Item 1
SEP 05'02
WHEREAS. tile P....ident Of the United States has 155U8d a Proclamation declaring "National Days of
prayer and RemembranC&" to commerx:e at 8undown on Fliday, $eJl4ember ~ until sundown on Sundar.
September Bill; and
WHEREAS,the President has called on ai, Americans to $tand in faith With the grieving families and friends
of those who dIed and cherysh with them IIle memory of those who POriS~: and
WHEREAS, the President ha$!lat FodenIJ FIag$ fly at half-starr on Sep\embet' 1" 2002 and has
requested that all Americans 1Iy their flag, at half-lital'f; Bnd
WHEREAS, a I9JUvernlted spirit of unity has swept 8CfOSs our Counby al> a result of the tragic events of
September 11. 2001 In Which Our Nation tost $0 ~ny innocent fiveI'; at the hands of terl'O(lsts; and
WHEREAS, our glllV8lo$s has served to 8Ir8ngthen our belief that elfery human being 1'18$ Ii ri9ht to live
frttety and without fear; and
WHEREAS. all Americans ehoukl give thanks for the freedom and prO$perIty which our Nation and state
enjoys and to pray for the continued guidance and comfort which God has graciously bestowed upon this great
WHEREAS, the citizen. of Mortroe County, FlOOds hereby join together 8S people of mllny faiths and walks
Of lits, eacl'l in hIs or her own manner, to llhSl'1lIn the unity of the hearts of all ,"!nkind, and
WHEREAS. on Septemb4tr 11111, 2002 Amerlcllna across the Nal/on wll/ PIOU(//y f!your Nalion'B Symbol of
unity and freedom and jUllbee for an ~ the f"IIlJ 04 the United State. of America - at haIt-aIBff to prOClaim our lInity
III a Nation In honor and remembrance of those Whose lives were tragically taken from UI al the handc of tho..
Willing to ll8CIific:e ItleIr fiWlS to strip great Nalion of Its faith in humanity and the freedom and Iibertiea we
NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the power vealed in me II'; Mayor of Monroe County, Florida, I,
.. CHARLES 'SONNY" MCCOy, do tJentby proclaim Friday, September 6, 2002 through SUnday, September 0, 2002
and flt&pectfuJIy ask all Citizens of Monroe County, Florida to remember, ttll'OIIgh prayer, the tragic events that 8hook
the heart of our Nation on September 11,2001 and to proudly and re\'mvntly fly the FIllg of the United Statea of
Ameri~ fit half-.staff thmtlghotll Monroe COI!llty on September 11, 2002 to proclllim the unity of the people of OUr
greal N,lIon In honoring ....ose who peristlecl on thill tr&gle day In America, to pray fot those who grieve for the
Innocent livlls lost and to give thanks for God& endUring ble6sings on our land. W. pray that God Will oontinlJ& to
f'- direct the paths of our 9~t Nallon in the days and years ahead and give u& the GtAlngth and fortitud8 to remllin
united 11'1 Our steadfast pursuit of freedom and liberty fOl ~I.
DAlEO this _ <lily 0' September. 2002.
"Third Generation Conch"
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9:59 No.OOl P.02