Item B1
Revised 3/99
Meeting Date: 02/06/0 1 Division: BOCC
Bulk Item: Yes D No D";;
Department: Nora Williams
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Conceptual Approval of a Traffic Control plan for Hurricane
Evacuation for year 2001 and update on Hurricane Evacuation Report developments
ITEM BACKGROUND: The 2nd Draft (there is still no final) of the Miller Hurricane
Evacuation Report determined that the County is already in excess of the standard 24
hour evacuation clearance time (a clearance time, it might be noted, that allows us to
issue building permits). In an effort to face the 2001 Hurricane Season with a plan in
place to reduce our evacuation clearance time, the Sheriffs Dept is working with the
BOCC to put together a plan to meet that goal.
While the plan presented today is missing three essential factors: personnel
requirements, the exact nature of the traffic channelization markers to be utilized, and
the associated costs/responsibilities, those are expected to be provided to you before
our BOCC meeting February 21. This draft is provided with a request that the BOCC
respond with their comments and concerns about the draft by end of business day,
Thursday, 2/8/01. All municipalities are also being asked for comments and for eventual
support of the plan.
Additionally, the FOOT offered a possible compromise position (detailed in the letter
already forwarded to your offices) upon which I need Commission direction.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC has consistently opposed unnecessary
widening of our highways and has indicated no readiness to face a building moratorium,
so I'm assuming that th~re is hearty agreement that we need to have a plan in place..
TOTAL COST: vet to be determined
tH'.Jtc U ~
Florida Department of Transportation
(05) nO-HM
February 1,2001
The Honorable Nora Williams
Monroe County Commissioner
490 63rd St. Suite #1 10
Marathon, FI 33050
Dear Commissioner WillIams:
Thank you for calling me at home last night regarding this very important matter. I discussed
with you a proposal which constitutes the following: one lane In each dIrection with a wide
shoulder adjacent to the northbound lane, two lane bridges with shoulders, a barrier separated
median and passing zones. You and Mike Collins were both receptive to the idea. Although this
is not the best solution from a technical perspective, it is better than the status quo.
I have instructed Miller Consultants to address the challenge of providing a shoulder width that
would serve evacuation, but yet discourages everyday travelers from using the shoulder for the
dangerous maneuver of passing. I have asked that the recommendations regarding the shoulder
treatment be included In the evacuation study report. I will be scheduling a meeting next week to
discuss the concept and some of the details (lane and shoulder widths, median treatments etc.).
The Department is eager to mutually develop a solution which balances the quality of life with
preserving life itself.
Of Production
cc: Tom Barry, Secretary, FOOT
Ken Morefield, Assistant Secretary, FDOT
Jose Abreu, District Six Secretary
Mike Collins, SFWM
Mike Ciscar, FDOT
Javier Gonzalez. FDOT,state,flus
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designed to create a clearance time
of less than 24 hours for the 2001 Hurricane Season
under road conditions described in the
Miller Hurricane Evacuation Report
The Board of Monroe County Commissioners
in conjunction with
The Monroe County Sheriffs Department
490 63rd St. Ocean, Suite #11 0, Marathon, FL 3350
Phone: 305-289-6000, Fax: 305-289-6306, Email:
m.m. 85.6 - 90
Florida City
Card Sound Road
m.m. 105-106.3
Notes and Appendices
I. Introduction
A) Allow Monroe County to evacuate its population in less than the national stamard
of 24 hours for safe hurricane evacuation
B) Allow us to accept recently generated affordable housing permits and to continue
building for the next few years (see Note]).
C) Allow time for the State and local governments to work together in establishing a
long term hurricane evacuation strategy that will increase everyday traffic safety of
our citizenry, support community project priorities to enhance and preserve their
quality of life, and decrease hurricane evacuation clearance time in the most cost-
effective manner possible.
The following pages will demonstrate a traffic control plan of to enhance hurricane evaClll-
tion under the conditions described in the Miller Hurricane Evacuation Report that can be im-
plemented prior to the commencement of the 2001 Hurricane Evacuation Season. As no sig-
nificant construction projects could be completed within the necessary timeframe, it is im-
perative that a plan be put in place to create an acceptable evacuation clearance time should
Monroe County face the Category 3-5 conditions described in the Miller Hurricane Evaclll-
tion Report. It is our hope that the following plan will meet that need.
Page Three
II. Mile Marker 85.5 - 90
This section of highway has long been considered suitable for traffic management. Study after study has supported this, In particu-
lar, the sections of three lane (with a shared direction middle turn lane) is quite simple to organize as a two northbound, one
southbound configuration, This 4.5 mile portion of the evacuation route may be considered in the following segments:
m,m, 85.5 to 85,7: Snake Creek Bridl;!e
"The Snake Creek Bridge has one 11.5-foot lane and 8-foot shoulder in each direction separated by a double yellow line for a total
width of 39 feet. Three 12-foot lanes of traffic could be maintained across the bridge,..The bridge is a bascule bridge and bridge
openings would be controlled during evacuation."
RESOURCES requiredfor traffic management:
52 traffic channeling devices
2 signs-on either side of the bridge warning o[reconfiguration
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m.m, 85.7 to 86: The Tavernier Weigh Station
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"Just north of the Snake Creek Bridge, U.S. I transitions to a 2-lane undi-
vided cross section. The total pavement width is 32 feet with one 12-foot
lane and 4-foot shoulder in each direction. On both sKIes of the roadway a
level, firm crushed rock surface exists just beyond the pavement edge. Ade-
quate space exists to accommodate two 12-foot outbound lanes on the exis t-
ing pavement and the inbound lane, which is narrower at 10 feet, would
need approximately 2 feet off the pavement."
RESOURCES requiredfor traffic management:
79 Traffic channelization devices
2 signs-on either side of the bridge warning ofreconfiguration
m,m. 86 to 86.2: Tavernier Weigh Station
"Adjacent to the weigh station, U.S. I widens to a 54-foot total pavement width. The eastern pavement edge could be maintained for
two 12- foot outbound lanes and one 12- foot inbound lane."
RESOURCES requiredfor traffic management:
52 traffic channelization markers
2 signs-on either side of the bridge warning ofreconfiguration
m.m. 86,2- m.m. 86.4
"Just north of the weigh station, U.S. 1 transitions to a 2-1ane cross section with a 32-foot pavement width identical to the segment
just south of the weigh station as discussed above,"
RESOURCES requiredfor traffic management:
52 traffic channeling devices
2 signs-one northbound and one southbound warning of continued reconfiguration
This section continued page jive..
Page Four
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m.m. 86.4-m.m, 90
"Throughout this segment of U .S, I, there is a minimum of three 12- foot
travel lanes as well as 4 to 8-foot paved shoulders on both sides of the road-
way, The pavement condition is good. Two 12-foot outbound lanes and one
]2-foot inbound lane could be maintained on the existing pavement through-
out this segment...There are traffic signals at approximately m.m. 89.8 and 111.
111.90.4, The signals could be put on "flash" operation during the evacuation,"
RESOURCES required for traffic management:
40 traffic channeling devices to transition traffic at the beginning of this area; after that transition, there is only one small area
lVhere it lVill be necessmy to utilize 40 additional traffic channelization markers due to existing pavement markings, At the end of
this area, at m, m, 90. an additional 40 traffic channeling devices lVill be needed to transfer into the existingfour-lane highlVay.
TOTAL # of traffic channeling devices' 120,
Note: Sections in quotes are provided from a Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jemigan 1995 rcport, found in Section VII of this proposal undcr "Notes and Appendices"
In document, pictures are scanncd in from the Miller Hurricane Evacuation Report, Hand drawings are by Scrgeant Larry Kellcy, Mmroe County Shcriff's Dc-
Page Five
I I I. Florida City
As an area outside of Monroe County, this segment of our hurricane evacuation offers a unique dependence
upon the actions and good will of the people of Florida City. Representative Ken Sorenson has spoken with the
Mayor who has expressed willingness to help in our hurricane evacuation efforts on this section of the evacua-
tion route that begins at the northern end of the 18 Mile Stretch at the northern end of Card Sound Road and
extends until traffic enters the northbouhd Turnpike.
The highway in Florida City is composed of two lanes southbound and two lanes northbound. Traffic manage-
ment of this segment will call for determining whether or not there is time prior to the beginning of the 200 I
Hurricane Season to complete a few minimal construction projects.
We propose a small bit of construction at both the intersection of Card Sound Road and US I as well as
at the point where US I (the stretch) northbound transitions into a four-lane roadway (Plan A). If the con-
strution is not able to be completed by the 2001 Hurricane Season, then another solution is proposed (Plan B).
A. With minor construction: The current ramp is only capable of ha n-
dling one lane of traffic but with minimum construction the left curb can
be removed allowing 22.5
feet that could be reconfig-
I ured by traffic channeling
I devices to accommodate
two lanes, placing both northbound lanes of traffic directly
onto U.S. 1.
B. Without Construction: The left lane of the two northbound
lanes on Card Sound Road will have to be turned left prior to
the ramp to US I northbound and at the intersection would
then be turned 90 degrees right (north) directly into the in-
side lane of the two northbound lanes at that location-
leaving the outside lane open for the northbound ramp to
feed into.
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This section continued page seven.
Contra-laning in
Florida City
Card Sound Road northbound ramp to US I in Florida City:
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Page Six
US I northbound (the stretch) at the transition to the
f()Ur-lane highway in Florida City
Minimum construction to the southbound lanes
could widen them, allowing them to be reconfigured
so that the northbound lane could be routed directly
into the inside southbound lane for a contra- flow
situation that would continue to the intersection of
Palm Drive (where it would be diverted back into
the northbound lanes).
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Page Seven
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With Construction (A)
B. After the beginning of the median
at the transition of the two-lane high-
way to four lanes, both lanes would
have meld into one and then that lane
diverted by traffic channeling devices
into the inside southbound lane of US
1 creating a contra- flow situation that
would continue to the intersection of
Palm Drive. It would then be diverted
back into the northbound lanes.
IV. Card Sound Road
In order to provide lane continuity for the three northbound lanes that will be emerging from Key Largo at m.m. 106,3, Card
Sound Road will be one-wayed during this type of emergency event. While Card Sound Road's two lanes can easily be utilized
for two northbound lanes by one-waying this route, there are traffic management issues associated with both the entrance point
from Key Largo and the egress point in Florida City, which are dealt with in other sections.
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There are two challenges to the one-waying of Card Sound Road, apart
from the entrance/exit issues: I) the intersection of Card Sound Road
and State Road 905 at Ocean Reef and 2) neighborhood entrances onto
the highway.
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For the former, we propose a minimum amount of construction at the
intersection of CR 905 and Card Sound Road at the three-way stop,
We believe that by using only County right of way we could lay an
apron of roadway in the northwest corner of the intersection widening
that point and enabling us to reconfigure the intersection to a curve
without a full stop. The turn will not be a wide curve but will enhance
the traffic flow through the intersection. We will need 40 traffic chan-
neling devices for this procedure. 2 warning signs will be necessary at
this location. Below are drawings A (with this minimal construction)
and 8 (if this construction is not possible prior to the beginning of the
200 I hurricane season).
For the latter, prior to any emergency situation, residents in neighbor-
hoods along CR905 will be advised that during emergency evacuation,
Ocean Reef Intersection A when CR905 becomes two lanes one way northbound, there will be a
traffic channeling devise posted in their neighborhood roadway advis-
ing of this situation. It should be noted that when CR905 is two-lanes
one way northbound, any vehicle approaching from side streets will
immediately see no possibility of traveling southbound on CR905 due to the amount of traffic occupying both lanes in the same
The existing Toll-Booth facility has wide enough lanes at the present
time to carry regular traffic but we recommend reconstruction in the
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Resources: Additional signage to that detailed above will be needed,
detailed below.
"No Right Turn" Signs needed at the following intersections: Circle
K, Reef Drive, and Florida Rock & Sand.
"Right Turn Only" needed at CR905 Southbound from Ocean Reef
"No Left Turn" signs needed at the following intersections: Loquat,
Gulfstream, Ocean and Palm Drives, Valois Boulevard, and
Carysfort Circle North and South.
Total Signs: 7 "No Left Turn," 3 "No Right Turn," I "Right
Turn Only,"
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Ocean Reef Intersection B
Page Eight
V. Mile Marker 105 - 106.3
This brief section offour-Iane road (two southbound, one northbound) prior to the beginnings of the IBM i Ie Stretch and Card
Sound/State Road 905, can be contra-laned to accommodate one southbound lane and three northbound lanes, one of which will
continue northward on the) 8 Mile Stretch, two of which will continued northward on the two lanes of Card Sound Road,
At Taylor Drive, the inside northbound lane flf US I would be di verted using traffic channeling devices into the insde
southbound lane creating a contra-flow situation. This would continue to the intersection of US I and CR 905 where that lane
would be transitioned to the northbound lane of US I continuing on the stretch.
I"''''''/; . [.. ~l -
111,111, 105
(rJ l
RESOURCES requiredfor traffic management:
A total of 212 traffic channeling devices will be needed to complete this tran-
sition. 4 signs warning of and instructing drivers in the transition will also be
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Trafficflow will be the same with or
without construction. The difference
will be that the right lane going
northbound to CR905 (above) will be
on improved roadway with construc-
tion, but, without construction, would
be partially on gravel shoulder,
Page Nine
VI. Conclusions
In an effort to reduce Monroe County hurricane evacuation clearance times, Monroe County, the various Monroe County mu-
nicipalities, the Monroe County Sheriffs Department and the Monroe County Division of Public Safety are prepared to commit
to this plan and to have the resources and manpower in place to deal with such severe storm conditions prior to the commencc-
mcnt of thc 200 I Hurricane Season,
George Neugent, Mayor, Monroe County
Jim Mooney, Mayor, Islamorada
Ed Sheahan, Mayor, Key Colony Beach
Jimmy Weekley, Mayor, Key West
Carol MacLaren, Mayor, Layton
Bob Miller, Mayor, Marathon
Rick Roth, Sheriff, Monroe County
Reggie Paros, Division Director, Public Safety
Page Ten
VII. Notes and Appendices
Note One: Each hour of evacuation clearance time equates to 2228 building permits, as a result of the fo 1-
lowing equation: Total # of vehicles evacuating the keys divided by # of hours required for evacuation d i-
vided by # of evacuating vehicles assumed per residence.
Additional information: In latter years, 307 permits have been released per year in Monroe County. Permits
allowed to be released for unincorporated Monroe, Marathon and Islamorada per year: 204. While KCB and
Layton are technically subject to ROGO, there has not been a number limit placed on those municipalities.
Typically they release 14 and 2 permits respectively per year. Key West is allotted 81 per year. Ocean Reef,
which is currently not subject to RaGa, releases an average of 6 permits per year.
Note that materials utilized in the preparation of this document include the Technical Memorandum from
Don Lewis, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., "Findings of Work Regarding an Update of the Decem-
ber 1991 Hurricane Evacuation Analysis of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan," March 7, 1995, as
well as the 2nd Draft of the 2000 Miller Hurricane Evacuation Report. Copies of these documents may be
obtained upon request.
Tuesday, February 13, 2001 5:51 AM
zz-County Commisioners and Aides; zz-County Administrator
Some changes to the Interim Traffic Control Plan you already have...
Page One:
New Title
opage 10&11: New pages provided by Dave Koppel concerning the actual traffic channelization markers. More
information to follow.
Page 12: Added a couple of signature lines and an "out" clause for any government. I'm asking for approval for the
interim plan until the long-term projects are in place, BUT there is now an out-clause for the first quarter of each year
which met Key West's concern.
Page 1
designed to create a clearance time
of less than 24 hours for the 2001 Hurricane Season
under Category 3-5 hurricane conditions described in the
Miller Hurricane Evacuation Report
The Board of Monroe County Commissioners
in conjunction with
The Monroe County Sheriff's Department
490 63rd St. Ocean, Suite #110, Marathon, FL 3350
Phone: 305-289-6000, Fax: 305-289-6306, Email:
Specifics on type of Traffic Channelization Markers and time/resources required for implementation:
After much review, we are recommending a product manufactured by Impact Recovery Systems, Inc. It is a
flexible reflective delineator on a portable weighted base. It consists of three basic components: 1) 42" reflec-
tive delineator post (product #DP42, $6.90), 2) Spring assembly (product #110, $15.38), and 3) Portable Base
(product #P 103, $34.69). We have a sample in our office for review. The device assembles in seconds, which
means we do not have to assemble it in advance. This in turn means we can carry more units on our truck and
eliminates the need to make multiple trips for reloading. Also, less space is needed to store the devices when
not in use.
The channelizing device that we have selected can be impacted repeatedly and run over with little damage or
movement. Its spring assembly will allow the delineator to rebound to its original position without getting de-
The installation of portable channel markers will require a team of four individuals per row of markers plus a
driver. The person assembling the markers on a truck will pass the assembled channel marker to another who
then drops it from the truck. A third individual walking behind the truck positions it on the roadway. A fourth
person can assist where needed. If two rows of markers are required then four additional workers can be used.
Due to the need to individually position these 30 pound markers production will be slow. We estimate that the
markers can be installed at the rate of 1.5 MPH. Additional time is required for setting up detours at intersec-
tions, changes in alignment, and travel to the site.
The following chart identifies the resources needed by location.
C905/Card Sound Rd.
Florida City
# of
channel markers
8956.75 hr
# of
time of
1.5 hr
0.75 hr
1.5 hr
Monroe Co.
Monroe Co.
Florida City
A permanent installation of channel marker bases imbedded in the pavement would cut personnel requirements
in half.
Each channel marker has a base that measures 14 W' x 34 W' x 2" and weighs 30 Ibs. The delineator is 2 W' in
diameter x 42" in height. To determine how many channel markers can be transported on a truck we calculate
the volume of space needed for the channel marker and the amount of space available on the truck. The vo 1-
ume of the channel marker (base and delineator) is 0.73 cubic feet.
The size of our trucks are as follows:
89 Y/' wide, 168 Y2" long, 26" high to tailgate, 48" high on sidewalls, less a notch 26" wide by 13 Y2" long.
The volume up to the top of the tailgate is 222 cubic feet. Since the sidewalls are 48" high additional channel
markers can fit in the truck. For safety reasons we will keep five feet away from the tailgate when stacking
above the tailgate. Therefore, an additional 123 cubic feet is available, making the total storage of the truck
Page Ten
345 cubic feet. Since each channel marker is 0.73 cubic feet then 472 channel markers can fit on a truck.
Therefore, two trucks will be required to implement all locations simultaneously. As an alternative, the County
may desire to lease trucks (like U Haul) and have those vehicles already loaded with the channel markers
starrling ready for any evacuation event.
The cost to purchase the desired channel markers are $56.97 plus shipping. Using $60 per cmnnel marker as
an estimate, and purchasing 1,000 channel markers, yields a cost of $60,000.
Labor, Cost and Resources Associated with the additional of signage:
Page Eleven
VI. Conclusions
In an effort to reduce Monroe County hurricane evacuation clearance times, Monroe County, the various Monroe County mu-
nicipalities, the Monroe County Sheriff's Department and the Monroe County Division of Public Safety are prepared to commit
to this plan and to have the resources and manpower in place to deal with such severe storm conditions prior to the commence-
ment of the 200 I Hurricane Season.
Each municipal government, the office of the Sheriff and Monroe County's Public Safety Division will be offered the opportu-
nity to suggest changes to this plan or withdraw their support in the first quarter of every year until such time as the long-term
evacuation improvement projects have been completed, at which time this plan will no longer be appropriate.
George Neugent, Mayor, Monroe County
Jim Mooney, Mayor, Islamorada
Ed Sheahan, Mayor, Key Colony Beach
Jimmy Weekley, Mayor, Key West
Carol MacLaren, Mayor, Layton
Bob Miller, Mayor, Marathon
Rick Roth, Sheriff, Monroe County
Reggie Paros, Division Director, Public Safety
Johnny Martinez, Florida Dept. of Transportation
Florida Highway Patrol
Page Twelve
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County
Section 1:
That the county of Monroe hereby commits to work with the
municipalities in Monroe County to develop a temporary hurricane evacuation plan by
May 7, 2001 and to review this plan on an annual basis until a decision on a more
permanent solution is made by the State of Florida. and further;
Section 2: That this plan development group be composed of William A. Wagner, Jr.,
Director of Emergency Management, the Sheriffs Office, the County Engineer, and a
representative from each of the municipalities.