Resolution 093-2007 RESOLUTION NO. 093 - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO ESTABUSH CLINICAL FEES FOR PRIMARY CARE SERVICES OFFERED AT THE MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED lIT.1U:TO AND MADE A PART OF THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, F. S. 154.01(2) requires counties to establish and maintain full-time county health dep8Itments to provide environmental health, communicable disease control and primary care servicell; and WHEREAS, F.S. 154.01(3) requires the Department of Health to enter into contracts with countie,s for this purpose; and WHEREAS, on January 17, 2007, the Board apprpved the annual core contract between the Monroe County and the Florida Department of Health for public health services; and WHEREAS, F. S. 154.06(1) authorizes each county and each county health department to collect feelS for primary care services rendered through the county health departments provided that a schedule of such fees is established by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners or by rule of'the department; and WHEREAS, F.S. 154.06(2) requires all funds collected under this section to be expended solely for the purpose of providing health services and facilities within the county served by the county health department and pursuant to the rules and regulations cited therein and pursuant to all other applicable rules and regulations; and WHEREAS, on September 21, 2005, the Board previously approved a resolution authorizing Ithe Monroe County Hea1th Department to increase the fees charged for birth and death certifi(:ates (Resolution No. 358-2005), which will remain in effect; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Health Department has indicated the need to establish clinical fees for primary care services offered at the Monroe County Health Departmentas set forth in Exhibit .~.. attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied with the justification provided by the Monroe County Health Deplll1ment; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA; 1. That the Monroe County Health Department shall collect fees for primary care services as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution. 2. The Monroe County Health Department is solely responsible for ensuring effective notice is provided to the general public and other impacted agencies and organizations of the specific service fee increases. 3. The Monroe County Health Department is solely responsible fur ensuring the County's compliance with all financial and transitional rules and regulations, and any other factors that may be impacted by the service fee increases at all levels; local, state and federal. 4. Any prior resolution, ordinance or contract inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. 5. This resolution shall become effective on M/lrch 1, 2007. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 21st day ofFebrualY, AD., 2007. Mayor Mario DiGennaro Mayor Pro Tern Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner Charles "Sonny. McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3: 0 ~ ~ ::0......... 1;_ 0....:;.:: fill _~ "" . n. r- C)('j. .---".. .:._:-:V ;::c. BOARD OF COUNTYCO~ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLO~Ag?, ;;, ~/(J_rz . ~ BY: ~~ Mayor Mario DiGennaro MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY A PROVED AS TO FORM: NATILEENE W. CASSEL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Oele ~-7~O? MONROE COUNTY AHO E EDAST M' S NN A. TON Dot. co~~~ .... => => ..... <- c::: :z: I <XI .." f- !'T1 :,:' -" C) ''0 ;-{J :,', " C> :u Cl ."..,.....~.. '0... .. ".' ,., > ..__....~o_...;_..~..__...,... _..._......"'.......~,~,',...,.,............ '......~.... ....,..... .................._. _..... ,,_'___'...,,'. ........_-....~..._ ,_......_~...,,,.....<_,..... ......_._...~..~~~...,.._...,'.........,"..;;~". _.......'_....,.._ F'EE RESOLUTIONS ~\. PURPOSE. To establish publichealtb~rvice fees in order to expand existing public health services to the community at large. El. PRIMARY CARE SERVICES. ('1) Acute Episodic 'IIIness- Primary care services will be charged on a fee-for- service basis not less than the prevailing Medicaid rate, nor more than the . prevailing Medicare rate. The fee will be derived by considering the type of visit, the cIlentslfding fee group baslld on Federal OMS Guidelines, and the State Medicaid rate. Medicaid Identlflcatlon will be accepted as full payment In lieu of charges. (:!) Family Planning - The fee will be derived by considering the type of visit, the client sfllling fee group based on Federal OMS Guidelines, and the Stale Medicaid rate. Medicaid identification will be accepted as full payment in lieu of charges. (~I) Well Child Services - The fee will be derived by considering the client sliding fee group, which is calculated at eligibility (Ietermlnation based on Federal OMS Guidelines. The fee group will be applied to the rate not less than the prevailing Medicaid rate, nor more than the prevailing Medicaid rate. Medicaid identific;ation will be accepted as fulf payment In lieu of the fee. (4) School/Day Care Physicals - A one-time serVice, $30.00 per physical. (A limited visit which fulfills the basic requirement of the School System or a Day Care Center. Lab tests and/or services perfonned beyond the basic . requirement will be charged for separately.) (5) Pharmacy - Fees are assessed per cost of DrescriDlion Dlus disDensina fee. The fee will be derived by adding $5 dispensing fee plus the cost of prescription. Cost of prescription is the cost of medication plus 0% to 20% to be determined on a sliding fee scale category. The payment will be assessed by considering the client sliding fee group, which is calculated at eligibility determination, based on Federal OMS Guidelines. Medicaid identification will be accepted as full payment In lieu of charges. (6) Women's Health Care - Non Federally funded program for uoinsuredlunderinsured women. A one time fee of $125 to cover complete woman's physical, PAP smear, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV, Chlamydia and Human Papilloma Virus, if indicated. A complimentary follow up visit if required. Lab services and/or other services charged separately. No income verification needed, J 7..rr ......~""-... .. . u.^....._.,'.~,..,_, ."..,_.c-.,........_..,. ,-'-^..... ..... .'...,....""'.,.. . ....~............a.' ,.''"'''''"......... .._--,_..,-._.._." m Lead Screening - The fee will be derived by considering the client sliding fee group which is calculated at englblllty determination, based on Federal OMB Guidelines. The fee group win be applied to the rate llIItablished by the State Medicaid program. Medicaid identification will be accepted as full payment in lieu of charges. (EI) Blood Chemistries Only - Actual Cost plus per visit specimen drawing and handUng fee of (EI) Herpes Culture Test (10) Pregnancy Test - Nurse Consultation Official docume~ion of positive test (11) Pregnancy Test - Teenage Clients (12) Chest X-Ray (13) Hypertension. series of up to fMllests paid at first visit (1.4) Thin-Prep PAP laboratory lest (1!5) HPVTest C. COMMUNITY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES (1) Tuberculoeis X-ray for suspecled. confirmed or Symptomatic contact or case (21 Tuberculosis Skin Test for suspected. confirmed or Symptomatic contact or case (3) Tuberculosis (TB) Sputum Culture for 8uspecled. confirmed, or symptomatic contact of case (4]1 Chest X-ray for health care employees or for vocational or college student program requirements, with Physician intarpretation (5) TuberCulin (TB) Skin Test, with reading $20.00 $30.00 No Charge $10.00 No Charge Medicaid Rate $10.00 $25.00 $25.00 No Charge No Charge No Charge $50.00 $35.00 .......,.""., ..,.. '.' _,~,'..~'_' >."""">........".....,'.~,'..J.~_-_....,"" ..._ ___,,"~',,'. ._ "_'- 'J'..k_~..~'. ..... .~..,-,v_ '"''_''' ..... .. ....',....,~,~..._.~. ~"~"__',..'_.^,~...,.,~,'..:.._~___,__....d..-,"~___.,....,"A.."""'_' ,. ,.....'_....... (I;) Sexually Transmitted Diseases - The fee will be derived by considering the client sliding fee group which is calculated at eligibUity detsnnination, based on Federal OMB Guidelines. The fee group will be applied to the rats established by the state Medicaid Program. Medicaid identification will be accepted as full payment in lieu of charges. Patients referred by the Disease Intervention Specialist for initial testing may be charged. (0) Testing for HIV I AntIbodies (a) For Health Department Clients with eligibility card: For test results within the nonnal time period (State lab per sliding fee scale) No Charge to $20.00 . For Faster test results (within 48 hours) Private lab $40.00 ~)F~p~eMwarenm~~yH~ Department Clients: FOI' test results within the normal time Period (State Lab) For faster test results (withIn 48 hours) Private Lab $20.00 $40.00 (7) Immunizations for adults (such as intemational travel vaccinations, hepatitis prevention, etc.): Flat Fee: Prevailing vaccine costs plus dispensing fee. Dispensing Fee: (8) Required Immunizations for children up to age 18 . $35.00 No Charge (g) laboratory Services Blood Drawing Fee: Prevailing lab cost plus blood drawing $15.00 (HI) ClassfSeminar attendance registration Per person charge for health care, social work and counseling employees, per BCC resolution AIDS 101 AIDS 500 AIDS 501 $ 5.00 $10.00 $50.00 ....--..... ,.......,... ~,""... -"..... ..-..,..'---_~.__.~.~._.'..._...._.............. ..._.... ~',~ ......._._.".. _............._.._,c_..~".",....,...".-'-._-'......_~ ,.._....,_____...._...;._...._..,,,....~..... _._.. VITAL STATlSnCS: (1) Birth Certificates: Fee Pursuant to ace Resolution State Fee Pursuant to Section 382.025. FS (Surcharge fOr Certificates Issued by Local Registrars) State Surcharge, Child Welfare Tralning Trust Fund Total Fee for Birth CertlffC8te8 (:!) Additional Copies (:I) Protective Covers (-<~) Death Certificates - Certified Copy $ 12.00 (fi) Express Fee $ 2.50 $ 1.50 $16.00 $ 7.00 $ 4.00 $ 13.00 $ 10.00 E. MEDICAL RECORDS: (1) Copying Medical Record (per page for f1rst.25 pages) Per page thereafter F. PUBLIC RECORDS: (1) Copying of Public Record (per page) $1.00 25 cents 25 cents