Resolution 310A-1980RESOLUTION NO.310A_ 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A PUBLIC DONOR CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES CERTIFYING PUBLIC EXPENDITURES FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED FOR THE MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORATION PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Public Donor Contract by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, copy of same being attached hereto, certifying public expenditures for the purpose of obtaining State and Federal funds to be used for the Monroe County Social Services Transportation Program. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of November, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C VNTY, FLORIDA By man (SEAL) Attest: 8Y Affor ey'$ ffice cge7 } ,{` ,?t, i' (}}: j!}.,j..i'.�'If iti',1}) }''. .}}f'_fi.{ j�.'.��". .i.•. \�.L�,.l !', C`"+; ��t�•:) ' .. ...i4' _ 1 �.} `" .. .. r;i-ii ��- •. .� - '{.��(�Li:. ._ i �.' ! is ZiCtv,—en "L.'1le St:C"11C' a O1: ��C.'i.11i:1'1 i.:hCi' 1.�('}lC:.bil i.:Ll'L" l_VC: :iC'1 ViCc�' r }1C'.Y_C.II1�1J' L_( I= 1 n J.Fi+�F�l:rC:'•(: 't_-.C) 1S -t.�1 ),C'}.i�:l1_�t_1 C'i;� , dl-1.� rcf'urrc;d to as 1:i1i3 ";.)oTlc) :" rs Part) es F.I(jl'C,C, Doll,.or "Will. contri`-)llte t:o 1-he De -pa: ticient 1 he c.un": a,: ].)7 C'.a h c1I-icl }7� J_]_ G'(?7:'._i_{1 kJlLt7IJ.c e-,-j C_'.l].C�]_ 1_Z,-^`% 11}l.C� S1.'.1a of Y �- TO :,t.•,^1Cl --- or C).' o._ tlln_'_:":j St.at_,J fc1nGs 1_1 L-.;.0 c1li1C.t1Y).i:. C)f. �ancj- Fedc?xll 1_llnds 1I2 Z11c amoUl7 �_ _C!' clG�'^ .fCw a -LotaI O{ �^}'+l}�'1� �� � to he 1.1 OCi for. i:ile P)--oVZs.7_on (-,I: f;E'J _ s- 1=o t}lc,sc! cal jibl_e L1nCiC-r U -�is of el i1i ty of t:Zlc Dp��.r..tlnnt:. Dono).-'s t;'O1"St:lJ.i>1111on s11z13. )i+= Il1ciC1C' 1I? 1`'l�:v payI11L'I _s of y.�_a�l!_. "u})c first: of : a.id pay-mr nts being made on t'2I1C1 Stl}_):.;C'.i�Llent payments } eiric� Ilac).c. On llorlor `s c:e.r_ i _r_ci public expc'tid:i.ti :t-cs sllall l,e made in . 1 2___ cef.-t:iSic�.t.:i_ozls o n�— - . Oil Of c z.c}: T` ' 9� ir'(' i 1` oll flgt • " T} , Cc�:r i if::icd 1?ubl.i.r. i XY)cnditul:cs Cc—rti.fi('(l public c:xJ.)c.)ld_i.t=tt)-ca; will .110L 1) c Inol_c 1:.}lan the acjl:ec:d '1Sf,c)n tc�L,ll Celli:):1.�)11t.:t.011 duc. uncicT: .}cif r_C)r.i.�: C:C'.X �1.1 1.C=C1Z;R C��_:icj:i.}:�.(:'. be oil thu f.o)nl: and ill i:}1f:_ 111�aI11fCr)" I' )f C 2 U o 1) rm -A I I L) 6 5 c, I r C L! j 61 C: J 1) (-, 1.) (-.13- ',-' I I i 111 YI I-- . tho. alllount�, dollated for Doy,c).r gu,�,irarltees thC-l.t Ilorle;. o' s, 0).-, under th-i-s Y06c" �11 fund S Cxce�.)t a s irolil or arc, in 3-iou of ).C- C (3. C I:' c.1 ' i V. 0- & f r om- 3-�' r a 17r C: C, u t h o r i v- e OL L mon-l-es 1- C c E! acce F.Ible G.,rjj-h Federal }ay f -cl 1-10. s Departmer)"-.- A511-0-CS- T)-i i s cl 0 F'. t i o I-, s f or the provision Of of the the J- juj:ce L t 1-10 S c e I i ci i J I -tY se.rv-7ces to who meet z,c,,a 2 Dc-'Partrilen L/ Florida. Donor ana De,Dartancicn t- Mutually g r e C-- ilt Will I .Phis contract- may be terminated by either party upon 110 tilal-i thirty (30) days notice, or without 'cause; notice shall be delivered by certif ied mail-, return receipt- requested, or in person viii-Ij probf of dolivery. This contra ct _,;Ijal I D I begin on 2. This contract shall 0-l-,Cl on Nc)vcmbor lli,, 1981. 1� ..• ' r li• �;t lli I � !, •r.��",ii �'(% 1 I � I i it 1� :II. �1 �..rI JJ('i� 4!� .. ..�`t!.i-; ' (A. V T. ,.. -C1-).. Atrtest: I�, .Aa 7 �1 T're aqo