~- " .. , / '~tI' . ;1:,.. / i\'~ .' ''\, . i~~F. ~ \J 1 "~..-.,,~' "~. ,: .-I~~,\:~.f~: .,i \~ "A;' . ' ,-, , l. ~ 4J.iiA~~,. )- '4:,.,~: l' . '....... . "r \~- ~i ~- . '. .I; ,.;,;,~" . . ' ." / '.~' -~ .~: '-=' . " ~ ' .~., , J" .~~. "t,1 c:~,~, ,. ~1i'F. ,.~ ': 'C ~ , * " <'<< ( .' ,"'- N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 . I 1"-200' I Panel or Sheet# 0:.8;11 P(, .&tf J' Flle# Applicant: ?/04#//7. c:2), rt::ne/J. Key: ? MI8 Marker: '!'!It'- >1',",...-- - ,.., ~ ,...