Resolution 287-1980RESOLUTION NO.287 - 1980 WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-81 to account for unanticipated funds received from other Governmental Agenices, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-81, be, and the same is hereby increased by the sum of $19,128.16 as follows: (1) There is hereby created under "Revenue" in the General Revenue Fund of the Mornoe County Budget for the year 1980-81, an item to be known as Item #334.908, Nutrition C II $13,594.16; Item #336910 Donation $2,000.00; and Item #331.622 Federal Commodity Reimbursement $3,534.00, which said item shall contain the sum of $19,128.16.' (2) The following increase is hereby authorized under "Expenditures" in the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-81. Item #1818-564-12 Salarie $ 3,195.93 Item #1818-546-21 FICA $ 296.70 Item #1818-564-22 Retirement $ 602.20 Item #1818-564-40 Travel $ 856.43 Item #1818-564-52.11 Food & Dietary $12,003.67 Item #1818-564-49 Miscellaneous Supplies $ 950.00 Item #1818-564-51 Office Supplies $ 217.10 Item #1818-564-44 Rentals $ 253.19 Item #1818-564-49.24 Advertising $ 72.00 Item #1818-564-31.06 Medical Expenses $ 60.00 Page 1 of 2 Pages 1 ^] 5 Item #1818-564-32.00 Item #1818=564-24 Audit $ 100.00 Workmens Compensation $ 520.94 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and that -upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, he is hereby authorized and directed to.place .said funds in said items, as set forth above. DATED October 21, 1980 Attest: ler BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By hai an (SEAL) Page 2 of 2 Pages yl7E�s.e'�k��" tiori),-Y�S Of?'V'