Item D BOARl> OF COUIITY COMMISSlOIlERS AGENDA ITEM sUMMARY .eetiDe Date: 9/11/02 DIvision: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes Ko X De,.nment: Solid Wute .."..gement AGEtmA ITEM WORDING: PUBLIC BEARING regarcUng the proposed Fiscal Year 2003 Residential Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Rates. ITEM BACKGR01JRD: The total tentatlYe rates for F1acal Year 2003 reflect no ta.creaae over Pisca1 Year 2002. PREVIOUS REVELAIIT BOCC ACTlOK: Approval of Tentative Rates on 7/17/02 COKTRACT/AGRB~1DIfT CHARGES: KIA STAFF RECO~KDATION8: NO ACTIO. REOtTlRZD. TOTAL COST: If/A BUDGETED: Yes Ko Based on the approval Oitile ptOposed I'iaca1 Year 2003 Budget. COST TO COUlfTY: I1A RBVBIIUE PRODUCIlfG: Yes JL 110 _ AMOUlfT PER MORTB_Year .7,200,000 APPROVED BY: CouIltJ Atty ~ OJDJIOS1ftU ...,....-at ., A 1TBII PREPARED BY: ~~ · Carol A. Cobb, Sr. Adptlnl.trator SOlid waste .....cement ~Y3Mtf{)~~ Dent Pierce DMSION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCU1IERTATIOR: Included X (Resolution '271-2002 adopted 7/20/01) AGENDA ITEM f 1) DISPOSITION: Revlse42/27/01 ImSOLUTION NO. 271 - 2002 A ImSOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE ImSIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING RATES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002 - 2003 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby adopts the following tentative rates for Collection of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $117.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $117.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $117.00 per annum. Section 2. The Board hereby adopts the following tentative rates for Disposal of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $134.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $134.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $134.00 per annum. Section 3. The Board hereby adopts the following tentative rates for Recycling of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $41.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $41.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $41.00 per annum. Section 4. The total tentative rates for FY 2002/2003 are: 1. For each single family home - $292.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $292.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $292.00 per annum. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of July A.D. 2002. Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Jimenez Commissioner Nelson yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COU Y, FLORIDA By: -', -,.' :li L L,'I' . I ,,~. , \: ~ " :l: o 0 z )> ~nz .z rrl=" _.c. 0' r- an. C::;o~ z. 0 -in. :<,....c:I: ')> ." C') · rtl !> BY ~ANNE /I~~~ DATe ~ I ,...;) c:::I c::::> r-..;) L. c:: , <..> " r f'T1 o " C) ::::0 ::::0 rrl (""') C) ::::0 o x- '3: C> .c- U"