Resolution 146-2007 0 D In UJ << L: .. ':':J -' 0 - <( u_ <-) ~~~ ~~ ~ l.'~,: 2: (~: CL -~J ,_,,:':::'::: i.-.._ - -..:::=;, c:.::. In .(..)0 (.,_. N .-1 .0 ~ ':l:::W c;, Cr:: "---1 W Cl... ::,0::(.)0 <C Z ex: -, ,... <::( Z u_ <:0 Cl 0 =0 ::c ..... James K. CaDahan Fire Rescue RESOLUTION NO. 146 -2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EMS COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION AND RELATED REQUEST FOR GRANT FUND DISTRIBUTION TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, BUREAU OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WHEREAS, an EMS County Grant will continue to upgrade and enhance Monroe County Fire Rescue's reporting system; will continue education to staff to improve the County's fire rescue services; and will improve the County's fire rescue services and area municipal fife rescue systems with updated medical equipment; and therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: I. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an EMS County Grant Application and related Request for Grant Fund Distribution to the State of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, and copies ofsarne being attached hereto. 2. The monies from the EMS County Grant will continue to upgrade and enhance Monroe County Fire Rescue's reporting system; will continue education to staff to improve the County's fife rescue services; and will improve the County's fire rescue services and area municipal fire rescue systems with updated medical equipment. 3. The grant monies will not be used to supplant existing County EMS budget allocations. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of April ,2007. Mayor Di Gennaro Yes Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Yes Commissioner Neugent Yes Commissioner McCoy Yes Commissioner Murphy Yes /;::;-::;:-!.:,-~, r~~':.. ~.;;<::"".!.:'.'~/~~ ,:,j/.,O'_;',.'''- \\_ -:-\1~-- ~}>:~'~ // / C 1'\13' ;"Il i' "I. \. l>.';,. .,C,t . '. . '~{: · ~~ -l .,(SE~A( ".;} '.~ #L. "',,~---;~:-::f .~~>~:~jfl" B. By: ERS MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY A~SI~~jt THIA L. HAL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date 3-a3-o+ Mcm~ COODIty Oarilt' 1!"Mm__ fl v.,,~ Origb~? FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF' HEALT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES EMS COUNTY GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION PACKET 3:: ~ 0 <:::> = :::! ::: :l> -- :0 ;}': <:- 1- o\)-..~ ~ iT! r"l- fTlA-< c;; (""). l~ -" On. N C) fi ?C;?; :0 ;! ~H~~ ". ;J,) :x j"tl -" .,.c.. '9 c') r- c;. a :l> rq .&:- ::::J 0 0 Revised: June 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Description of Program County Grant Process Application Request for Grant Fund Distribution EMS Grant Program Change Request EMS Grant Program Expenditure Report General Conditions and Requirements Financial Rollovers Disallowed Expenditures Vehicles and Equipment Transfer of Property Requests for Change Supplanting Funds Deposit of Funds Reports Grant Signature Records Final Reports Communications Equipment Expenditures Credit Statement Financial and Compliance Audit Requirements State Funded Submission of Audit Reports Records Retention 1 1 3 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is authorized by Chapter 401, Part II, F. S., to dispense grant funds. Forty-five (45) percent of these funds are made available to the 67 boards of county commissioners (BCCs) to improve and expand prehospital EMS systems in their county. On-going costs for EMS and replacement of equipment cannot be funded under this grant program. These costs remain the responsibility of the counties and EMS agencies and organizations. ELIGIBILITY: EMS County grants are awarded only to BCCs. However, each BCCs is encouraged to assess its countywide EMS needs and establish priorities before submitting a grant application. The assessment should be coordinated with area EMS councils, when available. COUNTY GRANT PROCESS APPLICATION FORM: BCCs must copv and complete the form titled "EMS County Grant Application, DH Form 1684, June 2002". The BCCs will return the county grant application and resolution ( item 5 on the application) to the department. NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD: The Department shall send a Notice of Grant Award letter to the BCCs. This is the BCCs official notice that its grant application has been approved for funding. The letter and its attachments will include the amount of the award, the beginning and ending dates of the grant, due dates for required reports, the approved budget, and additional grant conditions, if any. APPLICATION SUBMISSION: The BCCs must submit: 1. A completed application (DH Form 1684, June 2002) with original signatures of the authorized county official. 2. A county resolution certifying the EMS county grant funds received shall be used to improve and expand prehospital EMS and that the funds will not be used to supplant existing county EMS budget allocations (item 4 in the application). A complete EMS County Grant packet consists of the above two items. No cODies are required. Mail the application to: County Grant Emergency Medical Services 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C18 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1738 Retain this application packet because it contains the grant conditions and requirements, and other information and forms needed. 2 EMS COUNTY GRANT ApPLlCA TlON RECEIVED DOH - EMS FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH Bureau of Emergency Medical Services 2001 APR 21 P 3: 05 Complete all items ID. Code (The State Bureau of EMS will assign the ID Code -leave this blank) c6o&.l'i 140 VF~ 749 2. Certification: (The applicant signatory who has authority to sign contracts, grants, and other legal documents for the county) I certify that ail information and data in this EMS county grant application and its attachments are tr e and correct. My sig ure ackn edgl;!sat"jd assures that the County shail comply fuily with t 0 s outlined in lo'dCounty.G~ant Application. "PR 1 8 2007 &~ I ~~ Printed me: Position Title: ay-to-day basis and has rson is authorized to sign project contact person may be the same.) 3. Contact Person: (The individual with dired.khQWili responsibility for the implementation of the grant~. ~ reports and may request project changes. The sigrtej,; Name: James K. Callahan Position Title: ct1ng 1re 1e D1v1s1on Address: 9 3rd St., Suite 1 Marathon, FL 33050 Dlrector Tele hone: (000)000.0000305-289-6004 E-mail Address: abcdefg@Zyx.coreallahan Fax Number: (000) ODD-DODO 305-289-6336 fl. ov 4. Resolution: Attach a current resolution from the Board of County Commissioners certifying the grant funds will improve and expand the county pre-hospital EMS system and will not be used to supplant current levels of county expenditures. 5. Budget: Complete a budget page(s) for each organization to which you shail provide funds. List the organization(s) below. (Use additional pages if necessary) Monroe County Fire Rescue (MCFR) DH Form 1684, Rev. June 2002 3 MONROE CI iUNTY ATTORNEY Af~A~T~: CYNTHIA L. ALL ASSISTANT C,SWNTY ATTORNEY Date ~_::.iL..Of- BUDGET PAGE MCFR A Salaries and Benefits: For each position title, provide the amount of salary per hour, FICA per hour, other fringe benefits, and the total number of hours. Amount TOTAL Salaries TOTAL FICA Grand total Salaries and FICA B. Expenses: These are travei costs and the usual, ordinary, and incidental expenditures by an agency, such as, commodities and supplies of a consumable nature excludinq expenditures classified as 0 eratin ca ital outla see next cate 0 List the item and, if applicable, the quantity Amount to Rural EMS Provider Meetings and State DOH ee ngs $ 6,585.25 0 umrnl s for electronic re ort- 9,540.00 Travel and misc. ex enditure for u rade of & new 0 OTAL $ C. Vehicles, equipment, and other operating capital outlay means equipment, fixtures, and other tangible personal property of a non consumable and non expendable nature with a normal expected life of one (1) year or more. Listthe item and, if applicable, the quantity Amount Enhancements & replacement equip. for pen-based EMS paClenc care reporting system WhlCh includes but is .. ,. . , . . ~ , "0 , software, Toughbook CF19 Notebook computers vehicl power adaptors, batteries, wireless adaptors $68,347.52 '0 t' "J-.- .cue ma1' auu 5rlu uOOKS lO"UU.uu "Braslow" Bags for each rescue unit for MCFR & couney Wlue 12,600.00 TOTAL $ Q7847.')} Grand Total $124,622.77 ** DH Form 1684, Rev. June 2002 ** $124,622.77; Break down is as follows: Includes roll-over funds in the amount of $67,504.77 ($64,782.38 with accrued interest of $2,722.39 through Sept. 30, 2006), and FY2007 anticipated share of $57,118.00 which equals a TOTAL OF $124,622.77. 4 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH EMS GRANT PROGRAM DOli - EMS ZOOl APR 2l P 3: 05 REQUEST FOR GRANT FUND DISTRIBUTION In accordance with the provisions of Section 401.113(2)(a), F. S., the undersigned hereby requests an EMS grant fund distribution for the improvement and expansion of pre-hospital EMS. DOH Remit Pavment To: Name of Agency: Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, FL Mailing Address: 490 63rd St., Suite 140 Marathon, FL 33050 Federalldentific~~D ~oo-~ Authorized Offici : ~ Signature ' APR 1 8 Z007 Date Mario Di Gennaro. M,gyor ':'=:':::':.::;;.-:.:.~,." Type Name and TitlE("--,':~~::~:~>~.'_"_"~~ Sign and return this page with your applicaUori to: .\ .>}.;?\,:4,. \, \ ,;:~~~ 1\, '- :',:, :- Florida Department of Health . . BEMS Grant Program . 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C18"- Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1738 . Do not write below this line. For use by Bureau of Emergency Medical Services personnel only Grant Amount For State To Pay: $ 57. Ill!, ()7J ApprovedBy: ~/~/~ Signature of EMS Grant Officer Grant 10: Code: C'OL/ L{ ~~to/ State Fiscal Year: 2c '" l.c 0 7 Oraanization Code 64,2&-80-00-000 IIl-Je Federal Tax 10: E.O. OCA oN:: 05 ~J2QQQ Sf6aS VF x...!'_C!..t:?.~Z'f....1 O~ct Code 7 ""()(> Grant Beginning Date: October 1, 20eG Grant Ending Date: September 30, 2. Oc 7 DH Form 1767P. Rev. June 2002 5 Charlie Crist Governor Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.P.H. Secretary of Health May 14, 2007 The Honorable Mario Di Gennaro Mayor Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 Marathon, FL 33050 Dear Mayor Di Gennaro: It gives me great pleasure to inform you the Monroe County has been awarded an emergency medical services (EMS) county grant, number C6044, in the amount of $57,118.00. The grant is for improving and enhancing prehospital emergency medical services. We have submitted a request for the release of these funds to our disbursements office. The funds should be received within the next 30 days. The grant ends September 30, 2007. The first expenditure and activity reports are due by July 1, 2007. The final expenditure and activity reports are due by December 1, 2007. Your signed grant application acknowledges that you have read, understand, and will comply fully with the terms and conditions as outlined in the "Florida EMS County Grant Program Application Packet, June 2002." Thank you for your continued support and involvement in improving and expanding the prehospital EMS system. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Mr. Ed Wilson, Program Administrator in the Bureau of EMS, at (850) 245-4440, extension 2737, or Mr. Alan Van Lewen, Health Services and Facilities Consultant in the Bureau of EMS, at (850) 245-4440, extension 2734. Sincerely, dpO--.,.) ~ L6"'1 aM. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.P.H. ecretary of Health AMVR/ew cc: Mr. James K. Callahan, Director Office of the Secretary 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin AOO. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1701 FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLD SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT NO 64-202192002-64200800-00-05999800 640000 80 D7000750403 7500 05/31/07 1487310 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 57,118.00 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT OEVICE DO NOT CASH I"II",II,II""I,I,II"",II,I,I",JJ"",II"I,I,I,1",11,1 MONROE COUNTY 490 63RD ST OCEAN STE 150 MARATHON FL 33050 AGENCY DOCUMENT NO V025157 PLEASE OIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (85D) 245-4502, HQ, ACCOUNTING - LYNN ROBINSON VENOORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.OBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT C6044 $ 57.118.00 GO~~ DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT II: I,. ::1'......,. .I::A III: I.......H.J 1<1, I. .I::t ,'a.:,- ,,__.w I<IH. .,.1::2.. ;,.., Ii ~<j,jj 'lil,' i. ......'lI;J IIltJ.;1 fJ 1110] I,' [0.. ',I' 1_.:11..' ~ ~ ::r'1'..;1.~ 111.1 . . .II.. :1"'111111: 1::1 ,'111111 FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE SWaN ADN OBJECT DATE WARRANT NO 63-1012 a"" "d.''- 64-202192oo2-642009oo-00-05B998oo 07000750403 V025157 7500 05/31/07 74-1487310-0 .",- alJ~J~\\~(;:s\j OLO 640000 SITE 80 CONTACT (850) 241".02 FOR PAYMENT QUESTIONS VOID AFTER 12 MONTHS STATE OF FLORIDA 4-03 E' ;, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES PAY FIFTY-SEVEN-THOUSAND-ONE-HUNDRED-EIGHTEEN & 00/100 DOLLARS AMOUNT 1'****57,118.00 I EXPENSE WARRANT TO THE ORDER OF MONROE COUNTY 490 63RD ST OCEAN STE 150 MARATHON FL 33050 1"11",11,11,..,1,1,11"",11,1,1".11",,,11..1.1,1.1",11.1 TO: DIVISION OF TREASURY ~ ~"AHASSEE ALEX SINK, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER II' 7.. ~"8 7:1 ~OOIl' ':01:.:12 ~O ~ 251: 207"1"1005" 5 2 2 511'