Resolution 644-1990 FILED FCl PEf'ORD ,1\ V J '90 DEe 13 PP1 2 31 DAi~i RESOLUTION NO. 644-1990 (; L !i AGE (' I C' ,", , r V (,"!\. L'! d C T MONROE COU;'JTr:FLA. A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 64, LOTS 10 AND 13, CRAIN'S SUBDIVISION, GRASSY KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, Mr. William P. Plank owner of the subject property, made a proper application on May 1st, 1990 to the Monroe County Planning Department for a Boundary Determination for a 3.17 acre parcel and paid the appropriate filing and notice fees; and WHEREAS, the property is described as Lots 10 & 13, Crain's Subdivision, Grassy Key, Section 25, Township 65 South, Range 33 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Monroe County, Florida. Located at approximately MM 57.5.; and WHEREAS, the staff report by Dean C. Satterlee, Planning Technician, dated July 16th, 1990, recommends approval of the requested boundary determination; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning having reviewed the applica- tion, staff reports and all exhibits finds that there was a draft- ing error made when transferring information from the "Pattison" maps to the current Land Use District maps, and has therefore rendered an Administrative Boundary Interpretation %64, as indi- cated on the attached, revised Land Use District map; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That Boundary Determination %64; which is a BPLANK.03A/TXTDR 1 Initials request by the property owner, Mr. William P. Plank, to correct drafting errors on certain properties located on Grassy Key, Monroe County, Florida, which will cause the Land Use District to change from Sparsely Settled (SS) to Suburban Commercial (SC); is hereby confirmed. Section 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the ~ day of ~ 1990 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY (u..~~ -r. -: ~~ ~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest :DAJmY 1... :K:OtlHAGE, g.er. ~~"'/1.,()~ c rk ' ,..' . ..,.- 81' BPLANK.03A/TXTDR 2 Initials \ \'>{ v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ; \; 7 ; ; ; / / / / / ; / \ \ ,,// ~, .-.;~ \ \;~ , , .. / '. }; \ \/ \ )' \ \/ \ 'y/ \ \ / SS \ \ \//\ \ \ / / \ \ / \ \ r /\/ / / / / / / s P.......nt to Section 9.5-24(a)(2)(h) of the Monroe County eode, the boundarle. of the Land Use Ol.trlct Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described a.: Remove boundaries between lots 10 & 11 and lots 12 & 13. Add boundary between lots 13 & 14. Designate lots lO,11,l2 and l3 as SC. N 1 Alt7l/C-711ber /tt 1994 - Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1"= 200' MEMORANDUM LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY DETERMINATION *64 To Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Lorenzo Aghemo ~~ Director of Planningr:~ -- / 19 November, 1990 From Date Re Boundary determination for property described as Lots 10 & 13, Crain's Subdivision, Grassy Key, Sec'tion 25, Township 65 South, Range 33 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Monroe County, Florida. Located at approximately MM 57.5. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MEETING DATE: 20 November, 1990 PLANNER: Dean C. Satterlee BIOLOGIST: John Bell PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Remove the SC/SS boundary line between lots 10 and 11 and cause lot 10 to have a land use designation of SC. 2. Relocate the SC/SS boundary line between lots 12 and 13 to between lots 13 and 14 such that lot 13 will be locat- ed in the SC land use district. BACKGROUND: The subject property comprises four (4) lots, each of which is 60 ft. wide and average approximately 575 ft. in depth, which equals 138,000 sq. ft. or about 3.17 acres. The lots run from the South side of U.S. *1 to the Atlantic Ocean. The lots have been scarified in the past and all are kept clear except for the front 1/3 of lot 13 which appears to be dis- turbed with mangroves. Lot 10 has a 1965 mobile home which has had an addition built some years age. Lot 11 has a small general store type of business and facilities for gasoline sales. In the back of the store are the very rustic remains of an old chicken and egg farm. Lots 12 and 13 are occupied by a commercial structure with attached residential dwelling facilities which was constructed in 1987. In 1.964 several of the lots were utilized as an egg and chick- en ranch which continued in operation until 1982. The present owner of the property converted the egg farm to a small gener- al store in 1983. In August of 1983, at the request of the County, the present owner placed the four (4) lots under unity of title. On the pre-September 15th, 1986 zoning maps, all four (4) of the lots were designated as BU-l (light business district) and in addition, lot 11 carried a BU-2-B (3-ZB/11-77) designa- tion which allowed for the package only sale of beer and wine under a state 2APS alcoholic beverage license. As drawn, the B.O.C.C. (Pattison) maps (1" = 600'), approved 28 Feb. 1986, indicate that an area approximately 240 feet wide was designated as Suburban Commercial (SC). This adopted area is located, upon measurement (within the accuracy of measurements on the 1" = 600' maps), at the approximate loca- tion of the subject properties. When the current Land Use District maps, dated January 19th, 1988, were drawn (at a scale of 1" = 200'), the width of the area that was designated as Suburban Commercial (SC) was somehow adjudged to be only 120 ft. The maps were then con- structed with the Suburban Commercial (SC) designation being placed on only two (2) (lots 11 and 12) of the four (4) con- tiguous lots. The other two (2) lots were given a land use designation of Sparsely Settled (SS). The Existing Conditions Maps, dated July 2nd, 1985, indicate a small area of land designated as "commercial" being located at the approximate location of the subject property. FINDINGS OF FACT: The following findings were made during the review: 1. The "Pattison" maps indicate a Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district at the approximate location of the subject properties with a width of 240 feet. The four (4) lots are 240 feet wide. 2. The current Land Use District maps were drawn with the Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district only 120 feet wide. 3. The subject property is and has been under the same ownership since 1976. 4. Several of the lots that comprise the subject property have been in commercial use since at least 1964. 5. In 1983, at the County's request, the owner combined all four (4) lots under unity of title. Page 2 6. ~ commercial structure with attached residential dwell- ing facilities was built in 1987. 7. The pre-September 15th, 1986 zoning on all four (4) of the lots was BU-1 (light business district). 8. The 1985 Existing Conditions Maps indicates an area of commercial use at the approximate location of the sub- ject properties. ACTION BY: Resolution CITIZEN COMMITTEE STATEMENT: None BOARD POLICY ( IES) APPLICABLE: None PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None taken ALTERNATIVES: None ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION: 1. Application by property owner. 2. Planners staff report. 3. Biologist's report. 4. Monroe County Zoning Map, Pre-September 15, 1986. 5. Existing Land Conditions map, July 2, 1985. 6. Letter from William Plank to Tim Dubose dated April 30, 1990, and its attached exhibits. A. Land Use District map adopted Feb. 28, 1986. B. Land Use District map, Jan. 19, 1988. C. Land Use District map, amended June 27, 1988. D. Proposed map amendment sheet for proposal *130. E. Letter from William Plank to Donald Craig, dated May 2, 1989. F. Letter from Donald Craig to William Plank, dated July 5, 1989. Page 3 G. Unity of Title affidavit by William Plank, dated August 9, 1983. H. Warranty Deed from Holly Homes, Inc. to William p. and Veronika E. Plank, dated November 29, 1976. BPLANK.05A/TXTDR,111990 Page 4 s \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ \ ~~ \ ~~ \ \ ~~ -- \ ~ ..... \ ~~ .... ~ ~ Pursuant to Ordinance 039-1981 and Rule 9J-1S.006 F.A.C.. .the Monroe County Land Use District Map is amended as of June 21th.1988 and indicated above and briefly describ.d as: - d between lots 4& as shown. nagemen t ~s.,. r- It Date Amendment /I 110 , EXISTING ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1.=200. \ \./ \ \..... >- y./ \ ./ \ )- ,/ y./ \ ./ /' ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ \ \ , , , , , ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ \// --.~ ~ \ .JL ~ ~ .. ~ '. }~ \ \ / \ )' \ \/ \ 'y./ \ \ ./ ss \ \.//\ \ ./ ./ \ \./ ~y/ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pws..nt to Section 9.5-24(aH2)(h) of the Monroe County Code, the boundaries of the Land U.e District Map are Interpreted to be located as I ndlcated above and briefly described as: Remove boundaries between lots 10 & 11 and lots 12 & 13. Add boundary between lots 13 & 14. Desianate lots 10,ll,12 and 13 as SC. N 1 ,;1vemoer 11, /99-1 - Date BOCC Resolution r = 200' PROPOSED APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT WILLIAM P. PLANK PHONE # 289-081l MM 57.5 ADDRESS ROUTE 1, BOX 152 GRASSY KEY, FL. 33050 KEY r1M 57.5 OCEAN SIDE or BAY SIDE OCEANSIDE SUBDIVISION CRAINS SUBDIVISION PL1\T BOOK 1 PAGE 5l BLOCK 58 LOT (S ) 10 & 13 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF llECESSARY) -----_.~--_..__.__._----_. REQUEST CHANGE FROM SS TO SC REASON FOR REQUEST: BOUNDARY DETERMINATION PRESENT LAND USE: RETAIL GASOLINE AND CONVENIENCE STORE, y --~~. S' c.. ~.;- orl 7-.,~ PS .... II' _ l-l l.:.-. DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SEE ATTACHED LETTER TO TIM DUBOSE AND EXHIBITS A THRU H --------------- ----------- SIGNATUREtA/~ ./!~ Fee paid {J If 1..> ::::..- , "of If'" ('1C(c> DATE 22 JUNE 1990 *BDAPP.FRM/TXTDEAN, May 15, 1990 . "'.w.- ,--".._......-...,._ .~~~. ._ ~ ..... __ ...-......__...._____......k_ _. . . . M E M 0 RAN DUM TO Ty Symroski Development Review Coordinator ~ r / ______....--- )- ~ From Dean C. Satterlee Planning Technician Date July 16, 1990 Re Boundary Line Determination for lots located on Grassy Key and which are owned by William P. Plank. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INTRODUCTION This is an application by William P. Plank for a boundary line determination in which Mr. Plank asserts that the County erred in transferring the land use district lines from the "Pattison" maps to the "Craig" maps and by such, misapplied ~he Sparsely Settled (SS) land use designation to certain properties that he owns which are located on Grassy Key. Mr. Planks ownership comprises four (4) contiguous lots. The two (2) mean lots have a Suburban Commercial (SC) land use designation, while the two (2) extreme lots have a designation of Sparsely Settled (SS). All four (4) lots have been in continuous commercial use since at least 1983. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject properties are described as Lots 10 and 13, Block 58, Crains Subdivision, Section 25, Township 65 South, Range 33 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Grassy Key, Florida. REi 374650 (lot 10) and 374680 (lot 13). SITE DESCRIPTION Mr. Planks ownership comprises four (4) lots, each of which is 60 ft. wide and average approximately 575 ft. long which equals 138,000 sq. ft. or about 3.17 acres, and which run from the South side of U.S. #1 to the Atlantic Ocean. The lots have been scari- fied in the past and all are kept clear except for the front 1/3 of lot 13 which appears to be disturbed with mangroves. Lot 10 has a 1965 mobile home which has had an addition built some years age. Lot 11 has a small general store type of business and facili- ties for gasoline sales. In the back of the store are the very rustic remains of an old chicken and egg farm. Lots Fr~~1~j~!) J U L ~" :oon .~._-_.. --- fu\rJf'-~:I\iC4 C~~~T BV _~~~~_~~0N , -.- ---_. ~ . occupied by a commercial structure with attached residential dwelling facilities which was constructed in 1987. PROPERTY HISTORY The subject parcels have remained in a relati vely stable marine oolite shoreline microbiome ecosystem since the early pleistocene geologic period. In 1964 several of the lots were utilized as an egg and chicken ranch which continued in operation until 1982. The present owner of the property converted the egg farm to the - little general store in 1983. In August of 1983, at the request of the County, Mr. Plank placed the four (4) lots under unity of ti tle. The following is quoted from the Affidavi t of Uni ty of Title as recorded in Book 888, Page 1156, records of Monroe Coun- ty: -In consideration of the issuance of a building permit and other good and valuable considerations, the undersigned here- to agree to restrict the use of the subject property in the following manner: -That said property shall be considered as one plot and parcel of land and that no portion of said plot and parcel of land shall be sold, transferred, devised or assigned separately, except in its entirety as one plot or parcel of land. The undersigned further agree that this condition, restriction and limitation shall be deemed a covenant running with the land and shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the under- signed, their heirs and assigns until such time as the same may be released in writing by the Director of the Monroe County Planning and Zoning Department, or the Executive Officer or the successors of such Department, or, in the absence of such Director or Executive Offi- cer, by his assistant in charge of the office in his absence." ZONING HISTORY ZONING MAPS PRE-SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 All four (4) of the lots owned by Mr. Plank were designated as BU-l (light business district) and in addition, lot 11 carried a BU-2-B (3-ZB/ll-77) designation which allowed for the package only sale of beer and wine under a state 2APS alcoholic beverage license. LAND USE DISTRICT MAPS FEBRUARY 28, 1986 (PATTISON) As drawn, the B.O.C.C. (Pattison) maps approved 28 Feb. 1986 indicate that an area approximately 240 feet wide was desig- nated as Suburban Commercial (SC). This adopted area is locat- Page 2 ,....~--,_...~ --.............-.. ---_.,~_..-.-,-,..-.- -'..- '.--...---" ~ . ed, upon measurement, at the approximate (within the accuracy of measurements on the 1" = 600' maps) location of the Plank properties. LAND USE DISTRICT MAPS JANUARY 19, 1988 (CRAIG) When the "Craig" maps were drawn, the width of the area that was designated as Suburban Commercial (SC) was somehow ad- judged to be only 120 ft. The maps were then constructed with the Suburban Commercial (SC) designation being placed on only two (2) (lots 11 and 12) of Mr. Planks four (4) contiguous lots. The other two (2) lots were g~ven a land use designa- tion of Sparsely Settled (SS). EXISTING CONDITIONS MAPS JULY 2, 1985 The Existing Conditions Maps indicate a small area of land designated as "commercial" being located at the approximate location of Mr. Planks property. SURROUNDING USES Mr. Planks proper~y is surrounded by basically undeveloped land that is listed on the Existing Conditions Map as being beach and Atlantic Ocean to the south, disturbed with exotics to the east, salt marsh and buttonwood association to the west, and U.S. Highway #1 and an open water pond to the north. BIOLOGIST REPORT Mr. John Bell, County Biologist for the Marathon office, made a site inspection and submitted the following report. "Of the four (4) lots mentioned in the introduction, lots 10, 11, and 12 are classified as disturbed with exotics (740.5>. Their is evidence that fill has been added to these areas over a period of time. Spotty vegetation appears but no dominate species exists. "A beach berm exists along the shoreline of ~he four (4) lots, but shoreline vegetation is negligible. A wooden dock is evident- ly based on lot 11 (as shown on the Existing Conditions Map). "A home has been constructed on the ocean end of lot 12/13. The forward half of this lot is impounded wetland salt marsh buttonwood association (640). FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is and has been owned by Mr. William Plank since 1976. Page 3 - - - ~ ..-. 2. Several of the lots that comprise Mr. Planks ownership have been in commercial use since at least 1964. 3. In 1983, at the County's request, Mr. Plank combined all four (4) lots under unity of title. 4. A commercial structure with attached residential dwell- ing facilities was built in 1987. 5. The pre-September 15th, 1986 zoning on all four (4) of the lots was BU-l (light business district). 6. The 1985 Existing Conditions Maps indicates an area of commercial use at the approximate location of the sub- ject properties. 7. The "Pattison" maps indicate a Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district at the approximate location of the subject properties with a width of 240 feet. The four (4) lots are 240 feet wide. 8. The "Craig" maps were drawn with the Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district only 120 feet wide. EVALUATION Based upon the preceding findings of fact, it seems clear that the County erred in translating the Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district from the "Pattison" maps to the "Craig" maps in that the width of the district was converted from 240 feet on the "Pattison" maps to 120 feet on the "Craig" maps. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the staff of the Monroe County Plan- ning Department that the Board of County Commissioners allow the requested boundary line adj ustment for the "Cr aig" maps, such that the land use designation on said "Craig" maps will indicate that the land use district designation on Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 58, Crains Subdivision shall be Suburban Commercial (SC). Page 4 ...-..,........-""... ~....(.. "Co' _ ......_---.._~...... ..... .... Oc- ""7;7 4':'::~ 4-) ~ -. -.-'" ,/ ,,' -:" ;;.~ ..:..-u / :-' /";};;.:~ ,.': '~7i~C:../;"..)(:... ...) /,:) ?>/ .-:-;.-;- -DJ;~',bC;vc /' / O"'J , ,. L C') '/~ - ~:-' /"L) .J . ';'> , ....- ,:-../..;/ ~~-~ ,'? ::"'-;".::....-.. /::';67:::> /1.::::' r'/~ 7",., <:",,77 -'C:.o. I .~;..., I,:'" / > L-.J/ ~ "--''' ,,_, '_~ ........". t:.-(...), > '~:',/ . ~_-A-;-::') '.- -' " -?':".) ,> ,,,~ l....... 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R Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 (~ ~ Panel or Sheet# Applicant: ~!1~f!:t'1_ ,7/1tN/t:- Key: 9~" jc.E-y Flle# Mile Marker: N 11"=2000" ~I . o ,., o .... t\I v If) N 6 , I"- o r<") <:( Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 r_mel or Sheet# 4 Applicant: to: Jltlrr-i ~ I1:rkJJ~ Key: r;;~ Flle# Mile Marker: '" April 30, 1990 Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. 3101 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 , Re: Proposed Mini Storage L0ts 10,ll,l2, PBl, PP 5l Block 58, Crains Subdivision Grassy Key Subj: ~Lot #lO, PBl, pp 5l Block 58, Crains Subdivision Attn: Mr. Tim Dubose . Dear Tim: I would like to thank you for the time you set aside on Tuesday, April 24, 1990 to discuss preliminary plans for the.above referenced project. Your suggestions to bring it into compliance were well taken and I will make the adjustments. There is one area, however, on which this projects' success de- pends. That being the use of Lot #10. A class C or D buffer destroys that use and quite possibly will wipe out access to Lots II and 12. After conversations with Mr. Ken Metcalf of D.C.A. and Mr. Milt Mravic of the Planning Commission, I have been advised to submit application for a "Boundary Determination" by way of "scriveners error" as I have had business use of Lot #lO since its purchase by me in 1976. At that time, of course, the land was zoned BU-l. Accordingly, and by means of this letter, I enclose the following in support of my application for a boundary determination: Exhibit A: Land Use District Map, Panel or Sheet #12 of 21, Grassy Key as approved by B.O.C.C. on February 28, 1986. Exhibit B: Land Use District Map, January 19, 1988, Panel or Sheet #216, Grassy Key. Exhibit C: Map Amendment to sheet #216, dated August 5, 1988. Exhibit D: Proposed Amendment #130 Re: William Jorgensen, 3 pages. Exhibit E: Letter from Wm. Plank to Monroe County Planning Dept., dated May 2, 1989, 2 pages. Exhibit F: Letter from Don ald Craig dated July 5, 1989, 2 pages. Exhibit G: Unity of Title - Recorded August 9, 1983 - #318097, office record 888 page 1156. Exhibit H: Warranty Deeds for Lots 10 & 1l and 12 & l3. Mr. Tim DuBose Monroe County BuildL.." ~ Zoning Dept. April, 30, '1990 Page 2 I am asking for a boundary determination on Lot #lO only to be included with Lots #11 and 12 as SC. please note, Exhibit A 90es not show Lot lumbers as do Exhibits B & C. As for Exhibit D, it'is my position that the descision to change those unimproved lots from SS to SR should have included one of those unimproved lots as an SS buffer zone and not Lot #10 on which I have always had business use. By means of this letter, I am also requesting permission to file my plans for permit as a "matter of right" pending a favorable determination on this application so that valuable time may be saved. I thank you in advance for your courtesy and remain hopeful for a timely and favorable response. Very truly yours, t:t/~/!~ william P. Plank encs~ i , ,L - - , 'S - 1 -;/-;,- :' ~ I IT I l--:~::J' 's ~.....---: U' ",- I I/S ,~: I ~~ T ;.., ", J ,Ij S ~/ I r ~ ~ , " , '-'/;, . / /// I I __.,,;' , , ~~ / ~ " , \.. // ,/ ~ '-J \ ,,/ .,,;' ""-----~__'__/l//../ ~ ~ . ),,/ PLRNK ~ ____ --- . T'tofEtTY \ .. ~ . I I .. +-_-------=:: . ,;Z Gf ;l. ~ 1 ~ N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# /2." (' .2.. / File # Applicant: Key: 6tt15;ff @ 1"= 600' I Mile Marker: " " ,eX"./B/T 11 , :(: .~. : , , , t', . ._' I' :.'..', . t.='_~~" ." >\:: ::,.: .', "" .~:~,' .. ~t:-.).. >.1: ,. j', .. ,. - - --- i '1''', ',. ( . :~- ~ - ~'. ~ . . ~ / "j' N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# t:2./(p Applicant: Key: @......., - .. I' , -" Flle# r 1"= 400 Mile Marker: EXHI'lr tll! " s \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ; \; 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ \ \ \-- \ ~' \ \.,.. y,"''' \ , \ ? ./ y' ./ /' ~ ~ \ \ ~~~ \ ;; \ \ ;7 \ ~.. \ ;; ; . .. Pursuant to Ordinance 039-1987 and Rule 9J-15.006 F.A.C., .the Monroe County land Use District Map is amended as of June 27th.1988 and indicated above and briefly describ'd as: d between lots 4&5 as shown. i , Sheet II ~t"'c-- It Date Amendment II 1 3 0 nagement 1.=200. EX1I18/7 'e Ii' ~ COMMENTS ON PROPOSED NAP ANENDHENTS PROPOSED AMEND~ffiNT: 130 r Cm1}IENTS - pc: RE,:ommendedapprov.ql pursuant to 13--101 (dY 5 (b)S. E'IIII'Blr " b ,t ,,) / ,) / ~f, .") t/:.,.! (~ C(/ I1~O LOCATION Grassy Key ~PPlICA~! REQUEST DESCRIPTION OF SITE William Jorgensen "No .. Designati8n" to SR Exotic Vegetation/Vacant DISCUSSION A. land Use Regulations The requested designation would allow for low to medium intensity residential development as well as some commercial and institutional uses. B. Public racilities Development of the site would create additional impact on public facilities. There is sufficient capacity in the schools in the middle keys. The Long Key landfill is nearing capacity. C. Undeveloped Character The site has been filled in the past and is characterized by exotic invasive vegetation. The beach front may serve as sites for nesting marine turtles. D. Surrounding Developed Character "" To the west i~ "Wild Bill's bar", a commercial commercial, hotel, and residential uses. use. To the east are E. Plan Intent An intent of the plan was to give every parcel of land a land use designBtion. The SR design~tion is appropriate for this site. Therefore, the proposed change i~ in keeping with the plan's intent. F. Recommendation '-. Approval "'I \fl NOTe: NoT A ~Ate {<<tTA'L. ~A~L,NE. i- CoN VEN/I!N&€ 570~e. (i~ 1J2-r2 OJ -3 ,//~~ /1' --...... '/ . ............ /' I V' . ~------ // v--- ;:.. - r i-, .1 _ -/ - ..... -- '\ -............../././ / II l-J I ~ / '.. I / -.../? ("\ ',I, ,-I '~S--7. >>-~~ - .>- -----~- , '-' ,-. ~ f - ---------- , ,I ' /' <-, I?, - ," ~\ -.. / ."., "., ...... \ , ,7-1 ,\~' : I J / '- f I I "<v/:~ / - \ :~-- 1 ' " . -"~ /. . / I J \ I ",,--------/ I - - f_)-J(~~\ · \, .\ "-' T --'--.. · ----- --' - ,....-.......---..- - -- I 1,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:',:,:-1 - - /SCt\\\\?\W ~:D\ ~ it14ill-/ ,___"oJ _ lJ;'- ~- ::}::::::::::::::\: - ~ ~ ' 1:..................-.--1 --- -- tv L ,::::::::::::::::::::::::.--' ./ .. .. .. .. .. --- // 4 :::::9'" /' _ _--0 ~~ z~ ~& ~ -;- ---"' .. /8 t ", fy I ~ J - ---. '- ~': J "- . __ I . ' ,__ -hi /~ '..J I '- , /'/ ,-'- .... > f ~0 ~~ ,,~ ~~ , ~~ ~",....... ---'~ ",- ~. 130 - Land Property Subj Use Map # 12 ect to A From mendment None Sub Urban To , Re~lo~uT' laL Will i am J orgenson N /) //~:JL' 3~_~3 :> ~j1(1~'~!J ~/(~y c;f\rIlU.tJ;, !J,M, . :.d\~t: 1, 23o~ 192 ~;'r<<f~1lJ .!.l('-!J' 9l .!tJO!jV !i~'9 - 259-0&11 MAV 7., IqRq >> Monroe County Planning nept. ,)R2,) .Junior r.ol1eRe Road West Wing TII Stock Island Kev West, Florida 33n40-43QQ f)oTlnlr! r.rfli.g nirpctor of Planni.ng Re: Lots lO,11,12,13-Rlk 58 Crains Subdivision Grassy Key Plat Book 1, Page 51 TlE'F1r Sir: In Decemher I07~, f purchFlsed the above mentioned lots and business thereon. 7.oning At thAt time WAf'! 011-1 on all four lots. Refore reorgani~ing and expRnding the husiness in lQ83, the County rCfll1ired me to "l1niti~e" all fOllr lots, (see attached "Unity of Title") 1'18 the v contained non-conforming structures regarding set- hnr.'<:"l 011 I.at fill. Then cnme the ~1onroe County Land IIse Plan and during the first rounds of map chAnge~ in R4-RS, I appeared before the County Com- mission in HFlrAthon, requested nnd ~eceived a change from 8U-l to S.C. on All [~ur lots. Tn I{)R6, TI huilt a caretakers residence and office on Lot #12 al!ld '11 nnd ~~~ause the~e lots were designated S.C. was required to hl1ild A"rnmp for the disahled which I did at an additional cost of ~tn,nnn.nn. (Copy of Ruilding Permit attached). All of the preceding informntion is furnished in an effort to make Vall nWFlre of 8 prohlem I discovered quite hy accident. Looking over mAp changee recently at the Marathon Library, I was stunned to _rli seaver LhAt on August 5, IORR, ~oning designation for Lot #10 WRS ~hRnged to S.S. and while T could not discover when Lot #11 was "IRn rhAn~ed to S.S., T find it extremely important to point out t1lnt I hAve never heehn officially notified hy any planning and/or ~onil1g RQencv of these changes and would not ~ave heen aware of ~hem pxcent t~rough an accirlental perusal of map chdnges at the l,ihri'lrv. E'tIlIBlr " " E j/a~/df ;L Pn p"p .~ Monrof', ~ot1ntv PlAnning Oept. ~ev West, Fl~rida Most important, in my min~ however, was the County's insistence on n "n I t. v n f Tit 1 t" f n r I: \1 (' R (' 1 n t R W hie h t WAR h n p p y tOR i ve . The net effect of a !Jnltv of Title rendered these lots unsaleable ex- . I cent as a package. t don't ohject to thAt either, but now I have a 11niti~erl parcel consisting of four lots with two different zoning rlRRsiflcations not to mention the further injustice of rezoninR withont notificntiol1 to the owner. Accordingly, hy means of this letter, t respectfully request your goorl offices to prooerly reinstate Subllthan Commercial zoning to 'Jotfl lllO and '11. Qesnectf1l11v stlhmitted, ~ I,' ill i n 111 P P tan ~ Ilzc;e/<2~ ~ ~~,~D' ~R~~,~2E 1]051 :1'1441;41 , J'.ily 5. 1989 Mr. William P. Plank Grassy Key Ranch, Inc. Rt. 1, Box 152 Grassy Key, FL 33050 Re: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13; Block 58 Crains Subdivision Grassy Key Dear Mr. Plank: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MA YOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 Thank you for your letter of May 2, 1989. The land use designa- tion of the above mentioned property on the current land use district maps is: Lots 10 and 13 - Sparsely Settled; Lots 11 and 12 Suburban Commercial. These designations were not changed by amendment. The amendment sheet signed in August', 1988, referred to an approved change of designation on a group of lots adjacent to 10 - from Sparsely Settled to Suburban Resi- dential. Lots 10 and 13 were Sparsely Settled (SS) on the maps signed January 19, 1988, and seem to reflect the district boundaries as drawn on the maps dated February 28, 1986. However, the earlier maps are imprecise, and the SC district may have been intended to include all four lots. In cases like this, a boundary determination is an option. A mapping history will be done, as well as site visits by biolo- gists and planners, to determine the existing conditions of the property an~ surrounding properties, and the intent of the origi- nal mapping. Upon finalization, a report on the boundary deter- mination will be reviewed with the Department of Community Af- fairs and subsequently presented to the Board of County Commis- sioners for their approval. ~XII/8Ir "F /' /1z7;e-, /cJj2- L dm enclosing copies of theiearlier map as well as the current land use district map, and an application form for a boundary determination. Please con~ct Tim DuBose, Planner, or Bill Seiler, Planning Technician, Marathon .at (305) 743-9451/52 3hould you wish to apply. DC/jad encls. cc: Tim DuBose Bill Seiler file raig County Administrator of Management ;J~c2t:Jt;l- I ! ! I I i n ' ;1 i: i: I I I ! , i ! i I I I i I i i I I i I I,v. };IF ""MaG '0"101 .s m 888 PAGE 1156 <6tlttfUl Afftbuutt @httt ?f JflotlbR. ~ IlrOlllltl! of.....!:1.~~.~~.~...............~....................... .... ~ fjpfurl:' "Ie undersigned. an officer duly commissioned by rile laws of Florida. on 111is ..... ..........'f.~............rlay of........f.A..I,I.g.l!.~L,...................,.. 19....11~. persona"y appeared.................... .........,.........JHLLlAM P. PLANK and VERONIKA E. PLANK -- ........................................................................................................................................................ ",110 llUving heen firsl dulY swqm depose.... and say...,: ....................... ........................................... UNITY OF TITLE !ti '. ......."..................................................................... . .it. s" f 0 ~.~,~.~ 8 ~.?.1.1.~.~.f2 .;' ~1.j~.~'~1.r~l~,..~ y 'o'~' ~D.g~.:...t,h-l~.i:~t~u~ra.t~s.1.o.~:::..~~.~:?..... . E a c .0. i .0. ~ g'F t n.., P.. ~.!!.t." ~ g. Q,~... J.".. P.!l: 9 .~....~..1.., g. f. ..J. h~... P. .~. ~J J.!:... R~ .~.Q.r.9..LQ..L.!1.9.!!.r.Q~.......... oun y, or i da, and" .:. ;:, .-............--........................................-......................................................................................"................................................. . .' .....:,.... ...T.h.~... ~ .':1.9. ~.r.~.!.gn,~ ~,..r.~.~.Q.g. ~.!.~.~.,.~n.~...~,~.~,':'.Q~J~~.9.~...t~.~.~...f..<?!:...t.~~...p..':'.~.U.~..... health, welfare, safety and morals, the herein described:prop~rty ..~ ~D.~ ~.~g JJ.~ ~,..~ ~.ed.~.~~.~~,hj.~~.~...t~p..t~:.t.~ e.~:'r-~~+ h.~w.~~.t!?~.n.~.g~.(-r..l}.L.Q.~.').~.r.L ...............................................................................................................-..............................................................................-.. .I ," I.t. .'g (;'0 d...~g.d. ~~.~1.~. ~ ~.r~J.~~,~s.i.~ e'~~.hi.~.~.v.~~.~.gjj.~~.e.~~t~k~~J~~.r~-t~~.~~.r~.~.9.r~t~.~r. .. r: e.s. t.l:'. i c.t.. ~ .lh ~... t! .$, ~L.Q. f... t.h .~.,. .~. V.9 J~,<;, t....P.r. Q 'p.gr.t.y...Jn..J b.g ...f.Q JJQ.~.i..').g.:.I!!~L'.~~.r..:........ :.;:' ;: ..............l........~.~~.~.eli\i.~...~.~~.~~.~.~a...i~.H.~.n~.\j~.~H~~.~~rts.~h.Q~.fo%~.~.~a.~.~~.rc.eT. ................h......~.~.p.l~.~'~e'~.~.:.Lh~.~ji,F-l.~.'nil?~H.H.H~.,.a.~.~~.~~.~.~Tgf...~~~~.~~~.~FO:f" ... ..:' ...... ...........~ ~~.~~.rcl~.~.ii~.~.~a.r.I.l.~1-f~fr-~~.!:~.~ht.g~.~~\f~.~~~./.~.}.~.ov.~.ii~.H.!.?~.!..... ..................... running with the land and shall remain in full force and ."e f lee T 'ii'ii ir' 'b'e" j)' rii'a'r ii 'g'''ti po 'rimt lie '''u ii'(fe.y..s'f'giie.cr;...ni'in-r-.1Yifffs......... ........................r,W\~lH~ij~\.~.~H~...8.i.~~.di,f\.~.~'f~.~.~\r~~~.~e.'!1.~~.u~.hE.~{.~~.~.i~.g......' .......,.........,......im9...l9.f11nn Denartment, or the Executive Officer.or the s u c c e s s.or.~...o'fr:.s.uc-fi..m!'p.arl'riieiiT;...6r.~...Tii...t:li.E!..a1i.se.rr~.e...(jf...~m~'rr... ............. Director or Executive Officer, by his assistant in charge .............:::::::::::~~:::~:~:~:::~~:~::~:~:~:::~:::::~:~:~::::~:~~:~:~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~:::::::~::::::::~~;:::::: ..J;>..;a. It1 .. ... ....,..., .5. 1 JiN ED......5 EAlE.D......!';.:t(~.l).I.~.Q"A!iP., ..r:..~KNmU..~p.9IP......)t.~J.$....kf~....9~...Qf,~.....u 2:; ... '. OJ ...Aug.us.t.....19.8.J...,........... . :r,:.' 0 ': ...................................................................................................................":""fo:.......................,.......... "0 .. . -........... -... .:i~r_:\~..'. -.......... .............~.. _.. ... .~~.............. ... . .... ....... ................ ..... ...... ........ ...... .........~................... .U.hU..._.!"_.~,..,~.~~:'....h........ .,coltan I~ "nC'Al .rr.e.D! n....... W . ,,: _' .'. ',:.~i'.', ,;', ". . W'1II0HWt CGt1fI1T:n9MM'................-........................................................................................ .~.'::~..:-l}~:.:_~;:.;... UtD"Own'FltO J// / ~~ ~ .. : ,~:' . RALPH W. WHITE I~(.<(.".~...........................:.......................~........... : :.'.:::'."~".,~>,.,,~ CLERK CIRCUIT COURJ ~~.~:.~............................. .,,::\ .'."'/-r-\ VERONIKA E. PLANK . c: ~ 1;'; S~,~r~t ~aa";' subscrib"d before me 1'lls.......,~:rJ.........day of........AuQ.us.t.......... A. D. 19...tl;3 t.l~ tt : . ':t:' ~I': .:Z~~~~,~,~)~:.;/ .' ,.' N~.t~~.b~a-t.~...~.f...F.i"~.r.id.a........ ( .I" ,: F ", .. .................................. .............................................. "111"1'11.111,11 Prepared Ie IT 'f G I~' . My Commission Expires: by:" ROBERT S. APPLETON, P. A. '6161 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Telephone: 305/743-3100 rJOT.'.~Y rlJ3UC 5Ti\T~ OF FlO~IDA . It,y CC!.\1.\I5510N [XPIRES IMP. 29 1987, Br;NDW lHRU G[j,I:1!AL It~SUr.NJa UNO W^RRAN IFROM C le31d~ This Uarranty lleed Maele anel mculed tl,e ). '1 ~ of HOLLY HOMES, INC. I'F :- k~C Gt53 P~GE 887 I ~'< .0" ~ -77B: .. .. o ,.ORM 33 I II J, )N' November A. D. 19 76 by a corporalion pxi.ling unelpr Ihp law. of Florida ' and having iI. principal place of bu.iness 01 5961 S.W. Blst Street, Miami, Florlda hereinafler calleel Il,e granlor. 10 WILLIAM PETER PLANK end VERCNlKA N. PLANK, hls w1fe ",11O'p "o,'officp aelelress i. Rt. 1, Box 152, Marathon, Florida 33050 hereinafler calleel II.e granlee: IWhf'rf''''..r ,m'd hf'rf'in tht tum' "cranlor" and llcrantte" inrlude aU the parties tn this instrument and the h..in, In:al rtprrsrntlllti\'ts and a~;~ns or indi,,'iduals, and the .ucctpon and a!SiKR' of corporations) Uilnessdh: TI,al llle grantor. for anel in con.ideralion of Ihe .um of $ 10 .OO----and olher valuable con.ideralion.. receipl whereof Is hereby acknowledged, by Ihese presenl. doe. granl, bargain, .ell. alien. rpmi.e. relea.e. corll'P)' anel confirm unlo II.e granlee. all 11,01 cerlaln land slluale In Mcnroe Counl.... Florida. vi,,, . Lots 10 end '11, 1n Blook 5B. of CHAIN'S SUBDIVISICN Oll' GRASSY KEY, aooording to the Plat thereof, reoorded in Plat Book 1, at Page 51, of the Pub110 Reoords of Mcnroe COlm ty, Flor1da. Togdher wise apperlalning. To ltlllle ilnd to wifl. all Il,e Ipnemenl.. hpredilaments and appurlenances Iherelo belonging or In any- }told, tlw same in fpe sim"le foreller, Rnd Ihe granlor hereby covenanls will. sold granlee 11.01 if Is lawfully .elzed of~~ld ~ndln fee sim"le; 11.01 if 1.0. good rigl" and lawful aUlhorify 10 sell and convey sold land; 11.01 if'h..:reby fully war- ranI. Ihe tifle 10 miel lanel and will elefpnel II,e same again.' II.e lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; nnel Ihat~~iclland is free of all encumbrance. ( , . .; . I.. :v ,,,, ,~;'r. ,\. 1,,1"'. ' I ' .... ~,"',', " " .(C~POIt^TE SeAL) ~ .) , . . \"<, e ;..~_' ..:~):,:O:' ATIE~l<.... In 'Ufitntss _hereof Ihe gran lor has caused Ihe.e presents 10 be execuled in ils name. and ils corporale .eal 10 be hereunlo affixed. by iI. "ro"pr officprs II,ereunlo eluly autl.orlzed. Ihe day and year firsl above wrillen. Secretu1 HOLLY H~ES, IN C . , '~FioridA"'o'o7'orati'on:"'"'''''''''''''''''' _ 'BJ~'~':'r:.;.&rtr~i~~:.~~ Signed. .':aled and elelivereel in Ihe "re.ence of: Yf2, /, ~ mZ1J'rf?5-A>dLm . ....D................~..~.~.-;L..U..................... FLORIDA DADE STATE OF COUNTY OF RF.rnrpr-n In ('I!'r-/f-!I',' r 1/ 1; L:( '~- (~,~:';.! I } Iir,U'll W. CLEfll1 OF COR,,"" i , "'" I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thj~ day, ht-rorll! me, an offiCll't duly anthori:red in the Stale and 6~~gR.?ote':!i'd~IIJ'I~'e ac:knowledlllMnts, JAMES P. HOLLINGSWORTH pf'r'lonallv appnrll'd well known to me 10 be the h President a r I of the corporation named .. IJrantor in the foretloinll{ df'ed. and that )(1 !Ieverally .d:nowledll:ed ue('uti,:,~ the same in the presence of two sublcribin" wilnetRt (nel, .nd voluntarily under authority dul~ ve'lted in ~bY !laid. ('orporation and that the .eal affixed thereto is the t ~. corporate leal of said corpontion. 'l... WITSESS my hand and ofll(ul snl an the County and Slale last aforesaid this ').. q ~ of November. . A. .n: 1976 My Commlss1on Explres I ,oO'J':1' . No... Pbl' ~ .. ry U 0<, 510" of F1.,Ida of Ln'v. " . ~ YYV..J:~~' i. ' ,', Ia~~~:~:"': ~ 14'.I~~~ILLlAM W. l'RICK i~~o,,"':sf;~~,.~;..iplo""r"'1 17//5 JI/J/nI/1/C1lI prepared by.. .01'" ATTORNEY AT LAW ./: j :\ddrf'JS .., . 3132 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. ~ i1 '....,T' , , SUITE #10' ~"'" .., OH CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33134 " ~o#.,...",,, ' ., :-;<::.)1 n ~o :.: .'rllll"". ror l.awyp.I"" ..~ide (;uaranly Fund. Orlando. Florida 'tHis ins 4,Od ~'1. '7. 00 I"S prep"reu by: 76-B..175 103183 m 683 PAGE 888 Fred A. Bee ., ... '- 0".." CUIIIIIGHlM. AlaRmOll I. BEL 'J. P. o. Boll 938 MABAmON. t1.ORlDA UOSO Utarranty 19ttd (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.l ill~t!1 .Jni'l,ntur,. '.Iade this 31 day of Decenber ARTHUR J. FOWLER and DONNA L. FOWLER, his wife 1976 , 1Mrtut"n t::J n, n , 'gralltor.. 1\1,,1 01 th" COli lit\' 01 Monroe ' State of Florida WILLIAM PETER pLANK and VERONIKA N. PLANK, his wife \._) ~ whose post office address is C,) Rt. 1, Box 152, Marathon, Florida 33050 01 th" Coullty 01 Monrlile , State of Florida . -... m . ~rant~eO, ( . .itn'BBrt~. That said gralltor. for alld ill cOllsideratioll of the SUIll of ___________________________TEN---------------------------------- D011"rs, aud otll('r good ami \'alllahk cOllsid..ratiolls to said gr.llltor io halld paid by said grallt..e. th.. rec..ipt whereof is herehv ackuowkdged. has graull'!1. hargaillt'd allll sold to the said gralltee. ami gralltee's heirs alld assiglls lorev!'r. till' fol- lowiug d,'scribed lalld. situate, lvillg alld beiug iu Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: Lots 12 and 13, Block 58, CRAINS SUBDIVISION, as recorded in plat Book 1, Page 51, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. TOGETHER with any and all riparian rights thereunto belonging or anywise appertaining. and taxes 1In lillHtnrBB 1tIl1rrrnf. Crantor has h{>I'l'nllto set gralltor's halld ami seal the day ami year first ahove writtell. SigllfJ..t Sl:a?~}"y~~li~,..I'(.d,il our presell!;e: )IMilr /f1?!!-~=---- -'---- q.'~~r-J. ;ow~(S"'IJ ///d /' 7"~'-4t.~L/Y/,1VJJJ.~.d~, ' (Seal) ( ./ jlL'/ Donna L. Fowler (Seal) , ,y \' 1 It.i.C' ,\.' . ~ STATE OF FLOR~~A ----:-~- _LI~~'< ~~~_': ~::'~l~<~""\: ".~(~,,~,I'\ COUNTY OF MONROE "c":,. I II EIIEBY CEIITI FY that Oil this day hdor" IIH'. all ome"r dlllv '1"alifi"u to take aekllowled~l11ellts. app"ar"d ARTHUR J. FCMLER and DONI~A L. FOWLER, his wife (Seal) persollally to 11I(' klloWII to lit' tIlt' p"rsollS d..scrihed ill allll who ,'",ellt"d till' fnr..going illstl'llmellt and aeknnwled!(l"d hefnre Ill(' that tlHY {,X"Cllt,," th" sanlt', ~, . ,,'., \VITNESS my halld alld olfidal st'al ill th" COlllltv and StaJ" l[;Zt afn~'''s''i~hi:.5' day of D6.C, en1ber ,.' 1976 '-~. .."'":~' ',,; , . . ... ,... ~. ~... , . _ ~. :; -' :.;...JJ :1 '.h {,Ilmmissioll "xpin's: tate of Florida, Nota.!;-}'\,hlj& 7 c :r: PUBLIC. STATE of FLORlDA.t LAIlGt:~:'';' \. s.. " ~." .......~:SSION EX~IRES JAN. 31. 1971\- ': '. ". .,... / Oe...ellnsurenca Untlorwrlte"" ~. ~- : ~ ,~'\ . \f H II