Resolution 294-1980RESOLUTION # 294-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Jolly Roger Trailer Park and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to: Construct a 790' boulder breakwater along the waterward property line of deeded bay bottom as boat and shoreline protection. A 30' wide passage is proposed for boat access and two 4' pipes providing an 8' flow -through in four different locations along the breakwater. The cross section of the breakwater indicates a 35' width at base and 20' at crown. Base layer is proposed of 5'+ diameter boulders a layer of smaller rocks and the entire breakwater capped with a 12' concrete ribbon walkway. Construction would commence from landward terminus and proceed to respective termini at access opening. Boulders would be brought to site by truck and individually positioned by crane with rock grapple. The smaller diameter third layer would be spread by front end loader. The concrete cap along entire breakwater would be poured and contained by sideboards until set. Applicant asserts the bay bottom in this high energy area is clean and nearly devoid of fine particles, thus reducing turbidity when the quarry -washed boulders are placed. Applicant states the large boulders will create large opening for water passage and marine habitat. Landward of the project, the land area has been developed into sites for travel trailers, motor homes and mobile homes. Recently applicant completed construction of boat dock. Applicant also has a small interior boat basin of limited size with access channel and circulation culvert. Adjacent property is mobile home/motel/travel park with small interior boat basin abutting applicant's. During 1978 and most of 1979, applicant had a steel barge sunken adjacent to existing dock. Applicant also has a permit (44-21-1097-5E) to dredge material from small boat basin, circulation culvert and remove boulders from this basin's access channel, alleged to have rolled into channel from wave action. The area of bay bottom over which this breakwater is proposed is relatively level and approximately 45 to 60 percent vegetated with Caulerpa sp, Haledule sp, Ulva sp, Penicillus sp, Thalassia testudinum as well as red, brown and green algae. Bottom is firm sediments, beige on surface, gray underneath. An octopus was in residence in a small hole. Pinfish and small grunt were observed while site was snorkled. j9t A boulder wall presently exists at northeast end of property and the following fishes were observed in the general area: Parrot fishes, grunts, snappers, needlefish, glass minnows, tangs and pork fish. Nudibrachs were present here and on the stones in front of concrete seawall along applicant's waterfront. Tulip gastropods were moving through the shallows in same area. Applicant states that waves against his seawall have moved stones and boulders from their resting places and therefore the offshore breakwater is necessary to prevent further erosion of his waterfront. The impact of this project, as proposed, would be the covering of approximately o.5 acres of bay bottom enclosing about 2.5 acres. However, since adequate circulation is provided the immediate and long term effects on water quality should be minimal. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the above Biological Assessment has been read into the Record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 6th day of November, 1.980,. at a regularly scheduled meeting. Attest: Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C NTY, FLORIDA BY Chairman N (SEAL) NO •TSPs ®, FORM 3397 LITHO IN DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT lell�i Roger TraiIPr Park, Breakwater FROmRo 1- rt Denn I s Fnvi••u- r • I 0q I StDEP'T■ ■ i ■ ■ Ru i I ■ i ■■ F. Zon i ■ ■ LEGAL TVISP 655, RNG 31Ee, Sect 19, Grassy Key Applicant proposes to construct approximately 1,000' of boulder breakwater requiring 4,889 c.y. of material deposited waterward of 1-1.H.W. The purpose of which is to protect an existing dock and help stabilize the waterfront property. Landward of the proposed activity, the area has been developed into a park for trailers, mobile homes and the like. I agree with the biotic survey submitted by DER. Adequate circulation of the enclosed area is assured by way of four water flow -through culverts and a boat pass (30' wide). RECOMMENDATION: Approval DER. bio-survey attached. lq3 a/10NR0� ."„ PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEF...... NT . PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, THE COUNTY DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1 Property owners name & mailing address Date For Department Use On] �, JELLY ?WGULi TRAIL P Ri t3. 130X 525 5%16/80 3) Phone number f;.A1ZATHGx1, FL. 33050 ./ 289-1255 O W4czi 4 Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number ;TCK IAN CONSTAUCTI011 CG. $ 9599 GISEA.s HIG& AY, 1:ARKTHON, FL, 33050 743-5751 5 Legal description of property: Key, GraGG� Subdivision, Section, 19 " Lot, art of Goya., r,t Plock, Township, 653 Street, road or mile marker, M.►�1. 59, U.S..RtP Range, 34E (if acreage) 6 Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Construct boulder & rock breakwater, on owned baybottom, to provide protection & safe harbor; material. to be trucked in & deposited from landward out. dredged/excavated /dePosited volume of material: - 9 c.y. C.Y. c.y. c.Y• :ose waterward landward rward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. .H.W. 7 Name, address & zip code of adjoining property ownersproperty affronts water way. elican iIotel & 'Trailer Park, i�.D. 1, Box rr 529, Marathon, Fl. 33050 yAargaret iYAtchelL, 712 Eisenhower Dr., Key liest, F-L. 33040 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on' 8'2 X 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertical seawalls on —man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. Signature of applicant/ agenf Date For Department Use i a— a Person accepting application Fee & receipt # Approved by Assistant Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction 01 4 ZIP- H s �P �ti / 3 �0 Q Ag�R=KFYS-- �ATLARTS C- -MEW -=LZYAIIDN-�I_lu_1dj�Y MAP__T____ _ .1Q�Y._�0�{ElZ�10Efv QE_Sdr__=� N too O �o0 200' - SIST1N -RIP tA? $RFAV V)AT , A 24PIn--$ vzw-ma) ' 9 Foe oaC , EAcT:�RM��., 1 Jr0 w { F1�TDA "BA`t ei~ c vLiuo 1wuJiJ o' ui 4�CT1FY $�T8`7:7 HRU •-��� F'oR C►etUt,r vVFst ��" � �' �i \I - 1 20� CPow_H__ 1ihLL:RDGK N 12-CAP D RFACE C�6 FrN�s)- Kmur��-NfH eauE_-- --Eys,,r---DoyTOM -15, AJ. (,/, Lrl��aottyERS ' . _ Rvv)TNeL) i i 1 z 1 4 —T'lELI-CA-Q 1L K t�►ITH :-A1TIto?�_ �OO�X Z`Z N:X27i A�Tn7MESS ALLOW, (3 Z ,000 0).F'►. 4869 cu.'yDK �IP11D _ FS�OPEitTY --- _ �Os�'ny £ 4.1;.,7AUAA'E ticPtD'u �Kc Qs"t7,�t wV*—OnY FLORIDA - K2, P4 Ir,01 aL PuvosEi -ro iimim i zF- -rRE EFFE-c,TS Or TH%S w icw ujEw " H-U-KX-- 20NE KWIDE A '5AfE MP,1 09, -FOr- USE $K, iCES10ENT53,PREVE T TURTHEL CONTTKUAL f-W510N of SROftELINE' UNDEPNI►_jwq OF SEAWA'Lx- -4-OTHER DAN44E To L&WD 4000uPAwM OF wATERMm-r SITES:, DUETO-_- -y-ij��E�AvYu-wAvE AC'r'IOu-�oN-WINTER.-$LOWS ��tIHHER SQU/.lCs.__ - ^ A I M,5t. - - 2%----PA--RESADWTS _--0-ALYRF- ]a�TACENT VQbPEe7Y__O�NEeSS-PIARCjA�ET_�'1lTCHEEL� 1�YWE�1'7_�L,, _ u" _I-W'TeC 4 JUILIEP- ARK _3 GteAmS -K6`1'------ iDatt� $_ FRANR aPrW H tTRR NONES�. C] I -�36�l1E --1fEL _ _ AILEK3 i COVICR HAW sm\nI:.E..DLbCI M07Et _ FjDgIE NOHE4 HAS& =OWNELS VES / tll-�6TtE_NOHES) O p,P ` l'AF--'R031CT; CONSTCUCT bOOLDER BE.EAK- Ir WM&_OW -DEEDED 8A`( 60TTd-j AT FLOZIDA 1 _ $�%Y-, CjRASSY KEY MORKDE, CaMTY, Apnic'NTION De. VbWARD HV-(FRS? OW►1ER - SDLL•f ROCIER. TRA►LEK PAKK. 9EET.._l OF l - - _ 1 4 -50 MEN PL dING BUI �ItiG o Z0 TING DEPAR?^iE'''T PE�IIT MflRC'- PE �IIT FOR E`�C :'ATION, THE DEPOSIT OF 0. CZ:3UNTY �` �� ��` FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners na-�e & mailing address 2) Date FOR DE'2ART?•1E`:T USE O`LY Jolly Roger Trailer Park Resolution No. 3) Phone number R.D. #1, Box 525 Marathon, F1 33050 289-1255 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Hickman Construction Co., 9599 Overseas Hwy, Marathon, F1 33050 743-5751 5) Legal description of property: Section 19 Key Grassy Subdivision Township 65S Lot Part of Gov't. Lot Block i ai i Range 34E Street, road or mile marker M.M. 59 U.S. Rte. 1 Volume of materiai: dred?ed/excavated filled/deposited C.Y. C.Y. 4889 c.y C.V. waterward landward waterward waterward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of _I.H.W. Cosc of Permit Estiaated cost of Constriction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COU;TTY CO`TISSIO`'ERS OF .•IONROE COU`,T` , FLORIDA Biologist Co=e_�ts - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Ok to permit - modification on map. J.C." .-or- in Fi-le Date 1948