Item B2 HU~ c:.f Uc:. UO:c:..:Sp ~omm~55~oner ~~menez l.:SU:lJ e:tj~-b:.:lUb p.e: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDATIEMSUMMARY Meeting Date: September 4. 2002 Division: BOCC Bulkltem: Yes No XX Department: Cornm. Bert Jimenez AGENDA ITEM WORDING; Proposal to require retirees to contribute to their health insurance premium costs a monthly amount equal to the Florida Retirement System subsidy paid to employees who have retired with 20 years of service. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County sends to Florida Retirement System a subsidy to defray health insurance, which the retirees are presently keeping. lbis subsidy equals $5.00 per month per year served. An employee who retired with 10 years of service receives $SO/month subsidy. For 20 years service the subsidy is SIOO/month; for 30 years, SI50/month. This proposal would require retirees who have served the least to contribute the $50 subsidy (originally paid into FRS by the county) plus $50 of their own funds. Retirees with 20 years of service would contribute the full $100 tbey receive, and those with 30 years service would keep $50 of their $150/month subsidy. It is estimated that this will reduce expenses by $314,400. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGF.TF.D: Yes No XX COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year DMSION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DOCUMENT AnON: Included XX To Follow_ Not Required _ AGENDA ITEM # BL DISPOSITION: Revised 2/27/01 II'-A& 11-' VII- VV. ~""r- "~U.:JI "D"-O~UD ,....., PROPOSAL: to require county retirees to conm'bute to their health insunmcc costs a monthly amount equal to the FRS subsidy paid to employees who retired after working 20 years for 1he county. BACKGROUND: Since 1988, retirees receive free health insurance. This is not an entitlement. but rather a decision that can be rescinded at any rime. At the time this decision was originally made, there were 12 retirees. That number has grown to 262. In addition, the county sends to Florida Retirement System a subsidy to defi'ay health insurance, which the retirees are presently keeping. This subsidy equals $5.00 per month per year served. An employee who retired with 10 years of service receives SSO/montb subsidy. For 20 years service the subsidy is Sloo/month; for 30 years, $J50Imonth. This proposal would require retirees who bave served the least to contnbute the $50 subsidy (originally paid into FRS by the county) plus $SO of their own funds. Retirees with 20 years of service would contribute the full $100 they receive, and those with 30 years service would keep $50 of their S1501month subsidy. It is estimated that this will offset budget increases by $314,400. , Proposal Annual Annual I Annual i Savings (I) Savings (II) ,Savings (III) A Adiust Rate for Dependent coverage 191,9561 191.956 191 ,956 8 !MandatoTv Generic Program 36,000 36,000 36,000 C ; 1. Change co-pay from 801201 to 70/30 400,000 2. Change co-pay from 801201 to 75/25 ." n. 200,000 3. Keep co-pav at 80120, charge retirees 314,400 0 Eliminate Dental and VISion 690,0001 690,000 690,000 ,Total savings 1.317,956 1.117.956 1.232.356 Plan III incorporates keepin~ employees coveraee at 80120. which is apparently highly desin:d by our workforce, together with achieving substantial ad valorem tax rcductign., at the expense of charging retirees. However, (a) retirees were not promised free health care in perpetuity, and (b) it is still It great benefit to acquire health insllf'llJlCe allhese low rates of SIOO1month. ~l1y when some or all of that premium is subsidized.