Resolution 538-2002 RESOLUTION NO. 538 - 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA REQUESTING HOUSING DEVELOPERS WITH AN OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN MONROE COUNTY TO CONSIDER KEY PERSONNEL IN THE ALLOCATION OF AFFORDABLE UNITS. WHEREAS, the cost of housing in Monroe County is at an all time high, and; WHEREAS, there is a dire need for nurses, school teachers, emergency medical services personnel and law enforcement personnel; and WHEREAS, the retention of these key people in our community is of public importance; and WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon local government to assist in providing housing for these key personnel; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida that housing developers in Monroe County, Florida, that provide affordable housing, be requested to consider key personnel in the allocation of affordable units. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of November, 2002. 3: ,......, o a ::g ""rJ ~ :~~ "-.) -- o c-, ,..;. ::2 r- ,.."r-.", . ., rr, C") ~ -, C"") 0 o c-, :- ""rJ ~;o;;z. 0 0 -..,' C) ::0 __ C'") r- \:) yes . ....:-f::c :Jt" :::0 "'r'J .l> r-r-j ~m ~ ("") BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI<mER~ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 0 ~~ A LEGA:S TO FORM UFF/ F. cv yes yes yes yes By: