Item T16 r;ROM FAX NO. : Nov. 18 2002 04:06PM P1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARV EMERGENCY ADD ON . Meeting Date: November 20, 2002 Division: District J Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar AGF:NDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution honoring the memory and community service of Eugene (Gene) Shinkevich, who passed away on November t, 2002. ITEM BACKGROUND: Gene Shinkevich was an individual who wa<; greatly respected for his willingness to uct on his beliefs and become involved in community activities as a concerned and knowledgeable resident. lIe was past President of the Rig Pine Civic Association and Chuinnan of the Florida Keys Citi7..ens Coalition and he worked hard to protect the environment of the Keys. He gave of himself and worked hard filr the citizens of Monroe County, und he did it with humor and caring. PREVIOUS REVELANT DOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDA TIONS: TOT AL COST: BUDGETF.Il: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: RF.VENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No _ AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BV: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Managcnlcnt. 1)JVJSIO~ DIRECTOR APPROVAL: i / ~~ < }n .J. v.J.&J..L I Commissioner Di ie M. Spehar) DOCUME~TAT'ON: Included -X- To Follow Not Rcquircd_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITF.M #II / 0 Reovi9Cd '1'-710 1 ......"..,." . ~""UII . FAX I'{). : Nov. 18 2002 134: 06PM P2 - NOV-18-82 14.24 FROM.MONROE CnUNTY ^~TV aF~I~E ID.30S2923SIB PAGB t/I COMMISSIONER DIXU: M. SPJeHAR RESOLUTION NO. -2002 A RESOLUnON OF THE BOARD OJ" COUNTY CO~~mNIUOFMOMWECOUNTY~ RECOGNmON OF TIlE LA 1'1 EUGENE "CENE" SHJNKEVICH WHEREAS. Eugene "Gene" Shlnkevich, passed away OD November 1,2002, at the age on3; and WfISREAS, EUGe~e wa. b?", and rais~ in HamU'aDlcJc, Michigan, ancn~cd Wayne Stare University. and worlced as A mechllllcal ongmeeruntll he serv.d an the U.S. Navy as a design engineer from 1942 to 1944: and WHEREAS. E~aene WAI vice-president of Baker BJ'OlbetS fiom 1960 tD 196' and catabUshed WalTer1 Design Co. ia 1065 in Warren, Michigan. He W8S president of Family Lapidary Club in Michiaan; and WHEREAS, Eucene \WI a 1& year resident of BiI Pine Key, ud known at OOt of the mOlit outl'pOken environmontallslS in me K.C>'s; and WHEREAS. Eugene Will president of lhc Big Pine Key Civic Association ftom 1991 until 1905. and chairman Or the Florida Keys Citizens Coalition fTom 1995 undl 2000. In his roles with thou groups. he served as a ctaiefwltClldog for the tIorI and fauna oCme K~; ad WHEREAS, whether fighting 19a;n.t the wideninG of &he II-Mile SJrCtch, rho con~on of condominiums III environmentally sensitive areas, !he eleetrifieation of No Name Key. or c:baJlenging BSpocts of Mooroe County's land use p.... Eugene was theft; and WHEREAS. Eulene is survived by his beloved wite Marie, dalllhters Mlcllea1ine Myers and Natalie Quill. sonl Peter Shinlcevich and Michael Shinkcvic:h, and their families. find Michael Moms, who was raised in the famlly,lWld his wife; now, thenlfote BE IT RE..~LVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section': Hereby adopts this Rmolution iii an expression 10 thll f81llily of their deeput sympathy in tho pullllg of the 'ate Eugene Shinkevich. and in gr=t appreciation of the service he gave to his community. SIcdon Z: ForNII'ds a copy of this Resolution to the family of Eugene Shlnkevich express.ing the Board's sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board ot" County Commissioners of Monroe CouIUY, Florida, 6t M meeting of Wcl Baud hold on the day of , ^.O.. 2002. Commlsslonor Charita "Sonny" McCoy Commislioner Dixie M. Spebar Commissioner lieorge Neugent Commissioner David P. R.k.e Commissioner Mumay E. Nelsoo (SEAL) Aaest: DANNY L KOLHAOE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNrf COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN'IY, FLORIDA By By Mayor/Chairman Deputy Clerk