Resolution 331-1980 MONROE COUNTY COMMISSION RESOLurION # 331- 1980 THE MONROE COUNTY COMMISSION cLi.Jc.ec.:t6 :the achn<.n<A.tJr.atoIL 1n c.OUn6eLtation wUh :the head 0 n :the buJ.1.cUng and zo n.ing depatc.:tmen:t :to pILepaJ1.e a ILeai..J..f.d.1c. OIL- gan.izatio nand -6:tan Mng p.ian nOIL :the BuJ.1.cU.ng and 20 n.ing depatc.:tmen:t :that will pMv1de c.ompe:ten:t and timety -6eJtv1c.e :to :the pubUc.. The pian will 1nci..ude a ILev)Aed nee -6:tJw.c.tUfLe de61gned :to ILec.ap:tUfLe an.. On :the opeJl.ating c.o -6:U 0 n :the depaJLtmen:t. DATED December 2, 1980 J (Seal) ATTEST: ----=> ,~ k-- . (/ -~../ ~;/& ' Clerk Yllc1