Resolution 265-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 265 -1980 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PROVINCIAL HOUSE INC. IS APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF NEED FOR A NURSING HOME IN THE MARATHON, FLORIDA AREA. WHEREAS, the local Health Systems Agency Sub-council has recommended approval of Provincial House Inc. 's appli- cation for a Certificate of Need for a nursing home in the Marathon area, and WHEREAS, the construction of a nursing home in the Marathon area would be beneficial to all of the citizens of Monroe County due to its central location and its proximity to Fisherman's Hospital, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing held by the local Health Systems Agency Sub-council the community interest was In support of the issuance of the Certificate of Need, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~WISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, does hereby go on record in support of the issuance of the Certificate of Need to the Provincial House, Inc. for construction of a nursing home in the Marathon area and does further request that the State Office of Community Medical Facilities withdraw the proposed Certificate of Need to be issued to Care Management, Inc. and, further, to issue said Certificate of Need to the Provincial House, Inc. in order that a nursing home facility can be constructed in Marathon, Monroe County, Florida. 2. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to for- ward a certified copy of this resolution to Mr. Art Forehand, Administrator, Office of Community Medical Facilities, 1323 Winewood Boulevard, Building 2, Room 220, Tallahassee, F}orida 32301. Page 1 of 2 Pages 11.3 Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners 21st day of October, 1980. of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :: MO~~LORIDA Chalrman (Seal) Attest: APPROVED A$ to FORM ANtJ ~~ $lJFFICIENCY. I . c/!; ..... /~/<<~~ BY.' -",. jy . "CiItfce /" 7.~1f Page 2 of 2 Pages Ltl:/