Resolution 251-1980 RESOLUTION NO.251 - 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A SUBGRANT APPLICATION BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF HIGHWAY SAFETY, FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY FUNDS FOR MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT STAFFING FOR DUI TASK FORCE FOR STEP PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Sub grant Application by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Highway Safety, for highway safety funds for Monroe County Sheriff's Department Staffing for DUI Task Force for Step Program, copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of October, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~: MONROaN~I:A 4 ~airman (SEAL) Attest: ~) ~' , , --.- ) ---.., .' ~'5dej; / (/ .-:~~. ~..",/ ~:~~n/ /' /%;/:~/.___ /c' ... //, / 8"" , ... . ._.., _,_ ~__..~~... A' < "{W'$ 0ffIe. 16 State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance Bureau of Highway Safety Subgrant Application For Highway Safety Funds e er 0 nstructlons or u grant pp IcatlOn) General Administrative Information (Refer to Instructions for Subgrant Application, Part I) " FOR I E ONLY Project N~mber Program Module PSP Title SUBGRANT PERIOD: Allocation Approved to PART I: 1. Project Title: Monroe Count Sheriff's De artment Staffin for DUI Task Force 2; Type of Application: [ 1 Initial [ 1 Revision, [Xl Continuation of Subgrant No. 3. Requested Subgrant Period: Oct. 1, 1980 Anticipated Project Period: Oct 1, 1980 1 4. . Support Sought: $ 10,590. Matching Share: $ - 0 - Total Budget: $ 10,590. 5. Applicant: Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse 500 Whitehead St. Key West, Florida 33040 Telephone: (305) 294-4641 7. Chief Financial Officer: Michael M. Somberg, Inspector Monroe County Sheriff's Dept. P.O. Box 151 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Telephone: (305) 852-3211 6. Implementing Agency: Monroe County Sheriff's Department P.O. Box 1269 Key WestJ Florida 33040 Telephone: (305) 296-2424 8. Project Director: Michael M. Somberg, Inspector Monroe County Sheriff's Dept. P.O. Box 151 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Telephone: (305) 852-3211 9. Project Summary -- Summarize in approximately 200 words, the most important parts of the project presented in Part II. This project application is for continued funding to assist in the support of record keeping in conjunction with the Monroe County Sheriff's Depart- ment Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Task Force. This DUI project is currently underway (re: HSP-80-02-02-K-3l5-03). This clerical position will, enable the DUI Task Force to process the increased number of traffic citations realized from increased traffic enforcement. Staff support will provide updating of driver's history and identification of prior offenders. Utilization of this position in this activity will enable the posting and recording of all activity generated by the DUI Task Force. " Funding will be restricted to salary and fringe benefits. BHS/81----, 117 1 . I PART II: Project Plan and Supportinq Data State clearly and in detail the aims of the project, precisely what will be done, who will be involved, and what is expected to result. Use the following major headings: 1. Statement of the Problem 2. Proposed Solution 3. Objectives 4. Tasks and Timetable 5. Evaluation J Start below and use continuation pages as necessary , 1. Statement of the Problem: As identified within the project #HSP-80-02-02-K-3l5-03, the Monroe County Sheriff's Department proposes extensive enforcement activity. Due to the expected increase' of citations due to the increased activity and due to a lack of clerical support within the Sheriff's Department, proper accounting of records cannot be realized without sufficient clerical support. Without this position, law enforcement officers will have to be used in this time consuming role. This defeats the purpose of the DUI Task Force which is to place all of the project personnel on the street to achieve project goals. As an indication of output and activity, the position has processed, as of 31 August, 1980, 1,829 citations and warnings, in addition to collat- ing accident data obtained from FHP. Due to an inability to hire a qualified individual, the position was not filled until June 1, 1980. However, even in this short time, this posi- tion has eased the administrative burden on the Task Force Sergeant, therefore allowing him to spend more time in enforcement activities. :18 2 2. Proposed Solution: The Sheriff's Department will continue to employ the full time services of one (1) Accounting Clerk to record, post, and disseminate any actions, forms, etc., generated by the DUI Task Force. 3. Objectives: The objective of this project is to gather and compile data that is neccessary and required in order to accomplish the objectives of the DUI Task Force project. Improved updating of driver's history's through more timely processing of traffic citations in Monroe county will result. It is expec- ted that increased activity in fiscal year 1980 will be issued due to the activity generated by the DUI Task Force. Specific performance objectives will include the number of traffic cases processed and the number of driver's history's requested. 4. Evaluation: Administrative evaluation will be performed to measure the success of this project. Therefore, the degree of accomplish- ment of the above objectives will be the basic evaluation scheme. The designated performance objectives will be tracked to deter- mine if the objectives are accomplished during the project period. Project monitoring will be performed by the Bureau of Highway Safety planning staff. Equipment The equipment for this project includes a desk, typewriter, desk calculator, and office cupplies. These items are being supplied as an in-kind service. Employment Standards The employment standards will conform to all current Federal, State and Department guidlines. l' I- a:: o 0- w a:: CJ) CJ) w a:: <-' o a:: 0- > ..J a: w I- a:: <( ::::l a - .' ..... ..... 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Budget Category TOTAL FEDERAL State Local A. Salaries and Benefits 1 Accounting Clerk 9,156 9,156 benefits include 934 934 retirement @ 9.1/0 social security @ 6.55% 15.65% 10,560 10,560 Sub-total B. Other Personal Services Sub-total C. Expenses , , Sub-total D. Operating Capital Outlay Sub-total E. Data Processing Services Sub-total F. Indirect Cost Sub-total Total Cost Project Total 10,560 ' 10,560 5 ~ SIGNATURES OF ACCEPTANCE Authorizing Official of Governmental Unit (Only Commission Chairman or Mayor for Local Applicants) t Board of County onunissioners of Monroe ec or 1. Name: Don Sch sser, Chairman 2. Signature: --- 3. Date: /" ~ ~ Attest -4?;c pA . ~ APPROVAL FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED (SEAL) Project Director 1. 2. Signatu re: 3. Date: 1. Effective Date: 2. Federal Funds Allocated: 3. Approval Date: COlmty FI,. 4. Name: 5. Title: 6. Signature: 8 ~..J ,j State of Florida lJepartment of Community Affairs Division"of Public Safety Planning and Assistance Bureau of Highway Safety PART IV: Acceptance and Agreement Conditions of Agreement. The applicant understands and agrees to the following conditions: 1. Reports. The subgrantee shall submit, at such time and in such form as may be pre- scribed, such reports as the Bureau of Highway Safety may reasonably require, in- cluding periodic financial reports, quarterly progress reports, and final financial and narrative reports. 2. Responsibility of Subgrantee. The subgrantee must establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures which assure proper disbursement of and accounting for, sub- grant funds and required non-federal expenditures. All monies spent on this project will be disbursed in accordance with provisions of the project budget as said budget was approved by the BHS. All funds not spent in accordance with this agreement shall be subject to repayment by the subgrantee. 3. Compliance with Sec. 287.055, florida Statutes. The subgrantee, when applicable, agrees to satisfy all requirements provided in Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, better known as the "Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act". 4. Approval of Consultant Agreements and final Reports. The subgrantee must receive approval of all consultant agreements from the BHS prior to the actual employment of a consulting firm. Final reports must be approved by the BHS and, for traffic en- gineering related projects, by FHWA prior to final project acceptance. 5. Allowable Costs. The allowability of costs incurred under any subgrant shall be de- termined in accordance with the general principles of allowability and standards for selected cost items set forth in Federal Management Circular No. 74-4, "Cost Princi- ples Applicableto Grants and Contracts with State and Local Governments", and in accordance with the BHS Policies and Procedures Manual. 6. Travel. Travel is allowed by persons in the performance of activities related directly to the subgrant. Request for out-of-state travel must be submitted to the BHS for approval and acknowledgement prior to beginning of travel. Travel cost will be re- imbursed at a rate not to exceed those allowed in Sec. 112.061, Florida Statutes. 7. Written Approval of Changes. Subgrantees must obtain prior written approval from BHS for major changes. These include but are not limited to (a) changes of substance in project activities, designs, or research plans set forth in the approved application; (b) changes in the project director or key professional personnel identified in the ap- proved application; and (c) changes in the approved project budget. 8. Commencement of Projects. If a project has not commenced within 60 days after the acceptance (approval date) of the subgrant award, subgrantees will report by letter the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for delay, and the expected starting date. If after gO days from the acceptance of the award, the project is not operational, a further statement of implementation delay will be submitted by the subgrantee to the BHS. Upon receipt of the gO-day letter, the BHS may cancel the project and re- obligate the funds to other project areas. The BHS, where warranted by extenuating circumstances, may extend the implementation date of the project past the gO-day period. 6 24-