Resolution 233-2007 RESOLUTION NO. 233 -2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN SUPPORT OF THE HEMINGWAY HOUSE CONTINUING TO KEEP CATS WITHOUT BEING CONFINED TO CAGES WHEREAS, the Hemingway House and grounds is a favorite destination for residents and visitors to the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the Hemingway House has been designated as a national historic landmark; and WHEREAS, it is documented that Ernest Hemingway and his wife kept polydactyl cats on the grounds of the present day Hemingway House and Museum; and WHEREAS, the cats which presently are kept and cared for at the museum are descendants of cats living on the property when the property was purchased from the Hemingway family; and WHEREAS, the family of cats presently residing at the Hemingway House are an integral part of the experience of a visit to the Hemingway House; and WHEREAS, the cats reside at the Hemingway House just as cats did in the time of Hemingway himself, they are not on exhibition in the manner of circus animals; and WHEREAS, caging the Hemingway cats is unnecessary and silly; there is no indication that the cats or the public will be better served by confining the cats to cages; and WHEREAS, Monroe County's ordinance Sec. 3-28 specifically does not restrict the number of properly licensed, vaccinated, housed and cared for cats. WHEREAS, It is important to the residents of Monroe County that the Hemingway House, grounds, retaining walls and other structures be maintained as a historical landmark. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, that: I. It is integral to the history and the overall feeling of the Hemingway House that the family of polydactyl cats be left to live on the grounds as cats did in the days of Hemingway. 2. The Board of County Commissioners does not support the caging of polydactyl cats residing at the Hemingway House. Page 1 of 2 3. The Board of County Commissioners does not support any action which would jeopardize the designation of the Hemingway House as a national historic landmark. This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of June, 2007 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFMONROE~OUN~~LOro~A By:~4 ~ Mayor DiGennaro MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO F RM: :..; NATILEENE W. CASSEL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date " /~/D7 / ::l: c::J C> ". :z: z :::Onz or- .. rr1::::-:::-'~ n- ~ gg~:" :;-.:.:-:~"C) -iG~ -<-~-;.- ~ . );;:.. '"T1 ,_ .-- .~ ~ ~ P1 :P Page 2 of 2 ~ = ...... c... c:: r- ..,., 1-- l-n CJ -" o ;;.:;J C.,) :=0 :x :;::J fT1 (') c:> :;:a Cl - .. C.,) CD