Resolution 342-1980 ~ RESOLUTION NO.342 -1980 RESOLUTION REQUESTING WAIVER OF BIOLOGICAL OR ECOLOGICAL STUDY FROM THE BOARD OF TRUS- TEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND FOR THE COUNTY'S BOOT KEY HARBOR PROJECT IN MARATHON, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, Monroe County has, since 1950, been pursuing the development of the Boot Key Harbor Project located in Marathon, Florida to provide for deepening and widening of a channel from a point ln Hawk Channel South of Knight Key to a proposed turning basin approximately 750 feet easterly and west of Boot Key Bridge to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County and its visitors and to provide a safe harbor for marine activities, and WHEREAS, Monroe County has been advised by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers that funding for said project is now available such that the construction of the project can be started, and if the same not be so commenced, the funds shall be permanently withdrawn, and WHEREAS, there exists compelling and overriding governmental purpose justification for said Boot Key Project which is urgently needed to provide a safe harbor for the increased marine activities ln the area, and WHEREAS, Monroe County has applied for the necessary dredge permits from the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER File No. 44-20174) and said Department did deny Monroe County's appli- cation, which denial was opposed by Monroe County at an adminis- trative hearing. That a final order has been entered denying Monroe County's application (copy attached - Case No. 80-326), now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: 1. That there presently exists a compelling and overriding County purpose and need for the safe harbor and turning basin which would be established by the project and the Board so declares Page 1 of 2 Pages ~4Y ~."'----;:____~"""";,'O'_-'i'".' .__. such an overriding need to exist so that the adverse ecological and biological effects to be occasioned by the dredging activities of Monroe County are greatly outweighed by the benefits obtained to the citizens and visitors of Monroe County, Florida. 2. That the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida is hereby requested, pursuant to Florida Statute 253.123 (3) (a), to waive a biological and ecological study and to issue the Board of County Commissioners a dredge permit for the Boot Key Harbor Project. 3. That the Board of County Commissioners hereby commits that should said waiver be obtained that it will take every strin- gent effort to minimize the adverse environmental and biological impacts that may be occasioned from this project. 4. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk shall forward a true and correct copy of the foregoing resolution to the Honorable Joe Allen; the Honorable Robert McKnight; the Honorable Dick Anderson; the Honorable Vernon Holloway; Honorable Robert Graham, Governor of the State of Florida; the Honorable George Firestone, Secretary of State; the Honorable Jim Smith, Attorney General; the Honorable Gerald A. "Jerry" Lewis, Comptroller; the Honorable Bill Gunter, Treasurer; the Honorable Ralph Turlington, Commis- sioner of Education and the Honorable Doyle Conner, Commissioner of Agriculture. RESOLVED ln regular meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, this 16th day of December, A.D. 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /~ (Seal) / -,~-- / ,,<~" / (, '~/./[ " lerk ,!-) / I '~---_h ~.c /~? ~f.-/ APPROVltJ Ai fOf#ORM ANO~ BY ,/;; i,\,,~:t 7" A' , Attest: Page 2 of 2 Pages ,. L1lfv '" , / BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 'ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Petitioner, vs. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, Respondent. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 80-326 FINAL ORDER BY THE DEPARTMENT: On November 4, 1980, the duly appointed hearing officer in this case completed and submitted to all parties a Recommended Order consisting of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Order. A copy of that Order is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Pursuant to Section 17-1.68(1), Florida Administratlve Code, and Sectior. l20.S7(1)(b) (8), Florida Statutes, parties are allowed ten (10) days in which to submit written exceptions to the Recommended Order. None of the parties submitted exceptions. The Recommended Order thereafter came before me, as head of the Department, for final agency action on this matter. Having considered the Recommended Order, including the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is therefore: ORDERED by the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation that the hearing officer's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Order are hereby adopted in toto as the finai action of this agency.1' Accordingly, Petitioner, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners' application for a dredge and fill permit is herE:cy DE~IED. DONE AND ENTERED this Z5mday of November 1980, ln Tallahassee, Florida. ::"IU;'<G A:'W A::<NOWLEDGEMENT H~:::J. G:l t:~js delte, r;u,su2nt to 5120.52 (9), i ::,;ca ::: .at'res, with the designated Depart. ~:2n l Cierk, receipt of which is hereby acknow- I ~~Jgl2a. "&/ ~<A.~ j :.-y'dA~ Clerk ) J - ~S- ~() Date , , 1\ l:l./-g() I':: /.' ) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAR:MENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGCLATION ~~AR~ (/evw-- VSecretary Twin Towers Office Bu~ldin2 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Telephone: (9U4) 488-4807 114~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing FINAL,ORDER has been furnished by United States Mail to W. RANDALL WINTER, ESQ., 505 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040 and H. E. SMITHERS, Hearing Officer, Division of Administrative Hearings, Room 530, Carlton Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32304 on this ~ day of November 1980. State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Telephone: (904) 488-9730 ---'---~-'---'---' '.,.. '.._-<.,- '~""- .""-'" LJ47 ''''''''''''~ Monroe County Emergency Service Coordinator; a Key West Harbor Pilot! and representatives of: foul Marathon seafood companies, Marathon's Fisherman I s [I,~)spital, a Marathon pharmacy and a Marathon marina. p,_, t i tioner' s four exhibits were received into evidence: however, P-2 and P-4, pertaining to the Corps of Engineers' Environ- mental Impact Study and the proposed contr~ct, were not sponsored by a witness subjected to cross-examination, therefore are only considered as corroborative of Respon- dent's evidence. The Respondent presentod five of its employees and Exhibits 1-7, received in evidence. The issue is whether the petitioner should receive the applied for dredge and fill permit. FINDINGS OF FACT In 19711 Monroe County requested the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) to study improving a channel that was dredged 7' deep and 75' wide in 1950 in the water area between Vaca Key (Marathon) and Boot Key. 1\ Eter COE' s final recommendation was received Monroe County filed the instant application on May 7, 1979, for a permit to dredge the existing channel to a 12' depth (with a 2' overdredge) and 100' width to Knights Key Channel, a distance of 7500' west of the bridge connecting Vaca and Boot Keys, together with a 12' deep, 200 square foot turning basin~ the 170,000 cubic yards of dredged material would be deposited in 30' deep tidal borrow pits 9-11 miles away. Dredging would be by a 6 cubic yard clamshell on a barge with the material placed on 400 cubic yard barges. The barges then would be moved to a trans fer facility abo'lt one mile offshore of the borrow pits with the spoil being piped as a slurry to fill the borrow area to a -8' depth. -2- "- YYS' of County Commissioners to conduct thf' pro!,()~ed Boot Key ~arbor dredge and fill operation. DONE and ORDERED this c1a'l' "I :!ovember, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. ii' H. E. SMITHERS HearinC} Officer Division of AdministLative Hearings 101 Collins Buildinq Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-0675 Co~ies furnished to: FILED \"ith the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hear in, IS this tf7f-- day of Novemlx:-r, 1980. W. Randall Winter, Esquire Assistant County Attorney 505 WhiteDead Street Key West, Florida 33040 H. Ray Allen, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Bui1din~ 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 -5.;.. " Y4ct S'1'A':'E OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF AD~lINISTRATIVE !iEMn~GS MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 80-326 STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, Respondent. RECOMMENDED ORDER An administrative hearing was held on the above matter by H. E. Smithers at Key Colony Beach, Florida on August 21 and 22, 1980. W. Randall Winter represented the petitioner and H. Ray Allen, the Respondent. This cause commenced with the filing by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Monroe County or Petitioner) with the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER or Respondent) of an application on r1ay 7, 1979 for a dredge and fill permit for channel improvement and a turning basin in the vicinity of Marathon, Florida. On January 30, 1980 DER gave notice of its intent to deny, and Monroe County requested this formal hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing the parties agreed to submit a stipulation, if agreement or settlement was reached, ot Proposed Findings by September 8. On September 5 Petitioner advised by telephone that the parties had extended this date for 30 days. To this date nothing has been submitted and the record is now closed. The Petitioner presented the following 12 witnesses: Chairman of the Monroe County Commissioners; Monroe County Planning Director; Monroe County Environmental Biologist; EXHIBIT "A" " LlSO ..<-"..,"".,...........~....,..... .....~.~--.. The dredg ing of the channe 1 ',,;ou lel l~i'cess ita te the removal of 1/2 acre of mangrove to a temporJry site with replanting in the original location a:ter t-h(~ project is completed. Although the channel has had no mi1intenance dredg- ing in 30 years, the channel still average~ 9' to II' of water except for one shoal area of 7.' dept h I n the v ic ini ty of the first entering channel markers 0 f f 0 f 'loot Key. Maintenance dredging of this shoal area wou].j resolve all of the navigational problems being experjenr~d. Of immediate and long-range concern is the tur- bidity and transparency resulting from the c:lamshell excavations, the transfers and the pipeline disposal of the predominantly fine silt material, and the destruction of the seagrasses that vegetate 80% of the area to be dredged. In the first regard, immediate movement or the fine silt cannot be confined or controlled due to the tidal currents; and the destruction of the seagrasses eliMinates the most effective and stabilizing long-range control of the movement of the silt. The seagrasses also provide protective cover for juvenile fishes and invertebrates, and substrata for an abundance of attached organisms. DER's specialists' testimony and appraisal concluded that the project as a whole would adversely impact on the water quality and biological resources. Petitioner's evidence dealt primarily with public interest and local support for the project. The witnesses speculated that the improved channel and harbor could be used to receive supplies following disasters as well as provide a basis for the creation of a port facility. -3- uSI CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Rule 17-4.28 (3), J:'lorida AdministL-ltive Code, provides: (3) The applicant for a drC'd'lt~ <llid/or fill pennit.. . shall affi..rrrative1y provide reasonable assurances to the departnent that the short-term and long-term effects of the acivity ~ill not result in viola- tions of Chapter 17-3, Florida lV::lministrative COde...(rertaining to water quality). Rule 17-4.29(6), Florida Administrative Code, provides: (6) The Depart:ment shall not issue a permit unless the biological survey, ecolO<Jical study and hydrographic survey, if any, tcxrether with information and studies provided by the appli- cant affirmatively show: (a) t~~t such activity will not interfere with the conservation of fish, rrarine and wild- life or other natural resources, to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest, and will not result in the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine product i vi ty, including, but not limited to, destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nursery or feeding grounds for rrarine li fe, and established marine soils suitable for producinq plant growth of a tJ1:e useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life or natural shoreline processes to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest, and... * * * The applicant has not provided reasonable assurances that the proposed dredge and fill operation will not adversely affect the water quality (particularly as to turbidity, transparency and biolo~ical integrity) and will not impact marine vegetation or marine animal habitat. Absent reason- able assurances, the public interest does not outweigh the potential impact of the project as filed. It is, therefore, RECOMMENDEI1 LI1.1l the l1opClrl-':H'tll or t:nvironmental Regulation deny the aprlication of the MotlrlW County Board -4- vl'7 YSd