Item R6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 16, 2002 Division: County Attorney AGENDA nEM WORDING: Approval of Interlocal Agreement With the City of Marathon for the Rehabilitation of the Boot Key Harbor Bridge. No comments received from the City as of October 9, 2002. ITEM BACKGROUND: Authorized by BOCC at their September meeting. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACnON: CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: ApprovaL TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0 COST TO COUNTY: APPROVED BY: County Attorney - OMB/Purchasing 0 Risk Management 0 DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL:cf?~ ~ ~CK DOCUMENTATION: Included 0 To FOllow 0 Not Required 0 AGENDA nEM # j:{ (0 2'd i7i7Si7-262-S0E u~wp~ o~ s+~aqo~ I sawer dSi7:EO 20 L.O 1\0'" INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE REHABILITAnON OF THE BOOT KEY HARBOR BRIDGE .,1, _,. lHlS INTERlOCAl AGREEMENT Is entered into purnuant to Sec. 163.01, FS, by and between the CIty of Marothon (CIty), a f10rida munldpa/ corporation whose address is 10045-55 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Fl 33050; and Monroe County (County), a POlitical subdivision of the State of florida, whose address Is Gato Building, 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Fl 33040. WHEREAS, the parties previously agreed that the County WOUld spend up to $1,000,000 to repair the Boot Key Harbor Bridge; WHEREAS, an Engineering estimate for rehabilitation costs was prepared and agreed between the parties, estimating the cost of 22 ilne l!ems at $630,333, plus a 20% contingency In the sum of $126,066; WHEREAS, Design and other Professional services required for the bridge repair work are estimated to cost $200,000; now, therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises set fOrth below, the parties agree as foilows: I. The City agrees to rehabilitate the Boot Key Harbor Bridge, located within the CIty, hereafter the Project. The Project IndUdes: engineering des/gn. and Inspectlon services, the preparation of an RFP for the rehabilitation work, and construction services. The Project work Is more particularly described in exhibit A which is attached to, and made a part of, this Interlocal agreement. The CIty will be responSible for entering into controcts for the Project and Supervising all design, inspection and construction services. 2. The County agrees to relmbu",e the CIty for the Project described In paragraph one, Subject to the follOWing: a) Reimbursement is on a monthly basls for services performed during the prior month. b) To receive payment, the CIty must SUbmit to the County Engineer, In a format satisfactory to the County Engineer and County Clm, an invoice for the Project services performed In the prior month., The Invoice must describe the services performed together with Proof that paYment has been made to the CIty's contractor(S) and materialmen. Before the IInal payment may be made releases from any and ail dalms against the CIty from Its contractor(s) and materialmen must also be furnished to the County. c) If the InVOice is satisfactory to the County Engineer, he shall folWard the Invoice to the County Clerk for payment. If the County Engineer or County Clerk determine that an Invoice contains an error or omission, then the County engineer or County Clerk (as apPropriate) must retum to invoice to the City With a written explanation of the error Or amiSS/on. If the invoice COntains no error or omission, then the County shall pay the City Within 20 days of the County Engineer's receipt of the inVOice. If the Invoice is returned for correction, then the payment must be made Within 20 days of the date the County OfflC/al who requested the correction receives the corrected inVoice. d) The maximum amount the COunty Is obligated to pay the City under this Intenneal agreement Is $200,000 for professional design and InsQectJon services and $756,400 for the construction costs of the bridge rehabilitation. The allocation of amounts for the partiCUlar construction tasks are set forth In detail In exhibit A. Those allocations are gUidelines, E'd VvSv-262-S0E u~wp~ o~ s~~aqo~ 1 sawer dSv:EO 20 LO "0'" however, and shall be adjusted to refiect the actual amounts of the construction contract(s) entered into by the City. 3. The City agrees to keep its financial records pertaining to the Project acCOrding to generally accepted aCCOUnting prinCiples and to retain such records for three years follOwing the date when the Project is complete. The records must be made available for Inspection by an auditor employed by the County Clerk Or County during regular bUsiness hours (Monday to Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM, hOlidays excePted). If the auditor determines that County funds paid to the City under this interlocal agreement were used for a purpose not authoriZed by this agreement, then the City must refund the funds improperly spent with interest calculated pursuant to Sec. 55.03, FS, with interest running from the date the County paid the Improperly spent funds to the City. This paragraph will survive the completion of project and the receipt of the final payment by the City. 4. To the extent permitted by Sec. 768.28, FS, the City agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the BOCC, the County, Its officers. employees. agents and contractors, from any negligent act(s) or omISSlon(s) of the City, Its officers and employees, contractors (in any tier) and materialmen, that OCCur during, or as a result of, the Project. This paragraph will SUrvive the completion of the Project and the receipt of the finar payment by the City. . 5. The parties agree that all design and Inspection profeSSionals, Project contractors (in any tier) and materialmen furnishing materials for the Project, are in privity with the City only, may not seek direct payment from the County, and that the County.has no duty, liability or other obligation to such persons. The City agrees to Include a sentence similar to the foregOing In all contracts entered into by the City for the PrOject. 6. In awarding contracts for the design, inspection and rehabilitation of the Boot Key Harbor Bridge the City agrees to abide by all applicable City ordinances and state and federal laws. In the eVent of a violation of those ordinances or 'aws by the City In awarding a Contract, or the claim by a contractor (in any tier), an unSuccessful bidder or another third party, that the City violated such ordinances or laws, the County may, In Its discretion, WithhOld reimbursement payments until the Violation Or the claim Is resolved, Whether by mutual agreement, arbitration, Or the final decision of a court. 7. If a diSpute occurs between the City and a design or insP<!ction professional, Project contractor (In any tier) or materialmen, regarding Project services or material, the County may. In Its discretion. withhold from the reimbursement payment(s) any amount(s) In dispute until the dispute Is resOlved, whether by mutual agreement. arbitration. Or the final decision of a court. 8. Ail correspondence between the parties made necessary by this In terloca I agreement must be in Writing and delivered to the fOllOWing: Monroe County Dave Koppel, Engineer 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 City of Marathon 9. Except as Provided In paragraphs 3 and 4, this agreement will cease to have any further force and effect three years from the effective date. Any funds not yet paid to the City by that date will be releaSed from any obligation or commitment for payment to the City and may thereafter be USed for any County purpose. The County will thereafter have no further duty or obligation to the City pursuant to this agreement. 10045-55 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 p'd PPSP-2S2-S0E u~wP8 o~ S~~aqo~ I sawer dL.P:EO 20 L.O "0/..1 10. Venue for any litigation ari$Jng Under this inlerlocal agreement must lie In a COUrt of comJ>Olent jUrisdiction In Monroe County, florida. In the event of litigation the prevailing party Is entltied to costs plus a reasonable faIr market value attomey's fee. .. .:..,.. '.'- .,. "'. t . - . 11. The partles agree that this inlerloca, agreement represents the partles' ftnol mutual undemanding and replaces any prIor agreements concemlng the same SUbject matter whether Written or oral. This Inter/ocal ag""""ent may only be modlfled by a writing agreed to by both parties. 12. This agreement WIll lake effect when It has been apProVed and executed by both parties and copies ftled with the County Oerk and City Oork. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOlHAGE, Clerk By_ . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, flORIDA Date _ Deputy Clerk By_ Mayor/Chairperson (SEAL) Attest: Clerk By__ CITY COUNCIL OF MARATHON, FLORIDA Date _ Deputy Clerk By_ Mayor JdlaCOMBKHB S'd t.t.St.-2S2-S0E u~wp~ OJ S~~aqo~ 1 sawer dLt.:EO 20 LO ^O~