Resolution 341-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 341 -1980 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 159, PART III, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has determined that there is a need for an Industrial Development Authority within Monroe County to exist pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 159, Part III, and WHEREAS, the Board finds that there exists a need for the development and financing of industry in the County, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board does hereby declare: 1. There is a need for an Industrial Development Authority within Monroe County, Florida, and it hereby establishes an Industrial Development Authority to be known as the MONROE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 2. That the Board does feel that there exists a need for the developmant and financing of industry within the County. 3. The following individuals are hereby appointed as the initial members of the Monroe County Industrial Development Authority for the terms commencing on the effective date of their appointment and the taking and subscribing of the oath or affirma- tion required by the State Constitution and expiring as shown opposite their respective names: Members Term 1. Kenneth Meeks 1 year 2. Stanley Wade 2 years 3. Dale Baker 3 years 4. Roy McClain 4 years 5. Charles Meyers 4 years Page 1 of 2 Pages 449 Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of of December, A.D. 1980. Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 16th day BOARD OF COUNTY CO~WISSIONERS OF~MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By +~ ? CFi n . (Seal) Attest: . ------:) h....) /' __-- i . { &<s~ -- :- (~~ ~> AfPIU)~ .41$ rOFORM AND.i.HM. ~~y. S~/~ /_!lllf.., ," (". , ".... ... . ' Page 2 of 2 Pages /l / .... / J/' i ;--7 ,/ - ~/~ ~ <') '-.\43