Item C1 M()NRC)E C()UNTY LAND AUTHORITY 120() TRUMM\ A \1.Nlll , Sllll. 207 · Kll WISI, h(JRIDA JJ04() PIIONI (.IO.'i) 29.'i-')lHO · FAX (3()')) 295SIRl MEMORANDUM To: From: James Roberts, County Administrator Mark Rosch, Executive Director M fl---- Monroe County Land Authority Date: January 19, 2001 Subject: Land Authority Agenda Items for January 24,2001 BOCC Special Meeting Please include the following items on the Board of County Commissioners agenda for the above referenced special meeting. LAND AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD 1. Approval of a resolution authorizing a local contribution in the form of a mortgage to subsidize Phase 2 of the Tradewinds Hammocks affordable housing development on Key Largo. CI LAND AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: January 24, 2001 Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: Land Authority Agenda Item Wording: Approval of a resolution authorizing a local contribution in the form of a mortgage to subsidize Phase 2 of the Tradewinds Hammocks affordable housing development on Key Largo. Item Background: The proposed resolution authorizes a zero-interest, 50-year mortgage from the Land Authority in the amount of $924,000 and authorizes the Chairman to sign the corresponding local contribution application form to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) as a subsidy for the 56-unit, multi-family rental affordable housing development on Key Largo known as Tradewinds Hammocks Phase 2. The development site is located next to the Trade Winds Shopping Center and behind Friendship Park on Key Largo. On April 20, 2000 the Board approved a similar resolution providing a $1,089,000 mortgage for Phase 1, which consists of 66 units. Phase 1 has received all local development approvals and is poised to receive over $4.2 million in tax credit and HOME loan funding from the FHFC, subject to a favorable underwriting review. Using the resolution approved for Phase 1 as a base document, the proposed resolution is presented in strike-through and underline format to highlight the proposed changes for Phase 2. See the attached memo for additional information. Advisory Committee Action: The proposed resolution was approved by the Advisory Committee on January 11, 2001 by a 5/0 vote. Previous Governing Board Action: The Board briefly discussed Phase 2 on January 18, 2001. The Board approved funding for Phase 1 on February 28, 2000 and April 20, 2000. Staff Recommendation: To be provided at the meeting. Total Cost: $ 924,000 Budgeted: Yes X No Cost to Land Authority: $ 924,000 . Approved By: Attorney L- Executive Director Approval: OMB/Pur~ ^t' (\~ark J. Rosch Risk Management Documentation: Included: X To Follow: Not Required: Disposition: Agenda Item LA #1 MEMORANDUM TO: Land Authority Governing Board FROM: Mark J. Rosch, Executive Director 01fl ,,----- ... DATE: January 19, 2001 SUBJECT: Phase 2 of Tradewinds Hammocks Affordable Housing Development Tradewinds Hammocks LLC proposes to construct, own, and manage 56 units of affordable rental housing for persons of very low and low income for a period of 50 years in participation with the Florida Housing Finance Corporation's (FHFC) tax credit and HOME loan programs. Tradewinds Hammocks LLC is a limited liability company consisting of MRT of the Florida Keys (Peter Rosasco, Pedro Falcon, and David Tuttle) and Heritage Affordable Development, Inc. (a corporation located in Cocoa Beach specializing in the development of affordable housing). The FHFC is a public corporation created by the Legislature within the Department of Community Affairs. The 14-lot development site in Industrial Acres subdivision consists of 5.57 acres of hammock, disturbed hammock, disturbed land, and mangroves adjoining the Tradewinds Shopping Center on Key Largo. The property is zoned Urban Residential (UR) and Native Area (NA) and is designated Residential High (RH) and Residential Conservation (RC) on the Future Land Use Map. Ordinarily Comprehensive Plan Policy 601.1.14 would prohibit the Land Authority from subsidizing development in hammock areas, but Policy 101.2.4 and Growth Management Administrative Interpretation 99-2 provide an exception for those cases when the development is affordable housing and the property is designated RH on the Future Land Use Map. The proposed resolution calls for a zero-interest mortgage in the amount of $924,000 from the Land Authority for a term of 50 years. The owner proposes that this amount, together with a $74,536 waiver of County impact fees, serve as the local contribution in an application to FHFC for State funding in the form of a $909,636 HOME loan and tax credits in the annual amount of $341,208 for ten years. Although the Land Authority's mortgage exceeds the $250,000 necessary to receive the maximum points for local contribution on the FHFC application for tax credits, the owner's pro forma indicates a subsidy of this amount is necessary to make the project financially feasible. The Land Authority has obtained two appraisals of the land and the proposed $924,000 mortgage does not exceed the property's average appraised value assuming the property has all necessary development approvals for 56 units. The remainder of the project funding would come from a $1,705,585 conventional mortgage and $492,287 in deferred developer's fees, bringing the total project cost to $6,761,854. Prior to funding the project, the FHFC will conduct an independent financial review as part of the underwriting process. Tradewinds Hammocks LLC is a private for-profit developer, which raises the issues of profit and risk. The developer's fee (inclusive of expenses and overhead) for this project is 16%, which is consistent with the limit established by the FHFC requirements. With respect to risk, we have attempted to minimize this issue by releasing the Land Authority's funds in phases, by working with a developer (Heritage Companies) experienced with using tax credits to develop 1 affordable housing in the Keys, and by bringing the funding, structure, and controls of the FHFC into the project. The proposed resolution links disbursement of Land Authority funds to specific milestones in the application and permitting process. Although the County has issued a conditional use approval for Phase 2, several conditions of this approval remain outstanding, such as obtaining 56 ROGO allocations and cesspit credits, securing access to the site, and abandoning a road. Under the proposed resolution, no Land Authority funds will be disbursed until the project is fully approved. If the project is not fully approved by the County within three years, the Land Authority's financial commitment will expire. If the project is fully approved, the Land Authority would disburse $700,000 of the loan, with the $224,000 balance to be disbursed once all other funding is in place and the developer is ready to begin construction. Until the final disbursement, the Land Authority's mortgage would be in first position. Once the other funding sources have been secured, the Land Authority's entire funding would move to third or possibly fourth position. FHFC tax credits have funded other affordable housing developments in the Keys. The Monroe County Housing Authority used tax credits to finance Eastwind Apartments in Marathon. Additionally, the Heritage Companies used tax credits to develop Mariner's Cove Apartments in Key West. Both of these projects were built in the past 10 years, so there is no example in the Keys of tax credit housing that has been in existence for the full 50-year affordability period. The application process for FHFC funding is extremely competitive. In the event the Tradewinds application to FHFC is not successful this year, the proposed resolution would allow the owner one additional funding cycle to secure FHFC funding, failing which title to the property would be conveyed to the Land Authority to allow alternative affordable housing initiatives on the site. In the event the Tradewinds application to FHFC is successful and the housing is built, the FHFC will be responsible for monitoring affordability for the compliance period of 50 years. In order to make the development more competitive in the FHFC ranking process, the developers proposed eliminating the preference for persons displaced by the removal of illegal downstairs enclosures and adding a preference for persons employed in marine-related activities. The Land Authority Advisory Committee considered but took no action on these proposals. Regardless of the success of the FHFC application, the proposed resolution calls for the property secured by the Land Authority mortgage to be permanently restricted for use as affordable housing from the time the first Land Authority funds are released. After 50 years the owner will have no further obligation to FHFC, however the Land Authority's deed restriction will remain in place indefinitely. The Land Authority's deed restriction would not guarantee the condition or even the existence of housing after the 50-year FHFC period absent additional public subsidies at that time, but it would preclude the owner from using the property for purposes other than affordable housing. Funding for the proposed $924,000 Land Authority mortgage would come from the Land Authority's local funds reserved for acquisitions in the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. This fund has a current unencumbered balance of approximately $3.4 million. 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY APPROVING A MORTGAGE AGREEMENT AND PROMISSORY NOTE FOR USE WITH TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS, LTD. (PHASE 2) TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE THE ASSOCIATED FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION APPLICATION FORM. WHEREAS, section 380.0666(3), Florida Statutes (FS) and section 9.3-2, Monroe County Code, empower the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority (hereinafter "Land Authority") to acquire an interest in real property for the purpose of providing affordable housing to very low, low, or moderate income persons as defined in section 420.0004, FS, where said acquisitions are consistent with a comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to Chapter 380, FS; and WHEREAS, MRT of the Florida Keys, L.L.C., a limited liability company and Heritage ~ HObl~ing Affordable Development, Inc., a Florida corporation, propose to form Tradewinds Hammocks, ~ LLC, a limited p:<lrtnQr"hip liability company (hereinafter "Owner") for the purpose of constructing, owning, and operating GG 56 units of affordable rental housing known as Phase 2 of Tradewinds Hammocks (hereinafter "housing development") on Key Largo to provide housing for persons of very low and low incomes for a period of 50 years; and WHEREAS, in order to finance the $7,55Q,eQg $6,761,854 total cost of the housing development, the Owner proposes to apply on M~rch a, 2000 February 26, 2001 for tax credits and a HOME loan from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (hereinafter "FHFC"), a public corporation created within the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to section 420.504, FS; and WHEREAS, the application process for the FHFC tax credit program is highly competitive and awards maximum points to those applicants providing a local contribution in the amount of $500,000 $250,000 or ~ 10% of the total project cost ($177,Qa5 $676,185), whichever is less; and WHEREAS, the Owner states that it is necessary to receive subsidies in the form of a $1 ,OSQ,OOO $924,000 mortgage loan from the Land Authority and $a7,a4e $74,536 in impact fee waivers from Monroe County in order to make this project financially feasible; and WHEREAS, the Land Authority Advisory Committee considered this proposal at a meeting held M~rch 22, 2000 January 11, 2001 and voted 5/0 to recommend approval of the loan subject to the requirements contained in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board wishes to approve the Advisory Committee's recommendations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY: Page 1 of 3 ~~_c;tlon 1 Effective immediately, the Land Authority Chairman IS authorized to sign the applicable FHFC form Form 5, P:Jgg 7 of 10, indicating a local government contribution in -the for-m-of a zero-Intere-st, 50-year loan in the amount of ~ 1, OElQ, 000 ~924, OQQ in support of the Owner's application to FHFC for a HOME loan in the amount of$2,QOO,OOO $909,636 and tax credits in the annual amount of ~ 16Q ,232 $341,208 for ten years for the housing dev-e1opment. Section 2 On gr ~bOblt M:Jr<:h 31, 2000, the Land Authority Executive Director is authorized to disburse ~Q:n,ooo $700,000 to the Owner provided all of the following conditions have been satisfied, a) The Owner has provided to the Land Authority a copy of the completed application for tax credits and a HOME loan and proof that the Owner submitted said application to FHFC by the M~rch 6, 2000 February 26, 2001 application deadline. b) The Monroe County Planning Director has provided notice that the66 unit 56-unit affordable housing project on Tr~ct E Lots 1-14 as described in Attachment A has been fully approved for development, including the granting of 56 ROGO allocation and 56 cesspit credits. c) The Land Authority's legal counsel has provided notice that the Owner has executed in favor of the Land Authority a zero-interest, 50-year first mortgage agreement and promissory note for the amount of $Q33,OOO $700,000 encumbering the property described in Attachment A (~Il of Tr~ct E Lots 1-14). In the event FHFC has not awarded the tax credit and HOME loan commitment by the conclusion of two application cycles, beginning with the M~r~h El, 2000 February 26, 2001 cycle, the Owner shall convey the property described in Attachment A to the Land Authority, free and clear of all encumbrances, together with all development rights and approvals, including but not limited to ROGO allocations and cesspit credits, necessary for development of the 66 blnit 56-unit affordable housing project on the property described in Attachment A. d) The Land Authority's legal counsel has provided notice that use of the property described in Attachment A has been permanently restricted by deed restriction as follows: 1. the property is to be used only for housing for very low, low, or moderate income persons as defined in section 420.0004, FS; 2. said deed restriction shall also reference the affordable housing requirements of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations and shall impose said requirements permanently, notwithstanding the normal 20 or 25 year period of said regulations; and 3. in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between Monroe County and Department of Community Affairs dated December 27, 1999, persons currently or formerly housed in an illegal downstairs enclosure who have or will be displaced as a result of the removal of said enclosures and who meet all applicable affordability requirements shall be given first priority when the Tradewinds Hammocks housing occupants are selected. Section 3. The Land Authority Executive Director is authorized to disburse $156,000 $224,000 to the Owner provided all of the following conditions have been satisfied. a) The Land Authority's legal counsel has provided notice that the Owner has secured the tax credits, HOME loan, and construction loan necessary to build the 66 blnit 56-unit project as described in Attachment R b) The Land Authority's legal counsel has provided notice that the Owner has executed in favor of the Land Authority a zero-interest, 50-year first mortgage agreement and promissory note for the amount of ~1 ,0aQ,OOO $924,000 encumbering the property described in Attachment A Page 2 of 3 (~II Qf Tr~~t E b_<2!~_1~14) and replacing the mortgage and note described in Section 2(c) above. Section 4 The Land Authority will subordinate the mortgage referenced in Section 3(b) above only to the following loans obtained by the Owner in furtherance of developing the property: a conventional first mortgage, a second mortgage in favor of FHFC with 20-year term, and a third mortgage in favor of a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank with a 10-year term or any other mortgage approved by the Land Authority. Section 5. Notwithstanding the approvals and conditions contained in Sections 1 through 4 above, if all the conditions in Section 2 are not satisfied within three years from the date of adoption of this resolution, the Land Authority's commitment to the subject housing development shall expire. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority at a special meeting on this day of 2001. (Seal) ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY Mark J. Rosch Executive Director Nora Williams Chairman Approved for Legal Sufficiency Larry R. Erskine Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT A Lots 1 through 14 inclusive, Block 4, Industrial Acres subdivision, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 15 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. ATTACHMENT B Phase 2 Tradewinds Hammock 66 URit 56-Unit Affordable Housing Development Financing Local Contributions Land Authority Mortgage County Impact Fees of $a7,a46 $74,536 FL Housing Finance Corporation (State Contributions) Tax Credit Equity HOME Loan Conventional First Mortgage (Private Lender) Purchase Money Mortgage (Seller Financing) Deferred Developer's Fees $1,OaQ,000 $924,000.00 fees waived f98E \v~ivQd $1,16Q,412 $2,QOO,QOO $1,501,026 $0 $700,25a $2,730,344.64 $909,636.00 $1,705,585.78 $0.00 $492,287.79 Total Project Cost $7,55Q,6Q6 $6,761,854.21 Housing Type and Affordability Income % of Median Net Size Net Rent Unit Type # of Units Level Income (sq. feet) (per month) Efficiency-1/1 ~ 2 Very Low 28% 700 $220. 00 $221.00 Efficiency-1/1 0 Q Very Low 50% 700 $422.1a $424.00 Efficiency-1/1 g ~ Low 60% 700 $514.00 $517.00 Subtotal .:1-0 Z 2 BRI 2 Bath ~ 5 Very Low 28% 890 $263.00 $265.00 2 BRI 2 Bath ~ 2 Very Low 50% 890 $50e.25 $510.00 2 BRI 2 Bath ~ 24 Low 60% 890 $616.00 $621.00 Subtotal ~ ~ 3 BR/ 2 Bath ~ 2 Very Low 28% 1050 $2QQ.00 $301.00 3 BRI 2 Bath ~ 1 Very Low 50% 1050 $57Q.aa $583.00 3 BRI 2 Bath ~ 15 Low 60% 1050 $707.00 $711.00 Subtotal ~ 18 Total Units GG 56 Zoning Mal) ~;f~l' ,.---j jI ~Id"'" ... .,t;.~- 11 ~ ~- ---- ,-- 1~ '- # ~ "1 I'): !.~ , ,. ~ Cf\NAL -j ~ URM '. # 1 ~ - --- ~ to ---,- , ~ ~. 11 'b ,. ) 'JI,'/'O 11 1.1 ~ - -- - - '. ~ I. 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