Resolution 296-1980 RESOLUTION # 296-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from George B. Kyle and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to: Construct 690 linear feet of vertical concrete bulkhead in the approximate area of the mean high water line, or below. Bulkhead for the outermost section along the basin access channel will consist of concrete spread footing - 8" masonry units - with grouted cells, reinforcing bar and a concrete cap tied back by deadmen at 10 foot (center) intervals. Bulkhead along the basin wall inland will have an augmented piling for stability and will extend approximately two feet waterward of the concrete base. Concrete and masonry units will be brought to the site by flat- bed and red i-mix truck. Fill will be placed by truck and bulldozer from the site. Total fill to be used is estimated at 396.5 cubic yards (63 waterward of MHW and 333 landward of MEW). Turbidity screens will be used until after the fill is in place. All work will take place from the upland. Several discrepancies in the proposed plans were noted during the on-site inspection. The edge of the rock shelf (and consequently the bulkhead line) in detail C of the site plan follows the shoreline indentation more closely than is sho~~ eliminating the possibility of constructing a bulkhead in a straight line from point to point. More significant was the observation (high tide, coinciding with the in- terpretation of the site plans) that a good deal more than 63 cubic yards of fill will be required below the mean high water line. It is conceivable that the entire 396 cubic yards of fill anticipated for the project will be used below the mean high water line. The general area has been commercially developed, with multi-family housing along the southwestern shoreline, bridge construction farther to the west, U.S. #1 to the north and campground facilities extending from some distance to the east. The area of the campground extending south into Hawk Channel and Knights Key Channel appears to have been arti- ficially created by previous dredge and fill operations. This spit of land is presently used for recreational purposes, although it acts to inhibit complete circulation within the basin. Waters just outside of this spit and access channel are 2-4 feet deep with high productivity, gradually dropping to deeper channel depths. The dredge channel shoreline opposite the campground on the west side is relatively unaltered (no fill) and provides good background criteria, although it appears that there are plans to develop this site shortly. The shoreline here has been successfully colonized by Salicornia bigelovii, Salicornia virginica, Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seedlings, (Laguncularia racemosa) and Batis maritima. Substrate here is Key Largo Linestone with little or no erosion (shoreline ledge submerged at high tide). Page (1) ~~ Macroinvertebrates observed along the above shoreline ledge included fiddler crabs (Uca minax), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), herbivorous snails (Cerithiidae) and various species of sponges. Fish species included barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), mojarra, snapper, several species of parrotfish, glass minnows, grunts and an unidentified species of tang. The dominant growth of benthic flora is the green alga, Caulerpa sp., and filamentous brown algae. The shoreline under consideration for bulkheading has been divided into three distinct and different areas (delineated as A, Band C by the applicant) . The area of detail A proposed for bulkhead construction is the eastern shoreline of a finger canal extending from the campground basin. The terminal end of this canal, as well as the southeast corner, has already been bulkheaded. This finger canal is not subject to a large amount of boat traffic and, as such, its shoreline has not been eroded to the extent that the other two have been. Red mangrove propagules have begun to colonize the shoreline just below the mean high water line. Substrate here is Key Largo lime, although crushed limestone fill has been placed here above the mean high water line. Numerous isopods were found along the shoreline landward of the water line. Subaqueous species included sea squirts (Ascidians, species unknown), sergeant majors (Abudefdug saxatilis) damselfish (Eupomacentrus sp), snappers and parrotfish. Algal growth is primarily green fila- mentous. Turbidity was low. The shoreline contained within detail B is characterized by a large- grained, calcareous sand/mud substrate, vulnerable to erosion. Because of the low benthic stability, species diversity here was lower. Species were also different than those encountered in detail A. Species of algae observed included Penicillus sp, Caulerpa sp, Halimeda sp, and Acanthophora sp. Orange sponges and fiddler crabs were also observed, however, only one species of fish, a mojarra, was identified (this might be explained by thegradual slope of the shoreline which did not permit observation into the deeper channel). The detail C shoreline bordering the basin access channel is similar to the finger canal shoreline in detail A, with the major difference being a higher rate of erosion and consequently a narrower ledgeI' . Substrate is primarily Key Largo limestone, with an upper layer of sandy limestone fill. The intertidal ledge extends approximately. ten feet from the shoreline bank and drops off sharply into thechannel, as was the case in detail A. There were, in contrast, no pioneering vegetative growth among the rocks. Sedentary species here were numerous and included mollusks, ascidians, crustacea, barnacles (Balanus sp), and algae. Needlefish (Strongylura notata), barracuda and tangs were found feeding among the rocks. Flushing of the basin and its finger canals was better than might be expected considering its layout and orinentation to wind patterns. This might be attributable to stronger than average tides in the surrounding waters. During the on-site inspection, an accumulation of dead manatee grass (Syringoduim filiformis) was found at the end of both basin finger canals. As mentioned previously, the finger canal in detail A had a relatively low turbidity level. It is interesting to note that in the finger canal to the east (perimeter completely bulkheaded) the turbidity level increases. Page (2) r9Ofo The immediate impact of the proposed project will be the reduction of shore/water interface (i.e. a reduction in shoreline habitat) and the loss of valuable shallow-water, littoral species of flora and f1auna. Longer term impacts include the degradation of water quality due to the loss of filtering organisms (e.g. accumulation of detrital and organic debris on a naturally occurring shoreline providing nutrients for mangrove growth (and thusly filtered) - as opposed to bacterial breakdown of these same organics and their accumulation on the bottom of a vertically bulkheaded canal, causing higher turbidity, increased nutrient levels, a decrease in dissolved oxygen and an increase in biochemical oxygen demand). A naturally vegetated shoreline also helps in filtering the expected petroleum and heavy metal runoff from a campground/docking area. The vertical bulkhead proposed would greatly reduce this capacity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the above Biological Assessment has been read into the Record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 6th day of November, 1980 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By tfh*a~ ~ (SEAL) At te s t:..----) \ // ~.'-7/ _I' / ..../ / _?<~/ -_.- rC<:-'~,/f:t;<'f~ ,/ if: ~:fb- ,.-ij- .-- ~AI' JO/IORM ANDUG4I;"'~ IW v~4r4f~ Aaoms(. OIIIMI Page (3) tJ()7 . '~ PlAI111H1C.. nUILDING & ZONING UEP/\IUMENI . "':"~'''''-~\ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, TUc- - 'J DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL AC-Tl. _. __S , ,:",~~~,~;/ IN TIIr WATERS -OR l~nL^N[)S OF-MONROE COUNTY Tr-rr~JI)-t!-Y{Y -1)vltl~YI~ 'jd.m~H,~' IIldT1Tt'IY- ttJdl'~3" ;~)3 [llr11 H.' .-. ~!J.~J~~lj~I~0:J)2f!_g.r~IY1-- George B. Kyle - 8-80 ~ Knights Key Campground 'v Knights Key . 3) Phone number Marathon, Florida 33050 305/743-9994 MON~Or:: ,COUNTY' .... Contractor or agent s name, mal lng address Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 92 Marathont Florida 33050 number 305/743-3585 5) legal description of property: p;c I PZtI'Z- Section, 8 & 17 Key~ KNIGHTS Subdivision, Kni'Jht-c::: K~y Villag Block, Township, 66S Lot, Part Govt. Ton+: ? 32E (if acreage) . 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Street, road or mile marker, Kyle Way - Knights Key Range, See back of this sheet volume of materia1: . .9.Y'.f)!kJ.r;.'Jj..Qy..r;!.lYi).Jf~.d. fJJJ..c.dJ..dc.p.o.sit.e.d. o c.y. 0 c.y. 78 c.y. 394 C.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of adJoining property owners whose property affronts water way. 1. George E. Savant 4339 Hempstead Trnpk. Farmingdale, N. Y. 11735 2. Knights Key Corporation 165 Maderia Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be pr~cessed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8 X 10~ paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill or structures on, or affronting natural bodies of water. $10.00 for seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true,'complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. o'l- -,\6 \SyJ-: 3-/3-f'o Date !For Department Person accepting application ~ ,.{Jo s 3...53- Fee & receipt, Approved by Assistant Director ON (?V::...:, ~ CD Cost of permi: Estimated cost of construction ~ ! t1I'Ot.tr'I/)b<' ~~ of Qo.A~ ~ ! ~ ~-~k ~~IIJ~ : .. OOB PROPOSED PROJECT: Construct 1065 lineal feet of vertical concrete bulkhead resting on natural limerock substrate at or about the mean high water mark. The purpose of the project is to complete and protect existing campground and marina. The bulkhead consists of concrete spread footing, 8" masonry units with grouted cells and reinforcing bar and a concrete cap tied back by deadman at 10 ft. on centers. The concrete and masonry units will be brought to the site by flat-bed and redi-mix truck. The fill required behind the bulkhead is already stack-piled on the site and will be placed by truck and bulldozer. The work area will be isolated by turbidity screen until after the fill is in place. All work will take place from the upland. , . ~.,-. ';" '_f , ., . \ ~ ~~ ... , , . f'.... ....-~1 I. \J ~ ~ v.Jy >.:>0' --- :SEYG>> MII..S eR.\t>Q G , '7. \ -, L " ( c- '; ./LX . t\(r(. ";'YL.E .....4..... eX\".:.;: /- '-I \ CL.C't>>J ! >ILL. ,S"ro<X f'RPP. ~t) P I<L I P.oloI2.. \ ca;ovT LoT Z\------.J '..:56C:i. 6.~::I, 1':::":>2.':;, ,.:SE<::'T I' T'-C.~, l1:.!!;Z"E.. HA.W ~ C WA..,"-II0E L ~\ \E PLA h.l -- ,-I' 11>0 \-.. 500' ...,.,. . , $IC ~oD . (,Po '\j 4-'_0 l. \o!.o t-'\,,.:). ~ , ~'f'!> 1 ~ .,. ~ .....A.U MA,OE. 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THo,", ~ ~ COUNTY OF t-'\OIJe.oE STATE CFL, APPL I CAT ION BY "'_t..:) ~.,'\ ~~o.:. .IU:: ~ ~ ',"-, -....:r ~ ~ '.......... ".......... SH ET OF. \ DATE 2- \'2.. . '"".."....,._.,;."1""i"'J.~~.~- p....; 0.. LU Cl c:" Z o O~ LU::> >(1) ~>- a...~~ 0..2 <e::> o u w -. EXI~IU~ cJ.""p~~,,'-'O ~ MAt:.I~6. 0 ct: IN l(\,)\~t~ AT ""'Alt.A.T~O~ J \J ~ ~.....,y ..::>0' -- :sEV&N.""\\..'" .e~\t>G 1I'.--.r\...E -NA.Y ~ (:Jo-~~ ~~. "\ ~l ~- '- \,(.~ i I~~: 9~P.~" i VILt' 'I ~A.lZ..'" ~ov'rLoTZ\~ .. .:5 e:::::r. eo. ~:5. ':.:~Z.li. ..:SI5''-T l\ Tt-G-S. I!:.~"Z..~. J;!.)(\ST !oo.6.T2:I......P. . AUt) e>"O ~o p '6 U.O 'to ~E.P....c..c.e. . """..,,~"t" ct."> ~,.. <;lcO~,~ ~ Ht::...w K. C\-!AJ..J k)EL -:::. \ T'E P LA hJ .~P I~ I~' 500' ",'.,or ~ "tIC . ""DO' .'\. .. 'f 4'-0 t. lOto "^'\~. L , lJ~ , ilL.L UL .....LlItI.o,C). k~\.. ~O.O S" coVe aLOe."- . 4-iiS \foJ G.~T..s:> .CE:u,.<:. ~ 10' q(.. "'\A,U MADE. C IJ,APUE.L ]"'(P\CA\... ~UlK\-\E.ll.l) SECrl:?1J VAl :a 1'-0 PURPOSE: <:.OHPl. ETE' .. PROTEC-T D;(TUM ~e.b.~ ~"ab. '..~"""H.. ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: CD ",e.O"~ e: e SA.....6.IJT 4 'a~., He.I1P~n:A.O n...,1'1:. "'A.~Ml""<e,PA\..."" toi."'(, 117.35 @ K....\~~'~ \<.e;y ~~ 1(..5 H~DEe.lA Ave . <:'01<:.A.\... ~A.E.\..G5. "'"'\....., ':lS~\~4- SKll-085 I-J ! .;:S'C.A.LI&- --.rAJZ.O~ -b ~~ u,...... -p-e.OI-'\ U ~ c::.4t;S <:..\4AI<T "-10 8~2 F"IL\... E~T, 8..,4 76 - "" 72. e.y, Ae." t1~~ h El.Ow M~II/ 1bTAI.. ~ ~~ l..\J L\.. (/') )~ <:::sa ~ '() 0.. '. -..:r s< -....".... ~~e.o LA.; I- 4( COUNTY OF t'\o..,e.olC. STATE O'L . APN..ICATION BY "'_\.:l~"".b.'~Oc:.,IIX. FI DATE 2..\'2,- :JiG ~ERMIT , I ~~\.~_,.,~O~~~/' PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ~:;~~~~ .'.L'" PERHIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF \~ K '1/-' FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ::.......~~ WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property ow~ers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT George B. Kyle Knights Key Campground Knights Key Marathon, Fl 33050 PERi'1IT NO. USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number (305) 743-9994 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Assoc., Inc., P.O. Box 92, Marathon, Fl 33050 5) Legal description of property: Section 8 & 17 Key Knights Subdivision Knights Key Village Township 66S Lot Part Govt. Lot 2 Block Range 32E Street, road or mile marker Kyle Way - Knights Key Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward of M.H.H. c.y. landward of H.H.W. 78 c.y. waterward of M.H.W. 394 c.y. waterward of M.H.W. Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Ok to issue-J.C. On permit-about 1,065 linear feet of concrete seawall in man-made basin." Copy in File Date Buildin:; Official () I J