Resolution 339-1980 RESOLUTION NO.339-l980 RESOLUTION GRANTING PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE/ GATE ACROSS A COUNTY ROAD TO JOHN LAWRENCE FILER. WHEREAS, MR. JOHN LAWRENCE FILER is in need of a Permit to construct a Gate/Fence across a County Road pursuant to F.S. 336.60 so that while construction on his property is underway, vandalism may be prevented by erection of a tempor- ary chain-link fence/gates across County Road on property located at Big Torch Key, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that a Permit is hereby granted to John Lawrence Filer to install a temporary Fence/Gate across a County Road on Big Torch Key in accordance with F.S. 336.60. RESOLVED ln regular meeting on this 2nd day of December, A.D. 1980. Attest: ~--- ~ -:? .~ ~/)~~ / ~ /tZ,.~// ' l......___ /' . r C. " APPIKJVID~' 10 FORM AND LtGAt stlmtleNCY. BY lW'I4TT~ A#~.t 0fIi<<I ~\%o