Resolution 329-1980RESOLUTION NO. 329 - 1980 RESOLUTION CONCERNING PUBLIC DEFENDER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, herein called the "Applicant," after thorough consideration of the problem and available data, has hereby determined that the project described below is in the best interests of the general public. PUBLIC DEFENDER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED IN Plantation Key, this 2nd day of December, 1980, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the project generally described above is in the best interests of the Applicant and the general public. That said program is an extension of the existing Public Defender Internship Program. 2. That John H. Keane, Public Defender, be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the Applicant an application in the form prescribed by the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance for a grant to be made to the applicant to assist in defraying the cost of the project generally described above. 3. That if such grant be made, the Applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds and/or in -kind contributions in addition to the grant as may be required by the Act to defray the cost of the project generally described above. 4. That the Applicant is aware that the minimum required non-federal cost of the project be appropriated cash and that such funds designated as local hard cash contributions in all related project budget schedules that are to be provided by the Applicant are hereby appropriated funds for Criminal Justice use for the express purpose of matching the LEAA or JJDP Funds. Page 1 of 2 Pages 5. That said John H. Keane, Public Defender, is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Applicant to qualify for said grant. 6. That the Official designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the Applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance such information, data, and documents pertaining to the application for said grant as may be required and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in connection with this application. 7. That the original or certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application for said grant to be submitted to the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance. 8. That if such grant be made, the Applicant or Official designated in paragraph 4 above shall maintain such records necessary and furnish such information, data, and documents as required by the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance to support the implementation of the project generally described above. 9. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DONE AND ORDERED in open meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA lam` B orge Dolezal, Cha' man (Seal) Commissioner ,yAieyt y offered the foregoing resolution and moved its adoptio , which was seconded by Commissioner So R en !; e.&,, Upon roll call, the vote was: Ayes: u.n A %v w s Nays: N•- e. Absent and/or Not Voting: Now Date: lt�s�do Attest: Clerk Page 2 of 2 Pages �� l FEDERAL ,t cAr,IT'S i '1 YPE L] PREAF'I'LI1"AT 10 N i 01f`"I'L.I- (JI't)`-ATION . ,N ] APPLIr,,A"T(QN rAr,,rk,+n uN0'LII-I;ATIUi;Ur-lilT�'`�T,(?c;t.)Lr,�ve prn/>ridte ❑ REPO'i 1' OF 1=(_1:+f ', r}!_ !eC"r101`l Plank he+x) 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/r1EC•1! ;E`-I T OMB Approval No. 29-RO218 ;I',EFt ,3 ? A • _ UMBER IDENTI_ b. 'DATE Year month day Yearmonth dap I,IL-R ASSIGNED 19 5. FEl_]ERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFiICATION NO. a. Applicant Name Monroe County h. Organization Unit Board of County Commissioners 6 r:. sbeet/P.O. Box 500 Whitehead Street PRO). a.NUMBER 111 i6I . I5 1.01 d. C!tv Key West q. Cuunty Monroe Gr1nt1 b. TITLE Q (' r,te Florida !. z..I.,code 33040 � re�,r[ri EAA Block Action F h. ContactPet-soil (Nrne Ed Harvey (305) 294-2501 (.,'-I ''''J { f: telephone No.l w! --- - --- --- - - ---- ---- - - - a ! 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION! OF !t "L.' ,Ar�T' t'ROJECT B. TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT tj A --State H-Community Action Agency w I B-Interstate 1-Higher Educational Institution Public Defender Internshi Program: To P g C-Sutlstate J-Indian Tribe j secure.and place interns in legal I D!Strict K-Other (Specify): z I D-C.-runty a research and investigative positions E-C�v U within the office of the Public Defender. I F-S:.hoot District aI C;--Srec�al Purpose Enter appropriate letter a This will reduce the workload of staff District I J. TYF-E OF ASSISTANCE D-Insurance and provide educational experience t0 A-Eesic• Grant E-Other z i � interns. LI--Su:,{,It:mental Grant Enter appro- C Loan Aria t e letter(s) w 1LJ. AREA OF PROJECT IArIf+A.CT lic:rnvrs •;Icities, Coe+rtlies, 11. 4=`iTIMATED NUM-12. TYPE OF APPLICATION to Pr:•trs, etc.) I BER OF PERSONS A -New C-Revision E-Augmentation Monroe County 13ENEFITING B-Renev+al D-Continuation t� 5 6, 0 0 0 Enter appropriate letter 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CCNGPFSSIONAL DIS ! 11!C_f S OF_ - 115. TYPE OF CHANGE (for 12c or 12e) FEDERAL $ 19 , 000 fit. l+PFI_ICAN7 h. ""'EJECT { A -In;. -ease Dollars F-Other (Specify): ---- - I----- L 1 c - r' l fib. APPLICANT L'J I County -wide c_lrcre seDuraton- ` - -}�G. F'HJ.JL:CT t;l'AHT 17 ('I?OJECT' D-Decrease Duration r 1.A i E 0O i Enter a ro- • --- - ---- DA t C r •»onth dey� '�+J.(7AT10�; E-Cr+,:collation PP 1 p ate letter(s) d. LOCAL ! 2 1111 � n months f r.. OTIIER Cf1 1S. ES1 IPI,(\I I I-! DATE TO Year month da!, 19. EY.!STING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBE I?E G6'6M,iII"ED TO j f. TOTAL - $ 21,111 FEDEI1,r,L AGENCYto 79/12/1 . _.. r - - i _ .....' - -- --- - - ------ - - - ----- -- - -- - -- - !20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO R I1:CF."iEi 51EQUEST (Name, City, Sta11.71Pcodel REMARKSADDED 21. z ❑ Yes ❑ No O a. ?o rho b-,it of b. If re,w ;1�d by CMB Circular :-A-96 this application was submitted, No re- Respom Q bclief tot) in , wrnoplicaC0+-1 I pursuant to i+`siructions the•ein, to ^poropriate clearinghouses and all sponse attache[ U ap': c2 r'nr. arc tmr• and c:orrnct, this responses :.re allached: 1 HP nt h"s be dt,'y ❑uthor.,rrl a der.ur e 1t1 Bureau of Criminal Justice Assist�lce ❑ I APPLICANT by thr+ Bove^nii:g L•:•d•; of t+la apu!,- Cl:'3 fIFIES ca•,L And tho cart „-n! co, vry (2► Bureau of Intergovernmental RelatUns ❑ w THAT PT' with thn attar1113d asr�.!�ercoa IF[!-^ ❑ El U as:istancr. is nccro,o t. (3) ----------- - -- 3 a. TYPED NANIF AND T!TI_E b. gIG4A URF c. DATE SIGNED z i CLRF EIFYING John H . Keane 19 Year month day O , U SENTATIVE Public Defender 80/11/26 N 124. AGENCY NAME25. APPLICA- Yearmonth day TION z RECEIVED 6. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT I ,. t. P+!:1f•AINISTR.A i 14'E Or f'I F 28 FEDERAL APPLICATION r _ U I IDENTIFICATION 29. ADDRESS 30. FEDERAL GRANT u IDENTIFICATION z C7 r i1 ! Y'e.r month da 34. Year month day Q 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. 1D idG y STARTING -------------=--- ----------------- - Q ❑a.AWARDED a. FEI CT?AL I .00 33 r.CFIONDATE ?-- - e -- DATE 19---_-- '_.------------------------------------ r. .- - ------ - ---. Cr h. APPI tCA."1'fl .00 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL 1NFORMA 36. Yearmonth day w i❑ b REJECTED .._ I ----- pc.RETURNEDFORI'c S-fATE .00 TION(name and telel;•!onenumber) ENDING LL -- - - DATE 19 -- --- I 1 AMENDMENT Id. LO(•41_ i 00 37. REMARKS ADDED r- - - --- Z ❑ d. UEFEFtRED e. OTtIEI' -- ---- 00 ❑ Yes ❑ no O !❑ e. WITHDRAWN I To'gl_ I .00 U 1313. a. In tak'r•u abo e ac0n-. any, comments recei•md from cle.arir�- 1;.. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFFICIAL JA-95,ACTION EDERAL AGENCY I heu;r.s v.art r �.s'.rlercd. If a;i icy response it cli;e under provitir.,• (.Marne and telephone no.) of Part 1. 0'�413 r..:i;r-Ulm A-95, it has been or is berlg made. STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 1 (10-7! Fr•`crribed by GSA, Federal Management Circular 74- . � Olt FEDL-RAL ASSISTANCE MULTIPURPOSE FACESNEEW ADDIEND UM FOR STATE AGENCIES ONLY Pursuant io Section 216.212 Florida Statutes. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS At least sixty (601 days prior to the ahticipaied application filing date, submit five (5) completed copies of the Federal Assistance Multipurpose Facesheet, Standard Form.424, with Addendum, additional project narratives if necessary, and project location map if applirable to the Slirr;atl of Intergovernmental Relations, 660 Apal, 1-lee Parkwoy, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. In addition, five (5) completed copies should be 'submitted to the appropriate Regional and/or Metropolitan Clearinghouse if the project is local in nature. Allow thirty (30) days for processing and an additional thirty (30) days if a full application is requester] to be reviewed. The form must be completely filled out before the review can begin. if any section is not a,iplicable, designate with "N/A-- if any further elaboration is required on any iv.:m, attach additional sheets, with reference to item number. If you have any additional questions call BIGR at (904) 488-2371 Moth local. and Suncom). 1. Budget Entity Titlt-: 2. State Program Structure No. a+id Title: 12. Total Proposed Funding e ublic Defender's Public Defender Internship Multi -Year Projects e f- f f�c(Dates) 3. Project Included in: (a)Legisla;iveEvdyr.tRequest Yes��01 —'o❑ From 12Z1L79 Tp 6 30/81 (h) Approved Budget Yes IKJ No ❑ (c) Governor't Budget Ycs ❑ No D Federal y�h 19 , O o 0 4. Project Includad in cede.ally Required "State Plan": 5. Legal A•ithoriiyt nppltcant Yes )M . No (_] . Agency:. 6. A-95 Re%6ew; 7. Change in Plan Operation Yes 0, No 0 9• Nov, Position Required Ye: (D -r,:o ❑ F.S. Chapter 27 Part II W. MrtchIng Requirements: E. Cornmrt State Funding: Yes 0 No 0 Yet ] No[ Numbcr Fedorall 90 % S-ale'10 Local/Other Indirect Cost Proposal (Ovcrhen): state Local 2,111 Other Totai $21,111 Depa: tmen; and.'or Unit Clvarhn.ad S Amount IN, Statesvtde Allocated Overhead Amount _ °a Total Amount to No ; Explain: _ No 'Personnel costs i Item 1—Enter , the title of the budget entity es definudi,by Section 216.011 (1) (uj, F. S., and an Included in the General Appropriations Act for the current tlscnl year. Itam 2—Enter the number end title of the eppropriele stain reporefnp .tevol progra.rn component ins currently approved by the Division of vwdpnt.. Item 3—Mark appropriate block: 3e—If yes, enter the fiscal year (FY) of the Legislative BudgetRequest in which the Project is Included. 3b--This it-ns is tpplicebls only to tho states current titcal year. 3c--This Item Is aoplicoble only after publicetinrl of the Governor's Budont for tha particular fiscal ypnr tot which proieci funds rro reglroswel. Item •t—Mnrlt opproprinto block. It yes, enter the Federal agency for vrtilch the pinn Is prepared. Item 5—F.nter the section of thei Florida Stntutos or 1..nws of FIorld9 which cut:,orlras tha state agency to carry oot the. aztivitret prt),josrid in inis prolact. Itoni 6—Mark appropriate block t6 indicate if OMB Circular A-95 roview is required. item 7—Mark appropriate block. -Does the project after the plan of operation from that Included In the tpprovod budget for iho budget 0111ity7 Item A —Mark eppropritito block. Does the project proposal cornrnit the state to assume funding alter Federal. funding expires? Item 9—Fnter the number of n a w positions (above that Included In tha approprlrtions for. the ne•.v t�udc,3t entity) rnquired to carry out the prolact. item 10—indienta In percentrpa tarmt the Faderal/State/Local metc:hing requirements tricciflnd try F6dorol bill or repuiotion. If non Fcde!•al match is not required in such specific tnrme, explain the bosis for the distribution of funding. Itom 11—If the epplleation includes ovorhead for which you era -to rt•ceivo rolmbvrtcmrnt from tha Federal (;raptor apency In aceordanca v.ith I'Mr; 74-4. OAC C-10, or whor r-rctr rel provisions • enter thu crimunte Included In the Indirect enat r a t o proposal (iI for intro -agency; deporimont anG/or unit overhand and (2) 13. Type of 'State Match Cash ® In -Kind 0 Explain' for central governmental services distnbutrd to T"'. ' project. Also, erler the total overhead acid the percentage of each of the above anti the .:oral overhead to the federal snarr of the prolect's di-C, cost. The amount allocated to the piolerl for crntral staie governmental sarvrces must he basen ell Flnnda's Approved Starew:de Cost Allocallon Plan for the project period. If none is claimed, check the "No" bin:k. 11 no. an explanation must he given or the apphcailon v11, be returned without action. Item 12%Enter the dates Ihr total project will cover if more than one-111 year. This item spplles Only to multiyear projects. Informatro•l re:qu;r el in Section I, Item 13 of Standard Form 4?4 provzdes mformrtion for projects with a durttiOn of one year or less. Complete that hint-14 inforinrjtion here as required for Item 13. Font: 424. On occasion, local match is denvrrl born slat funds allocated to local uni(s If'th.s n the case, so i,,,d,cate and specify the source of funding Ham 13 -In the case of $tat+ cash match, md-catr'Ihe apprwria!•nn from which sul•h nalrch is In br provated. For in -kind match, cRptai" lire lypcs of e►prndisures to lift utderwl. 301 r ! STATE OF PAGE 1 DEPARTMI-'Pl*r OF CONIMi.)NITY Al FA!HS DIVISION OF PUBI-10 SAFG-T'-' PANWNC Project Na. AND ASSIS'i ONCE Date Receiv:!H BUREAU OF UUMINAL JUSIACE ASS131'ANU FY--- PART C, LOCAL J.JDF'----PART E —.PART Q STATE For BCJA Use Only jiDP/0--/\/\ rlUNIDS' PART 1, GENERAI... A0111NISTRATIVE IWORMATION' 1. Project Titlp: Public Defender Internship Program 2. Funding Categcry: XjPnrt "C" El P a, t D': Opart "E" 0 JJDP El Other 3. Program Area and Title in vrhi& Anolicolion is Made: 19 17--3 MContinuation of Grant No. CF—] 9 4. Type of Appkc,ition: 0 1st Year of Funding 2Total Morths Prier Eliding 5. Anticipated Subgrant Per:6:1: --.---December 1, 1979 thr . ough ' June 30, 1981 6. Date Apolication Sut21-nittrm' to `1PC/1N,'.PlJ (local PT0lv,�t!1 0,-,,,) __September , 1980 ...- ----------- 7. LEAA Support Sought. 5 19,000 Matching Share: Local 2 r 111 Total Budget: $21, 111 State INumbnrs 8 -1 1; type nw-nq, title, address and telephone amber) B. A licant: dpGeorge Dolezal, Chairman Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Signature (Name & TWO 10. Implementing A,.w;,cy: Public Defender's Office John H. Keane 424 Beming Street t 1 )/lda 33040 Signatp (Name itlr,) ­­ ­ - 12. Project Surninary 120C %%,ords or less). 19, Chief Financial Officer: John H. Keane, Public Defender A . J0 qignae i i �I (Na e 'Title) 11. Project Dirbctor: John H. Keane, Public Defender IN, e N i Titie Wei This oroject is designed to provide two interns a month for a three-month period each (more or less) during which they will work with the Public Defender's office doing either investigative or legal work. This will provide students with,clinical experience while reducingthe workload of the existing staff .41torneys. Th,so.1,l,c,i.,.,,en, wa—prom-ilgatt!d alai) annual cost of S2.00 ' percopV for the purpose of.;n1orming pros'pective LEAAsubgranteesof actions tions and policies of the ;Iureau of Criminal Justice Assistarce, 530 Carlton Building, Tall6hassee, Florida 32301. Form BCJA-Al Revised 2/79 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTACHMENT I . PAGE: 2 DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Project Plan & Supporting Data a x . SUBGRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PART II. PROJECT PLAN AND SUPPORTING DATA_*_ L State clearly and in detail the aims of the project, precisely what will be done, how and when it Nill be done, who will be involved, and what is expected to result. Use the following major topics: P 1 A. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM B. GENERAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT C. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES/STANDARDS D. EVALUATION E. ACTIVITIES AND TIMETABLE ' F. RESOURCES All of these topics are interrelated and should be written to reflect that fact. Clearly define manageable but significant problem, document the need for the project and how the project will address the problem. State measurable objectives which, if met, will have the projected effect on the problem stated. Develop a plan for assessing the extent to which. -the project has met its stated objectives. Organize procedures and allocate resources in a manner that is realistic and compatible with the objectives of the project. See annual action plan and Florida's Criminal Justice . Program_ Development Guidelines. Start below and use continuation pages as necessary. A. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM W ,-383 ._ Statement of Problem In the past dozen or more rears, thejustice system and its I components have grown in size and complexity. Litigation has increased d ramatically and the ability of State court .systems to counsel has been threatened. Further, the very structure of State court systems --- many being fragmented, underfunded, and lacking uniform policies --- has been perceived as a major impediment to improvement. Consequently,; national commissions, scholars, the A mer. ican Bar A ssociation, State court leaders, and national courts organizations have increasingly called for structural improvements in the administration of justice by the courts. Since the U. S; Supreme Court Deci.s Lori in Gideon v.: Wainwright, 1963, delivery of legal services to indigent criminal defendants has been an especially critical area iii the administration of justice. However, indigent defense representation has been one of the least popular criminal justice. expenditure items and defense. systems are chronically underfinanced.. The problem is made even more acute in the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit:!,..; - because .of our geographic characteristics reqriring extensive travel by, those- involved in the criminal justice system to the various branch courts strung out along the Keys. The number of criminal cases handled by the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit does not begin to reflect its small population due to the large influx of transients experienced by this area. -There is a paucity of research knowledge about the actual effects of court and defense system consolidation, although there is a growing subjective consensus, as evidenced by various national standards and commissions that these 38L) r efforts result in more evenhanded and cost effective justice. Therefore; it is absolutley essential that there.be a maximization in the efficient utilization of the available state funds. Even though jw�. have increasing levels of state funding in indigent defense delivery, there remains, according to recent studies, a low level of implementation ofirecent I Supreme Court Mandates on the right to counsel throughout the nation. Through the use of legal interns and- criminology interns we hope to more effectively utilize available personnel in the delivery of competent indigent defense and maximize the effective utilization of our limited funding: A dditionally, internships of this nature will provide an invaluable. a educational experience. Law students will be able to translate their classroom experience into practical experience, thus giving them an additional insight into the system. Criminology students will have the same opportunity with the additional benefit of experiencing one area in the criminal justice system about which they are studying. Thus they'. 4 can compare the academic and practical components as well as experience one are of the criminal justice system about which they will eventually be making career decisions. Measurable Objectives Among the results sought will be improved defense delivery systems through more efficient utilization of available funding providing a more- _ e independent and organized defense representation with a wider. scope _of;;. representation more U-1 compliance with Supreme Court decisions affecting right to counsel. Amongst the results sought, with regard '33s to structural reorganization and administrative improvements, are improved long-range planning and management in areas of financing, personnel aiid caseload, resulting in more uniformity of justice and more effective managerial control of workload. More specifically, ] interns and criminology interns -will free staff attorneys from the performance of .hon-attorney functions resulting in better utilization of al the attorneys unique professional resources. Lain student interns and -. ,; .z.; criminology. interns will also provide a pool for future recruitment of. trained and experienced staff members while at the same time giving the interns practical public service experience in preparation for their�'r entry into the legal system. The primary recipients of the program will not only include the Office of the Public Defender, but also the judges,,',° state attorneys and other members of the legal criminal justice system, of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Specifically; the legal interns will be involved in legal i esearch, preparation of legal -momoranda. and inter- viewing of indigent defendants. Criminology interns will be involved in the investigatiory aspect of indigent defense delivery. 1. En-iploying one or more legal interns and one or more criminological intern for an average of a three-month period for each. 2. Reducing the.legal research and investigative caseload by 1016 through the use of interns thus increasing the quality of the work com- pleted by the staff. 3. Providing 10 hours of training and orientation to each intern employed. J � I Evaluat ion Evaluation will be done in an ongoing- manner through self - assessment with the supervising attorney or supervising investigator, There will be continuous monitoring of both legal and criminology interns by the chief supervisors of staff attorneys and staff investigators. self -assessment evaluation will be designed to determine. to what ext the intern program is accomplishing the aforementioned objectives, primarily; through an evaluation of caseload data, before, during and after the implementation of the intern program. In addition, staff attorneys *111 make assessments of the impact of the interns ,in freeing..,,,, them from performing non -attorney functions. Other evaluation components will include the regular quarterly and final progress reports which will be regularly submitted to the Bureau of Criminal Justice Assistance. These reports will include a narrative: report on how the project objectives are being met as well as qualitative c omments on how well the concept of using interns is working. Also, a questionaire will be given to the interns which will capture their impression of the experience as to its usefulness, how they -viewed their performance rating, and other items. Procedure and Timetable Nine interns will be employed over a twelve month period; one or more interns --will be employed at a time for three-.montly periods. How ever, some interns may be employed for periods less that three months or for periods in excess of three months. The interns will be recruited from . 3V state educational institutions and wl"'I.l be maid approximately $500 per month. In some cases, contribution funds may be paid by contrasting institutions with educational credits being accrued by the interns. This will commence when notification of grant -award is received. I Resources The existing Public Defender staff and the staff of associated judicial agencies will provide the personnel resources, while the facilities of the Office of the Public Defender (law library, desks, etc. ) will provide the physical resources. I B. GENERAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT INSTRUCTIONS. In the chart below, list the major inputs, activities, immediate results, and outcomes of the project. Also specify any external influences which could potentially effect the project's results and outcomes. (See the Subgrant Instructions Manual for Definition of these terms.) INPUTS ACTIVITIES IMMEDIATE RESULTS OUTCOMES 0 staff Training Increased knowledge of Increased efficient Legal Research system for interns representing clients Physical Facilities Investigation Reduced workload for staff Increased educational Interns attorneys benefits to interns EXTERNAL INFLUENCES e 1 /30/81 j A CTIVITY & TIMETA BLE CH -A R T Pro 'ect Com onent: _- ___________ Function/A ctivity J F MA MJ J A S ON D J FM A M J Personnel I. Recruit and select legal and criminology interns for 1- s participation in the internship program. - ;--- -_- r-; -:- ' - -- - - - 2. Hire. two interns, one criminology and one legal, to t begin their participation at three-month intervals.. x ' N x Professional ; N/A ! o, Tra -v el A Equipment /A I Evaluation 1. Develop necessary. procedures wnd forms for e,,aluation: x pron''ro_in. ,t� l:il.cLi7 �.c_�u -LOi1 ,..1'3.11-eS ------------ - - ---�-! -� J. He'.a1upi on results irl C111a_r Eel. _"anG fina-I 1 i S x I x �i - i '7_ l a`'� -. ` !� -,� _ car^-� - �i - _ .. i. .':.i�, Ll i; t_ v CT; cr) __ i :7 j r_-1U'_'. _. cC .•,.. rice c c: I Justice �lannin- Uni �:itnin 10'day o!r receipt. re responses np nnCe_ r�- responses io 2nv=pecial C' n,litiC:;l� ` -) placed on grant by Bureau of-C:rlminal Justice A ssistance in accordance with dates specified in award package. 3. Submit monthly drawdown requests (Subgrantee c Funds) lbeginning f e h Requ st for ands, a. o_ each month, x -`- x `x x x x X x ' x x x x 4. Submit monih1v progress reports to agency director x � � 1 � s x x x x x x x on last -working day of each month. ' t: GRANT PERIOD 12/1/79 - 6 /30/81 - _Project Component: Function/A ctivit J F M A M J J A S O N D Conferences , Conduct one -week orientation training for interns. X X 1 X X Training I ! Primary Project LEGAL INTERN: Services 1. Stand-in at first appearances and arraignments ---�-'---L-2--- -,'--------�__ for misdemeanor and felony cases. 2. Attend motion hearings for misdemeanor and' -; -------=----- -'- - {-- I i i t ' felony cases. I 3. Assist in trials. ------------------------------------ 4_ _�) ppellate research as needed.. ----------------------------'--- . Interview. clients and -v-,,itnevses.-------------------------------------' G. Legal research. ---------`- -------------- -7. Ziotion drafting and legal memorandum. :--------------- ----------- ----------- INi-E�TIuA 1It E INTEP,N . 1. Conduct initial interviews with clients in -ail. 2. P2.: ticl.:Date __i thy' inT`e=ti2ra on c, c a s e c 10r ---------"-------------------------- 3, ;lake prep arai ions for particular ca es, (element_ ------------------- --------.----- - --- . of. c_i me,- reear_ch, etc. Z. - - _ — - - - - - — `,upzca: � F3 )orTin� 1. 51 711: i it i. quar�er :`' c1iI: "a! i:" financial J- iscal report- .80 ?varrai.i r `�. Submii second quar�'erl.r curnulati�re financial report b:- 7 / 15/80• �ui�i711i i}i`rU QUarT�r) C:;In -_`i c' 111agncia rep„ 1 1; 10!') Submit fourtll quart.c•rl,; c-Limulati--e financia', report. b� 1/15/8.1 . i. Submit first quarterly narrat:ivt pr'ogI-eSS report by 4/15/80; 2. Submit second quarterly narrative progress report by 7/15/80, 3. Submit third quarterly narrative progress report by 1.0/15/80. 4. Submit fourth quarterly narrat.it-e progress repori b�7 1/15/81 N V x J F M A M J ACTIVITY & TIMETABLE PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC DEFENDER INTERNSHIP GRANT PERIOD CHART 12/1/'79- 6 /30/81 j F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J- Project Component:Function/A ctivity Subgrant 1. Last date to encumber and receive goods and .Liquidation services 6 /30/81. x 2. Last date to liquidate obligations (pay interns) a / -�nlo-f fX t 1. F inadate To have ciosed out reporti-ILI , 9 Closeouii and liquidation activities 9,130 /81, x m w W STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTACHMENT I PAGE: 6 DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Budget Component Schedule A Budget Summary* SUBGRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Budget Summary for Subgrant Period (Totals to be brought forward from supporting schedules): S C H E D U L E COST CATEGORY B Personnel C Professional (Including Contractual and Consultant) Services D Travel E Equipment F Construction G Other Operating Expenses H Indirect Costs TOTAL COSTS LEAA NON-FEDERAL SHARE or— — — — ------ JJDP HARD CASH SHARE STATE- LOCAL 2,111 19,00 .I. TOTAL BUDGET 21:,,111 1. Funding Ratio: LEAA/JJDP $ 19,000 90 State General Revenue $ _2 , 111_ 10 State Buv-in Appropriation No. $ Local Hard Cash $ % - Appropriation No. 'Total Project Costs $ 21,111 100% 2. Estimates for Future LEAA/JJDP support to be requested: Time Period: DembeC 1, 19 79. $ 21i111 June —30, 1981 _ $ 3. Monies awarded for Pro ect Activities in prior ears of Funding: Time Period _ 12/1/%rant Number: CF-79- LEAA Funds: 12 r 000 Matching: 1, 333 to 11 30/80 17-3701 *.This is the amount and time period.for the original grant award. This application is for an extension of that grant. 4. (Circle One) There-3-CIMARE NOT Other Fund Sources: e Source: Time Period: Amount: 3N BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE B — PERSONNEL COSTS* ATTACHMENTI PAGE:7 1 1 c- 111 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NON-FEDERAL SHARE Salary Monthly Percent HARD CASH per Fringe of Time Months Total Month Benefits on to be Payroll Federal Title of Position @ 100% @ 100% Project Employed Costs Share STATE LOCAL Interns (14) $500 N / A 100 3 21,111 19,000 2,111 o *Specify types and cost basis. Total Personnel Costs 21.,111 V J r • � � � �VI IIYI LIY 1 1 1 /"�V L. V STATE OF FLORIDA SCHEDULE C — PROFESSIONAL - BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE (INCLUDING CONTRACT AND CONSULTANT) SERVICES* 1 (�) Contractor (If Known) and Nature of Service (2) Estimated Cost and Basis for Estimate Total Cost Federal Share NON-FEDERAL SHARE HARD CASH ` STATE LOCAL N/A Total Consultant and Contractual Services Costs AN `, r STATE OF FLORIDA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE D -TRAVEL COSTS* r' Cl` 1 11) -- (2) — Estimated Cost NON-FEDERAL SHARE ---HARD CASH — and Total Federal Purpose of Trip And By Whom Basis for Estimate Cost Share STATE LOCAL N / A I 0 Total Travel Costs LIN 011 ON STATE OF FLORIDA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE E - EQUIPMENT COSTS* 1 11l =-- NON-FEDERAL SHARE - - - - - - - - - - - r r ---= - - HARD CASH Number Unit Total Federal of Units Description Cost Cost Share STATE LOCAL N /A 0 Total Equipment Costs LIN STATE OF FLORIDA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE F - CONSTRUCTION, COSTS* U Ct 1 17) (1) NON-FEDERAL SHARE Estimated Cost HARD CASH and Total Federal Category Basis for Estimate Costs Share STATE LOCAL N/A I j a I Total Construction Costs 1 STATE OF FLORIDA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE G -'OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES* ATTACHMENTI PAGE 12� Z3 (�) (2) NON-FEDERAL SHARE Estimated Cost HARD CASH and Total Federal Item Basis for Estimate Costs Share STATE LOCAL N /A I 0 Total Other Operating Expenses LIN O L STATE OF FLORIDA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE H'- INDIRECT COSTS" e. 1 (�) - — - -- (2) Estimated Cost and Total Federal _ NON-FEDERAL SHARE --�� HARD CASH Item Basis for Estimate Costs Share STATE LOCAL ! Not applicable for OPS i positions under Public i Defender's Office i I I Total Oter Operating Expenses i i ; ! I, LM 0 6M C STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTACHMENT I PAGE: 14 DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE" BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Budget Exhibit I Budget Narrative " SUBG RANT APPLICATION PART III. BUDGET EXHIBIT I - BUDGET NARRATIVE.*. Start Below and Use Continuation Pages as Necessary. 1. Schedule B - Personnel Costs Fourteen (14) interns will be employed over a nineteen (19) month period, one (1) or more interns will be employed at a time for three (3) month periods; however, some interns may be employed for for periods of less than three (3) months, or for periods in excess of three (3) months; at a cost of $500 per month for each intern. ($500 x 14 x 3 = $21,000). The total expenditure willjnot exceed the amount awarded under the grant, plus local matching. 2. Schedule H --Indirect Costs Indirect Costs are hot applicable for OPS positions under the Public Defender's Office. e �_iaa rid /410, VA M 21 r) STATE OF FLOR!DA DEPARTMENT C-F CON1(`v UNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF PURL'C: SAFLTY PLANNING AND ASSISTANC2. BUREAU OF Cf-WjIINAi_ JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SUBGRANT;=APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS i 7 vo ATTACHMENT I . t t': PAGE: ,172F-""';''j' i ;,. 0i a 'fit Compliance/Administrative. r�}v1h �11. r Exhibit B Standard Subgrant Conditions t nr , The applicant understands,6nd a&ees to -the following conditions aplzllicable to the administration oft} , all Part B, Part C, Pant E, JJDP; and, if applicable, discretibnary, LEAA subgrants 1. Reports. The subgrantee shall submit; at such benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discri,mina-:' .,-;P-, times and n such form as may be prescribed, such tion under grants awarded pursuant to P.L..90-351 as e ; reports as the BCJA may reasonably require, includ- amended by P.L. 91-644 or any project, program,';;:; ..: ing monthiy financial ,reports, quarterly and final activity, or subgrant supported by' such giants progress reports and final financial and narrative' Subgrantees must comply with;the provision reports.. requirements of Title VI of the „Civil Rights'.'�ct:of, s 2. Copyrights and Rights in Data. Where activities 1964 and regulations issued by the Department of ,"," 4`1''' supported by flits grant produce original computer Justice thereunder.'as a condition of award of FLeral' programs, writing, sound recordings, pictorial repro- funds and continued grant support. Subgrantees ,.-:f-,,, ductions, drivvings or other graphical representation further must comply with the Justice Department's:':,,:..;j'.,. ;• and works of any similar nature (the term computer equal employrriehi opportunity regulation `.in,Feder. program includes erecrrtable coiTi'puter programs and ally assisted programs; to the end that discrimination,':';':' � 'L.`: supporting data in any forin), the BCJA has the right in employYrient practices of State planning agencies,`' : .. to use, duplicate and disclose; in whole or in part, in law enforcement agencies and'.other agencies, ;,or.-`,._, any manner for any purpose wliatsoe•ver and have offices administering, conducting; or participating in other do so. If the material is copyrightable, the any program or activity receiving Federal financial -t',' t+�•.: subgrantee may copyright such, and the BCJA assistance; on the grounds of'race, color, creed;'or' reserves a royalty -free non-exclusive and irrevocable national origin, be eliminated: This grant condition. license to mpioduce, publish, and use such materials shall not be interpreted to require the imposition in whole or in part and to authorize o+her to do so.. State plans or planning agency subgrant programs of any percentage ratio, quota system, or. other program: 3. Patent-,. It any discovery or invention arises or is to achieve racial bGlance•or eliminate racial imbalance_,'';'^ developed in the course of or as a result of work in a law enforcement agency.'The UnitedStates,:,-:±..`'' performed under this giant, the subgrantee shall refer 7" reserves io itself the right to seek judicial, enforce- the discovery or invention to LEAA through the'ment to insure compliance with ,: the ,:foregoing",: p BCJA. The subgrantee hereby agrees that determina 'rt;r, M •:' conditions prohibiting discrimination. tions of rights to inventions made under this grant ... r shall be made by the LEAA, who shall have the sole Subgrantee makes assurance that`. the implementing_, 'I fi'�'11LL�:�i•�i criminal justice agency has• and/or will formuIate'an?--, and exclusive powers to deterr�iine whether or not and where a patent application should be filed and to equal employment opportunity ' ram :. itornif ac' -:, program dance with 28 CFR 42.301, et seq., Subpart.E, determine the disposition of all rights in such y inventions, including title to and license rights under that it is on file held by the subgrantee or' agency `r r any patent application e"r patent which ma issue thereof, for review or audit by officials'of the BCJA;;;:>;,;,.;,;, thereon, The deterrniiiaticn of the LEAA shall be and/or the LEAA, as required by relevant laws -and accepted as final. In addition, the subgrantee hereby regulations, or that, in conformity, with the terms and',,;`;:;; agrees and otherwise recognizes that the government conditions of cited regulation no equal employment, shall acquire at least an irrevocable non-exclusive opportunity programs are. required to be filed by royalty -free license to practice and have practiced subgrantee jurisdiction. Ail throughout the world for governmental purposes any The subgrantee: further assures that when a federal .invention made in the course of or under this grant. state court or federal gtate administrative agency::" The subgrantee shall include provisions appropriate to makes a finding of discrimination on the grounds of:':` effectuate the purposes of this condition in all race, color, religion, national origin or sex, a copy of:?syi contracts of employment, consultant's agreements or the findings will be forwarded to -'the Bureau,;` contracts. Criminal Justice Assistance and.,to LEAA In. Washing..:"? s' 4. Discrimination Prnhibited. No person shall, on ton, D.C. �k the grounds of race, creed, color or national origin, be The subgrantee further assures that when $250,000 excluded from paf•ticipation ,in, be refused the or more LEAA funds are, accepted,, a .copy: -_of. the,;; ,•:,; 'See Application Instructioris Page 22. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF PU'L LIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF CRMAHNAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SUBGRANT .A!'T'LICAT'ION INSTRUCTIONS subgrantee's current Equal Employment Opportunity Program and any subsequent revisions or supplements to such programs shall be urovided to the Bureau of Criminal Juvice. Assistance anti LEAA. No otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United Stares as defiherl in Section 7(5) of the Rehabilitation. Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-1 12) shall solely by reason of his handicap, be excluded from the participation be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from LEAA. 5. Termination*. of A10, This subgrant may be terminated or fund payments discontinued by BCJA where it finds .i subswntial failure to comply with the provisions of P.L. 90-351, and P.L: 93-415 or regulations ivornulg9ted thereunder, including these grant conditions or application obligations. 6. Responsibihl.y of Suhgrantee. The subgrantee must establish fiscal control and , fund accounting procedures �.vhiuh assure proper disbursement of and fund accounting p'ro;eduras which assine proper disbursement of and accouri6rrg for, grant funds and required non-federal expenditures. All monies spent on this project v,ill be disbursed in accordance with provisions n7 tf-.: project budget as said budget was approved by the SCJA. The subgrantee acknowledges that it has full responsibility for fiscal and program- matic accountability for this subgiani. 7. Recording niIid Documentation of Receipts and Expenditures. Accounting in ocedures must provide for an accurate and timely recording of receipt of funds by source, of expenditures made from such funds, and of unexpended balances. Controls Must be established +,vhich are adequaEe to insure that ex- penditures charged to grant activities are for allow- able purposes and that documentation is readily available to verify that such charges are accurate. 8. Utilization and Payment of Funds. Funds awarded are to he expanded only for purposes and activities covered by fhe ' subgrantee's approved project plan and budget. Payi»ents will be made on the basis of periodic requests and estimations of fund needs submitted by the subgrantee. 9. Applicahidiv of Mate and Local Practices. Except where inconsistent v,,ith federal requirements, state/local procedures and practices will apply to funds disbursed by the subgrantee. Thus, the Operat- AT TACHMENT I PAGE: 18':; 3SR Compliance/Administrative Exhibit B €' Standard Subgrant Conditions - , '•`-.','`�' =•f ''' ing Procedures of the General Accounting Div Sion Comptroller's Office, State of `� Florida, mush' be �1;r1. ' ' complied with, unless otherwise -.allowed by: tate Statutes. ' t . 10. Non-s'uppianting. Federal funds are made avail- able for grants may not be so used as to supplant ., !, ; state or local funds that would be available.ir'the.:{. absence of such. federal funds for law enforcement activities but rather will be so used as to increase such state or local funds. j^ 11. inspection and Audit. BCJA: LEAA ancf the Comptroller General of the United States, or any Iof their duly authorized representatives, shall�',Ihave access for purpose of audit and examinations,to,any books, documents, papers, and records of 'the subgrantee, and to relevant books and records of subgi•antees and contractors, as .provided in. Section 521 of P.L. 90-351. 12. Maintenance of Records. All required records shall be maintained until an audit is completed and all questions arising therefrom are resolved, or, three years after completdon of a,. project,' -.whichever;: is., sooner. 13. Allowable Costs. The allowabilitV of costsin- - curred under an�c subgrant shall be determined, in accordance with the general principles of allowabilit.y and standards for selected cost items set forth in FMC 74-4, "Principles For Determining Costs Applicable: ,�.,."'?; to Grants and Contracts with I. State and Local Governments", as further defined and delineated in conditions 14 and 15 below, and in the LEAA`= Financial Guide for Administration of Planning and Action Grants. These costs have been extracted .from FMC 74-4, and the ,LEAA Financial Guide and incorporated in the BCJA Administration Manual for.;- F SubgrantAwartls. t• _ r1 AlIowabiIity of the costs of equipment purchased with federal funds will be reduced to the extent or ' resale or recovery value where use of such equipment for carrying out the purposes of the grant project is discontinued (during the life of the project) or use for law enforcement purposes' is discontinued (after completion of the project) unless all credits.relating to such contingencies as set forth in Section C.3 or FMC 74-4 ("Applicable Credits':') . are . applied, to offset or reduce grant charges r,;'; 14. Expenses Nci Allowable. Subgrant funds may not be expended for (a) ' items not part of the y a G STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTACHMENT I PAGE:`19:,;.`;;.:.' DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AfdD ASSISTANCE } t BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Compliance/Administrative Exhibit B Standard Subgrant Conditions SUBGRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS approved budget or separately approved by BCJA (b) purchases of land or construction of buildings or improvements thereon, or payment of real estate mortgages or taxes, unless specifically provided for in the subgrant agreement; (c) personal dues to organiza- tions or federations; (d) entertainment including luncheons, banquets, gratuities or decorations; (e) purchase of automobiles or Other automotive vehicles unless provided for in the subgrant agreement; or (f) indirect (overhead) costs, without prior BCJA approval. Expenditure of funds in excess of the submitted total cost estirate for any,major budget category }mill be permitted only with BCJA approval where this involves an increase of more than 15 percent in the total category cost estimate. Such increases wilt be deemed, in effect, to constitute an amendment of the subgrant application and award requiring BCJA concurrence. 15. Written Approval of Changes. Subgrantees must obtain prior viritten approval frorn BCJA for major project changes. These include (a) changes of sub- stance in project activities, designs, or research plans set forth in the approved application; (b) changes in the project director or key professional personnel identified in the approved application; and ,(c) changes in the approved project budget as specified in the preceding condition. 16. Project Income. All interest or other income earned by the subgrantee with respect to grant funds or as a result of conduct of the grant project (sale of publications, registration fees, service charges on fees, etc.) must be accounted for. All interest and other income should be applied to project pui-poses or in reduction of project costs. 17. Title to Property. Title to property acquired in whole or in part with subgrant funds in accordance with approved budgets shall vest in the subgrantee, subject to divestment at the option of BCJA (to the extent of BCJA contribution tovdard the purchase thereof) exerciseable only upon notice within 120 days after the end of the subgrant period or termination of the subgrant. Subgrantees shall exer- cise due care in the use, maintenance, protection and preservation of such property during the period of project use. 1b. Publications. The subgrantee may publish, at its own expense, the results of subgrant activitywithout prior review by BCJA provided that any publication (written, visual, or sound) contains an'acknowl- edgment of LEAA and BCJA grant support. Publica tion of documents or reports with subgrant .funds beyond quantities required to meet standard report requirements must be provided for in approved project plans or budgets or otherwise approved by,­,':--- BCJA and, foi- large quantity publication, .manu- -t: scripts mirst be submitted in advance to BCJA. ;1 ;` •'' All published material and written reports submitted ri under this subgrant or in conjunction with contracts under the grant must be originally developed, material unless otherwise specifically provided in the grant or contract document. When material, not originally developed, is included in the report, it must have the source identified. This identification may be in the body of the report or by footnote. This provision is':.;T;.';, applicable when the material is in a verbatim or extensive paraphrase format 19. Third Party Participation. No contract or'agree ment may be. -entered into by the grantee for execution of project activities or provision of services to a subgrant project (other than purchase of supplies or standard commercial or maintenance services) which is not incorporated in the approved proposal or, approved in advance by BCJA. Any such arrangement shall provide that the subgrantee will retain ultimate control and responsibility for the subgrant project and that the contractor or subgrantee shall be bound by these subgrant conditions and any other require- ; ments applicable to the subgrantee in the conduct of the project. BCJA shall be provided with a copy of all such contracts and agreements entered .'into by subgrantecs. 20. Obligation of Grant Funds. Subgrant funds may not, without advance written approval by BCJA be obligated 'prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date of the subgrant period. Obliga- tions outstanding as of The termination date shall be liquidated within 90 days. Such obligations must be;`:::' related to goods or services provided and ' utilized +' ; within the subgrant period. ilr � 3: , ii3 ' �..m'nawmam_ �aea.va..aoo�mwnv STATE OF FLORIDA i4 111. ATTACHMENT! PAGE20;, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE BUREAU CRIMINAL Compliance/Administrative Exhibit B SUBGRANT APPCATION INSTRUCTIONS LI Standard Subgrant Conditions y 'tlt 21. Fiscal Regulations. The fiscal administration of b. To provide a complete copy(ies) subgrants shall be subject to such further rules; documentation to the BCJA upon request regulations, and policies, concerning accounting and Documentation will include, :but not records, payment of funds, cost allowability, sub- limited to System.. Description, Operatin� Y P mission of financial reports, etc., as specified in the Instruction's, user Instructions, Program,;'' BCJA Admi0istration Manua! for Subgrant Awards Maintenance Instructions, input forms, filerh f; r and other appropriate LEAA guideline manuals. descriptions, report formats, program- listf >L ings and flow charts for the system an s 22. subgrants for Construction. The subgrantee programs. hereby agrees that it Will incorporate or cause to be c. That whenever possible all incorporated into any contract for construction programs Will be written in ANS COBOL P Y g work, or modification thereof, as defined in the order that they may be transferred readil� regulations of the Secretary of Labor at 41 .CFR to another authorized ' user.' Where!' the?;'_`;`;,' Chapter 60. The subgrantee shall obtain prior BCJA nature of the task requires a scientific,:,-; -- approval for all contracts involving construction programming language, ANS• FORTRAN '• projects. should be used., d. To aVail himself, to 'the 'maximum`:!':; 23. Building Access for Physically Handicapped. Any extent practicable, of computer software`z..,' ' building construction funded from LEAA/JJDP alto- already produced and available without`';'',' ';''''' cations and for which there is an intended use that charge. To insure that reasonable effort will require that such building or facility be accessible extended in this area, LEAA publications r ,, to the public or may result in. the employment or and the BCJA Information Systems Spe `zf { residence therein of physically handicapped persons cialists •should be.consulted ,,. must be so constructed as to assure ihat physically handicapped persons will have ready access to, and 25.. Criminal Penalties. Whoever embezzles, willfully use of, such buildings. misapplies, steals orobtains by' .fraud any funds,,.'.,'..`.'. assets, or property which are the subject of a grant or 24. Information Systems. In respect to programs contract or other form of assistance pursuant to this - related related to Criminal Justice Information Systems, the title; whether received directly or indirectly' from subgrantee agrees to insure that adequate provisions LEAA, 'shall be"' fined not more ' than $10,000 or are made for system security, the protection of imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. individual privacy and the insurance of the integrity P Y 9 Y Whoever Knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or'-"; and accuracy of data collection. Subgrantee agrees to covers up dy trick_scheme; or device any material ;` '' _•` ' adhere to policies and procedures contained in a fact in any application for assistance Master Plan for Criminal Justice Information Systems pursuant to this title or in any record required to be in the State of Florida. maintairied pursuant to this title shall be subject to The subgrantee further agrees: prosecution 'under the provisions of Section 1001 of. a. That all computer software produced Titlb 18, United States Code. Any law enforcement: under this grant will be.made available to program or project underwritten, in whole or in part, the LEAA through the BCJA for transfer by any grant or contract or other form of assistance!*;- to authorized users in the criminal justice pursuant to this title, whether received directly ors';::`=`,' community without Cost other than that indirectly from. LEAA shall be ' subject to "the :;` ''• : directly associated with the transfer, provisions of Section 371,of Title.18, United ,States .:,"'•. Systems will .be documented in sufficient Code. J " detail to enable a comlietent data process- ing staff to adapt the system; or portions 26, Release of Information. Pursuant to Section 521 thereof, to usage on a computer of similar of the Act, as amended, all records, papers and other' size and configuration, of any manu- documents kept by recipients 'of. LEAA :funds, facturer. including contractors for subgrantees relating,to the-'._,'.'` •:' r' r STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE.ASS(STANCE SUBGRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS receipt and disposition of such funds, are required to be made available to the LEAA and/or the BCJA. These records and other documents submitted put- suant to other provisions of the Act, are required to be made available by LEAA under the terms and conditions of the Federal Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 562). No research .or statistical information that. is identifiable to a private person will be collected, uiiless a Privacy Certificate has been submitted to and approved by the state in accordance with Section 22.3 of the U.S. Department of Justice Regulation's on Confidentiality of Research and Statistical Information, 27.. Use of Airplanes and Helicopters. Airplanes and helicopters purchased in whole or in part with grant funds must be used for the purposes stated in the application and may not be Used for non -law enforcement purposes by State and local officials. 28. Educational Support. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be, excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving LEAA financial assis- tance with , the exception of the qualifications set forth in Title IX, Section 901(a) of Public Law 92-318 (86 Stat. 373). 29. Commencement of Project. If a project has not commenced within 6d days after the acceptance of the grant award, the subgrantees will to part by letter the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for delay, and the expected starting date. If, after 90 days from the acceptance of the award, the project is not operational, a further statement of implementa- tion delay viill be submitted by the subgrantee to the State Planning Agency. Upon the receipt of the 90-day letter, the SPA may cancel the project, and redistribute the funds to other project areas. The SPA, where warranted by extenuating circumstances, may request approval - from the LEAA Regional Office to extend the irTipiernei ntation date of the project past the 90-day period. 30. Requests for Proposal of invitations for bid issued by the subgrantee to implement the subgrant project are to provide notice to prospective bidders that, the L.EAA organi2ational conflict of interest ATTACHMENT I PAGE:,21!?� j { Compliance/Administrative Exhibit B .'' Standard Subgrant Conditions 1` provision is- applicable in that contractors that .` develop or draft 'specifications, requirements,`;state- %,''�;:' - ments of work and/or RFP's''. for a proposed;,. ' procurement shall be excluded ' from bidding or submitting a p'roposai to compete for the award of such procurement. Reference:`'I, LEAA Guideline:', �y'y' Manual M7100-1A, Chapter 3,,Paragraph 31. Ciear Air Act Violations. In accord •with the •.,, provisions of the Clear Air Act, 42 .U.S.C. 1857 et..s' seq., as amended by P.L. 91-604;.' and Executives < ?.w ; Order 11602, subgrants Will not be made to parties convicted of any offense under the Clear Air. Act.;;•; 32. Relocation Provisions. If any project results in displacement of any person,: the ,subgrantee,'shall'':r° provide thai: a. Fair and reasonable relocation ments and assistance shall be provided to or for displaced persons as are required In:?';:r';; ' such regulations, as', are Issued by the E 5�t 3 Attorney General. b. Relocation or assistance programs shall`Ti as : be provided for such persons in accordance .,, with §Lich regulations issued by the Attor , hey General: fbs c. Withiri a reasonable period of time,.;`-� prior to displacement, decent, safe and 4«, satisfactory replacement must be available,l to the displaced person in accordance with such regulations as issued by the Attorney;,;,',,;I; i.. General. The authority of this provision Is found in the' "Uniform Relocation Assls `I I ' t, tance and Real Property acquisition Policy; Act of 100", P.L. 91-646; 84 Stat. 1894. ; L ,. . 5;E1M;i.• 33. Environmental Impact. Subgrantee hereby de-,: clares that no significant environmental impact, as defined by the Nationab Environmental Policy Act r (NEPA) of 1960 and Law Enforcement Assistance~'„ Administration (LEAA) Guidelines, may result implementation of this program. Subgrantee-under- • stands that any application involving: (i) the .con-;r_;; :` `: struction, renovation or modification of facilities; (ii) the implementation of programs involving the use of ;s herbicides and pesticides; .and/or „(iii) other., actions J Y Uhl id STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE'. BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SUBGRANT'APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS wh ich'may possibly have a significant effect on the quality of the environment, must include either an environmental analysis as required by LEAA, or a substantiated negative declaration, that the proposed action will not have a significant impact on the environment. 34. Historic Sites. If any subgrant program involving construction renovation, purchasing or Teasing of facilities has an advei"se effect bn properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the sub - grantee must notify the BCJA. 35. Competitive [aid Procurement. Subgrahtee de- clares that equipment will be purchased through a comparative. bid process if the equipment is not purchased frog state contract lists. The subgrantee acknowledges that the receipt of one bid response in a competative bid procurement will be considered a sole source procurement in accordance with LEAA Guidelines. Approval of the BCJA is required prior to the procurement (reference section 208.00 — Pro- curement Manua! for Subgrant Awards). ATTACHMENT I ';: PAGE:,22,. 3 ' Com iiaiice/Administrative p t Exhibit B Standard Subgrant Conditions `,,•�,� ;,, E ^ A 'The subgrantee acknowledges 'that the respon-- i r':;- sibihfy • for complying with ` and implementing , "Part 11 — Project Plan and Supporting Data" of -the.;:.;; approved subgrant award document rests with`the' recipient subgrantee or applicant as appropriate and.'-!,'- ­ acknowledges that failure to do so may constitute a "" grounds for the recission or suspension `.off this sub rant and/or may I g y prevent future subgrantea ards.,;<_ It is understood and agreed by the undersigned that the grant receivied as a result of this application; is subject to the a v 'conditions 1 r r __ -r•. _ S gnature of Authorized OfficiaL�. a „. Don Schloesser, Chairman Board of County Name and - Title : ,. Commissioners (Monroe County) 40 i reDate,'," t ;- t'. . 0 r u dr W1. r 3 � Ti 7 pr, f Ef 5� a � ✓eiyi r F' �Y a Arm I It is understood and agreed by the -undersigned that the grant, received as ':7 a result Of this applLication is subject to the above conditions. Signature'of Authorized Orffcial Don Schloesser, Chairman, Monroe CoUnEy board of Commissioders, Name and Title Date Lill W 5W STATE OF FLofiIDA DEPARTMENT 01: COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SUBGRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHMENT I PAGE: 23 Compliance/Administrative Exhibit C - 1 Certification of Non -Supplanting PART IV. EXHIBIT C CERTIFICATION OF NOWSUPPI_ANTING* (Part C, D or E Funds Only) ANNUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURES and COMPUTATION OF AVERAGE ANNUAL INCREMENT I TOTAL LAW tNFORCEMENT YEAR FISCAL E•, XPENDITURES " INCREMENT YEAR (Excluding expenditures from Federal Sources) 75-76 1, 714, 211. 00 4 76-77 1, 889, 318. 00 175,107 a 77-78 2, 199, 318. 00 2, 673, 801, 00 310,000 474,483 2 78-79 f 79-80 3, 129, 779. 00 455, 978. TOTAL INCREMENT 1,415,568 Computation: Total Increment -- IV V. Vi .iIV�Gf IICIIIJ = Average Annual Increment 1,415,568 EVIIjF. NCE OF NON -SUPPLANTING Preceding Year's Expendi[tires' 0979-8)0 Average Annual Increment 1. TOTAL 2. ESTIMATED FISCAL YEAR EXPENDITURES (19 80—P1 If Item t exceeds Item 2, supplanting will result. However, if reduced or unchanged expenditures for law enforcement would have been necessitated, even if Federal financial support had not been made available, an explanation should be given, demonstrating that fact. I hereby certify that, based upon records supporting the estimated law enforcement expenditures summarized above for the fiscal year ending , expenditures for law enforcement purposes, excluding expenditures from Federal sources, are at least as great as for'the preceding year plus the average annual increment of such expenditures as calculated below. 353.892 3, 129, 779. 00 353, 892. 00 3 ,483 ,671 .00 3,600,000.00 further certify that no LEAA funds will be utilized in lieu of governmentally n approoriatiq fonds. Monroe County Apphcant/Subgrantee (SIGNATURE) September 2 3 , _ 19 8 0 Chairman, Monroe County Board of GATE (NAME AND -TITLE) County. 'See Application Instructions Pages COMMLSSLOnerS L-1 i a -7 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTACHMENT I PAGE: 25 DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE: BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Compliance/Administrative Exhibit b SUBG RANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Rental Cost Certification PART IV - EXHIIJIT G RENTAL COST CERTIFICATION' — Not applicable PROJECT TITLE SUBGRANTEE In compliance with LEAA, regulations, all subgrantees are required to complete the following rental cost certification if office rental costs are included under the federal or non-federal share of the'grant budget: The following situation is applicable as indicatedby an "X" on the appropriate line: The Undersigned, acting as duly, authorized representative for the subgrantee, hereby certifies that: office space, including file, conference, mail, supply, reproduction and storage rooms, does not exceed 150 square feet per employee (including. intermittent and/or part-time employees); rental costs are consistent with prevailing rates in the area; rental charges are not in excess of $7.00 per square foot annually, or space cost including maintenance and operating cost for facilities is not greater than $10.00 per square font annually. A certification to the above statement cannot be made, and an explanation is attached providing justification for a greater space requirement and/or higher space costs. A - request of the BCJA to grant prior approval of same is hereby made. S gnature ---Don Schloesser, Chairman NAME and TITLE Monroe County Board of Commissioners 9-23-80 DATE STATE OF'FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTACHMENT I PAGE: 26 DIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Compliance/Administrative Exhibit E SUBGRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Equal Employment Opportunity Certification" BUREAU OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING AND ASSISTANCE . EEO Certificate of Compliance Form All recipients of federal Funds under Title 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351,. 82 Stat. 197, as amended, are required to certify compliance with Title 28, Chapter 1, Subpart E of Part 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations as it applies to the implementing criminal justice agency. STATUS OF COMPLIANCE Form I (Authorizing Official) certify that the ___- — ____— (Criminal Justice Agency) has formulated an equal employment opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301, et. seq., Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of - — -- -- ---------- - — (Name) (Address) (Title), for review or audit by officials of the cognizant state planning agency or the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration as required by relevant laws and regulations. 28 CFR 42.306. - -- --- --- - ---- -- -- (Signature) — - -- - -- -- -- — --- -- - (Title) ---- ---- -- - - -- ------ - - =-- --- — (Date) Form 11 John H. Keane/Don Schloesser (Authorizing Official) ------------- ---- Certify that the --Public Defender = 16 th Judicial _Circuit (Criminal Justice Agency) in conf rmity with the toms and conditions of 28 CFR 42.301 is not?Aquired to file an equal employment program. (Signature) Chairman Monroe County Board n,r. r - /G, _ r (Title) of Commissioners 9-23-80 . Y�-�;�d�---------------- -- ---- -----=------ (Date) OTHER: Do you have an EEO Plan? X yes no If yes, when was it last updated?7/180 Date