Resolution 669-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 669 -1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE FOR FUNDING FROM A SUBGRANT AWARD FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, FOR THE MONROE COUNTY ANTI-DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM, PILOT RESIDENTIAL / WORK RELEASE PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a Certificate of Acceptance by and between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Monroe County, concerning a subgrant award in the amount of $51,055.00 for the Pilot Residential/Work Release Program of the Monroe County Anti-Drug Abuse Program, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners ofhMonroe County, Cl (7j LLl :5 ~ Board~~;I-~l-' on the w e::: ",..j 0 _ cr: 1~0. <:) cr.= ~ ::- 0 ,,-' C) Florida, at a regular meeting of said Jtt~ day of ~~ , A.D. c u.. c- C) W -1 I..L. :z: a:= -::J ~ OJ :::,:.:: LtJ __~) 0 -:,~ 0 0::: :;;: Z Cl C) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :4:: OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk \~~~~~ ~~;d/ , {"~. , J i 1\ ~1:~~~,. I , I .rl , I NOV 271m STATE DEPARTMENT OF OF FLORIDA COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 BOB MARTINEZ THOMAS G. PELHAM Governor Secretary November-IS, 1990 The Honorable John C. stormont Chairman, Monroe County Board of Commissioners Public Service Building, Wing II 5825 Junior College Road Key West, Florida 33040 Re: 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-075/Pilot Residential/Work Release Program Dear Mr. stormont: The Bureau of Public Safety Management, Department of Community Affairs, is pleased to award an Anti-Drug Abuse grant in the amount of $51,055 to your local unit of government. The purpose of this project is to provide treatment for substance abuse offenders through the establishment of a halfway house coupled with a work release program. A copy of the approved subgrant application with the above referenced project number and title is enclosed for your file. All correspondence with the Bureau of Public Safety Management should always refer to the project number and title. Your attention is directed to Part II of the subgrant which is the "Acceptance and Agreement." These conditions should be reviewed carefully by those persons responsible for project administration to avoid delays in project completion and cost reimbursements. The attached Certificate of Acceptance should be completed and returned to the bureau within 30 calendar days from the date of award. This certificate constitutes official acceptance of the award and must be received by the bureau prior to the reimbursement of any project expenditures. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT The Hpnorable John c. stormont Page Two We look forward to working with you on this project. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Mr. Clayton Wilder at 904/488-8016 who will be coordinating this activity. Sincerely, ~~~ Gordon L. Guthrie Director GLG/cwrn Attachment state of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Emergency Management Bureau of Public Safety Management 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Bob Martinez Governor Thomas G. Pelham Secretary Subgrant Award certificate Subgrantee: Monroe County Board of Commissioners Date of Award: 11/15/90 Grant Period: From:11/15/90To:11/14/91 project Title: Pilot Residential/ Work Release Proqram Grant Number:91-CJ-28-11-54-01-075 Program Area: 13 Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above of a grant under Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and safety Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351, as amended, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, P.L. 100.690, to the above mentioned subgrantee and subject to any attached standard or special conditions. This award is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and conditions as contained in the Financial and Administrative guide for grants, Guideline Manual 7100.1D, Office of Justice Programs, Common Rule for State and Local Governments and A-87, or OMB Circulars A-110 and A-21, in their entirety. It is also subject to such further rules, regulations and policies as may be reasonably prescribed by the State or Federal Government consistent with the purposes and authorization of P.L. 90-351, as amended, and P.L. 100.690. This grant shall become effective on the beginning date of the grant period, provided that within thirty (30) days from the date of award a properly executed Certificate of Acceptance of Subgrant Award is returned to the Bureau of Public Safety Management. ~C~e Authorized Official Gordon L. Guthrie, Director .//-- /~98 Date [X]This award is subject to special and/or standard conditions (attached). BPSM Revised 7-1-79 state of Florida Department of Community Affairs Divis,ion of Emergency Management Bureau of Public Safety Management 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Special Conditions Grantee (Name of SPA): Bureau of Public Safety Management Grant Number: 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-075 Grant Title: pilot Residential/Work Release Program In addition to the general conditions applicable to fiscal administration, the grant is subject to the following special conditions: Additional Standard Conditions: 1. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with federal money, all grantees receiving federal funds, including but not limited to state and local governments, shall clearly state (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with federal money, and (2) the dollar amount of federal funds for the projects or program. BUREAU OF PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF SUBGRANT AWARD The subgrantee, through its authorized representative, acknowledges receipt and acceptance of subgrant award number 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-075 in the amount of $ 51.055 for a project entitled Pilot Residential/Work Release Program for the period of 11/15/90 through 11/14/91 in accordance with the statement of work contained in the subgrant application, and subject to the Bureau of Public Safety Management's conditions of aqreement and special conditions governing this subgrant. (Date of Acceptance) Wilhelmina G. Harvey Mayor/Chairman (Typed Name and Title of Official) " ' "., ,.,,' . ~\ , . 'I, ' (, \' . \\.: , 1'---.. ;,\\t~L~\_, ~~~~ -: DCA-HS Form 1 (June, 1985) (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By: Deputy Clerk . . /-----------------------------------.-------------------------------------\ I . ,STATE OF ,~FLOR.IDA I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS I DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT I BUREAU OF PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT I SUBGRANT ApPLICATION FOR ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT FUNDS 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 IA. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Thomas \J. Brollffi I I 1. SUBGRANTEE: NAME: ..Monroe County Administrator I I Public Service Duildin~ I I ADDRESS: \Jing II, Stock r s1and I I j I ~ey West, Florida 33040 I I J I TELEPHONE: (305) 294~64l I I I I 2. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: NAME: Bruce Bottger j I Public Service Duildin~ I I ADDRESS': \Jin~ IT. Sroc-k T-;lrlnd I I I I Key \Jest. Florida 33040 I I I I TELEPHONE: (305) 296-1338 I I I I 3. IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: NAME: Monroe County Government I I 'Public Service Buildln~ I I ADDRESS: \Jing II. Stock Island I I I I Kev \Jest. Florida 33040 I I I I TELEPHONE: (904) 294-"641 I I I I 4. PROJECT DIRECTOR: NAME: Denise Froehlich 1 I Langton ^s~oci~tes. Inc. I I ADDRESS: 4244 Sc. Johns Avenue I I I I Jacksonville. Florida 32210 I I I I TELEPHONE: (904) 387-3342 I I I I 5. PROJECT TITLE: Pilot Residential/Work Release Pro~ram I I I I I I I I 6. REQUESTED GRANT PERIOD: FROM 11/15/90 To Jl/14/Ql j I j I 7. FEDERAL SUPPORT REo.UESTED: $ 51.055.00 I I I I 8. LOCAL MATCH PROVIDED: $ 17.018.00 I I I I 9. TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET: $ 68,073.00 I I I I 10. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 59-600074Q J I I I 11. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE (CFDA) NUMBER 16.579 I I I I 12. BPSM PROJECT NUMBER: cII./IT ~)(l//. ')?/-c:/./7<C~ I I I I DCA-NA FORM 1 (REVISED JANUARY, 1990) I \________~______~_~___~_______________________________--------------------1 I I I I I START BELOW AND USE CONTINUATION PAGES AS NEC~SSARY I ~-------------------------------------------I ------------------------~---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hard-line data has not been collected on beneficiaries I I for this program. Once funded, this data will be acquired I I and documented. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -- --------------------\ I 1"___4 ...____________________.. I --------------- lB. PROJECT PRO~__. IDENTIFICATION: THIS SECTION H~~T Dy THECBIHEpTLHEHEENT I SPEC~FIC CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROBLEM TO BE ADDRESSED B - .I ING AGENCY. CURRENT DATA MUST BE PRESENTED WHICH DEFINES THE I NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE TARGETED PROB~EM. The concept for the pilot Residential/Work Release Program was presented to the Monroe County Board of Commissioners by the Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board. The Board recognizes the need in Monroe County for an alternative to incarceration for drug offenders. Currently there are no publicly funded residential programs which provide counseling and support services. Pretrial defendents and probationers would be eligible for participation in the pilot Residential/Work Release Program. Pretrial defendents would enter the program after an initial screening conducted by pretrial services. A recommendation would be mad~ to the Court by pretrial services or the Public Defender's Office, in the case of a probationer. The final decision will be made by the Court as to placement. This is not an extension of the pretrial services program. At this time, referrals for the program will be made by pretrial services, the Public Defender's Office and the Judicial. According to the director of pretrial services and the Judges serving on the Substance Abuse Policy Advisory BOBrd, there is a significant number of individuals who would benefit from a residential drug program. Those eligible for treatment will be adult and juvenile drug-dependent and alcohol-dependent offenders who pose no danger to the community. I-~----------- IC~ PROPOSED ___~TION TO THE TARGETED PROBLEM: THIS ___.!ON MUST I DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE FORM THE PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TO .1 'REDUCE OR ELIMINATE THE TARGETED PROBLEM. THE PLAN MUST INCLUDE HOW I THE REQUESTED FISCAL, PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT RESOURCES WILL BE I UTILIZED. IN ADDITION, THIS SECTION SHALL DESCRIBE HOW THE PROJECT I I RELATES TO THE OVERALL COUNTYWIDE ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACTIVITIES, INCLUO-I lING THE MECHANISM UTILIZED TO ENSURE COORDINATION OF THIS PROJECT I I WITH OTHER ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACTIVITIES. I I I I START BELOW AND USE CONTINUATION PAGES AS NECESSARY. I J-------------------------------------------------------------------------j I I I I I During 1988-1989 law enforcement agencies in Monroe I II County seized an average of 200 lbs. of cocaine per day for l every day. During this same period, over 790 lbs of I marijuana per day for every day was seized. Combined, law I I enfocement has seized over 790 lbs. of narcotics every dal. I for the last two years. It is estimated that law I enforcement intercepts less than 4% of all drugs imported I in the Keys. I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I .-----_\ ._--~-------------------- ----------------\ Monroe County Sheriff's Office has implemented a "'concentrated effort to increase arrests which will impact the Criminal Justice System in total, from the Jail to the Courts. The need for a residential/work release program for drug offenders who have the potential to receive rehabilitation and assistance in gaining employment is prevalent. Habitual drug users are being returned to the street without counseling and supervision necessary to overcome their drug abuse problems. Currently no publicly funded options exist to treat drug abusers and help them deal with their drug dependent problems. This program would not an adjunct to the Monroe County Jail. The program would be viewed as an alternative to incarceration for offenders who demonstrate one or more of the following: 1. First time offenders remanded to the facility for counseling and monitoring by the court. 2 . Repeat offenders who clearly need help dealing with their drug dependent problems, and are remanded to the facility for counseling, monitoring and treatment. Such persons would be those pose no danger to the community. 3. Offenders to be released early from prison and who have had drug-dependent substance abuse histories. These offenders would be monitored, receive counseling and support in a work release program. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -., I__t~________________________________________________ ---------------\ LIST 'EACH OBJECTIVE AND ITS ATTENDANT PERFORMANCE MEASURES WHICH WILL BE USED TO DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF ATTAINMENT FOR EACH OBJECTIVE. 10. I I I I I________________________~------------------------------------------------1 START BELOW ANO USE CONTINUATION PAGES AS NECESSARY Q~l~~!i~~_#l: To implement a pilot residential/work release program for drug offenders in Monroe County. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Performance Measures ---------------- Advertise for responsible proposals to implement the residential/work release program. Review proposals by the Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board. Recommendation to the Monroe County Board of Commissioners. Award of contract by the Monreo County Board of Commissioners. Implementation of program guidelines for the residential/work release program. Q~i~~i ve_fI2: To implement diagnostic services for offenders. Performance Measures -------------------- Assess the need for special services for each offender admitted into program. Refer offenders for assistance. Document the number of offenders that receive evaluations and referrals. Q~~~!i~~2.1: To implement psychosocial assessments for offenders. Performance Measures -------------------- Document case histories for each offender. Refer offender for asslstance 1n dealing with psychosocial problems. Document the number of offenders that receive referrals. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ " /-_.._---~-----------------------------------------------------------------\ . LIST EACH OBJECTIVE AND ITS ATTENDANT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ~HICH WILL BE USED TO DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF ATTAINMENT FOR EACH OBJECTIVE. ID. I I I I START BELOW AND USE CONTINUATION PAGES AS NECESSARY 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Objective #4: To implement short-term supportive counseling services for offenders. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I Performance Measures Document the number of offenders which short-term counseling services. receive Refer and document those offenders which more extensive counseling services. require . Ob~ctive #5: To implement a work release program for offenders. Performance Measures Prepare employment assessment data on offenders. Develop employment offenders. opportunities list for Assist in the coordination of appropriate employment referrals. Provide support counseling and monitoring work performance. \-------------- -,~---------------------------------------/ -' Treatment Alternatives to street Crime, and Employee Assistance programs (EAP progr~s are not eligible for grant-~-aid fund ing) . community Intervention Programs provide, at 8 minimum, early identification, screening, and may ~clude liaison services, short-term counseling and support services, and referral services. Treatment ~ternatives to street Crime (TASe ) programs provide for identification, screening, court liaison, referral and tracking of criminal justice clients with a history of chemical dependency. [COMPLETE ONLY PROJECT MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES THAT APPLY TO INTERVENTION PROGRAM SERVICES PROVIDED TO DRUG OFFENDERS FOR WHICH THE SUBGRANTEE IS SEEKING GRANT-IN-AID FUNDING; IF YOU PROVIDE BOTH COMMUNITY INTERVENTION AND TASe PROGRAMMING, PLEASE COMPLETE TWO SETS OF MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES, ONE OF COMMUNITY INTERVENTION AND ONE FOR TASe DRUG OFFENDERS.] Do you provide (Check): -L 1) 2) 3 ) community Intervention programming TASC programming Both 1. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS identi~ied and screened by ** percent from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of ~ drug offenders receiving screening services ~ calendar year 1989. [Identification means distinguishing specific behaviors and attitudes associated with at-risk populations and, screening means obtain~g basic background information on a client and including a brief history and problem identification] 2. TO increase the number of drug OFFENDERS receiving urinanalysis tests by ~ percent through. drug identification and screening services from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of ~ drug offenders receiving urinanalysis tests conducted-oy-the service provider in calendar year 1989. 3. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS receiving diagnostic services by 100 percent from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of -0- drug offenders receiving diagnostic services in calendar year 1969. ** DEPENDS ON ARREST P~ICNS. AIL ARRESTEES ARE srnEENED. 51 [A diagnostic service is a method or instrument used to determine the need for special services including psychological tests, special educational tests, and psychological and psychiatric evaluations.] 4. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS receiving psychosocial assessments by 100 percent from project start up through the end of the orIgInal grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of ~ drug offenders receiving psychosocial assessments in calendar year 1989. [A psychosocial assessment consists of a history of: the particular case; chemical dependency; prior treatment activities; social, economic and family background; educational and vocational achievements; legal problems; emotional and mental disturbances; and assessment of HIV high risk factors.] 5. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS receiving case management services by 10f, percent from project start up through the end of the or ginal grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of ~ drug offenders receiving case management services in calendar year 1989. [Case management means the process of drug offenders receiving treatment services appropriate to their needs, either in the program or upon referral. Case management activities include: assessment, planning, linking, monitoring, and advocacy of clients.] 6. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS receiving short- term supportive counseling by 100 percent from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of -0- drug offenders receiving short-term counseling services in calendar year 1989. 7. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS receiving court liaison services by 85 percent from project start up through the end of tne-Qriginal grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of 28 drug offenders receiving court liaison services in calendar year 1989. 8. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS referred to nonresidential drug treatment programs by 0 percent through drug identification and screening services from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of o drug offenders referred to nonresidential treatment by rne-service provider in calendar year 1989. 52 '- ~. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS referred to residential drug treatment programs by 100 percent through drug identification and screening services from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of -0- drug offenders referred to residential treatment by tne-service provider in calendar year 1989. 10. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS tracked and reported upon by ** percent from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage of increase is based upon a baseline of 185 drug offenders tracked and reported upon in calendar year 1989. [Tracked means following a drug offender and reporting an offender's progress according to a consent agreement with the offender. Reports of client progress must be provided to the criminal justice system or source of referral as required by state regulation.] 11. To increase the number of drug OFFENDERS successfully completing intervention programming by 100 percent from project start up through the end of the original grant period. The percentage increase is based upon a baseline of ~ drug offenders successfully completing intervention programming in calendar year 1989. .... [Successful completion means a drug offender in the program has achieved Client participation Agreement requirements the offender is expected to fulfill upon discharge. This agreement may include actions to be taken if the offender fails to adhere to the prescribed plan.] NONRESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS Nonresidential programs are those that provide a non-live-in therapeutic environment with a structured schedule of daily and hourly activities. Nonresidential programs include Day or Night Treatment and Outpatient Treatment. Day or Night Treatment provides a structured schedule of activities a minimum of four (4) days per week and a minimum four (4) consecutive hours of service each day with an emphasis on assessment, rehabilitation, treatment and ancillary services and, depending upon client needs, may include formal school and adult education programs, job placement and basic living skills. outpatient treatment provides individual, group or family counseling for drug offenders by appointment during scheduled operating hours with an emphasis on assessment, treatment and ancillary services. [COMPLETE ONLY PROJECT MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES THAT APPLY TO NONRESIDENTIAL PROGRAM SERVICES PROVIDED TO DRUG OFFENDERS FOR milCH THE SUBGRANTEE IS SEEKING GRANT-IN-AID FUNDING.] ** DEPENDS ON ARREST PROJEX:'TlOOS. ALL ARRESTEES ARE srnEENED. 53 ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------------------------. I I I ;""'-"":"------- ----------------------- I I I I I Ir-i I~ l..-r Ir-i - r-i r-i W ..J 0 :;:) t- O ..... ::J: 0 U 0\ V) - If) Z r-i 0 - r-i I l-l r-i I .... I < I l- I Z ~ I ..... 0 I ~ a: I UJ L.I.. I ..J I Q. 0 I ~ 0 I ..... l-l I a: VI ..... ..... Q.. l-l .... .... l-l Z > c::c l-l a: .... CJ U OJ ~ :;:) V) I I I U"I I ..... I I Q I I - I I > I I 0 I I :z I I - I I .... I U I 0 I I Q. I ..... V) CJ :;:) ~ ..J :;:) P"') :>< :>< :>< ---------------------------------- :>< :>< :>< :>< ---------------------------------- >< :>< ---------------------------------- :>< :>< ---------------------------------- :>< :>< ---------------------------------- z :;:) P"') :>< :>< ---------------------------------- )0- ct :E: >< :>< :>< :>< ---------------------------------- 0:: Q. ~ :>< :>< ---------------------------------- 0:: ct :E: :>< :>< ---------------------------------- OJ I.1J L.I.. Z ct P"') >< :>< ---------------------------------- :>< :>< ........-------------------------------------- .... a: c::c J: U II) ..... l-l I- l-l > l-l .... U q: co oI-l Q) C Ul Q) CO E Q) Q)rl rl Q) o.~ E .,-i .:.:: ... o 0 *-':::,;; - ....-; o CO *-' 'M U .., C'J C ... Co; -' "'0 C o Ul U CJ x. ... o ..... .., E o C'J rl ... ~g' ... co A-. VI Z o l-l .... Q. l-l a: U II) UJ C VI I.1J Il-l II- Il-l I> I l-l II- 'U I q: LlJ I ------------" Q) Ul 'M *-' ... Q) ;. '"0 <>: :>< :>< Ul '"0 Q) 03 .0 A-. -.::t ~ - ("") ;>, ~ ..0 -.::t C/) A-. '"0 ... ~ Q) 0 ~ .... 0 (j) ..... "M Ul > Co; ~ ... Ul - - :.- E -. '-' ..... Ul Ul :.- 0 .. .. r-t ,.., ... ::; C'J C':l ..... Ul (Jl CO :;J;; '-' ~ 0 0 .~ Q. 0" rl Ul .... 0 C'J CO ... ... ... ::l Ul ... A-. A-. ... .... C U U CJ :.- oI-l ~ C'J C'J E ... 0. Q) ... ... (j) 'M Q) 'M ... ... ,.., ::l U ;. C C Q. c:::r U (j) 0 0 E CJ <>: ~ u U H ~ ---------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I ------------....... )0- a: c::c II) II) ~ U UJ Z II) ct VI I ~ I '" I c::c I Q. I I Z I 0 I l-l I l- I oCt I :;:) I Z I l-l I .... Z 0 U ..... II) :::::;) I----------~--------------------------------------------------------------\ IF. PROJECT BUDGET SCHEDULE I ,-------------------------~-----------------------------------------------1 I I FEDERAL I PROJECT I BUDGET CATEGORY I BUDGET CATEGORY I SUPPORT I MATCH I TOTALS J 1--------------------------1--------------,-------------1-----------------1 I J I I I 1. SALARIES AND BENEFITS I I J I I - 0- I -0- I -0- I I I J I I I I ,----------------------------------------------------------------~--------I I I I I J I I I I I I 2. CONTRACTUAL I I I I I SERVICES I $51,055.00 I $17,018.00 I $68,073.00 J I I I I 1 ,-------------------------------------------------------------~-----------J I I I I I I I I I 3. EXPENSES I I J I I. -0- I -0- I -0- I I J I ,-~---------------------------------------~-----~-------------------------) I J . I I I I I I I J I 4. OPERATING CAPITAL I I I I I OUTLAY I -0- I -0- I -0- I I I I I J I I I I J J-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I 5. DATA PROCESSING I -0- I -0- I -0- J I SERVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------J I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I 6. INDIRECT COSTS I -0- I -0- J -0- J I I J I J I I I I J I-------------------------~-----------------------------------------------J I I I I J I I I J I I 7. TOTAL PROJECT I I I I I COSTS I J I I I I $51,055.00 I $17,018.00 I $68,073.00 J I I J J J \-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \_____________________________________________________--------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-.~----------- .-----~-------------------------. --- --------------\ IG. PROJECT BUDGET NARRATIVE: THIS SECTION MUST PROVIDE A NARRATIVE I I DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT BUDGET BY LINE ITEM CATEGORY, DETAILING I I THE ITEM AND ANTICIPATED COST. EACH CATEGORY MUST BE SUFFICIENTLY I I DETAILED TO SHOW THE COST RELATIONSHIP TO PROJECT OPERATIONS. I I I I START BELOW AND USE CONTINUATION PAGES AS NECESSARY I J------------------------~------------------------------------------------1 PILOT RESIDENTIAL/WORK RELEASE PROGRAM Contractural Services - Competitive Bid Request For Proposal Attached Services to include a minimum of three beds annually: room, board, counseling, support seTvices (see attached R.F.P.) $68,073.00 ~- ~'~',. OCT 02 '90 13:~( P.2/7 A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) ANTI-DRUG ABUSE INTERVENTION PROGRAM I . GENERAL INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Responses to this Request for Proposals are due on or before 4:00 p.m., Thursday November 15, 1990. Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m., on Friday November 16, 1990. Four copies of each written proposal must be included in one sealed package and should be delivered or mailed to: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk of Circuit Court, Monroe County, 500 Whitehead Street, key West, Florida 33040 Attention: Anti-Drug Abuse inter- vention Program RFP. Bid packages containing all necessary forms and information may be obtained upon request to: Mr. George Harper, Director, Management Services Division, 5825 Jr. College Road, PSB Wing II, Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040. Additional information about the request for proposal may be obtained from Mr. George Harper, Director, Management Services Division, during business hours (8:30 am 5:00 pm) Monday through Friday at 305-292-4471. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities in any and all bids, and to re-advertise for bids. An award, if made, will be to the most responsible and most qualified bidder, and this RFP and the response thereto will become a part of the final contract. Any expenses incurred in submitting proposals are not reim- bursable by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. II. EVALUATIOt PROPo. ;..S The "agreed upon process for the evaluation of responses to the' REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS is as follows: A. The Anti-Drug Abuse Program Director shall serve as chair for the evaluatioQ committee. The evaluation committee shall be compriSed of the Director of Management Services, Grants Manager, Director of OMB and Director of PurChasing. It is anticipated that the primary effort of the evaluation commit- tee shall be to determine which of the various responses rank as the top three. B. The Anit-Drug Abuse Program Director will present to the Anti-Drug Abuse Task Force those responses received along with the recommendations of the evaluation committee. The Task Force will then give consideration to the top three responses and advise the Program Director as to their recommendation to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners. C. The top three responses will then be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. The Program Director will make a report regarding the recommendations of the Task Force. In the event that no vendor is deemed acceptable, the Program Director's report shall so state. 2 .' .. .-----... ",'~~, .. '..~~~ ' , -... ,I;~....I---"rw-.l 'l1Il.ll--. ~, """'....&;'1 '1m -....'~'I1"1rr~q III. INTRODUCTION The Monroe County statement of proposals provide a oommunity Abuse Aot Funds 1988. Board of County Commissioners requests from qualified individuals or firms to intervention program under the An~i-Drug ,~ The individual or firm selected shall be required to provide professional services to drug offenders in a Residential/Work Release Program to be located in Monroe County. Such individual or firm shall be resPOnsible to provide project administration to ensure the complete satisfactory and timely completion of all project activities. Funding is contingent upon the award of contract to Monroe County by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Public Safety Management for Anti-Drug Abuse funds. 3 ( IV. PROPOSAL ~~UIREMENTS (1) To provide Statement of Qualification to include a de- scription of the staff organization of the firm and facility. (2) To provid~ diagnostic services, psychosocial assess- ments, case management services, tracking, and short-term counseling in a residential drug treatment program. (3) To provide employment assessment and assist in the coor- dination of appropriate employment referral. (4) Establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures to assure proper disbursement and accounting of subgrant funds and required non-federal expenditures. (5) Submit at a minimum: Quarterly Performance Reports, Annual Performance Report and Monthly Financial Claim Re- ports. (6) Retention of all records/financial documents for a mini- mum of three years. (7) Thirty day commencement of project upon award of con- tract by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. (8) Provide full disclosure regarding administrative ac- tions against the individual or firm by the State of Florida. (9) A minimum of three ()) beds shall be provided. (10) Complete Non-Collusion Affidavit. See attached copy. (11) Assurance of the bidder's ability to meet criteria for contracting with a local government unit if selected, which includes: a. To provide proof of PrOfessional Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 and General Liability with minimum limits of $1,000,000 b. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold Monroe County harmless from any and all claims, liability, losses and causes of action which may arise out of the fulfillment of the agree- ment. The Vendor agrees to pay all claims and losses and shall defend all suits filed due to the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of its employees and/or agents, including related court costs. 4 c. Statement on Public Entity Crimes. At the contract -finalization, the Vendor will supply rized SWORN STATEMENT UNDER Section 133(3)(j), STATUTES ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES. 5 time of a no~a- FLORIDA v. PROPOSAL EVALy"'rcION CRITERIA The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to award a contract to the bidder that is determined to be overall most responsive to the needs in terms of cost and respon- sibility. The Anti-Drug Abuse Task Force's review of proposals will use the following criteria in determining its recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners: (1) The degree to which the bidder demonstrates an under- standing of the technical aspects of this request for propos- als. (2) The degree of responsiveness in the proposal to the requirements of the request for proposals. (3) The probable effectiveness of the proposed program. (4) The overall quality of the proposal. (5) The bidder's experience and qualifications for perform- ing the work, particularly the amount of direct experience in dealing with drug abuse and drug offenders. ( 6') The bidder's abili ty practicality in proposing to request for proposals. (7) The bidder's ability to begin the program within thirty days after award of contract by Monroe County. to demonstrate flexibility and meet the objectives of this 6 /._---~-----------------~ ------------------------~ ---------------------\ I H. ACCEPTANCE J - GREEMENT \ I I I ! CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT. UPON APPROVAL OF THIS SUBGRANT, THE I I A~PROVED APPLICATION AND THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL I I BECOME BINDING. NON-COMPLIANCE SHALL RESULT IN COSTS BEING I I DISALLOWED. I I I I 1. REPORTS. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL SUBMIT QUARTERLY PROGRESS I I REPORTS, DCA-NA FORM 4(A) (OCTOBER 1987), TO THE BUREAU OF J I PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT (BPSM) BY JANUARY 31, APRIL 30, I I JULY 31, AND OCTOBER 31 COVERING THE SUBGRANT ACTIVITY FOR THE I I PREVIOUS QUARTER. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL SUBMIT AN I I ANNUAL REPORT TO THE BPSM, DCA-NA FORM 4(A) (OCTOBER 1987), I I FOR EACH 12-MONTH PERIOD OF PROJECT OPERATIONS. THIS REPORT I I SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BPSM WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER THE END I I OF THE INITIAL 12-MONTH PERIOD. IN ADDITION, IF THE SUBGRANT I I AWARD PERIOD EXCEEDS 12 MONTHS, ADDITIONAL QUARTERLY REPORTS I I COVERING THE EXTENDED PERIOD MUST BE SUBMITTED AS WELL AS I I A FINAL REPORT COVERING THE ENTIRE TIME FRAME OF SUBGRANT I I ACTIVITIES WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE END OF THE EXTENDED PERIOD. I I THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHAll SUBMIT MONTHLY FINANCIAL CLAIM I I REPORTS, DCA-NA FORM 3(A-E), TO THE BPSM. A FINAL FINANCIAL I I CLAIM REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BPSM WITHIN 45 DAYS OF I I THE SUBGRANT TERMINATION PERIOD. SUCH CLAIM MUST BE DISTINCTLY I I IDENTIFIED AS "FINAL". FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE FINAL FINANCIAL I I CLAIM IN THE TIME SPECIFIED CAN RESULT IN FORFEITURE OF THE I I FINAL REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM. ALL UNEXPENDED FUNDS REMAINING I I WITH THIS GRANT AFTER PAYMENT OF FINAL CLAIM SHALL AUTOMATICALLY I I BE DEOBLIGATED AND SHALL REVERT TO THE BPSM FOR OBLIGATION TO I I OTHER APPROVED PROGRAMS. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL SUBMIT I I OTHER REPORTS AS MAY BE REASONABLY REQUIRED BY THE BPSM. I I ALL REQUIRED REPORTS, INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS WILL BE I I DISTRIBUTED WITH THE SUBGRANT AWARD. I I I I 2. RESPONSIBILITY OF GRANT RECIPIENT. THE GRANT RECIPIENT MUST I I ESTABLISH FISCAL CONTROL AND FUND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES WHICH I I ASSURE PROPER DISBURSEMENT AND ACCOUNTING OF SUBGRANT FUNDS I I AND REQUIRED NON-FEDERAL EXPENDITURES. ALL MONIES SPENT ON I I THIS PROJECT WILL BE DISBURSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS I I OF THE PROJECT BUDGET AS SAID BUDGET WAS APPROVED BY THE BPSM. I I ALL EXPENDITURES AND COST ACCOUNTING OF FUNDS SHALL CONFORM I I TO THE FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR GRANTS, GUIDE- I I LINE MANUAL 7100.1C, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS, FEDERAL I I OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULARS A-I02 AND A-87, OR I I OMB CIRCULARS A-lID AND A-21, IN THEIR ENTIRETY. ALL FUNDS I I NOT SPENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE SUBJECT I I TO REPAYMENT BY THE GRANT RECIPIENT. I I I I 3. COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 287.055, FLORIDA STATUTES. THE I I SUBGRANTEE, WHEN APPLICABLE, AGREES TO SATISFY ALL REQUIRE- I I MENTS PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.055, FLORIDA STATUTES, KNOWN I I AS THE "CONSULTANT'S COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION ACT". I I I I 4. ApPROVAL OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS. THE BPSM SHALL REVIEW AND I I APPROVE IN WRITING ALL CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS PRIOR TO THE I I ACTUAL EMPLOYMENT OF THE CONSULTING FIRM. ApPROVAL SHALL BE I I BASED UPON THE COMPLIANCE OF THE AGREEMENT WITH THE REQUIRE- I I MENTS OF THE FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR GRANTS, I I GUIDELINES MANUAL 7100.1C AND APPLICABLE STATE STATUTES. I I GRANT RECIPIENT AGREEMENT APPROVAL BY THE BPSM DOES NOT I I CONSTITUTE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT APPROVAL. I \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ tH. ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT I . (CONTINUED) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBGRANTEES MAY TRANSFER FUNDS BETWEEN BUDGET CATEGORIES I I AS LONG AS THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE TRANSFER (INCREASE OR I I DECREASE) DOES NOT EXCEED FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF THE TOTAL I I APPROVED BUDGET CATEGORY AND THE TRANSFER IS MADE TO AN I I APPROVED BUDGET LINE ITEM. HOWEVER, NO ADDITIONAL I I TRANSFERS ABOVE THE 5% CAP MAY BE MADE UNTIL A REVISED I I BUDGET HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT. UNDER NO I I CIRCUMSTANCES CAN THE CHANGES INCREASE THE TOTAL BUDGETED I I AWARD. (PLEASE NOTE TRANSFERS DO NOT ALLOW FOR INCREAS- I I ING THE QUANTITATIVE NUMBER OF ITEMS REFLECTED IN ANY I I APPROVED BUDGET LINE ITEM, SUCH AS, EQUIPMENT ITEMS IN THE I I OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY OR EXPENSE CATEGORIES OR STAFF I I POSITIONS IN THE SALARIES AND BENEFITS CATEGORY). I I I I 8. GRANT RECIPIENT FUNDING. THE OBLIGATION OF THE STATE OF I I FLORIDA TO REIMBURSE GRANT RECIPIENTS FOR INCURRED COST WILL I I BE SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT FUNDS. I I I I 9. COMMENCEMENT OF PROJECTS. IF A PROJECT HAS NOT COMMENCED I I WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT I I AWARD, GRANT RECIPIENTS WILL REPORT BY LETTER THE STEPS I I TAKEN TO INITIATE THE PROJECT, THE REASONS FOR DELAY AND I I THE EXPECTED STARTING DATE. IF, AFTER 90 DAYS FROM THE I I ACCEPTANCE OF AWARD, PROJECT ACTIVITY AS DESCRIBED HEREIN I \------------------------------------------------~------------------------1 5. ALLOWABLE COSTS. THE ALLOWABILITY OF COSTS INCURRED UNDER ANY SUBGRANT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ALLOWABILITY AND STANDARDS FOR SELECTED COST ITEMS SET FORTH IN THE FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR GRANTS, GUIDELINE MANUAL 7100.1C, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR No. A-87, "COST PRINCIPLES ApPLICABLE TO GRANTS AND CONTRACTS WITH STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS", OR OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR No. A-21, "COST PRINCIPLES FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS". ALL PROCEDURES EMPLOYED IN THE USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES, SUPPLIES OR EQUIP- MENT, MUST BE IN ACCORD WITH ATTACHMENT 0 OF OMB CIRCULAR No. A-102 OR ATTACHMENT 0 OF OMB CIRCULAR No. A-110 AND FLORIDA LAW TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT. 6. TRAVEL. ALL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT FOR OUT-OF-STATE OR OUT- OF GRANT SPECIFIED-WORK-AREA WILL BE BASED UPON WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE BPSM PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ACTUAL TRAVEL. TRAVEL COST FOR ALL TRAVEL WILL BE REIMBURSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS, BUT NOT IN EXCESS OF PROVISIONS IN SECTION 112.061, FLORIDA STATUTES. 7. WRITTEN ApPROVAL OF CHANGES. GRANT RECIPIENTS MUST OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE BPSM FOR MAJOR CHANGES. THESE INCLUDE, BUT BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: (A) CHANGES IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES, DESIGNS, OR RESEARCH PLANS SET FORTH IN THE APPROVED APPLICA- TION; (B) CHANGES IN THE PROJECT DIRECTOR OR KEY PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL IDENTIFIED IN THE APPROVED APPLICATION, OR (C) BUDGET DEVIATIONS THAT DO NOT MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERION: l-----------~-------------------------------------------------------------\ !H. ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT I I (CONTINUED) I I I I HAS NOT BEGUN, A FURTHER STATEMENT OF IMPLEMENTATION DELAY I I WILL BE SUBMITTED BY THE GRANT RECIPIENT TO THE BPSM. UPON I I RECEIPT OF THE gO-DAY LETTER, THE BPSM SHALL DETERMINE IF ~HE I I REASON FOR DELAY IS JUSTIFIED OR CANCEL THE PROJECT AND I J REOBLIGATE THE FUNDS TO OTHER PROJECT AREAS. THE BPSM, I I WHERE WARRANTED BY EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES, SHALL EXTEND I I THE IMPLEMENTATION DATE OF THE PROJECT PAST THE gO-DAY I I PERIOD, BUT ONLY BY FORMAL WRITTEN AMENDMENT TO THIS AGREEMENT. I I I I 10. EXCUSABLE DELAYS. EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE DEFAULTS OF I CONSULTANTS, THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL NOT BE IN DEFAULT BY I REASON OF ANY FAILURE IN PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT IN I ACCORDANCE WITH ITS TERMS (INCLUDING ANY FAILURE BY THE GRANT I RECIPIENT TO MAKE PROGRESS IN THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK I HEREUNDER WHICH ENDANGERS SUCH PERFORMANCE) IF SUCH FAILURE I ARISES OUT OF CAUSES BEYOND THE CONTROL AND WITHOUT THE FAULT I OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT. SUCH CAUSES SHALL I INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT RESTRICTED TO, ACTS OF GOD OR OF THE I PUBLIC ENEMY, ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT IN EITHER ITS SOVEREIGN I OR CONTRATUAL CAPACITY, FIRES, FLOODS, EPIDEMICS, QUARANTINE I RESTRICTIONS, STRIKES, FREIGHT EMBARGOES, AND UNUSUALLY I SEVERE WEATHER, BUT IN EVERY CASE THE FAILURE TO PERFORM I MUST BE BEYOND THE CONTROL AND WITHOUT THE FAULT OR NEGLIGENCE I OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT. IF THE FAILURE TO PERFORM IS CAUSED I BY THE FAILURE OF A CONSULTANT TO PERFORM OR MAKE PROGRESS, I AND IF SUCH FAILURE ARISES OUT OF CAUSES BEYOND THE CONTROL I OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT AND CONSULTANT, AND WITHOUT THE FAULT I OR NEGLIGENCE OF EITHER OF THEM, THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL I I NOT BE DEEMED TO BE IN DEFAULT, UNLESS (A) THE SUPPLIES OR I I SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONSULTANT WERE OBTAINABLE I I FROM OTHER SOURCES, AND (B) THE BPSM SHALL HAVE ORDERED THE I I GRANT RECIPIENT IN WRITING TO PROCURE SUCH SUPPLIES OR I I SERVICES FROM OTHER SOURCES, AND (C) THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL I , HAVE FAILED TO COMPLY REASONABLY WITH SUCH ORDER. UPON REQUEST I I OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT, THE BPSM SHALL ASCERTAIN THE FACTS AND I I EXTENT OF SUCH FAILURE AND, IF IT SHALL BE DETERMINED THAT ANY I I FAILURE TO PERFORM WAS OCCASIONED BY ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE I I SAID CAUSES, THE DELIVERY SCHEDULE SHALL BE REVISED ACCORDINGLY. I I I I 11. OBLIGATION OF GRANT RECIPIENT FUNDS. GRANT RECIPIENT FUNDS I I MAY NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE OBLIGATED PRIOR TO THE I I EFFECTIVE DATE OR SUBSEQUENT TO THE TERMINATION DATE OF I I THE GRANT PERIOD. ONLY PROJECT COSTS INCURRED ON OR AFTER I I THE EFFECTIVE DATE AND ON OR PRIOR TO THE TERMINATION DATE OF I I THE GRANT RECIPIENT APPLICATION ARE ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT. I I A COST IS INCURRED WHEN THE GRANT RECIPIENT'S EMPLOYEE OR I I CONSULTANT PERFORMS THE SERVICE REQUIRED, OR WHEN GOODS ARE I I RECEIVED BY THE GRANT RECIPIENT, NOTWITHSTANDING THE DATE I I OF ORDER. I I I I 12. PERFORMANCE. IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT, NON-COMPLIANCE OR I I VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY THE GRANT I I RECIPIENT, THE GRANT RECIPIENT'S CONSULTANTS AND SUPPLIERS, I I OR BOTH, THE BPSM SHALL IMPOSE SUCH SANCTIONS AS IT DEEMS I I APPROPRIATE INCLUDING WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS, CANCELLATION, I \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ I , ( /----------~--------------------------------------------------------------\ IH. ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT I I (CONTINUED) I I I TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE AGREEMENT IN WHOLE OR IN I PART. IN SUCH AN EVENT, THE BPSM SHALL NOTIFY THE GRANT I RECIPIENT OF SUCH DECISION 30 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE I EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH SANCTION. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL I BE PAID ONLY FOR THOSE SERVICES SATISFACTORILY PERFORMED I PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH SANCTION. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15. PROCEDURES FOR CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT. ALL CLAIMS FOR REIMBURSE- I MENT OF GRANT RECIPIENT COSTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON A FORM I (DCA-NA FORM 3 (A-E) OCTOBER 1987) PRESCRIBED AND PROVIDED I BY THE BPSM. CLAIMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED ON A MONTHLY BASIS IN I ORDER TO REMAIN CURRENT ON PROJECT COSTS REPORTING. ALL I CLAIMS REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT FOR OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY I (OCO) ITEMS HAVING A UNIT COST OF $500 OR MORE AND A USEFUL I LIFE OF 1 YEAR OR MORE MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPLETED I NON-ExPENDABLE PROPERTY FORM SIGNED BY THE SUBGRANTEES' I I PROPERTY CUSTODIAN. IF LOCAL ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES REQUIRES I I OCO REPORTING AT A LESSER AMOUNT THAN THE $500, LOCAL I I REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE ADHERED TO. REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS SHALL I I BE SUBMITTED IN DETAIL SUFFICIENT FOR A PROPER PRE-AUDIT AND I I POST-AUDIT THEREOF. I I I I 16. RETENTION OF RECORDS. ALL RECORDS AND FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS I I MUST BE MAINTAINED FOR A MINIMUM PERIOD OF 3 YEARS FROM THE I I DATE OF THE FINAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND BE AVAILABLE FOR I I AUDIT AND PUBLIC DISCLOSURE UPON REQUEST OF DULY AUTHORIZED I I PERSONS. i \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 13. 14. ACCESS TO RECORDS. DCA, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS, BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE, OJARS,AND THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, OR ANY OF THEIR DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES, SHALL HAVE ACCESS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUDIT AND EXAMINATION OF BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAPERS, AND RECORDS OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT, AND TO RELEVANT BOOKS AND RECORDS OF GRANT RECIPIENT AND CONTRACTORS, AS PROVIDED UNDER "FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR GRANTS", M710D.1C. DCA MAY UNILATERALLY CANCEL THIS CONTRACT IF THE CONTRACTOR REFUSES TO ALLOW PUBLIC ACCESS TO ALL DOCUMENTS, PAPERS, LETTERS, OR OTHER MATERIAL SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 119, F.S., AND MADE OR RECEIVED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CONTRACT. AUDIT. ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES GRANT RECIPIENT ASSURANCE THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF OMB CIRCULAR A-128 "AUDITS OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS" OR OMS CIRCULAR A-lID, ATTACHMENT F, WILL BE MET. ALL GRANT RECIPIENTS SHALL PROVIDE AN AUDIT OF THEIR ACTIVITIES ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. FOR ADDI- TIONAL INFORMATION ON AUDIT REQUIREMENTS, APPLICANTS SHALL REFER TO THE "FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR GRANTS", GUIDELINE MANUAL 7100.1C, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS. As A MINIMUM, A SCHEDULE COMPARING BUDGETED AND ACTUAL SUBGRANT COSTS IS REQUIRED. FAILURE TO FURNISH AN ACCEPTABLE AUDIT AS DETERMINED BY THE STATE OR COGNIZANT FEDERAL AUDIT AGENCY SHALL BE BASIS FOR DENIAL AND REFUND, OR BOTH, OF FEDERAL FUNDS. FEDERAL FUNDS DETERMINED TO BE MISSPENT ARE SUBJECT TO REFUND OR OTHER RESOLUTION. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ IH. ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT I I (CONTINUED) I I I I I I 17. OWNERSHIP OF DATA AND CREATIVE MATERIAL. THE OWNERSHIP OF I I MATERIAL, DISCOVERIES, INVENTIONS, AND RESULTS DEVELOPED, I I PRODUCED, OR DISCOVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY I I THE TERMS OF OMB CIRCULAR A-l02, ATTACHMENT N, PARAGRAPH 8 I I OR OMB CIRCULAR A-lID, ATTACHMENT N, PARAGRAPH 8. I I I I 18. PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL ESTABLISH I I AND ADMINISTER A SYSTEM TO CONTROL, PROTECT, PRESERVE, USE, I I AND MAINTAIN AND DISPOSE OF ANY PROPERTY FURNISHED IT BY THE I I BPSM OR PURCHASED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT IN ACCORDANCE I I WITH FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS AS SET FORTH IN I I OMB CIRCULAR A-l02, ATTACHMENT N OR OMB CIRCULAR A-lID, I I ATTACHMENT N. THIS OBLIGATION CONTINUES AS LONG AS THE I I PROPERTY IS RETAINED BY THE GRANT RECIPIENT, NOTWITHSTANDING I I THE EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. I I I I 19. DISPUTES AND ApPEALS. ANY DISPUTE, DISAGREEMENT OR QUESTION I I OF FACT ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE DECIDED BY THE I I BPSM IN WRITING AND SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED TO PARTIES CONCERNED. I I A WRITTEN APPEAL SHALL BE MADE WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS TO THE I I SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, WHOSE I I DECISION IS FINAL. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL PROCEED DILI- I I GENTLY WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THE AGREEMENT AND IN I I ACCORDANCE WITH THE BPSM DECISION. THE GRANT RECIPIENT'S I RIGHT TO APPEAL IN THE DEPARTMENT'S DECISION IS CONTAINED IN I CHAPTER 120, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND IN PROCEDURES SET FORTH I IN CHAPTERS 28-5 AND 9-5, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. ApPEALS I MUST BE RECEIVED IN WRITING WITHIN 21 DAYS OF NOTIFICATION OF I THE DECISION. THE WRITTEN APPEAL MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS CLERK (AGENCY CLERK). I FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME SHALL CONSTITUTE A I WAIVER OF PROCEEDINGS UNDER CHAPTER 120, FLORIDA STATUTES. I I 20. CONFERENCES, INSPECTION OF WORK. CONFERENCES MAY BE HELD AT I THE REQUEST OF ANY PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. A REPRESENTATIVE I OF THE BPSM, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BUREAU OF JUSTICE I I ASSISTANCE, OR ALL SHALL BE PRIVILEGED TO VISIT THE SITE FOR I I THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTION AND ASSESSMENT OF WORK BEING I I PERFORMED ,AT ANY TIME. I I I I 21. PUBLICATIONS, PRINTING, OR REPORTS. I I I I A. BEFORE PUBLICATION OR PRINTING, THE FINAL DRAFT OF ANY I I REPORT OR REPORTS REQUIRED UNDER THE AGREEMENT OR I I PERTAINING TO THE AGREEMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE I I BPSM FOR REVIEW. I I I I B. EACH PUBLICATION OR OTHER PRINTED REPORT COVERED BY I I PARAGRAPH 21.A ABOVE MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING STATE- I I MENTS ON THE COVER PAGE: I I I I I I I I I \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ . I--~------------ ---------____________________________ IH. ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT I . (CONTINUED) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 24. 25. .------------\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to, (1) "THIS REPORT WAS PREPARED FOR THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, STATE OF FLORIDA IN COOPERATION WITH THE BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE." \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ (2) "THE CONCLUSIONS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS REPORT ARE THOSE OF THE GRANT RECIPIENT, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THOSE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, BUREAU OF PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY OF THE STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT." 22. THE GRANT RECIPIENT AGREES TO UTILIZE ALL NON-EXPENDABLE PROPERTY FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES DURING ITS USEFUL LIFE OR REQUEST BPSM DISPOSITION. THE GRANT RECIPIENT SHALL ESTABLISH AND ADMINISTER A SYSTEM TO CONTROL, PROTECT, PRESERVE, USE, AND MAINTAIN ANY PROPERTY PURCHASED PURSUANT TO THIS GRANT. 23. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. No PERSON SHALL, ON THE GROUNDS OF RACE, CREED, COLOR, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN BE EXCLUDED FROM PARTICIPATION IN, BE REFUSED THE BENEFITS OF, OR BE OTHERWISE SUBJECTED TO DISCRIMINATION UNDER GRANTS AWARDED PURSUANT TO P.l. 89-564, NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT OF 1988; TITLE IV OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964; SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 AS AMENDED; TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972; THE AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1975; AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NON-DISCRIMINATION REGULATIONS 28 CFR PART 42, SUBPARTS C, 0, E, AND G. ANY STATE AGENCY, CITY OR COUNTY RECEIVING $500,000 OR MORE IN FEDERAL ANTI-DRUG ABUSE FUNDS MUST SUBMIT THEIR EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PLAN TO THE BPSM. NON-PROCUREMENT DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION. THE GRANT RECIPIENT AGREES TO COMPLY WITH EXECUTIVE ORDER 12549, DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (34 C.F.R., PART 85, SECTION 85.510, PARTICIPANT'S RESPONSIBILITIES). THESE PROCEDURES REQUIRE THAT THE GRANT RECIPIENT SUBMIT CERTIFICATION THAT IT WILL NOT ENTER INTO ANY LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTION WITH A PERSON WHO IS DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, DECLARED INELIGIBLE OR VOLUNTARILY EXCLUDED FROM PARTICIPATION IN THIS COVERED TRANSACTION, UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAI RS. THE STATE OF FLORIDA'S PERFORMANCE AND OBLIGATION TO PAY UNDER THIS CONTRACT IS CONTINGENT UPON AN ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BY THE lEGISLATURE. /---~----------~------~,. ------------------------~ IH., ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT I (CONTINUED) . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 26. ----------------------\ I I I I I I I I I EACH PERSON SHALL FILE THE MOST CURRENT EDITION OF THIS CERTIFI-l CATION AND DISCLOSURE FORM, IF APPLICABLE, WITH EACH SUBMISSION I THAT INITIATES AGENCY CONSIDERATION OF SUCH PERSON FOR AN AWARD I OF A FEDERAL CONTRACT, GRANT, OR COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT OF I $100,000 OR MORE; OR FEDERAL LOAN OF $150,000 OR MORE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE RECIPIENT AGREES TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 319 OF PUBLIC LAW 101-121 AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE "GOVERNMENTWIDE GUIDANCE FOR NEW RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING; INTERIM FINAL GUIDANCE" PUBLISHED IN THE DECEMBER 30, 1989, FEDERAL REGISTER. THIS CERTIFICATION IS A MATERIAL REPRESENTATION OF FACT UPON WHICH RELIANCE WAS PLACED WHEN THIS TRANSACTION WAS MADE OR ENTERED INTO. SUBMISSION OF THIS CERTIFICATION IS A PRE- REQUISITE FOR MAKING OR ENTERING INTO THIS TRANSACTION IMPOSED BY SECTION 1352, TITLE 31, U.S. CODE. ANY PERSON WHO FAILS TO FILE THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION SHALL BE SUBMIT TO A CIVIL PENALTY OF NOT LESS THAN $10,000 AND NOT MORE THAN S100,000 FOR EACH SUCH FAILURE. THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES, TO THE BEST OF HIS OR HER KNO~:LEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT: (2) (3) (1) No FEDERAL APPROPRIATED FUNDS HAVE BEEN PAID OR WILL BE PAID TO ANY PERSON FOR INFLUENCING OR ATTEMPTING TO INFLUENCE AN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY FEDERAL AGENCY, A MEMBER OF CONGRESS, AN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF CONGRESS, OR AN EMPLOYEE OF A MEMBER OF CONGRESS IN CONNECTION WITH THE AWARDING OF ANY FEDERAL CONTRACT, THE MAKING OF ANY FEDERAL GRANT, THE MAKING OF ANY FEDERAL LOAN, THE ENTERING INTO OF ANY RENEWAL, AMENDMENT, OR MODIFICATION OF ANY FEDERAL CONTRACT, GRANT, LOAN OR COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT. IF ANY NON-FEDERAL FUNDS HAVE BEEN PAID OR WILL BE PAID TO ANY PERSON FOR INFLUENCING OR ATTEMPTING TO INFLUENCE AN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY FEDERAL AGENCY, A MEMBER OF CONGRESS, AN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF CONGRESS, OR AN EMPLOYEE OF A MEMBER OF CONGRESS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS FEDERAL CONTRACT, GRANT, LOAN, OR COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, THE UNDERSIGNED SHALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT STANDARD FORM # LLL, "DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES", IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS INSTRUCTIONS. THE UNDERSIGNED SHALL REQUIRE THAT THE LANGUAGE OF THIS CERTIFICATION BE INCLUDED IN THE AWARD DOCUMENTS FOR ALL SUBAWARDS AT ALL TIERS AND THAT ALL SUBRECIPIENTS SHALL CERTIFY AND DISCLOSE ACCORDINGLY. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ \, (305) 2944641 ,~ ~~~!yk~~~~E _J" r-::;-..::::- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelmina Harvey, Dlstnct 1 Gene Lyllon. District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 Mike Puto, District 4 MAYOR John Stormont, District 5 September 6, 1990 ,-. , '. .-. '- '... ." " " "', Mr. John A. Lenaerts, Chief Bureau of Public Safety Management Department of Community Affairs State of Florida 2740 Centerview Drive The Rhyne Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 .~? .:: ~~J '-.......... .....,.._,._"'-~>--;'~;,(.\: (;:_-, ,; 1-/J "-'..1. ,',,,.t;7 ~,_a.._,.".'",~_.., ,_ , ~ '" ~-+- _:,(!~~ . ..._.~--- ',':--,/- ~ ". I C!Hz,J : .~~ ='... RE: Letter of Designation for Signature Authority Anti-Durg Abuse Act Funds SEP 18 l~:;a Dear Mr. Lenaerts: ~(. . .". ~ : '.: ";' '.~ ::~ . :~:'i r .".------..-... ,........~ This letter is to designate Captain Thomas W. Brown, Monroe County Administrator, with the signature authority for the fol- lowing 1990 Anit-Drug Abuse funds. Monroe County Anti-Drug Abuse Resource Officer/ Drug Awareness Resistance Education Program, 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-074; Pilot Residential/Work Release Program, 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-075; Monroe County Pretrial Services Substance Abuse Program, 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-076; and Program Administration, 91-CJ-28-11-54-01-077. Sincerely, ~ ~b1~-P h;C~ J" ~:tormont CHAIRHAN BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lISSIONERS ------------------------r ----------------------, I THE PARTIES AFFIRM THEY HAVE EACh ~~~D AND I I I--~-~-----------------~ I IN WITNESS WIIL..'H..JF, 1 I I I I I I I OFFICERS ON THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR SET OUT BELOW. 1------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ISTATE OF FLORIDA I OF GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS I (COMMISSION CHAIRMAN, MAYOR OR IDIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT I DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE) IBUREAU OF PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT I I Thomas W. Brown I NAME:-------------------------- I ~/ ~~ Count Administrator I TITLE:----- ---------------- IBy: - --------- --- ~ - --------- -- I :TITLE:_3~~~OE_~~2~~~ri~~_~i!~S~O!_________ I ' AGREE TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN SECTION "H" OF THE AGREEMENT, THAT THE PARTIES HAVE EACH READ AND UNDERSTAND THE AGREEMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY AND HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT BY THEIR DULY AUTHORIZED WITNESS:--~--~---------- DATE:---~~~c:~--~~------------ SIGNAT t. ~ . - " /~~ WITNESS~--- ------------------- June 26, 1990 DATE:-------------------------- I --------------------------------1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I AOMINISTRATOR OF IMPLEMENTING AGENCY SIGNATURE: - WITNESS:--- DATE:-!~~-]&~-!22Q------------ 1 1--------------------------------1 I I I I I I IPROJECT DIRECTOR 1 I Denise Froehlich 1 INAME:-~~P$;2P-~2292f~E~~~-!~~~- I ITITLE:Jp;~Ek~-r!9j~2E-P~E~~~9!- : I ~,\' I~~ I I SIGNATURE:~U~~~~-'i~'--J-------- I I '0 14'" z;; I I WITNESS: -::.:q~.{..~J..;;-..;.....(~-':I7--~ - I I June 26, 1990 I IDATE:-------------------------- I -------------------------------------------------------------------------/ I $51,055 IFEDERAL FUNDS ALLOCATED:-------------- I I I 1 I I