Resolution 222-2007 Growth Management RESOLUTION NO. 222-2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CERTIFYING THE 2007 ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE TO THE MONROE COUNTY LAND USE DISTRICT MAPS (LUDM) FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE MIDDLE AND UPPER FLORIDA KEYS AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 9.5-24 (a) (2) c., MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES AND MAKING THE LUDM UPDATE AVAILABLE IN PAPER AND DIGITAL FORM. WHEREAS, Monroe County Land Use District Maps (LUDM), known as the "Craig Maps," were certified by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) at a regular meeting on January 19, 1988; and WHEREAS, many requests for changes to the LUDMs have been made, reviewed, and approved by Monroe County since that date; and WHEREAS, changes to mapping technology have made maintenance of the LUDMs much simpler, easier, and more reproducible, in the form of a digital Geographic Information System (GIS) version of the Maps; and WHEREAS, the "Craig Maps" have been faithfully and accurately reproduced in GIS to represent all current zoning and to include all approved LUDM changes since previous certification by the BOCC on January 19, 1988; and WHEREAS, this 2007 administrative update to the LUDMs, authorized under Section 9.5-24 (a) (2) c., Monroe County reflects only existing zoning approved previously through public hearings by the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, no LUDM (zoning) changes are proposed m this 2007 administrative update to the LUDMs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Be 070650 - Resolution LUDM 5129/2007 1,40,27 PM Growth Management Section 1. The June 2007 administrative update to the Monroe County Land Use District Map for the unincorporated area of the Middle and Upper Florida Keys is hereby certified, both in its paper and digital forms, as provided under Section 9.5- 24 (a) (2) c., Monroe County Code. Section 2. The update to the Land Use District Maps shall be made available to the public in both paper and electronic form at the discretion of the public. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 20th day of June. A.D., 2007. Mayor Mario Di Gennaro Yes Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy Yes Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~i}~-> .--:,~~~ ~.. ".".~""",,'7> ~~ '/_-:li,':L.:::..--'-'j-";" f&. c:. " J--".""'.' . /,( - ,." ,..:....y../'.C....~~'.,~.~..2-\l3 p......~. ,," ..~...:,:...'\ I, '~,,;: s:J"'(;'J 'i. . ..,' ( '. .\ ,'.j -.j , . \.' ..... ~;l...i. "'~,~~OLHAGE'CLERK DEPUTY CLERK MAYOR/CHAIR PERSON ::r C) 0 z :c- E3O?:: .....-ur::: "'::JIC " ('"J- r- oc;- ~~~):::: --~: < ') r~: :~~:-'"1 ;.-, I C::,,: l> PI MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY A. APP~ FQRM Jl' -.lJI -.... <- L.'"~ In.: - ". Be 070650 - Resolution LUDM 5/29/2007 1 :40:27 PM ..... = '"', = ..... .- <- (.., c:: r- .C:., .., en r:::> ::;,) ".. :;:;..1 :JI: :','1 <e C') '."::) C) '.Cj CXl 0