Resolution 327-1980
That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners
of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute
an Airport Agreement by and between the County of Monroe,
State of Florida, and B & E Enterprises, a copy of same
being attached hereto, for the operation of a gift shop.
Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners
of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the
18th day of November, 1980.
BY ;ft #/J'4
Attorn",'. Office
AI H.POIU !\l;!<U;0IU.JT
TIllS CONTRACT OF LEASE 1;-, Jllade ilnd entered into ',"11 tile
19th (Ll\' or November , J9S0, hy and het\\'een the
Lount) ';-[-l\ionroc, S't~ltc oT--Fforl(L!, a political subdivision
of tile :tate or Florida, hereinafter reCerred to as Lessor,
and B l; I : En t c r p r i s e 5, a par t 11 e r 5 hip 0 r r, ani z e L a 1l d ex ~ 5 ti n g
under tile 1;1\\'5 or the 5tate or Florida, hereinafter r'..'ferred
t q a s I, l' ~; 5 e e .
\V I T N E SSE T 11:
h'HLREAS, Lessor owns an airport known as Key West
Internat ional Airport located in ~lonroe County, State of
FI.orida, hereinafter c;Jlled the "AIRPORT", ill.ld
\VliLREAS, Lessee is engaged in the business of mil.ln-
tainin,L a eift and Sundry Shop, and
WI!J'REAS, Lessee (leSlres to obtain certain rights,
services and privileges in connection with the use of the
Airport and its facilities, and the Lessor is willing to
~l'ant :ind lease the same to Lessee upon the terms and
co'ndi 1. ions he~-' inafter states,
j\()\\, TIIEREFORE, for and in consideration of thl ;1re-
mises ~l:'d of the mutual covenants and agreements hereIn
con t il i n cd, il n dot her val u a b 1 e con sid era t ion s, L e s so r '.! 0 (' 5
hereby grant and lease unto Le~see, and LesseE;' docs hereby
hire a!ld take from Lessor" certain premises, f.lei1 iti 's,
rights, licenses, services and privileges in connection with
dnd on the Airport, as follows, to wit:
A. USE or THE AIRPORT. Lessee shall b~ entit~c:d to
t.he USL, in common with others authorized to do so, of the
:\irport ~nd appurtenances, together with all facilities~
equipment, improvements and services which have been cr m~l/
hereafter be provided at or in connection with the Airport
f'H common use in the operation of a Gift and Sundry Shop
and has the right to maintain a Gift and Sundry Shop \vithin
the leasehold described hereafter in PART B which shall
1. The retail sale of gift and sundry items
normally associated with an airport gift shop;
2. The retail sale of books, magazlnes, news-
papeis, confectionary products, tobacco produces and per-
sonal grooming products and
3. Provide such services normally furnished by il
Gift and Sundry Shop and as arc compatible with other activitje~
on the Airport.
B. LEASEHOLD. Lessee does hereby lease, for us
exclusive use the following described property:
A 303 square foot gift shop located within
the passenger terminal building at Key West
International Airport as designated in
Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part
Page 1 of 11 Pages
The Lessee siLl]] prompt] y execute :Ind \.:olllply \\'i th :1]]
statutes, ordinances, rule, orders, regulations :Ind rl'quirellll'nts
of: the Federal, SUite :lnc1/or COllllt)' or City governments, :In)"
an tl a]] 0 f the i l' Ill' P a l' t men t S :1 n d Bur e a us, 1\' hie h are a p p I i cab I e
to said premises.
C. IUCIIT OF INC;r{ESS AND ECI{ESS. The right of ingress
t\.) and egressTrom;l)llfJ1ot-tllcll~C:;c-of, except :IS IH()'\'idcd
i IL t his 1 e as e, the p l' em i s e san d LI c i lit i c s l' e fer l' e d to i n
Sc~ctLons "^" and "B" Lnclusive above, for Lessee, its cmplo)"ees,
agents, patrons, LtS suppliers of materials or furnishers of
service, its equipment, vehicles, machinery or other property,
without charge to Lessee, its employees, agents, patrons,
suppliers of materials or fUrI1LShers of service or their
said propert)" except as herein otherl\'ise provided; and
prbvided further that nothing herein contained Sh:ll] be
deemed to 1 Lmit Lessor's right to impose charges upon ground
transportation services.
T his I e:1 sea n d a 1] ri g h t she I' c i n g l' ant cd L c sse e s h a I I
bL',come operative :lnc1 effective on Octoher 1, 1~)8() :Ind shall
en\l on Septemher 30, 1981 unless sooner te1'1ninated as
hereinalter provided.
^. Lessee :Igrees to pay Lessor :It such pLlces as
Lessor m:lY des i gna te for the use of the prend ses, f:IC i ] it i ,-'S,
rights, licenses, services, and privileges granted hereunder,
the fo]lol\'ing rentals, fees and ch:lrges, all pa)':lb1e in
11\ () nth I rill s t :J ] 1m c n t s co \' e l' i n g t h c en sui Il g C :I lend a l' mOil t h .
In tile c\'ent th:lt the commenccment or termination of the
tcrm.h'itl1 respect to any of the particular premises, Llcilitie:~,
right~, li<--'cnses, services :Ind privileges as herein pnn'ided
LI:jls on :IIlY date other th:ln the first or last d:l\' Or:1
\.':llcnd:lr mO;lth, the :lpplicable rentals, fees :llld ~'h:lrges C()r
th;lt month shall he paid for s:lid month prora1:1 according to
the IlUlll h (: l' 0 f d; I )' sin t h;l t 111 0 nth d u l' i n g h' h i C h s aid p a l' tic u 1: I I'
premises,' Llcilities, rights, licenses, services and pri'\'ileges
h'erc enjoyed; and the Lessee :lgrL~CS to P:1)' on or heCore the
1St h d:l Y 0 f e:1 c h m 0 nth f 01 J 0 \vi n g the ] as t d:l Y 0 rea c h c a J en Jar
mo'nth throughout the leasehold term:
I. $224. ()CJ per month for llse of the :iO:i SqU:IH'
foot gift shop at the passenger terminal, including electricity.
2. 400 of gross revenues over $2S,()()(),OO resulting
fro III ' ,t h e con d u c tin g 0 faG j f tan d Sun d r )' S hop bus i n e s sat
Key West International Airport.
B . The L e sse e her e b y a g r e est 0 111 a i n t a i n F:i Il all c i :1 1
Records utilizing no1'1nal1y accepted aCl'ounting procedures.
The Lessee further agrees that the aforementioned records
h' i 1] hem a d e ,I v ai ] a b 1 e tot h c L e s s 0 r, i fit sod e sir c s, for
formal :Illclit at most once each six mOllths. Furthermore, the
L(~ssor has the right to inspect said records during normal
business hours at any time.
Page 2 of 11 Pages
C . The L e s c; e e c; h ; 11 ] pre 0, (' n t a c; c h e d u 1 e 0 F l' ate S : 1 I HI
c h a r g e ~ tot he L e s SOl' r 0 l' ;! P P l'C' \' a I ; III d sue h r;1 t e s ;1Il d c h a l' g e s
sh{d 1 preva i 1 only after approval by the Lessor. Sa id
s c h c d u I e s h all b C' sub j C' c t top e r i 0 die rev i e wan d l' e n e IvaI 0 f ,
or, denial of approval thereof by the Lessor.
D. 'j'J\XES Aj\;]) j\SSJ:SS~IENTS. Lessee sh;111 pay all taxes
al\.d ;lssesslnenTs-.wh-i-l~h-ma)~)e--[a\\lrullylcvied b:' the dul)'
c d 11 S tit ute d t a x i n g bod y up 0 n [, c sse e IV i t h res pee t t 0 its
opcrat ion at the Airport. The Lessor agrees not to lev)' ;In)'
license Of permit fee or special assessment on Lessee th;lt
would restrict or interfere with the exercise andenjo)'ment
of the rights ;lnd privileges gr;l11ted herein; provided this
s h a I 1 not pre v e n t the L e s SOl' r rom m;1 kill g c h a r g est 0 L e c; see
For the use of the Airport, its Cacilities and services :lS
herein speci fical 1)' authorized.
E. L e sse e s 11 a 11 P;I y For all \\' ate l' and gas use d by
Lessee (on sa id prem i ses, anel ;lny 1 icense fees, ;lIld SLl te,
CO,unt)' and City taxes including the sales rental tax.
F. DEh\U LT FOR FA r LURE TO PAY RENTALS ~S j\0!.D__~Jl:\RC;l~_~.
(1) The prompt IL1)'ment of the rent For S:1 iel premises
upon the terms n:lmed, :lnd t]1(.' faithful observance of the rules,
l' e g u 1 ;1 t i () II S all d d ire c t i v e s IV hie h arc b y ref ere nee m ;] de: I p;l I' t
llC'redf, ;lnd of such other and further rules, regulations and/
or direct ives as may be hereafter made by the Lessor ;Ire the
conditions upons which the lease is made and accepted, :llld
any [ai lure on the part of the Lessee to comply \\'ith the
terms of this lease, or 'an)' of s:lid rules and regulations or
directives, nOh' in existence, or ,,'hieh lIl:1}' hereafter be
prescrihed h)" the Lessor, shall at the optiOll of the Lessor,
Iwrk ;1 Forfeiture of this lease, and ;111 of the rights of
t Ii e I, e s :-; C l' her e u n d e 1', ~lJ1 d the l' e u p 0 nth e L e s s 0 r, its a g l' II t s
() r e III i) 1 0 v e e s s h : I I 1 h a vet her i g h t toe n t e l' s aid pre m i s l' S ,
all;~l relllove all person5 ;lnd property, if desired, therefrolll
forcihl)' or other\vise, and the Lessee 11erchy express,\'
Ivalves :Ill)" ;lnd all notice required by 1 a 1\' to termillate
tenancy".;lnd also 1\':11ve5 any and all legal proceeding:-; to
recover possession of said premises, ;Ind expressl\' :Ign'es
that ill the event of a violation of any of the terIns of this
1 ~';l S e, 0 r 0 f s aid l' u 1 e s, l' e g u I :1 t ion s 0 l' d ire c t i v e s, no \\' i II
existence, or which ma)" hereafter he lllade, said Lessor, its
agents \.)r emplo)'ees may immediatel)" rc-enter said prcmises
and d i s po sse s 5 L c sse e \\' i tho utI e g:1 1 not ice 0 l' the ins tit uti 0 Jl
o fan y leg a I pro c e e din g s \\' hat so c v e r.
. ( 2 ) 1 n ad eli t ion tot h e act s 0 f de fa u I tel s c Iv her e
def in'ed, the commi ss ion of any of the fo 11 olvi ng ~lctS by the
Lc'ssee sh:111 constitute a default, and this lease may he
terminated by the Lessor immediately upon notice in \\'riting
to the Lessee: Abandon, desert, vacate or discont inl,c
operations on the premises or petition for an)' bankruptcy
or insolvency, or be adjudicated bankrupt, or make a
general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or suffer
a lien to he filed against the premises, or permit a
rcceiver or trustee to come into possession without removing
them,. within a reasonable time.
Page:') of 11 Pages
-----r---'--"'-"- ~-:::ao..___,.,._
The Lessee ;q~rees that in further;lnce of the privileges
and lIses permitted hereunder:
I. To furnish good, prompt ;lnd eCricient service
;HA c qua t e tom e eta 11 the d c m.:t n d s r 0 l' its s e r v ice a t the
a ! f!)Q r t ;
2" To fu rn i sh sa i d serv ice Oil a C;li r, equa I and
nondiscriminatory basis to all users thereof; and
:). To ch;lrge fair, re;lsonable and nOlldiscrimin;ltorr
prices tor e;lch unit of sale or service: PIWYIIlJ:ll th;lt the
L c sse e Jlj;] y he ;1 I I 0 \\' e d tom a k cre;1 s () n ;1 hie and no 11 d i s c rim -
in;ltory discounts, rel);ltes or other similar t)'pes of pricl'
reductions to volume purchasers.
The \\lord "service" as usecl in suh-sections I, 2 ;Ind :)
of. ARTICLE IV, shall include furnishing of labor, m;1te1'1;1Is
and sup P lie s, l' e Ll t e d t 0 C; i f t a Jl cl S un dry S hop 0 per a t i (); 1
i I1.C 1 u d i Jl g the s a let her e 0 f, aSh' c 11 a s fur n ish i 11 g S e r v 1 c e .
j\RTICLE V - 1~ll;IIT TO LL^SI~ p]WPEIny
., !.~, s SOl' l' e IH e sell t s t hat i t has the ri g,!J t to I e;J set !J l'
Airport, together \\'ith all premises, facilities, rights,
licenses. services and privileges herein granted, ;1nd h;IS
fu] I po\\'cr and authority to enter into this agreement In
respect thereof.
ARTleL!'. VI
.Lessee Sh;1 I I, e:\cept as hereill othl'r\\lise provided, h;I\'e
the r"ight to purc!J;lse or othcrh'ise ohta in personal propert\'
lk f m e d h r i t t 0 her e qui l' e cl b y 0 r i n c i cl e n t to, L e sse e ' s
ope l' a t ion s, its ex e IT i sea f the l' i g h t she l' e in g l' all t e d and
its discharge of the obligations herein imposed, Crom ;In)'
person, p;lrtncrship, firm, association or corporation it may
choose. 'Cxcept as herein other\\'ise specific;l] I)' provided,
no c h (J r g e s, eel' s, 0 l' to I Is, 0 f (J n)' n (J t u l' e, d ire C tor i n d ire c t
s1wll he chilrgec1 hy Lessor, directl)' or indirectly, ag;linst
L e's see 0 l' its sup P lie r s, r 0 l' the p l' i vi] e g e 0 f P 1I l' l: has i n g ,
selling, using, storing, \\'ithdr;lwing, handling, consuming,
loading or unloading, or clelivering any such personal pro-
perty of Lessee by Lessee or its suppliers or for the privilege
of transport i ng such persona I property or persons to, from
o l' 01,1 the Air po rt.
Nothing in this lease shan he deemecl to restril.t in
un y man n e l' L e s s 0 r I sri g h t toe h a l' g can y per son, P;I rt n e r s hip,
firm, association or corporation rentals for the use of
Lessor's property or uny improvements thereon or thereto
where such use of said property or improvements arc of it
regular or pennanent nature as distinguished from tempor;lr)'
or transitory nature or where such use is of stIch a n;lture
as to constitute the performance of a corilmercial business at
the Airport.
Ex c e jl t as () t 11 e l' \\I i s e s pee i f i ell I y pro v ide d her e in,
I :~~ s so r d u l' in g the term 0 f t his le;1 s c, s h a I lop era t e, 111;1 in t a in
a n cl keep 1 n goo cl l' e p a j l' the A j r port , Terminal B 11 i ] di n g ,
Page 4 of 11 Pages
vl'hicll!;lr p;lrking SP;ICl', ;ill :lppurtl'I];lnl'CS, f,ll:ilitic<--; ;Ind
s l"r V ice s no \V 0 r her c; I ft e l' conn e C t cd h' i t h the r 0 reg 0 i n g ,
i n,c lu din g, h' i tho u t li m i tin g the gene r a lit Y her C 0 [, ;11 I fie I d
li(.lhtill" nnd other ,Ippurten(lnce~, racjlitie~ ;Ind :-;en'il'C~
h'hYch I,~~:-;or h;l~ agreed to furni~h :Illd ~upply hereunder.
P]"ovidcd, hOh'C\'er, th;lt Lcs~or ~hall not he requircd to
per f 0 rIll 1'l,1 i n t l' Il ;In c e ,In d 111:1 k ere p a iI's 0 C C n:-; i on e d h y n e g I i g e Ill' c
o I' L c:-; :-; l'l' 0 I' i t ~ em pI 0:' e e:-;, [i I' C' 0 I' 0 the r C:]:-; U a I t Y ex P e \.' t ed,
;11iJ in \\'hich c;l:-;e Lc:-;sor m;l)' perforJn :-;ul:h lTl;lintenance or
1l1:lk e :-; u c h l' e p air:-; :1 Ill] c h;1 l' get he l' e;1 :-; 0 n;1 h Ie co s t 0 f :-; am e to
Le,ssee, PrcHrided ;Ilso th:lt Lcssor mar ;lhandon certain
facilitie:-; \\hich ;Ire no longer reasonahly justified for
proper ;lllcl ;Ideqllate operation o[ the Airport. Lessor :-;hall
keep tl1l' i\irport I'ree of ohstructions, illcluding the l'learing
;In,d rell1iJ\'ill of gr;I:-;~, stones, or other foreign m;lteri;ll, ;IS
re;)son;lhly ne\.'e~s;lry nnd ,,'ith re;lson;!hll' proll1ptnes~, froll1
the rUnh'nr, l;IX i -\\;IY and I o;ld illg ;lTl'ilS for the S;I fe, con\'l'll i ellt
;lJld proper USl' of the /\irport, ;Ind sh:ill m;linLlin (Ind llJ1Crale
the j\irport in ;ill respects in a manner ;It least equ;ll to
the highest standnrds or ratings iSSUl'd hy the h:.'deral
!\viation !\llministratioll, for ;Iiports of suhst:lntially similar
size and char;lcter and in accordance \\ith all rule:-; and
!'l'gulal ion=, of thc h'deral l\vj;ltion .\dlllinistration ;Ine! any
Othl'l' (;o\'cl'nmcnt,,! i\genCy h;lving iurisdiction thercof,
p rL) v i din g t h;J t n () t h i ;1 g h ~ rei n c ~ n 'r ;1 i n cds h;ll I h c del' III e d to
I' l' '{ II i r l' L c =' ~ 0 r toe n I a r get h c Air pur t () I' tom a k l' ex t l' n s i un:-;
nr additions to the landing are;l, nll1h':I\", taxi-\\a,", or uthl'r
;Ippurtcn;lnces or the j\irpo~'t. '.'
ARTrCLE VIII - [\L\lNTL~;\;\CE M-iD ()PLl~Xrt()NS BY LESSl.l~
Lc~sec herehy accepts the prem ises in thl' conu it ion
they ;Ire in ;It the hcginlling or thi=, Le;t:-;l', ;1I1d ;lgrces to
m:lintain s;lid pn'll\i~e~ in the S;lml' condition, order and
repair ,IS the)' ;Irl' ;It the cOlllmencemcnt of ~;Jid term, cxceptlng
0111)' "1'e;lson,lhle h'e;lr and te;lr ;lrising from the Il~e thereof
Iln~ler t h i~ l\grCl'ment, alld to COm]Wllsllte S;I id le~sor imJlll'd i;ltcly
Upl)n lkmand fnr :111:' d;lJn;lgc to sa i d IHl'l1l i :~es Cl\l=,l'd h>' ;In,"
;ICt or Ileglel't or Lc~see, or ul ;111:' peJ"~on (lr persons In
their' or under the control or the Ll'ssec.
TIll' Lessee agrees to maint:lill the pj'{'111i=,1':; in;1 l'leall
condition, and to maintain ;111 adequ;ltc nUlIlher or cO\'l'red
ml'lnl h'aste COIlLlillers ;It suitahle !oc:ltions, and S)];l]!
deposit ;11] tr;lsh ;Ind \\'aste thcrein [or proper di:-;positioll
of such haste materials at the disposal grounds des ign;lted
by the Lessor.
It is understood and ngrl'ed that no si,~ns or ;ld\'l'rtising
and 110 ahning=, shall he erected on or in cOllnection \\ith the
pr,-'mises leased hereunder, unless the same :-;hall he first
submitted to and approved by the Lessor in writIllg.
I t i:-; (' x pre s sly 0 g l' e c d t h tl t i [ run d s f n r the pro vis ion,
m~lilltenallce ;llld opcrotioll of the Control To\\'er nnd/or other
nil' ntlvigatioll ;Iids or other facilities requirl'd or pl'rmittcd
h)' t hc lJ nit cdS tat e ~ h' h i c h are no \\', 0 r ma)' he h c l' car t C' I'
rurlli~hed h:" the United Statc~, ;Ire di~cOJltiIlucd hy tl1l'
United St;ltes, Lessor shall not be reClltircd to furnish said
Page 5 0 r I I P;lgcs
l\RT] C LEX - RLJ LES 1\:'\ 11 I~LCLJ Ll\T [ONS
----..-------------..-" ---------~~-
Lessor sh;1l 1 have the right to ;lllll shall ;Ioopt :lno
enJorce reasonahle rules and regulatiolls, \\'hich Lessee
D g l' e est 0 0 b s e rv e and 0 hey, \\' j t h res p e c t tot h e use 0 C the
Air p 0 l' t ;1 n d :1 p pur ten an c e s; pro v ide d t h;1 t s u c h r u 1 e s a i1 d
l' c.g u 1 a t i 0 Il S s h all not be i n con s i s ten l' \\' i t h t his ;1[": l' e em en t
nOt' with the safety and \,ith rules, reguLltions ano orders
oCthe l;ederaL i\viation Administration \\'ith respect to
aircraft operations :It the Airport, with procedures prescribed
ora p pro ve d fro m t i met 0 t i m e b y the Fed era L i\ v i a t ion ,\ d m i n i s -
tration with respect to the operation of aircraft of the
Lessor sh;Jl I provide Lessee \\'i th ;1 cop)' of such rules
and reguLations from time to til1\e.
In the event the premises sh;11 I he partially damaged by
fire, explosion, the clements, the public enemv or other
c;i os u a 1 t \', but not l' end e re dUll ten ant a hie, the S:1 m e s h:1 ] I be
rc'paired Hith due cliligency hy Lessor at his 0\\'11 costs :Jlld
expense. If the cbm;lge shall be so extellsiye as to rCI1der
such,premises untenantable but c;lp:Illle oC beillg repaired
wit h i, nth i l' t Y (:; ()) day s, the s a JI1 e s h a [I be. l' e I' air c d \I' i t h due
di I igellce hy Lessor at its O\vn cost ;Jlld expense, and r~'llt
pay a b 1 c her C u !l d e r s h ,11 1 b cpr 0 p 0 r t ion ate l)' Jl aid u p tot h e
timc ;IS the premises shall be fully restored. III ca~;e the
premiscs is completely destroyed hy fire, explosion, the
clemcnts, the puhlic enemy or other c:1suaLt)', or so d;lmaged
t hat i t \\' i 1 lor Joe s r e 1ll;1 i nun tell: III t a h L C' f 0)' III 0 r e t h :111
t 11 i r t r l:i () ) d ,I Y s, the L e s SOl' S h a 11 he Ull d C' r no 0 b 1 i g ,I t ion t 0
rep:lir :Ind reconstruct the prcmises, :llld rent paY;lhlc here-
ulI,der'\\ith respect to Les::-;ce's exclusive space ill said
p r't;' III i s L' S s 11;1 1 1 h e pro po l' t ion:1 tel y p;l i d u P tot h e t i m c 0 C
such c!am:lge or destructioll alld sh;111 thcnceCorth ce,lsc lInt!l
such tillle ,IS the premises may be Cully j'estored. If h'ithin
Il i net y ( ~). ()) d a )' saC t e r s u c h d i1ln;1 g e 0 r des t r u c t i 0 11, L (' ~~ ::-; () l'
Llils to notify Lessee of its intention to rcp;lir or re-
COil S t'1' Ul' t the c1 a Jl1 age 0 l' de ::-; t r 0 y e d p r C'1ll i s C' s () r toe II r Il ish (1
s U,b s tan t i a 1 I Y c q II i v ;l J cut C a c i 1 it)', I, C ::-; see 111 a)' g i \' C L c s s 0 l'
hT i t t en no ti c e () fit sin ten t i on to t h en can c c 1 t his a g r e e -
men tin its en t ire t)" 0 r toe a 11 eel, as 0 f the d:1 t e 0 I' s II C h
damage or destruction, such part of this agreement as relates
only to said premises.
r~ ]'hc Lessor 111(1)'" CtlllCcl t1115 agrcclllcnt b)~ giving L(':--;~cl'
t h i r t)' (:i () ) <.1:1 y ::-; a cl van c e w r i t ten not ice t 0 h e s e r v e J (I S
hercinafter provided upon or after the happclling of anyone
of the following events:
a. The filing by Lessee of a voluntary petition 1n
b . The ins tit u ti on of proceed 1. n g sill h ;In k r up t c y ;1 g a ins t
Lessee ilnc! adjudiC::ltion of Lessee as a hal1krupt pursllilnt to
such proceedings.
c. The taking h)" a court of jurisdiction oC Lessee and
its assets pursuant to proceedings hrought under the pro-
visions of an)' l:ederal re-org:lIlizatiol1 ;ICt.
P;I g e 6 0 f ] 1 P age s
d . The a p poi n t Il\ e 11 tor are c e I v l' l' 0 l' L e sse e 1 s ass e t~, .
e. The divestiture of Lessee's estate herein by other
ope l' at ion 0 C 1<.1 IV.
f . The a h and 0 nm e nth)' L (' sse e 0 r its l" 0 11 d u c tor C; i r t
al1d Sundr)' Shop at the Airport for:J period of sixty (bO)
g. The Ll\vCul assumption hy the Ul1ited States CO\'l:rl1-
ment or any authorized agency thereof or the operation,
control, or use of the J\irport anll facilites, or an)' suh-
s tan t i a 1 P:I rt 0 l' p:11" t s the l' e 0 f, ins u c h m a I1n era s s u h s t; III t i a I 1 Y
to restrict Lessee, for :1 period of :It least ninety (~1())
days, froll\ opel';lting thereol1 Cor the conductil1g of ;1 Cift
al1d SUl1dry Shop.
No haiver of deLllI1t by the Lessor of ;]11)' of the
t e nn s, co v e n ant s 0 l' co 11 di t i 0 11 she l' e 0 f to he per r 0 rme d, k e p t
and ohserved sh;lll be construed to be or act ;lS;1 Ivaiver of
:111)' s u h s e que n t de [a u 1 t 0 fan y 0 f the term s, co v e 11 a 11 t s ;1Jl d
C llll d i ti 0 11 she I' e i n con t a i 11 e d t 0 b e per Co rln ed, k cpt a 11 doh s e ]'\' l' d
h y"' the L e sse e s h a I 1 11 0 t bed e em e d :] \\ a i v e I' 0 [ an)' l' i g h t 0 11
the part of the Lessor to cancel this leClse for Llillll'C hy
Lessee to so perform, keep or observe :Iny of the terms
covenal1ts or conditions o[ this lease.
L (' 55 e e ma \' c a 11 c e I t his a\!. r e em ('11 t a 11 Y t i In e t hat L e s 5 e e
IS not il1 def;l~Ilt in its p':]YIl\~nts to Lessor hereunder, by
givIng Lessor sixty (00) days allv:lncc lo"ittel1 notice to he
sl'rved ;IS hereil1:1fter provided, upon or :Iftcr the happening
of anyone of the following events:
a. 15S11:lnle by any court of lOll1pCtCllt jurisdiction ll!
; I 11;' i n j u n l t i 0 11 i n any I~' : 1 y ]1 l' e \' C n tin g 0 I' l' est 1':1 i n i n~: t 11 e u s c
of the ,\irport or any part thereof Cor :lirport purpo:-;cs, :lild
the relll:lining in CorCl' of such injullction for :1 period of at
1 e a s t n i (I e t y (~) ()) day s .
h. The il1abi 1 ity of Lessee to use, Cor a period in
e~ce5S of ninety (90) days, the Airport or ;111;' oC the prcmiscs,
C a c i 1 i tie s, rig h t s, 1 j c ens e s, s e )"\' ice 5 0 l' ]H i V ill' g e s I e as e d
to Les..,ce hercunder, be(;luse of fire, explosioll, earthquake,
other l.::lsualty, or :ICts of Cod or the public enemy, provided
that s :Im e i s not caused by n e g 1 i g e n ceo l' IV ill f u 1 acts 0 f
failure to act on part of Lessee.
c. The deLllllt by the Lessor 1n performance of any
c OfV e n ant 0 l' a g r e e In e n t 11 ere i n l' e qui l' e d t 0 11 e per for III (' d h Y the
Lessor and the fai lure of Lessor to remedy such defaul t for
ape l' i 0 d 0 f ni 11 e t y (~H) ) days aft err C c e j p t from L e sse e 0 l'
\Yritten notice to remedy same; provided, ho\\'ever, th:lt 110
notice of cancellation, as provided above, sahli be of any
force or effeetif Lessor shall have remedied the default
prior to receipt of Lessee's notice of cancellation.
d. The LI\\,Cul assumption hy the lJnited St:ltes C;overll-
ment or :Jny authori:ed agency thereof of the oper,ltion,
COil t l' 01 0 l' use 0 f the i\ i l' P 0 l' tan d Ll c i 1 i tie s, 0 l' all;' s 1I 11 s t: lilt i: I I
part or p:lrt5 thereof, in s\ll.:h a m:lllner as sllbstant i:Ill\' to
rrstrict Lessee, for a period of at least nincty l~ll)) days,
C~rol!l operating thcreon for the conducting of ;1 C;ift :Ind
Sundry Shop.
rage 7 of 11 Pages
Lessec's performance or :1] 1 or ;In)' p:lrt of this agreemcnt
[0 r 0 r d u l' in g :l n y peri () d 0 l' P (' l' i 0 d s art era de [:J lI1 t () [ all:-'
of the tcrms, covenants :Illd conditions hcrein l~ontaincJ to
hl~ performcd, kept :lllll obscrved by Lessor, sh:l1] not be
decmed:1 h':1ivcr of any right on the part of the Lcssec to
can c e 1 t his a g l' (' em c n t for LI i ] u l' C by L c s so r to sop err 0 nn ,
k~?2P or ohscrve :In)' of thc tcrms, covcn:lJlts or cond it ions
he~rc()f to bc pcrrormed, kept or ohserved. i'Jo \\':Iivcr of
de tau ] thy L e sse e 0 r :lJl y 0 f t h c t e rm s, co v e n ant s 0 l' COil d i t ion s
hereof to be performed, kept and observed by the Lessor
s h a 11 he con s t l' U e d to he 0 r act a s a \v:Ii'v e l' h)' L e sse e 0 fan)'
s 1I h s e que n t d e f:lll 1 tor any 0 f the t e I'm s, l' 0 V C n :111 t s :1 n d COil d i l ion::
hcrein cl)ntained to be performed, kept and obsen'cd by the
1\1<,T1 eLL XIV - I i\l1UINl TY
Lcssce agrees fully to indemnify, :llld savc and hold
harmless, the Lcssor from and against all claims and :Ictions
a II d :J I 1 e x p ellS e sin c ide n t a I tot h e i n v cst i gat ion and d c f l' n s e
t 1,1 ere 0 r, bas e d II po nor a r i sin g 0 u tor dam age s 0 l' i n j II r i est 0
t h) r J per son s 0 r the i r pro p crt)', c a use d h Y the n e g 1 i g C 11 C e () f
L e sse e, its a g (' 11 t s 0 l' em p I 0 Y e e s, i II the II s cor 0 C Clip: I Ill' Y 0 f
111 e s aid ] e:1 s (' d pre m i s c shy L c sse e; pro v ide d, h 0 \\' e \' c r, t h: I t
Less~'c sh:ill not be 1 i:lh1e [or :In:-' injllr:-' or d:llllage \H Joss
CH'CISiollCd hy thc negligcnce of Lessor, its agents cn elllployees;
and provided, rllrther th:lt Lessor Sh:l11 give to Lcssel'
pro m p t :1 n d rea son a hIe not ice 0 ran y s u C h c 1:1i III s 0 r :1 c t i OilS
;Ind Lc<.;s\.'e sh:ll] have tl~e right to investigatc, compromise
and dcfelld the same.
l\RT [CLl: XV - I i'\SlJ R1\~CE
.},cssee agrees to carry, :lnd keep in force puhl il: ] i:lhi 1 it\'
in.suranl'c covering personal injury :1nu ]Jl'operty damage, and
su'('h otlll'r insur:lnce as m:!:-' he necessary to protect Lessor
her e i n r rom S II C h c I aim s :1 n d act i 0 11 S :1 r 0 res: 1 i d, I. e sse c a g r e e s
t 0 car r y :1 n d k e e pin for c e s u chi 11 sur a n c l' \\' i t h m i n i lIlllm
limits 01: liahility for persoll:11 injun' in:l slim Ilot less
thall $] ()(), ()()() for anyone person, allu .s :iO(), (1)0 for :In:-' one
accidellt; ;Illd for property d:llllage ill:1 SlIlllnot less th:11l
$ ;'.0 , () () 0; and t 0 fur n ish L e s S 0 r \\' i t h pro p c r c e r t i f i cat (' s
certifying that such insurancc is in rorce. Lessee shal
CI r r y its ins u l' : 1 n c C c 0 \' e I' age s \\' i t h ins II l' a n c C com pan i C s
authorized to do business in the Statc of Florida.
1\]\T I C LE XV J - R IS 1\
All persona] property placed or moved in the premises
a b 6 v e des c l' i h e d s hall h eat the 1'1 s k 0 f the L e sse e 0 r () \\' n e r
thereof, and Lessor shall not be ] iable to the Lessee ftH
damages :nis ing from (111)' act of neg1 igence of allY co-ten:lnt,
or of ;]ny other person \\'homsoever, except as stipulated
Lessor :lgreC's that, on payment of the rellt :Ind per-
formance of the covenants and agreemcllts on the part of
L e sse e t 0 he per for m e d her e un d e 1', L e sse e s h:1 I J pea c e:1 b 1 r
h;lve :llld elljoy the leased premises alld :11 I rights :lllll
pr:ivileges of said Airport, its appurtenances alld facilities
g i' ant e d he rei n .
Page 8 of 11 Pages
1\ln 1 CLE XV [II - SlJl~I{I,:\j)LI\ 01: PUSS!:SS] 0:\
Upon the expiration or other termination of thi~ Le;l~e
or' an)' renc\"a! thcreor, Lc~~ee'~ rj~ht to u~(' the premises,
[;lcilities, rigllts, licen~es, services :lnd privileges herein
1t';lsed shall ce:lsc and Lessee sl1:111 Corth\\'j th upon such
expiration or termination surrender the S:1I11e.
l~ EXCCI)t :1S other\\'ise provided in 1\I\TlC:LI~ XVII I, ;\] I
structures, Cixturcs, improvelllC'nts, equipmcnt and othl'r
property haught, insLlIled, erected or placed by Lessee ill,
on or about the Airport and prcmises leased under this lease
shall he deemed to he personal :lnd n.'m:lin thc property of
thc Lessee :lnd Lessee shall have the right :It :Iny time
during the term oC this agrecllll'nt, or :lny rcne\\':ll or extcllsion
he'reor, to remove :In)' or all or its propcrty Crom thl' :\irport;
pro v ide d, h 0 \\' e \' (' r, t h :1 t L e sse e i s 11 () tin d e 1':1\11 tin its
payments to Lessor hereunder and provided Lessee Sll:lll
restore said premises to its origin:l] cOl1dition as :It the
h c gin n i n g 0 foe cup :1 n c y, 0 nl i 11 a r y \\' e a I' and tea r, dam age b y
e r ,e men t s, f 1 r e, e x p I 0 s i 0 11 0 I' 0 the rea use s bey 0 n d con t I' 0 I 0 C
Lessee excepted. Any and all property not removed hy Lessee
a~ set forth herein, sh:11 I thereupon IH'l'ome :1 p:lrt of the
pn~mises on \"hlch it is Joc:lted and title thereto sh:1I1
tllereLl]1on rest in the Lessor. Provided further that Lcs~or
r e ~ e r \- cst her i g h t to I" e qui l' e L e sse c tor e m 0 v e ~ u l~ him pro \' e 111 e 11 t <.:;
and ),)1' 0 J1l.' r t)' at L e s s c e 's ex p ells e .
\\henever the term Federal Avi:ltiol1 j\dministration IS
u s l' dill t his I e a s e, its h all h e COil S t l' U c d a s l' c r err i n ~ t 0
the l'edeLI! l\Vi;ltion i\dministr:ltion erl':lted hy the h'dl'r:1J
Governlllent under the Feder:ll 1\viatjol1 Al"t oC 1~)S8, or ~lll'l1
(lther F('del'~ll (;overllJl1ent :luthorit\. :IS mav he the ~Ul~eessor or to 1)(~ vested with the s:IJl1e or' simi lar :luthority.
\\l1ei1ever tJ1l' terms "persol1" and "persons" :lre ll~('d in
the le:lsc, they sh:lll be construed :IS including indi\'idu:i]s,
firms, l~<'Hpor:ltions and other leg;i] entities. \\hcl1 ill this
agn'eJ1ll'nr 1'.'ritten :lpproval hy Lessor is rl'quired, such
\\'ritteI1 :lpprov:1I may hc givcll hy the Director or I\irports
for Lessor.
Lcs~ee shall 110t ,It an)' time assign this agreemcnt or
an)' p;lrt thereof, nor suhlet all or an)' portion or thc
.I e:l sed p l' C m i s e she l' c j n '" i t 11 0 u t 1'.' l' i t ten a p pro val 0 [ L l' S so r ;
provl.ded that the foregoing shall not !HCvent the a~signment
ol\this agrecment to an)' corporation \\'ith 1'.'hleh Lessee llla)'
merge or eonsol idate, or which may succeed all or any port ion
of the busincss of Lessee.
Notices to Lessor provided for herein ~h:llJ he sufficient
if sent h)' certiCied mail, return receipt requested, postage
prepaid, ,lddressed to:
Director of Airports, 010n1'oc Count)'
1\ l' Y \\' cst Tnt ern:] t i 011 ;1 I l\i l' P () rt
S. l<.oosevclt Boulevard
I\c)' West, FL 33040
P age ~) 0 f I I P age s
:lnd l10tice to Le~~ee, if ~el1t hy certified m;lil, return
r e c e i p t r e q lie ~ tell, p 0 ~ tag e pre p;! i J, add l' C ~ ~ e d to:
n i; E ENTFI~l'lnSLS
:2 0 I B Key \\' e ~ t lh The Sea
Kc~; Wc~t, FL :):)040
;\ t t n : \\' ill a r d j\ 1. l: () x
o i~ t 0 S \ 1<.,.. hot her I' c ~ pee t i \' C ; I d d l' C ~ ~ e ~ : 1 ~ the part i 1..' ~ m ; 1 )'
d l~~S i g n a 1 e toe a c hot 11 e I' i Il W l' i tin g fro III t i III e tot i me.
--------------- -.--------------.-
;\lnJ eLE XXI I - P1\I~M;I<.1\PII III:!\])INc;S
T h , ' P ; I l' ; I g I' : I p h h c ;! din g ~ con t; 1 i Ill' d her c i 11 ;1 I' e for 1..' 0 n -
Vl..lliencc of refercncc alld arc not intellded to dcrine or
limit the ~cope or ;11l)' provi~iol1 ill lhi~ lease.
In the evel1t any covenant, condition or provi~iol1
herein cont:lined is held to be inval id by ;In)' cO\lrt of
cO,mpetl..'nt jllri~diction the invalidity of ;In)' sllch l'o\'enant,
cO'pditiun or IHO\"ision shall in no \.;a)' :lffect any other
co v e n an..., con d i t i 0 11 0 r Jl l' 0 V j s i () n her e in con t : 1 i n cd; p r (l \" ide d
t hat t ill' i 11 val j d it Y 0 f s II chI..' 0 \' e 11 a 11 1, COIl d i t ion 0 r pro vis i 0 Il
doe~',JH1t materi:l!ly prejudil~e either Ll'~~o,r or Les~el' ill it~
res pee t I \' e rig h t s ;111 d 0 b 1 i gat ion ~ con 1;1 ill e d i /1 t h c v:1I i d
co v e J1 ;] J1 t s, con d i t i ()1l s 0 l' pro vis j 0 Il S 0 r t h i ~ I e;1 ~ e .
^In Ie LL XX [V - C:OVENi\NT: NOT TO CRi\NT ~IOI<.I: F:WOI<.i\lH,L lLl<.jllS
----_.._---_.._----_._---~-_._.._-- - _.- -.-..
Le~sor (o\'en;lnt~ ;Ind agrel's not to enter into :In>'
leise, ~'ontr;ll't or agn'ement ,,'ith :ln~' other C;ift and Sundry
Shop ,,,'ith respect to the 1\irport containing 1I10re CaVl'l':lhle
tC'rlll~' th;ln thi~ le;]se or to grant to all)' other l;i '-t :llld
S u:n dry :; 11 0 P I' i g h t s, P l' i v ill' g e ~ 0 reo n c c ~ s ion ~ \\" i t h I' C' S 11C' ( t
to'the said Airport \\'hich arc not in :ll:cord to the l.e~~<~ce
hereunder unle~~ the sallle terms, right~, privill'ges ;lnd
conces~ivn~ arc concurrentl)' made :Jv;lilahle to the ],L'~~l'l'.
----_..__._~.---------~.. ----_. ----- -- - ._._-_.._-_.~,~--
j\ 1 1 the co v C n ant s, ~ tip u 1 at ion 5 :lll d
lease sll;t11 extend to and hind thc leg:ll
succes~or~ ancl as~igns of the respective
:] g I' e C' III e 11 t sin t h i ~
re])rl..'scI1t:11 :\'C~,
par tic 5 II e I' l' to.
'.The Lessee in exercising any of the rights or privi lege~
he. rei n g l' ant cd t 0 him s h a 11 not on t he g r 0 u n d s 0 f l' ace ,
co :J 0 l' 0 r n a t ion a 1 0 l' i gin d i s c r i III i n;J t e 0 l' perm i t d i s C l' i mill;\t ion
aga inst an)' other person or groups of persons in :In)' manner
prohihited b)' Part 15 of the Federal ^Vi;ltion I<.egulations,
and the Lessor is hereby granted the right to take ~uch
action, anything to the contr<lry herein notwithstanding, a~
the United St<ltes may direct to enforce this non-
discrimination covenant.
Nothing in thi~ le;lse ~h;IJl he con~trlled or interpreted
In ;lny manner, \\'h:ltsoe\'e1' ;IS limiting, reljnqui~hing, or
\.;i~iviJ1g of ;In)' rights of o\\'nership enjoyed by /'e~sor il1 the
Airport property, or in any manner waiving or limiting its
Page 10 of J J Pages
. .
control over the operation, maintenance, etc., of Airport
property or in derogation of such government;)l rights as
Lessor possesses, except as is specifically provided for
IN \\ITNESS \\'IIEI~COr, the parties have caused this lease
to be executed as of the d;JY anel year first above written.
rman of"th IQar
ty Commissioners of
No roc County, Florida
( ~~~~~
. . ;..,-
~ : .~d-A;//
A~. to Lessee ~~ LESSEE
BY .J.~//%A
r Attorney'. Office
Page 11 of 11 Pages