Resolution 225-2007 RESOL UTION NO. 225 - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 635-2006 TO CORRECT THE SERVICE AREA DESCRIPTIONS IN EXHIBIT B WITH REGARD TO THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE MAILING OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, at a duly advertised public hearing on December 20, 2006, Monroe County, Florida (tbe "County") adopted Resolution No. 635-2006, to establish use of tbe uniform metbod for collecting non-ad valorem special assessments for tbe cost of providing wastewater utility services to properties within the Duck Key, Cudjoe-Summerland, Big Coppin Key, and Stock Island Phase II Wastewater Service Areas as authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, tbe County has determined tbat mile markers were erroneously placed in the Exhibit B description of the Big Coppin Wastewater Service Area; and WHEREAS, the County has determined tbat mile markers were erroneously placed in tbe Exhibit B description of the Cudjoe-Summerland Wastewater Service Area, which should have referred to Sugarloaf Key and more clearly defined the western boundary of Harris Channel; and WHEREAS, the County has held a duly advertised public hearing prior to the adoption of this Resolution, proof of publication of such hearing being attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. Exhibit B of Resolution 635-2006 is hereby amended to read as noted on tbe attached Revised Exhibit B 2. Upon adoption, the County Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of tbis Resolution by United States mail to the Florida Department of Revenue, the Monroe County Tax Collector, and the Monroe County Property Appraiser. 3. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by tbe Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting oftbe Board held on the20thlay of June ,2007. or DiGennaro ro Tern Spehar m . oner Neugent '. ~)Uer McCoy ,>-,,'t:rt' )s~ner Murphy i ::/1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Date .... <=> <=> ..... L. c::: :z: N '11 ~- i<'! C'J ~"q ."::) >;:J ." :x .z:- .. ;0 P-l (") Cl ::> CJ w w EXHIBIT A PROOF OF PUBLICA nON r=~"~~Kn:ICE..~!f\jT~N.~ TO~SE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VAlOREM-ASSESSMENTS The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida rlhe County") hereby provides notice, pursuant to Section 197.3632(3)(a), FlorIda Slatutes, of its intent 10 use the uniform method ofcoUectlng non-ad valorem special assessments, for the cost of providing cettalo wastewater capital improvements and connections, to be levied wi/hin the unincorporated area of Monroe COunly encompassing the Duck Kay, Cudjoe Key; Summerland Key, Big CoppiUl<ey, and Stock Island Phase II Wastewater Service Areas for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2007 and Continuing each year until discontinued by the County. The County will consider the adoption of a resolutton electing to use the unifonn method of collectfng such assessments authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, at a publlc hearing 10 be held at 5:01 p.m. on December 2{). 2006 In 1he Commission Chambers, Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway. Mile Marker 50, Marathon. FL. Such resolution will state the need for the levy and will contain a legal description of the boundaries of the real property subject to the levy. Alllnlerested persons are invited to attend. In the event any person decides to appeal any decision by the County With respect to any matter relating to the consideration of the resolutIon at the above~referenced public hearing, a record of Ihe proceeding may be needed and in such an event, such person rilay need to ensure that a verbatim record of the public hearing Is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence on which the appeal is to be based. In aCCOrdance with the AmerlcBrls with Disabilities Act. persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator's OttlCe by phoning (305) 292-4441 no later than seven (7) days prior to the date 01 the hearing. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice Is given that jf a person decides to appeal any de<:ision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered ~t such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatfm record of tht! proceedings Is made, which record includes Ihe lastimony 8f1d evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Daled at Key West, Florida this 9th day of November:, 2006. November 19 & 26. 2006 KWC December 3. 10& 17. 2000 I<WC DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board ot County CommIssioners of Monroe County, Florida FLORIDA KEYS OFFICES Printing' MlIln Facility M20 NOI1hIIide Drive Key West, FL )3040..1800 Tel 305-292-7777 Fax305-29<4~76e citlzen~ke}'Wost.tom -"", :d Randy G, Erickson, who g Operations of the Key Nest, in Momoe County, ::a~al~t . ;JzP. , ~ in said newspaper m th~:j I-- "7'2~ ' 2~30ao I newspaper published in Key 1at the said newspaper has lomoe County, Florida every It the post office in Key West, year next preceding the first r; and affiant further says that 1 or corporation any discount, ecuring this advertisement for " i tiJi) Signature of Affiant Sworn and subscribed before me thisL day of -o--fJ/'~A..2006 Internet Division 1201 'M1lle Street (Suile 103] KeyWesl,Fl 3JOoID-3328 Tel 305-292.1880 Fax 30$.2;.4-1899 lalolll@keywest.com Notary Public: Middle Keys OffIc:e /5363 Ovel'541aS Hwy Mllrathon. Fl (MM 5;15) 33050-3342 Tel 305-743-8766 FllX305-7043-9977 navlgator@rlorldakeY'1 oom ;~~~ Expires: September 15, 2009 Upper Keys Offlc.e 815-49 Old Hwy PO Box 469 Islamorada,Fl(MMS1.5) 33036-0469 Tel 305-664-2266 FIIX305-6604~11 freepressgi;!fIonctal<.eY'I.com Ocean Reef Office 3A BalT8Cllda Lane KeylllrgG. FL 33037 Tel 305-367~911 Fax305-J67-2191 Personally Known x ' Produced Identification Type ofldentification Produced EXHIBIT I A . . ..r.. ~...~~.:;.-""'~:_~~ ~-ift.d"~"""""c_" .,",. F '.I~I'WUvD ~l rl1t.F:' .1-..... "", ~ ','\""~ " \l .,-':r-\'I.,! "~"'. Nnt;llV fubl;c _ :.>liile 01 Florkla ~ jt'~[t'~ ''\-1111 Comr;liS~,iCJI~ Ex~lres S.:p ~5, 2J 09 ; . , ~.i H'E C^'nnl;~slOn,1 DD .\126..0 ~-- ~.- '." ~':':-;., -;r~' \>.- B^oo'pd all' Nation;11 Nalary ,I\ssn. """,..\,-",~'tS'"" J-r-".........~~~...;-~ Notary Seal 1. . S;}un \ \ .: '" o/.S<:\ ~hj~^!js;'1ueqj, j};& _ _~:~ _~ .:;-1 ~r\ Ci',~."V,_H .,." :."-'. ". ~'- .~,~~e:.1_~~.....,.r f.:t::T'/, '" - - - ,yD~'N._~I:.'. '11M ,..,.,..K~On - LLC cooko communications, Florida Keys Marsha F. Kirkwood Advertising CoordInator PO Box 1800 Key West FI 33041 Office... n. ....305.292.7777 Extension............... .x219 Fax..... _ n. ....305-294-8025 leaalsllrlkevsnews.com INTERNET PUBLISHING kl)Weslcom keysn8W5.com fIoticUlkey..oom key-west.com Web Design S<<vlC8! NEWSPAPERS The Cllizen SoultMWnmosl Fly"," SolaresHlU Big Pine Free PreS5 M..athon Fretl Pre.. IslamO(ada Free Press KeylargoFn!lIPren OcunReefPrlu Seapoft Log MAGAZINE The Mllnll HomeGi.Ade Citizen Local's Guide Pereelis. Keys TV ChaMel GuIde MARKETING SERVICES Commercial Printing Cilizen Locals Catd DiteclMail FLORIDA KEYS OFFICES pnnUng I Main Faclllty 342t1 Northside Drive Kay VoIesl, FL 33040_1800 Tel 305-292-7777 Fax3()5..294.Q768 cllizen@keyweSlcom Internet Division 1201 Wlile Street (Su:le 103) Key West. FL 33040-3328 Tel 305-292.1880 FIIX305-294-1699 salesl@keywesl.eom Middle Keys OffiCII 6363 OVll1iea$ Hwy Marathon, FL (MM 525) 33050-3342 Tel 305-743.8766 Fax 305-743-9977 llavIQ3Ior@llorldakey5.eom Upper Keys Office 815490ldHwy PO Box 469 Is~amorada. Fl (MM815) 33036.0469 Tel 305-654-2266 F1IX305-6Q4.a411 Irllepre$S@llondai<.ll)'scom OeGan Reef Office 3ABClrriiCUdalane KQ)' Largo, Fl33037 TeI30S-367-4911 Fax 305-367-2191 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Randy G. Erickson, who on oath says that he is Vice-President of Advertising Operations of the Key West Citizen, a daily newspaper published in Key West, in Mom-oe County, Florida; that e ~ached co y of a verti ement, being a Ie al \10 ice in the matter of In e issues of ;::'Wc.. "1- Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida every and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Court, as pu lished in said newspaper in the 7'J PV /., ~ ~ cf- -f2 ,.....;.;J./'bL. ~ . !lJtiJ) Signature of Affiant Sworn and subscribed before me this~ day of O-fJ/'~.ct-2006 Notary Public: ~,.~..d'_:"~~"~''''''(~'''''-.L~~~-",," } ....",..~.., M cAt F.~;r!A F. 1\IF<I;W000 ''Ii ..i~~f,' .(.';;"'" Nnt:llv Fublic. S(",IG 01 Florida , ".riJ'" . ,. 2009 J ~. ~ ~~ '.: . ~My Comfl"S~ :(,n Expi!?5 Sep 15. 4 ~':'1~~ ..4 C"mmi~5ioll ~ DD d 12G20 ,~. "'5,'." i'J,'- D~"d-" Bj NatioMI Nola'" ,lI.sso. . " ""'''' UV" "'" '/ . J.~J~~~~~""-~ -- (9"..... Marsha F. Kirkwood J1/~.?<'~~~ Expires: September 15, 2009 Notary Seal Personally Known x Produced Identification Type ofIdentification Produced —FLORIDA KEYS NOP Published Twice rWeekly A 4ONROFCOUNT., o 2006,Marathon, Monroe County, Florida vNrI47-, �Zr PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF MONV OE ,_ a° S•o � a „ EX P a one== ,a.� . 0..°„i 6, Before ,the undersigned authority person-{ o ti w o „ . 2.z o b o o , ally appeared WAYNE MARKHAM who on v� 5.2 b U Y" A F. °-° ct N 0 U ckl oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of the A F" r, 8 = o w� •.o �'.2 `° '" g Y = y Z. FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice O Z 3 ~x :� 8 ~ 1N o . weekly newspaper.published in Marathon, x °,K.° ;A ¢� ° °° cC -- o,.2 „,.. � L w. in Monroe County, Florida: that the W ^ s ;,u ca o o ° °.g v a o -rt attached copy of advertisement was W •-•, >, °.3 0 o o 0 published in said newspaper in the issues C _ ;,..� ES 0 b° ; ,'0 ° M >1 'v of: (date(s) of publication) g -' E 3.F 1'; cl•i~ 9 8 r o uj.= +� ;,J'-I J 1 a °�' °.' Uflifli aIlifi ®uIII _ t o I 1i Affiant further says that the said FLORIDA A Q „ , o „ o a ¢ o " KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper published O o b o. ° .o .:�w L7 - .o.. a !, 1 1 o at Marathon, in said Monroe County,i H Z o c)r, a 3,2„ >, T cs 9,U A c o Florida, and. that the said newspaper has O o 'b c• _ °"° ' w " ~ . ° heretofore been continuously published in ' W 4 ") -• ° .' ' .0.c �;.N „ • ' o- said Monroe County, Florida, twice each C5 w•� „ .fix.`2- ° -; o a „ = ° o y - „ o 24 o y o. E +. 2 cs a ,, o „ g. U ,, i o.::r y u. ca-e,•a. 2 G,� : c>.� p °� week (on Wednesdayr�and Saturday) and p-+ � c w� _ 2 �•>, _ . has been entered as:a second class mail '' °.° ao " „ ° ° t w E� •�'v '0„4, AMU'. o,2 '_ B 8 w k'-. „ O V m U o'ccn a.4�` U v.Q 8 o ° v') a C matter, at the post office in Marathon, in W 0 .- °' „ ° ;,.b A N a '� �. Monroe County, Florida, for a period of W W °M " >~tz-0 °° w w ' " >-.° = " - -- ° t one,: year next preceding the first 1-1 E.( O . =0 3 x o.°.° o w•E a)o b c), v o publication of the attached copy of 'cz U o °ai R o gm c ,>",o o i~a o '3 3 ,.<< advertisement. The affiant further says 44 •ii „,� ❑ ,., >,.., o ct �...zl > to ° >, ; that he has neither paid nor promised any . O b rn a-.g__~-- = °� a)r • ¢ 0• .. ° o m =�r —'. r,zat „b7�atqucI.- >•�. 3.�• > a i i person, firm, or corporation any discount, • -a' ° N Vol N „ „� % s „. rebate, commission or refund for the - . °� `° .- = ° w P' >'o,1 >,3 c0(4 •° 4.6 s; E 3'=.-),L a. o.� A '' t purpose of securing this advertisement for i publication in the said newspaper(s) and that The Florida Keys Keynoter is in full - compliance with Chapter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Legal and Official Advertisements. n , j . brn to nd s scribed before me this 1 gay ofi lj� .' , 2006 (SEAL) Li, ,:;;�; /j� �, yp0,94 BEVERLY TRAEGER d( f (�� : '" MY COMMISSION#DD542134 v c Notary �fOFCpQ� EXPIRES:Apr.18,2010 (407)395-0153" Florida Notary ..1. .com • ®FLOSIDA KEYS y eft . H /paf` pf{p $'! fir !` 2 2 ', $9 ��® Published Twice Weekly MON V 2 9 2�®� Marathon, Monroe County, Florida DOE COUNTY 4TTOR NE y PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE-OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE a U �' Before the undersigned authorityperson- :~ ° 8' § N`�.8 0 �°c=c9 o '" 8 + Y PP bA U ° all appeared WAYNE MARKIHAM who on c 8 Y, 3 ; _ ° N _ cs oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of the to E-_ 0F. �'o-.e ° Y- = 0. . 1 FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice ; 0 w .°0.o -'?* 5,z ct*'` - o .. o ,c 1 p o 4p °' ° eq ,d .ti - O C 1)o U. U. -'i weekly newspaper published in Marathon I r' cz 0 Q a o ° r" = '-' 4 U-_ , in Monroe County, Florida: that the W z -0' o;• ."U°' > ° t; o o'o°'0. n- °' .,'w o attached copy of advertisement was ;, �.;E V g, :0 3 0 . °7 8 0 o 3 ° - - I published in said newspaper in the issues.; . u7 ^` N •:..�o;�:[ a 58 4.0 ! 20':,_ U of: (date(s) of publication) .' °. 3 „ �; ° ° ;o =, ,' i O 0 1_, O 0 -.=.. y 0 - .0 'c0 R" !U o U �c-- 0 m. /�� c,•,cm E nE as a ; vU•O x VZ � � > aE;�a c' c .� a� ° a o c ca 7_•c3.• =r0~4� al`c,w. O U.0 V U "t�,-"C ❑ 3. Q.0 d Affiant further says that the said FLORIDA 7 2`- 8 E ca 0 S4 ° o °'8: '° * ° x. P I KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper published s O ' o-- b .`" o �, o tj1° �'li b °T =a' cs" -.• 5 j at Marathon, in said Monroe County, s; Ey o•Y o ca 5•,-'14 = .�.c.0 �, = o.° o Florida, and that the said newspaper has i p :a Y a ct-0 :~ <a E ,,'ml ; r. a, ° " ° heretofore been continuously published in o °' ° >, _~ ,IA vi- a'� o i said Monroe County, Florida, twice each E� 4. ~.T U ° -. " Q ° o ,� U £ ov 0 o a� c •o d.,.o Q. ,� > Y. Y " 6. 0 o 0.04 ? 0. '-e ary te ¢ o :0 week (on Wednesday.•and Saturday) and I .r 4 -I U• , . R ° y ' . a, o o 2- t I.* ow Q•ao a, . has been entered as a second class mail I w E-I -2 0-a o o 'c- `° 5.I ° w °.0 ' matter at the post office in Marathon, in ; W. E-a.y a9" h As e- 8;,�.G9-8 A ,.0. .27 Monroe County, Florida, for a period of : - ,_4 ° M N c4-2 ° 4" �-- ° .�,F �. one year next preceding the first - a >,M - —0 o ° ° °Y:� -. 3 °.5 w publication of the attached copy of ® _ y 3 x at ` ° c° R ¢-° 0 0 b ° ��� o °mo t~ o:ct � . cl ,,� 0 . . 4 : O'- y q O a) U = U � { advertisement. The affiant further says � o.otc; ° w' 5, ,:0. ' 0 a� 3 ._ I - that he has neither paid nor promised any p ° ° • it ain'. a b s-2 o x `1.' 9 person, firm, or corporation any discount, • a o u 0 = to o.N:® t'w `' 3 YFi s~,' " ,;` I rebate, commission or refund for the � a I~ a,Ci :e a, ro tb ; purpose of securing this advertisement for H_� >'-° >,3. c9 N •° ``) E•3• a.5 o•E publication in the said newspaper(s) and `' _- ' " ' that The Florida Keys Keynoter is in full compliance with Chapter 50 of the Florida State - Statutes on Legal and Official Advertisemen s. - n o nd scribed b fore me this ay f7,G>P't�'i L_ , 2006 (SEAL) if/P-- /(-`,"/"::17a-/-5,6-/ „toP40%,OF f�� BEVERLY TRAEGER c MY COMMISSION#DD542134 Notary ; e�' EXPIRES:Apr 18.2010 (407)398-0153 Florida Notary Service,com THE REpORTER P.O. Box 11197, Tavernier, F133070 .92655 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier FI 33070 Phon'~ (305) 852-3216. Fax (305) li52-0199 www.upperkevsreporter.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority person-ally appeared WAYNE MARKHAM who on oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of tbe THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper publisbed in Tavernier, in Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: (date(s) of publication) Nnv. 17.... Nov 24". Dee I". Dee 8.... Dec 15'. tbe vear 2006. Affiant further says that the said THE REPORTER is a newspaper publisbed at Tavernier, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has beretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida, each week (on Friday) and has been entered as a se<:ond class mail matter at the post office in Tavernier, in Monroe County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. The affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s) and that The THE REPORTER is in filiI compliance with Chanter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Le~1 and Official Advertisements. Swo~ and sub~ibedbef~ me th, ii_.), Day of, ~ ,'I ~',2006 ,~SEAL)' </'" / .,/:' , ~ . '=---. Notary . --- ~ _1211_ ~~ _....(-~ If FIor1d~ Notary Assn.. Inc .......................................... At;Ct;/Vt;o DEe 2 1 21106 MONROE. COUNTY ATTORNE.Y ----~ ~ .0 ~tj~ C>;z C(~ C.......Mc.:: ,.....0/"-...0 ,.....~"'9e:;1 I CiJ'lc.::11 ~~gf2 ~Q:::: "O'r 1"-'.oV"1::;: IooI""l f-.:: tw :z: ~~~~l -' i::: 0 ~I :c:t <: ::; (.C); UC...:::;;X'l, V'\~Cl~i ...... I...... 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NOTICE OF"INTENT TO USE UNIFORM METI who on oath, says that he is EDITOR of OF COLLECTING:NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSI THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper entitled to publish legal advertising County,Florida("the County")hereby provil published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida: that the attached co of 197.3632(3)(a),Florida Statutes;of its intent:to use theruniform method of;collecting non ad copy for the cost of.providing certain wastewater capital improvements:and connections;to be Ic advertisement, being LEGAL NOTICE in `:area"of Monroe,County,encompassing the Duck Key,=Cudjoe Key Summerland Key Bigj said, newspaper in the issue Of: Phase II Wastewater Service Areas for the fiscal year beginning on October 1;2007•and coi tinued by the County The County will consider the adoption of a resolution electing to usEl November 17th 2006 - .,.ing;such assessments authorized by Section 197 3632,Florida Statutes, at a public hear December 20,2006 in the Commission Chambers;;Marathon Government Center,2798 C Affiant further says that THE REPORTER - 50,-Marathon;FL.Such resolution will state the need for the levy and will contain a_legal the real property subject to the levy.All interested persons are invited to attend 1 is a newspaper published at Tavernier, in - said Monroe County, Florida, and that the ' In the event any,person decides to appeal any decision by the County with'respect-to any said newspaper has heretofore been . ation of the resolution at the above-referenced public hearing,a record of the proceeding! continuously published in the said -event;such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the public'hearing is rr Monroe County, Florida, each week (on testimony and evidence on which the appeal is to be based.In accordance with the Ame Friday), and has been entered as second sons needing-a special accommodation or,an'interpreter to participate'in.this proceed class mail matter at the Post Office in Administrator's.Office by phoning(305)292-4441 no later than seven(7):dayspriorto.the Tavernier, in said County of Monroe, Pursuant to Sectibn 286:0105,Florida Statutes, notice is given that d a person decides I Florida, for a period of One year next ..the Board with'respect to any matter considered.at such hearings or.meetings,he will n preceding the first publication of the and that, forsuch{purpose, he,may need to ensure'that a verbatim record of the proc attached copy of advertisement; and ` includes the testimony and evidence upon'which the-.appeal is to be based ;M1 affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person, or Dated at Key West Florida this 9th day ofNovember,2006. . corporation any discount, rebate, DANNY Kai HAGEss commission or refund for the purpose of . puBLISH 11/17 11/24, 12/1 ;12/S&12/15/06 and ex officio Clerk of i securing this advertisement for The.Reporter," and ex sionersler Mon publication in the said newspaper and that Tavernier FL33070 is The Reporter is in -full compliance with -_._.__ _� ___ _ _ -- - - �.__ Chapter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Legal and Offici ve . ements. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20'n day of November 2006. C)3' , Notar CILIA Oi -777 ,?° .=?:",- J r.,, -'' " ' '', - 'i 1. Bonded throes 1st State Ir u s�.arr,• REVISED EXHIBIT B BIG COpp ITT WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA That portion of the unincorporated area bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel, on the east by Shark Channel, on the north by Florida Bay, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean, Monroe County, Florida. CUDJOE - SUMMERLAND WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA That portion of the unincorporated area including Sugarloaf, Cudjoe and Summerland Keys, bounded on the west by the Harris Channel "Meander"and on the east by Niles Channel, on the north by Florida Bay, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean. DUCK KEY WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA That portion of the unincorporated County bounded on the north by U.S. Highway I, on the west by Tom's Harbor Channel, on the South by Hawk's Channel, and on the East by Tom's Harbor Cut; an area commonly known as "Duck Key", including islands known as Center Island, Harbor Island, Plantation Island, and Yacht Club Island, but excluding Indies Island. STOCK ISLAND WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA All of Stock Island located south of the centerline of US Highway No. I (State Road No. 5), and lying east of Cow Key Channel and west of Boca Chica Channel. I EX~T