Resolution 255-1980RESOLUTION NO. 255- 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA, AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM FOR PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BY LIAISON OFFICER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida is hereby authorized to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the County of Monroe, Florida, and the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium for the provision of professional services by a Liaison Officer, copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of October, 1980. (SEAL) Attest: Jerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By irman 4FMOft AS 70,'ORAL �- f 12. I0:'1:1L SLItVIC1 S I: T THIS AGREEMENT, made t1h,2 6th (Jay o r October ill the yc;ar 1.9 80 by and between The South I'Iuri da kf� Training Consortium, by its Executive Director, a.ndthe County of Monroe,Florida bXit's Board of is hereby authorised too-:ervtces as stated herein: County Commissioners 1)She County of Monroe shall provide liaison services as described in the attached work plan: and 2)_The South Florida Employment and Training Consortium shall compensate the County of Monroe for said services: THE PARTIES hereto further agree to the following conditions: 1)The South Florida Employment and Training Consortium shall'provide adequate office space for the use of the Liaison Office 2)The County Administrator shall select and a tint the Liaison Officer W:no's appointment shall be confirmed by a majority o t e oar o c'oilntyCommissioners. Said Liaison Officer shall be compensated by the County of Monroe and subject to the County of Monroe's applicable merit system and pay plan. THIS AGREEMENT shall be in effect during the period(s) October 1, 1980 through September 30 1981 and shall provide for maximum compensation, from the South Florida ..Employment and Training Consortium to The County of Monroe gf $57,000. ,fifty seven thousand and no/100 dollars payable from Budget Code No..500-306, pursuant to the terms of this agreement. BEING DULY signed, the execution of this agreement is in conformance with Resolution g-13-80-5_. adopted by the South Florida Employment & Training Consortium on the 13th day of Au4ust 1.980_ , a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this agreement. 12 Executive irector, Sq h Florida Employment and Trainirn Consortium • • ate &0 This is to certify that services have been, or shall be performed and that payment has not been made. BOARD OF �O.UNZY; COMMISSIONERS OF MONI O OUNT - FLORIDA October 6, 1980 Lenai rman.i Date (SEAL) APPROVED.AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ATTEST: Tlchael Cates, County Attorney of y1\ Monroe :.:,;,;sty ..: �..,.,. .; _• 4,1 \ WORK PLAIN COUNTY OF MONROE LIAISON SERVICE The County of Y_onrce, in accord with the Professional Services : c ree ens. for which this [•:'ork Plan ' -is made a part, shall provide the follc�.- ing Liaison Services: 1) Represe t the County of Monroe and its interests in S.F.E.T.C. meetings related to: - Meetings convened by the Executive Directcr - Operations meetings, when requested - Liaison meetings and other appropriate S.F.E.T.C. meetings 2) At the request of the COLLnty of _Onrce' s COi 1� �'s -i '' ��Li:,i Representative, sit in saiu representatives Stead, wfie:: apprepriate, at Consortium meetings. Since the Con- sortiLLm Representative, authorized and appointed by the County of i onrce Co,,a;iissicn, is the County A.lministrator Of Monroe County, it is =derStccd that the COLL.tV Administrator shall generally attend and represent u. C u..tv of 'c e at mzeti..cs or Sousa _ orida E,: loyment and Training Consortium. 3) Provide s�anar-y reports, mont.,ly - or as rcc:u spec;- of u- Consortium actions for the Countv of Mlonroe's ; c_7inis- traticn an,_� Elected Officials. 4) Provide si_,rrnaiy reports of Ecpart:ment of_ Latior Instruc- tions, Rules and Regulations, and such other information as may be appropriate. S) Represent the County of D.onrce in the develop,,ent of a Consortium Policy M,_nual. 6) Provide such other services at the direction of the County Aa inistrator of the County of fonroe. 1� 4 �•.ti'�C Ui' _`.J ;i-.r,�.`_ I._. .. '�. _'.'1� ;1I11 :::%... 11 TITLE OF PRI,.IEC T CETA Liaison s I-D 3UDGET J1JSTIFICATION SiIEET -1- I - I .'`•IOU: �T r rvr_ ilrc\t DESC:,I.,I ITN D 01-101 0101 •0101 01-102 0140 0141 0142 0147 0334 0502 04-401 0401 05-501 0509 8-806 0838 EMPLOYEE REGULAR Liaison Officer @$23,760. x 9% increase Administrative Aide @$11,700. x 9% increase FRINGE BENEFITS Social Security 6.13% x 8,Q19. 6.65% x 29,731. Retirement @ 9.1% x $38,652 Group Insurance @$30.55 per employee x 2 x 12m Workmen's Compensation Ins. @ $7.35 per hundre x $386. EQUIPMENT RENTALS AND POSTAGE copy machine., postage,typewriter rental TELEPHONE EXPENSE all telephone calls TRAVEL EXPENSE (out of town) includes hotel, food, transportation OFFICE SUPPLIES all office supplies TOTAL $25,899. 12,753. 547. 1,977. 3,51$. 734. 2,837. 1,025. 1,750. 5,560. 400. $57,000. Soi.tn Florida and TrainInc Conscrtiuii FOP;1 3 - Page i2 e POOGRAt1 BUDGET ?, 2; 1/79 6 METROPOLITAN D:1DE COUNTY JDGET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE JUSTIFICATION FUND 2. PROGRAM 3. DEPARTMENT -. CETA Monroe County Liaison Office OBJECT 1 7. EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION CODE -101 EMPLOYEE REGULAR FISCAL YEAR 19 80 - 81 4. DIVISION 15. CODE 8. REQUEST 9. FOR BUDGET USE ONLY �101 Liaison Officer @ $23,760. per year x 9% increase $25,899. Administrative Aide @ $11,700. per year x 9% increase 12,753. TOTAL $38,652. FRINGE BENEFITS Social Security @6.13% x $8,919. (3 months) $ 547. @6.65% x $29,733. (9 months) 1,977. Retirement @ 9.1% x $38,652 3,518. Group Insurance @ $30.55 per month x 2 employees x 12 months 734. Workmen's Compensation Insurance @ $7.35 per hundred of total salaries TOTAL $ 9,613. EQUIPMENT RENTAL and POSTAGE Postage machine, copy machine, typewriter rental $ 1,025-. TOTAL 1,025. TELEPHONE EXPENSE 55 calls x $2.65 x 12 months includes long distance calls I $1,750. TOTAL $1,750. TRAVEL EXPENSE (.out of town) Official business, motel expenses, etc. lodging - 20 trips over nite @ approx. $40.00 =$ 800. meals - 20 trips, 2 days each x $12.00 = 480. 40 trips 1 day x $12.00 = 480. airfare for 50 trips to Miami @ $76.00 per trip = 3,800. TOTAL $5 560 $5 560 OFFICE SUPPLIES paper, pads, pens, pencils, typewriter ribbons, envelopes, file drawers, file folders, etc. TOTAL ALL CATEGORY TOTALS -5 5,560. $ 400. $ 400. $57,000. PAGE of UDGET DEPARTMENT .FUND 2. PROGRAM CETA Monroe County OCC. 7. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE CODE Liaison.Officer Administrative Aide PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 19 8 0 — 81 3. DEPARTMENT 4. DIVISION 5. CODE Liaison Office 8. First 9. Budget IO.Current 11. ONE I T l2. Rx'qut t 13. FOR BUDGET Prior Year I 1 1, USE ONI,Y 6 14. POSITION TOTALS 2 2 -2 Rev.1/76 PAGE of )EPARTNIENT CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY E YEAR I9.8 0 - 81 - 2. PROGRAM 3. �DEPARTME�NT4. DIVISION 5. CODEyMonroe Count Lisonice 7. ITEMGET 8. IT DESCRIPTION y. io. 11. UNIT 12, TOTAL l3=BDYGIT Priority No. of COST REQUEST CODE Units Not Applicable PAGE --()f - - - EPARTINIENT 2. PROGRAM Monroe County tIPTION OF REVENUE REVENUE SUMMARY 3. DEPARTMENT Liaison Office FISH,„ .EAR 19 80 -81 4. DIVISION 5. CODE 7. FOR BUDGET USE ONLY FUNDS FROM'SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM $57,000. C-, o W o C7 0 C] �D r lYl Ln Qj- a ` W a 00 U o 00 H W z 0 H \ E-4 H z a W W �Ua E-1 H awa 5� (:a H a o U Q E1 M r=1 FC 2 E-H :D w Ga U Q a0 W H as w wa E-' w w 0 a a w 2 O H Ei U Z H O i-*-4 H H E-q cn H U) m fc� Oa aU 01 M N d1 U-) Ln 00 r �o Ln N 00 N ri M W cr �l H (N N a U) a H 0 E-+ Q) 41 c-�